Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Local Studies
Difficulty can be a hardship, an obstacle, a hindrance or a problem. In the study, it was used as a
thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand. In line with studying, the current
Grade 11 and 12 students who are currently taking the Accounting, Business and Management
strand experiences problems regarding their specialized subjects. The purpose of this study is to
know the obstacles they are facing because the researchers, as ABM Students themselves, seek to
find answers on what are the difficulties that the ABM students are facing as well as how do they
cope up with such according to Alvarado et. al (2019). It is vital to address the importance of
Fundamentals of ABM 2 to identify the significance of the subject in ABM strand. According
This subject teaches the rules of debit and credit which allow performances in accounting to
Learning how to study is really a long-term process. As one goes on studyding, one finds more
techniques and methods that offer new information leading one on an interesting and successful
direction. So, learning how to study or to develop good study habits is a lifelong process, and
one should be ready to moddify one’s method of study according to the need of the time. The
development of good study habits is the highway to the goals of an individual, whatever they
are. (A.S Arul Lawrence, 2014) The status of study habits was at moderate level for most
students. Therefore, it is recommended to consider and assess students’ study habits at the time
of entry into university, in addition, specific training should be offered to students in order to
help them learn or modify study habits to increase their academic achievements. (Jafari,
Aghaei, Khatony, 2019) Study habit, skill, and attitude inventories and constructs were found to
rival standardized tests and previous grades as predictors of academic performance, yielding
study skills exhibit the strongest relationships with both grade point average and grades in
individual classes. Academic specific anxiety was found to be an important negative predictor
Scores on traditional study habit and attitude inventories are the most predictive of
perspective are shown to be least predictive of the examined criteria. Overall, study habit and
skill measures improve prediction of academic performance more than any other noncognitive
individual difference variable examined to date and should be regarded as the third pillar of
academic success. (Crede, kuncel, 2008) Determining students’ learning styles provides
information about their specific preferences. Understanding learning styles can make it easier to
create, modify, and develop more efficient curriculum and educational programs. It can also
encourage students’ participation in these programs and motivate them to gain professional
knowledge. Therefore, determining learning style is quite valuable in order to achieve more
effective learning. Researching learning styles provides data on how students learn and find