Niosomes: A Review of Their Structure, Properties, Methods of Preparation, and Medical Applications
Niosomes: A Review of Their Structure, Properties, Methods of Preparation, and Medical Applications
Niosomes: A Review of Their Structure, Properties, Methods of Preparation, and Medical Applications
Open access
Review article
Target-specific drug-delivery systems for the administration of pharmaceutical compounds enable the localization
of drugs to diseased sites. Various types of drug-delivery systems utilize carriers, such as immunoglobulins, serum
proteins, synthetic polymers, liposomes, and microspheres. The vesicular system of niosomes, with their bilayer
structure assembled by nonionic surfactants, is able to enhance the bioavailability of a drug to a predetermined area
for a period. The amphiphilic nature of niosomes promotes their efficiency in encapsulating lipophilic or hydrophilic
drugs. Other additives, such as cholesterol, can be used to maintain the rigidity of the niosomes’ structure. This narrative
review describes fundamental aspects of niosomes, including their structural components, methods of preparation,
limitations, and current applications to various diseases.
The concept of a drug-delivery system refers to a process of somes and niosomes are well-documented vesicular drug-
administering pharmaceutical compounds at a predetermined delivery systems [3–6]. In general, a vesicular system is a
rate to achieve a therapeutic effect in humans or animals at drug-delivery platform that enables effective bioavailability
a diseased site, and at the same time, reducing the concen- of drugs through controlled release of therapeutic drugs for
tration of the medication in surrounding tissues. Localized a prolonged period [7–10]. The vesicles consist of bilayer
drug action enhances the efficacy of drug and reduces sys- amphiphilic molecules that surround an aqueous compart-
temic toxic effects to tissues [1]. Paul Ehrlich proposed the ment [8, 11, 12]. Niosomes are vesicles of nonionic surfac-
idea of targeted delivery directly to the diseased cell without tant (for example, alkyl ester and alkyl ether) and cholesterol
damaging healthy cells in 1909, and this strategy has been that act as a carrier for amphiphilic and lipophilic drugs
known as the “magic bullet” [2]. Since then, a number of [7, 8, 13, 14]. Niosomes improve the therapeutic perfor-
drug carrier systems have emerged, including immuno- mance of encapsulated drug molecules by protecting the
globulins, serum proteins, synthetic polymers, liposomes, drug from harsh biological environments, resulting in their
microspheres, and niosomes [1]. Among these systems, lipo- delayed clearance [15].
*Correspondence to: Rhun Yian Koh, Division of Applied Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, International Medical University, No. 126, Jalan
Jalil Perkasa 19, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, e-mail:
Division of Applied Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, International Medical University, No. 126, Jalan Jalil Perkasa 19, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
© 2017 Pei Ling Yeo, Chooi Ling Lim, Soi Moi Chye, Anna Pick Kiong Ling, Rhun Yian Koh
This Work is licensed under Creative Common License
302 P. L. Yeo, et al.
Novel drug development is both time consuming and each other to form a closed bilayer structure, which encloses
expensive. The development of a new drug costs an estima- solutes in an aqueous solution [20]. As a result, the closed
ted $120 million, and the journey from discovery, clinical bilayer structure of niosomes has hydrophilic inner and outer
testing, and development to regulatory approval takes decades surfaces, with a sandwiched lipophilic area in between [8, 26].
[16–19]. Specific drug-delivery systems alleviate the urgency To form the closed bilayer structure, energy such as heat or
for bringing new drugs into the market by increasing drug physical agitation is required. Various forces inside the vesic-
selectivity and the therapeutic index, while lowering the effec- les were found to play an important role in maintaining the
tive dose. This narrative review discusses the role of niosomes vesicular structure, for example, van der Waals and repulsive
as a drug-delivery system and details of their structure, prepa- forces that exist among the surfactant molecules. Varying
ration, properties, and applications. the vesicle’s components (including type, composition, and
concentration), size, surface charge, or volume will likely
modify the properties of resultant niosomes [20, 21, 27].
