Written Assignment 7 Page 1 of 5
Written Assignment 7 Page 1 of 5
Written Assignment 7 Page 1 of 5
Written Assignment 7
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Written Assignment 7 Page 2 of 5
For Unit 7, you will report the results from neural network training you completed in Unit 6. Write a
short paper explaining the process of developing the network provided including:
• What alternatives were tested to determine the best approach for training a network that
When training the artificial neural network, it is preferable to employ a larger number of learning steps
rather than a smaller number of learning steps. The machine learning algorithm/function would be
able to begin lowering the amount of error in finding the end result with a greater number of learning
stages. Looking at the error progress graph, we can see that as the number of training steps decreases,
there is much greater space between each data point, indicating that there is a considerable margin of
error between each data point. As the machine learns more steps, there is less and less room for
mistake when predicting the ultimate outcome, as seen by the error progress graph, which moves to
In terms of network design iterations, we must initially begin with an arbitrary number of training steps
and can begin with the default learning rate, momentum, and weight range. Choose a learning rate of
0.3, a momentum of 0.9, and a weight range of -1 to 1. Even if we utilize 1000 training steps, there is still
a large amount of space between the data points, and hence a margin of error. To find the lowest
number of training steps required, we must randomly increase the training steps until the error progress
graph shows the data points just beginning to touch each other. In our scenario, if we increase the
number of training steps to 2500, we can observe a tiny percentage of the data points clustering
We may also arbitrarily raise the number of training steps to 5000, in which case we can utilize the
error progress graph's tick marks to mark off where the data points begin to cluster more together as
the number of training steps increases. Setting the training steps to 5000 is a suitable number since we
can still observe the significant error margin in the left half without having the clustered data points
reach too far to the right, as we would not be able to view the entire graph if we used a big training
We must also examine what we would accept as an acceptable level of uncertainty between
approximated data. In many circumstances, the acceptable margin of error is 5% or less of the
predicted outcome and based on the findings in the error progress graph, we can conclude that the
minimum number of training steps required should be between 2500 and 3000 steps. Using 5000
training steps instead of 10,000 or randomly picking a number will yield similar results and a better
understanding of the whole image, which also generates the minimal amount of training steps at
about 2500 to 3000. In my situation, I went through three cycles of network design assessments to
Despite the initial challenge of grasping the components that drive the design of meaningful and
successful neural networks, the project greatly expanded my knowledge of the subject. The most
essential lesson I took away from this experience was an understanding of the influence of the neural
network architecture on the output. Throughout the numerous attempts to build up the network, I
James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2013). An Introduction to Statistical Learning with