Pop Art Photography Output Rubric
Pop Art Photography Output Rubric
Pop Art Photography Output Rubric
Image Quality Correct exposure for the setting Appropriate exposure. Use of Image is too dark or too light.
(amount of light which reaches your color is adequate. Image is blurry or distorted.
camera sensor or film). Use of color
enhances the subject and the mood of
Theme Strong and effective concept. Idea is Idea is not fully communicated. Weak connection to the
communicated well. Image thoroughly Image somewhat addresses the theme/subject. Unclear photo
addresses the theme or subject. theme/subject. Some evidence of seems random, little to no
Thorough evidence of imagination, thoughtfulness. evidence of thought, creativity.
creativity, and thoughtfulness.
Creativity Interesting and unique approach to the It is somewhat interesting. Photo shows little to no creativity.
assignment. Dull, lacks impact.