Niosomes Niosomes can be categorized into 3 groups based
on their vesicle size, namely, small unilamellar vesicles
(0.025–0.05 mm), multilamellar vesicles (>0.05 mm), and large
Structure of niosomes
unilamellar vesicles (>0.10 mm) [27].
that achieves this size uniformity. Operationally, 2 fluidized in the first and second necks, respectively, while nitrogen is
streams move forward through a precisely defined micro- supplied through the third neck. Surfactant and cholesterol that
channel, and these 2 streams interact with each other at an are mixed at 70°C in a buffer are homogenized and “bubbled”
ultrahigh velocity [20, 27, 30]. at 70°C using the “bubbling unit” [20, 33]. The preparation of
Alternative methods have since been defined for the prepa- niosomes using this technique is illustrated in Figure 3.
ration of niosomes. The multiple membrane extrusion method In another variation of preparation of niosomes, a thin
uses surfactant, cholesterol, and dicetyl phosphate in chloro- film resulting from evaporation of surfactant and cholesterol
form, and the mixture is evaporated to produce a thin film. The dissolved in chloroform is hydrated with 300 mM citric acid
film is then hydrated with aqueous drug solution, and the sus- (pH 4.0). Then, the suspension is subjected to 3 successive
pension produced is extruded through polycarbonate membra- freeze–thaw cycles. After sonication, the aqueous solution
nes, which are placed in series for up to 8 passages [20, 27, 31]. containing the drug is added to the suspension and vortexed.
The reverse-phase evaporation technique uses a mixture Disodium phosphate (1 M) is added to the mixture to incre-
containing surfactant and cholesterol in a 1:1 ratio, in addi- ase the pH to 7.0–7.2. This mixture is later heated at 60°C
tion to ether and chloroform. An aqueous phase containing the for 10 min to produce niosomes. This method is known as
target drug is added to the mixture followed by sonication at the “transmembrane pH gradient (inside acidic) drug uptake
4–5°C. Sonication is continued after adding a small amount of process” [20, 27, 34]. Niosomes obtained by this method
phosphate-buffered saline to the mixture. The organic solvent showed better entrapment efficiency and retention of drugs
is removed at 40°C under a low pressure, and the remaining [35, 36]. Figure 4 shows the steps for the preparation of nio-
suspension is diluted with phosphate-buffered saline. After somes using this technique.
heating the mixture at 60°C for 10 min, the final product of The emulsion method, which uses an oil-in-water emul-
niosomes is obtained [20, 27, 32]. The preparation of nioso- sion prepared from an organic solution of surfactant, choles-
mes using the reverse-phase evaporation technique is illustra- terol, and an aqueous solution of drug, is another technique
ted in Figure 2. for preparation of niosomes. The organic solvent is evapo-
Niosomes can be produced without the use of organic sol- rated to obtain the final product [8, 27, 37]. By contrast, a
vents using the “bubble” method. A “bubbling unit” consists of a mixture of lipids and surfactant is melted and injected into a
round-bottomed flask with 3 necks positioned in a water bath; a heated aqueous phase containing the drug in the lipid injection
water-cooled reflux condenser and thermometer are positioned method [27].
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of preparation of niosomes using the Figure 3. Schematic diagram of preparation of niosomes using the
reverse-phase evaporation technique “bubble” method
304 P. L. Yeo, et al.
degradation of ester bonds. It had been proven that the physi- Therapeutic efficacy of amarogentin (an antileishmanial,
cal form of niosomes (liquid crystal vs gel) did not influence secoiridoid glycoside isolated from Indian medicinal plant
their toxicity [47]. Swertia chirata) was examined in an experimental model of
leishmaniasis in hamster. The efficacy of amarogentin was
compared using liposomes and niosomes as tools of delivery
Niosomes: a superior drug-delivery system compared to the infected site. Amarogentin encapsulated in niosomes
with liposomes was more efficacious than that in liposomes at the same level
of membrane microviscosity [25]. Toxicity studies including
Niosomes possess a bilayer structure, which is similar to blood pathology, histology, and specific enzyme levels related
liposomes. However, the materials used to prepare niosomes to normal liver function showed that the niosomal formulation
confer better stability on them [20]. Niosomes are prepared had no apparent toxic effect [53].
