Dokumen - Tips Inspection Checklist Distillation Column
Dokumen - Tips Inspection Checklist Distillation Column
Dokumen - Tips Inspection Checklist Distillation Column
3.0 Insulation
Visually inspect the general condition and
3.1 effectiveness of the insulation on the shell
and heads.
Check openings around man-ways,
3.2 nozzles, and brackets for complete seal to
prevent the entry of water.
Ensure insulation ties or retainer strips are
intact and tight.
Look for evidence of weathering or
cracking of the weather-coat.
2.0 Top Dome
Internal Erosion/Cracking/Corrosion
2.1 (scales, pits, buildup)
Describe location, appearance and depth.
2.2 Excessive scale presence. Describe
2.3 Weld condition/corrosion
2.4 UT measurement- Top head
Check the condition of attachment and
2.5 welds (Includes Lift lugs, platform
supports etc.) for cracks
2.6 Check the condition of insulation
3.0 Shell and Nozzles
Check the shell wall for corrosion, pits,
3.1 cracking, bulge and any mechanical
3.2 UT measurements-shell and attachments
Inspect inner surface of shell nozzles for
thinning and pitting.
Check the tell-tail or weep holes in the
reinforcing pads for evidence of leakage
DP or WFMPI test the seam, nozzle and
attachment welds for cracks
Measure the depth of pitting corrosion on
each course.
Inspect existing protective coatings for
damage, deterioration, and disbonding.
Visually inspect the shell plates and seams
for indications of leakage.
Survey the shell to check for roundness
and plumb.
Check gasket faces on all flanges including
the man-way nozzles and covers.
Hammer-test all small nozzles
Check man-way cover hinge pins for