MOSFET Power Losses and How They Affect Power-Supply Effi Ciency
MOSFET Power Losses and How They Affect Power-Supply Effi Ciency
MOSFET Power Losses and How They Affect Power-Supply Effi Ciency
Power-supply efficiency is a critical criterion for today’s cloud-infrastructure hardware. The efficiency of the chosen power solutions relates
to system power loss and the thermal performance of integrated circuits (ICs), printed circuit boards (PCBs), and other components,
which determine the power-usage effectiveness of a data centre.
This article revisits some of the basic principles zero losses, thus offering 100% efficiency. contributors in a buck converter: conduction
of power supplies and then addresses how However, components are not ideal, as is losses, switching losses, and static (quiescent)
MOSFETs – the power stage of any switching- illustrated in the following examples. losses.
voltage regulator – affect efficiency. For the
An efficient switching regulator results in less MOSFETs have a finite switching time,
linear regulator shown in Fig. 1, power loss
heat dissipation, which reduces system cost therefore, switching losses come from the
and efficiency are defined by Eqs. 1 and 2.
and size for elements such as heat sinks, dynamic voltages and currents the MOSFETs
fans and their assembly. In battery-operated must handle during the time it takes to turn
systems, less power loss means that these on or off.
devices can use the same battery for a
Switching losses in the inductor come from
longer run time because the device pulls less
(2) the core and core losses. Gate-drive losses
current from the battery.
are also switching losses because they
In the ideal switching regulator shown in To consider the various factors that contribute are required to turn the FETs on and off. For
Fig. 2, the current is zero when the switch is to efficiency, the focus of this article is on the the control circuit, the quiescent current
open and the power loss is zero, thus VIN is step-down (buck) DC/DC converter topology, contributes to power loss; the faster the
being chopped. When the switch is closed, which is the most popular switching-regulator comparator, the higher the bias current. For
the voltage across it is zero and the power topology in today’s cloud infrastructure the feedback circuit, the voltage divider,
loss is also zero. An ideal switch implies systems. Fig. 3 shows the key power-loss error amplifier and comparator bias currents
Fig. 8: Total switch MOSFET losses. Fig. 9: Rectifier MOSFET body-diode current.
contribute to power loss. Megaohm resistors Relationships for Fig. 5 to derive loss equation: frequency, QGS2 and QGD depend on the
cannot be used to reduce power loss time the driver takes to charge the FET, and IG
Et1 = (VDS × ID/2) × t1,
because of the bias current into the feedback is the gate current.
circuit. Fig. 4 shows a basic switching circuit Et2 = (VDS/2 × ID) × t2,
Switch-MOSFET gate losses can be caused
and Eqn. 3 is used to calculate conduction
PSW = 2 × (Et1 + Et2) × fSW, by the energy required to charge the MOSFET
losses for Q1 or Q2.
gate. That is, the QG(TOT) at the gate voltage
t1 = QGS2/IG, of the circuit. These are both turn-on and turn-
(3) t2 = QGD/IG, off gate losses.
For the switch MOSFET shown in losses (PCON), body-diode conduction losses
Fig. 6, a lower gate charge (QG) in (PBD), and gate losses (PGATE). (9b)
Eqn. 5 enables lower power loss and a faster
There are no switching losses because of
switching time; however, this contributes to
the bodydiode. The body diode conducts (9c)
more parasitic turn-on of the rectifier MOSFET.
and the voltage across the FET is the
A happy medium can be obtained in the
diode voltage, which is zero. The body
design to accommodate these trade-offs.
diode ensures zero-voltage switching per (9d)
Eqn. 7.
(5) (7)