from uncharged single chain surfactant and cholesterols. By
contrast, liposomes are prepared from neutral or charged
double chain phospholipids. The concentration of cholesterol Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
is higher in liposomes than in niosomes. As a result, the
drug entrapment efficiency of liposomes is less than that Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is characte-
of niosomes. Niosomes are cost-effective for industrial rized by a severe damage to the immune system caused by the
manufacture and do not require special storage conditions, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Zidovudine (AZT), a
which are essential while manufacturing liposomes. The pioneering anti-HIV compound, is approved for clinical use,
cost of liposome preparation is high because of the unstable either alone or in combination with other antiviral agents, for
chemical ingredients (phospholipids), which undergo oxidative the treatment of AIDS and AIDS-related complex. However,
degradation. Liposomes therefore require special handling there are some setbacks in AZT administration, including
methods [27]. Niosomes possess a longer shelf life than hematological toxicity, poor bioavailability, high first-pass
liposomes [47]. They prolong the circulation of encapsulated metabolism, and short half-life [54]. A study revealed that nio-
drugs and increase metabolic stability in an emulsified somal AZT formulation prolonged the drug half-life in rabbit
form, whereas liposomes have limited shelf life because of serum [55]. In another study, niosomes manufactured with
rancidification of their lipid components [7, 47–50]. Tween 80 were able to encapsulate a high amount of AZT, and
addition of dicetyl phosphate enhanced drug release for a pro-
longed period (88.72% over 12 h). Changes in the micromolar
Current applications of niosomes ratios of nonionic surfactants with a constant ratio of choles-
terol during the preparation of niosomes were associated with
Drug-delivery systems using niosomes through transdermal, the changes in the encapsulation efficiency and controlled
parenteral, and ophthalmic routes are well studied [27, 51, 52]. release of AZT [56].
Niosomal delivery via transdermal routes is able to overcome
the slow penetration rate of conventional transdermal approa-
ches. The bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of drugs Neoplasia
such as diclofenac, flurbiprofen, and nimesulide increase by
their incorporation into niosomal formulations. For ophthalmic Common drawbacks of cancer chemotherapy are the side
drug delivery, chitosan-coated niosomal formulation of timolol effects and low therapeutic efficacy. Doxorubicin, a broad-
maleate exhibits a greater effect in reducing intraocular p ressure spectrum anthracycline used for antitumor activity, has
compared with marketed formulations, with less cardiovascular shown a dose-dependent irreversible cardiotoxic effect [26].
side effects [52]. Because of their many desirable properties, However, niosomal delivery of this drug to mice bearing S-180
niosomal formulations have been used in many other therapeu- tumor showed increased life span and decreased proliferation
tic applications, as discussed in the following sections. of sarcoma. This might be the result of the high efficiency
of niosomes in encapsulating the drug, causing a prolonged
circulation in addition to alteration in drug metabolism [26, 57].
Leishmaniasis Another well-known anticancer drug, daunorubicin hydro
chloride, exhibited an enhanced antitumor efficacy in its
Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease invading the liver and niosomal encapsulated form when compared to the free
spleen transmitted through the bite of a female sandfly. drug. The niosomal formulation destroyed Dalton’s ascitic
306 P. L. Yeo, et al.
lymphoma cells effectively in a short time. Bleomycin, a low solubility in water and oil and poor bioavailability.
potent anticancer drug, was found to be accumulated in higher Furthermore, it has short half-life in vivo [67]. To improve
levels at the tumor site when it was encapsulated in niosomes the efficacy of artemisinin, Dwivedi et al. encapsulated the
containing 47.5% cholesterol as compared with its free drug compound in nanovesicular niosomes. Results show that
form [52]. the encapsulated artemisinin was cytotoxic toward melanoma
Methotrexate is an established toxic synthetic antineo- cells with negligible toxicity toward normal skin cells, sug-
plastic agent used in chemotherapy, either alone or combined gesting its potential as a useful therapeutic strategy for the
with other medications, to treat various types of cancers. treatment of melanoma [68].
