Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Contracted form:
I am not = I’m not
You are not = You’re not = You aren’t
He is not = He’s not = He isn’t
She is not = She’s not = She isn’t
It is not = It’s not = It isn’t
You are not = You’re not = You aren’t
We are not = We’re not = We aren’t
They are not = They’re not = They aren’t
c) We are students.
We aren’t students
d) I am 20 years old.
I’m not 20 years old
e) He is a policeman.
He isn’t a policeman
g) It is a big cat.
It isn’t a big cat
a) She is tired.
(-) She isn’t tired
(?) Is She tired ?
b) They are teachers.
(-) They aren’t teachers
(?)Are they teachers?
c) It is a red car.
(-) It isn’t a red car
(?) Is it a red car ?
d) I’m thirsty.
(-) I’m not thirsty
(?)Am I thirsty ?
That is my notebook.
Those are my notebooks
This is my house.
That are my house