Studies have shown that intravenous administration of methot- Tamoxifen citrate is a hormone antagonist administered
rexate encapsulated in niosomes to S-180 tumor-bearing mice to breast cancer patients with estrogen receptor-positive
resulted in a total regression of tumor, slower drug clearance, tumors [69]. However, issues such as localization, efficiency,
and a higher plasma level of methotrexate [58]. Enhanced drug sustained delivery, and side effects of drugs are the major
penetration was noted when 5-fluorouracil was formulated in challenges for this type of cancer therapy. As such, Shaker et al.
bola-surfactant niosomes to treat skin cancer [59]. Despite loaded the drug into niosomes and evaluated its cellular uptake,
enhanced antitumor activity, in some instances, encapsulation cytotoxicity, and efficiency in vivo. Niosomal tamoxifen
of the drug in niosomal vesicles reduces the toxicity in normal showed enhanced cellular uptake and greater cytotoxicity
cells, as demonstrated in a study of preparation of niosome against the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and enhanced
containing vincristine. Common side effects of the drug, such reduction in tumor volume in vivo [70].
as neurological toxicity, diarrhea, and alopecia, were allevia- Mitoxantrone has been used in chemotherapy for leu-
ted, while antitumor activity was increased in a mouse model kemia, lymphoma, breast and prostate cancers, and multiple
of S-180 sarcoma following intravenous administration of the sclerosis. However, administration of the drug is usually asso-
niosome-encapsulated vincristine [5]. ciated with severe systemic toxicity, particularly cardiotoxi-
Tocotrienol, first reported for its anticancer activity in the city. Tila et al. formulated pH-sensitive, polymer-modified,
early 1990s [60], was encapsulated in niosomes by Fu et al. and plasma-stable niosomes to carry the drug. Cytotoxicity
using a film hydration method. The niosomal tocotrienol of mitoxantrone niosomes was evaluated against human
showed at least 2-fold enhancement of its cytotoxic effect in ovarian cancer (OVCAR-3), human breast cancer (MCF-7),
killing breast cancer cells, with 2.5-fold increase in the drug and human umbilical vein endothelial cell lines. Mitoxantrone
uptake in the cells. The antitumor effect of the formulation was contained in the pH-sensitive niosomes showed higher cyto-
also observed in female BALB/c nude mice implanted with toxicity than conventional niosomes on the cancer cells but
breast cancer cells [61]. a lowered cytotoxic effect on the endothelial cell line. These
Curcumin is known to show multiple therapeutic appli- findings indicate that the niosomal formulations may be useful
cations including anticancer properties [62]. A novel niosome in reducing the side effects of mitoxantrone [71].
system composed of Span 80, Tween 80, and poloxamer 188 Cisplatin, a widely used anticancer drug, acts by inducing
was shown to possess high encapsulating efficiency (92.3%) apoptosis and necrosis. However, cisplatin usage is found to
for curcumin. When niosomal curcumin was added to ovarian be associated with various unwarranted side effects such as
cancer A2780 cells, enhanced cytotoxic and apoptotic effects nephro- and neurotoxicity [72]. Furthermore, development of
were noted compared with freely dispersed curcumin. This drug resistance toward cisplatin in patients is a major concern
might be the result of the efficient controlled release of cur- in cancer treatment. Niosomal cisplatin prepared by reverse-
cumin from niosomes [63]. Sharma et al. prepared niosomes phase evaporation technique showed a 1.5-fold increase in
with Tween 80 and cholesterol using a film hydration method. cytotoxic effect against BT-20 breast cancer cells compared
Two active molecules, curcumin and doxorubicin hydrochlo- with the unencapsulated drug [73]. Anticancer effects of the
ride, were encapsulated into the prepared niosomes; curcumin niosomal formulations mentioned are summarized in Table 1.
was found accumulated in the shell, whereas doxorubicin
hydrochloride accumulated in the inner aqueous core of the
niosomes. Enhanced cytotoxicity toward cervical cancer cells Lung diseases
(HeLa) was observed for the dual-drug-loaded niosomes [64].
Artemisinin, isolated from the Chinese herb Artemisia Inhalation therapy utilizing glucocorticosteroids such as
annua commonly used in the treatment of fevers and chills [65], beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) in chronic obstructive
was also found to possess antitumor properties [66]. However, pulmonary disease (COPD) is promising, but the common
the use of artemisinin has some restrictions because it has drawback of the medication is poor permeation through
Asian Biomed (Res Rev News) 2017; 11(4): 301–14 Niosomes: a review 307
Table 1. Drugs/compounds encapsulated in niosomes and their Niosomal encapsulation of isoniazid was found to
anticancer effects effectively treat tuberculosis, with 62% of cellular uptake by
macrophages. In addition, the niosomal formulation decreased
Drug/compound(s) Effects Reference(s) the dose required and reduced the level of toxicity; these
Doxorubicin Decreased proliferation of [26, 57] contributed to improved patient compliance. The additional
sarcoma cells advantages of the niosomal formulation are that it was site
Daunorubicin Destroyed Dalton’s ascitic [52] specific to where tuberculosis bacteria were harbored and it was
hydrochloride lymphoma cells
able to maintain steady drug concentrations for up to 30 h [76].
Bleomycin Accumulated in higher levels [52]
at the tumor site
Another study showed that intravenous and intraperitoneal
Methotrexate Enhanced antitumor activity [58] administration of rifampicin encapsulated in niosomes prepared
against sarcoma using surfactants of sorbitan ester class:cholesterol (50:50
5-Fluorouracil Enhanced drug penetration in [59] percent mole fraction ratio) could be used for the treatment of
the treatment of skin cancer tuberculosis [77]. Positive results were noted with rifampicin
Vincristine Enhanced antitumor activity [5]
encapsulated in Span 85 (sorbitan trioleate)-based niosomes. The
against sarcoma
Tocotrienol Enhanced cytotoxicity toward [61] rifampicin was found accumulated in the lungs of mice, therefore
breast cancer cells offering possibility of improved antituberculosis therapy [8, 78].
Curcumin Enhanced cytotoxic and apo- [63] Gentamycin sulfate used in the treatment of nosocomial
ptotic effects toward ovarian pneumonia displays short half-life and has various side effects.
cancer cells
Niosomal formulations may ensure that an efficient concent-
Curcumin and doxorubi- Enhanced cytotoxicity toward [64]
cin hydrochloride cervical cancer cells
ration of the drug is achieved in the lungs without inducing
systemic effects. Gentamycin sulfate in niosomes prepared
Artemisinin Cytotoxic toward [68]
with polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters showed a significantly
melanoma cells
Tamoxifen citrate Greater cytotoxicity against [70] higher accumulation in lungs than the plain drug, indicating
breast cancer cell line that niosomes are an enhanced drug-delivery system for this
Mitoxantrone Greater cytotoxicity against [71]
therapy [79].
human ovarian cancer and
breast cancer cell lines
Cisplatin Enhanced cytotoxicity toward [73] Inflammation
breast cancer cells
Compounds isolated from Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and Zingiber capsulatum, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and Coccidioides
cassumunar Roxb. are a few examples. Extracts of G. glabra immitis. It is used in the treatment of pseudallescheriasis,
are purported to be useful in the treatment of dermatitis, sporotrichosis, tinea corporis, tinea versicolor, and toenail
eczema, and psoriasis [85, 86]. The plant’s active compound, onychomycosis. However, it has poor solubility and perme-
ammonium glycyrrhizinate, showed strong anti-inflammatory ation that hinder its absorption through skin. Incorporation
effects in various models [87, 88]. When ammonium glycyr- of the drug in niosomes enhanced its therapeutic efficacy,
rhizinate was encapsulated in niosomes prepared by using as evidenced by a study in which the itraconazole niosomes
Tween 85, Span 20, and cholesterol in various molar ratios, demonstrated greater antimycotic activity against Candida
improved anti-inflammatory activities were observed in albicans than marketed formulations [100]. Another poten-
chemically induced skin erythema in mice and humans [89]. tially antifungal drug called diallyl disulfide was found to
(E)-4-(3ʹ,4ʹ-dimethoxyphenyl)but-3-en-1-ol (also known as be entrapped in niosomes prepared efficiently using Span
compound D) is the active compound isolated from Z. cassu- 80. When the niosomal diallyl disulfide was administered to
munar. Encapsulation of compound D in niosomes enhanced C. albicans-infected mice, it cleared the fungal burden and
its chemical stability and skin permeation with anti-inflamm- increased the survival rate of the mice; the effect was better
atory effects comparable to commercial anti-inflammatory than the drug in free form [101]. Fluconazole, which is com-
drugs when applied on the skin of mice [90]. Z. cassumu- monly available in parental and oral dosage forms, is used in
nar-encapsulated niosomes were also effective for local the treatment of cutaneous candidiasis. However, the drug is
subcutaneous inflammation when used in combination with well known for its adverse effects such as taste disturbances
therapeutic ultrasound [91]. and gastrointestinal irritation. When the drug is given in an
Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound found in grape oral form, a high dose is usually required to reach therapeutic
skin, peanuts, and the roots of Polygonum cuspidatum [92]. concentrations. Therefore, a topical formulation of the drug
Topical application of resveratrol has shown to improve some was developed. Fluconazole-loaded niosomal gels were for-
types of skin conditions such as inflammation. However, the mulated as a topical ocular drug-delivery system for corneal
therapeutic potential of resveratrol is limited because of its poor fungal infections. Fluconazole was incorporated into poloxa-
bioavailability, low water solubility, chemical instability, and mer or chitosan niosomal gel, and the antifungal effects of
limited skin permeability [93, 94]. Recently, a resveratrol-loaded the 2 gels were compared. Fluconazole in the poloxamer gel
niosomal hydrogel system, which could enhance the permeation showed a better effect than it did in the chitosan gel [102].
and deposition of resveratrol in skin, had been developed by In another study, miconazole loaded in proniosomal vesicles
Negi et al. Administration of this niosomal gel reduced edema was proven to be effective against Trichophyton rubrum in
with prolonged therapeutic action, as evaluated with a model of the treatment of tinea infections [103].
edema induced in rat paw by carrageenan injection [95]. Nisin is an antimicrobial agent used in food and phar-
Flurbiprofen is commonly used in the treatment of ocular maceutical applications [104]. However, its effectiveness is
inflammatory diseases [96]. However, challenges arise with limited because of its inaccessibility to an inner membrane of
the use of the ocular drugs, including limited ocular bioavai- bacteria. Hence, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is
lability because of nasolacrimal drainage, the corneal barrier, used to improve the efficacy of nisin [105]. Niosomes encap-
and unintentional absorption of the drugs to the systemic circu- sulating both nisin and EDTA were evaluated for their anti-
lation [97]. As a result, not more than 5% of applied drugs can bacterial activity. The encapsulated form of nisin and EDTA
reach intraocular tissues [98]. Therefore, to enhance the ocular showed a better and longer-lasting effect in inhibiting Staphy-
bioavailability of flurbiprofen, the drug was encapsulated in lococcus aureus than their free forms [106]. Gallidermin, an
niosomes consisting of nonionic surfactant Span 60 using the antibiotic that has effects similar to erythromycin or fusidic
thin-film hydration technique. The encapsulated flurbiprofen acid, is effective against endocarditis, abscesses, skin infec-
was found to rapidly reduce eye inflammation of New Zealand tions, and acne [107]. When gallidermin is loaded in anionic
albino rabbits, with a higher ocular bioavailability than that of niosomes and incorporated in gel, it accumulated in the skin
a flurbiprofen solution [99]. with no risk of a systemic effect and displayed better antibac-
terial effects, particularly against Propionibacterium acnes
and S. aureus [108]. Propolis is considered to have broad-
Bacterial or fungal infections spectrum antimicrobial properties [109]. Its antimicrobial
effect was enhanced when it was incorporated into niosomes
Itraconazole is the drug of choice for treating fungal infec- that were prepared with varying concentrations of Span 60 and
tions caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma cholesterol. This is because niosomes are able to interact with
Asian Biomed (Res Rev News) 2017; 11(4): 301–14 Niosomes: a review 309
the bacterial cell envelope, thereby facilitating the diffusion of Other applications
constituents of propolis across the cell wall [110].
Gatifloxacin is widely used for ocular infections. Patients Niosomal formulations have been used extensively in many
are required to apply the medicine several times a day, and other applications such as transdermal delivery. For example,
this greatly inconveniences the patients. Therefore, Zubairu 8-methoxypsoralen, a compound used in psoralen ultraviolet
et al. designed and formulated a novel delivery system for A therapy [115], had been formulated into niosomal vesic-
gatifloxacin that could help in reducing the dosing frequency. les and delivered topically to increase its local efficacy and
A chitosan-coated niosomal formulation of gatifloxacin safety [116]. Another group of investigators has attempted to
developed by researchers showed a longer retention time on develop a niosomal gel formulation with acyclovir that has
the eyes, suggesting the potential use of the drug in the form a superior topical bioavailability [117]. Acyclovir is used in
of transcorneal delivery [111]. Another group of scientists the treatment of herpes simplex, varicella zoster, and herpes
developed chitosan gel-embedded moxifloxacin niosomes, zoster viral infections. Its usual route of oral administration
and the drug formulation was used for topical microbial is plagued by poor bioavailability and short elimination half-
infections [112]. life [118]. Usual topical delivery is limited by the poor intrin-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes highly resistant infec- sic permeation of acyclovir into the basal epidermis. A goal
tions through biofilm formation, which inhibits the entry of of topical delivery is that the drug is transported through the
antibiotics [113]. Synergistic combination therapy is believed stratum corneum, thereby effectively reaching the target tissue.
to be more effective in the treatment of infections related to The niosomal gel developed by Jacob et al. [117] demonstrated
biofilms. Hence, a niosomal drug formulation consisting of successful delivery of acyclovir through topical administration.
bismuth-ethanedithiol and tobramycin was developed and Niosomes could also potentially serve as gene deli-
its antibacterial effect was tested through the inhibition of very system. Niosomes prepared by using cationic lipid
biofilm formation and reduction of N-acyl homoserine lactone N-[1-(2,3-dioleoyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium
in P. aeruginosa. Results showed that the formulation may be chloride and the nonionic surfactant polysorbate 60, with
useful in the treatment of infections caused by this pathogen or without lycopene, were used to encapsulate promoter of
[114]. Antibacterial and antifungal effects of the niosomal cytomegalovirus-enhanced green florescent protein (pCMS-
drugs/compounds mentioned are summarized in Table 2. EGFP)-based plasmids. The niosomes generated were then
used in the transfection of ARPE-19 human retinal pigment
epithelial cells. The higher transfection efficiency obtained
Table 2. Drugs/compounds encapsulated in niosomes and their
antibacterial or antifungal effects
indicates the potential use of this gene delivery system for
various inherited retinal diseases [119]. Opanasopit et al. also
Effects compared with investigated the use of niosomes using this approach. They
Drug/compound(s) Reference(s) reported that cationic niosomes composed of Span 20, choles-
unencapsulated form
terol, and spermine-based cationic lipids encapsulating pDNA
Itraconazole Greater activity against [100]
Candida albicans encoding EGFP contributed to a high transfection efficiency of
Diallyl disulfide Greater activity against [101] HeLa human cervical cells [120].
C. albicans Other uses of niosomes include the treatment of glau-
Fluconazole Effective against corneal [102] coma using dorzolamide niosomes [121], specific niosomal
fungal infections
drug-delivery systems that target the liver [122] and induction
Miconazole Effective against Trichophyton [103]
of angiogenesis using growth factor-loaded nano-niosomal
Nisin and ethylenedia- Better effect in inhibiting [106] gel formulations [123]. Moghassemi et al. [124] formulated
minetetraacetic acid Staphylococcus aureus bovine serum albumin-loaded niosomes that have potential
Gallidermin Better antibacterial effects [108] use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.
against Propionibacterium
acnes and S. aureus
Propolis Enhanced antimicrobial effect [110]
Gatifloxacin Effective against ocular [111] Conclusions
Moxifloxacin Used for topical microbial [112] Niosomes, a nonionic surfactant vesicular system, is a novel
infections and efficient approach to drug delivery. With the incorporation
Bismuth-ethanedithiol Effective against Pseudomonas [114]
of appropriate nonionic surfactant and cholesterol in the vesi-
and tobramycin aeruginosa
cular membrane, a wide range of drugs can be encapsulated
310 P. L. Yeo, et al.
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