Wireless Communication: Unit - 1
Wireless Communication: Unit - 1
Wireless Communication: Unit - 1
wireless communication
UNIT - 1
Introduction to wireless telecommunication systems and Networks, History and Evolution Different generations of wireless cellula
2g,3G and 4G networks.
UNIT - 2
Common Cellular System components, Common cellular network components, Hardware and software, views of cellular networ
systems components, Cellular component identification Call establishment.
UNIT - 3
Wireless network architecture and operation, Cellular concept Cell fundamentals, Capacity expansion techniques, Cellular back
Mobility management, Radio resources and power management Wireless network security
UNIT - 4
GSM and TDMA techniques, GSM system overview, GSM Network and system Architecture, GSM channel concepts, GSM identifiers
UNIT - 5
GSM system operation, Traffic cases, Cal handoff, Roaming, GSM protocol architecture. TDMA systems
UNIT - 6
CDMA technology, CDMA overview, CDMA channel concept CDMA operations.
UNIT - 7
Wireless Modulation techniques and Hardware, Characteristics of air interface, Path loss models, wireless coding techniques, Dig
techniques, OFDM, UWB radio techniques, Diversity techniques, Typical GSM Hardware.
UNIT - 8
Introduction to wireless LAN 802.11X technologies, Evolution of Wireless LAN Introduction to 802.15X technologies in PAN A
architecture Bluetooth Introduction to Broadband wireless MAN, 802.16X technologies.
1. Wireless Telecom Systems and networks, Mullet: Thomson Learning 2006.
1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunication, Lee W.C.Y, MGH, 2002.
2. Wireless communication - D P Agrawal: 2nd Edition Thomson learning 2007.
3. Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, David Tse, Pramod Viswanath, Cambridge 2005.
UNIT - 1
INTRODUCTION: Overview of embedded systems, embedded system design challenges, common design metrics
and optimizing them. Survey of different embedded system design technologies, trade-offs. Custom Single-Purpose
Processors, Design of custom single purpose processors.
4 Hours
UNIT - 2
6 Hours
UNIT - 3
Standard Single-Purpose Peripherals, Timers, Counters, UART, PWM, LCD Controllers, Keypad controllers,
Stepper Motor Controller, A to D Converters, Examples.
6 Hours
UNIT - 4
MEMORY: Introduction, Common memory Types, Compulsory memory, Memory Hierarchy and Cache, Advanced
RAM. Interfacing, Communication Basics, Microprocessor Interfacing, Arbitration, Advanced Communication
Principles, Protocolos - Serial, Parallel and Wireless.
8 Hours
UNIT - 5
INTERRUPTS: Basics - Shared Data Problem - Interrupt latency. Survey of Software Architecture, Round Robin,
Round Robin with Interrupts - Function Queues - scheduling - RTOS architecture.
8 Hours
UNIT - 6
INTRODUCTION TO RTOS: Tasks - states - Data - Semaphores and shared data. More operating systems
services - Massage Queues - Mail Boxes -Timers – Events - Memory Management.
8 Hours
UNIT – 7&8
Basic Design Using RTOS, Principles- An example, Encapsulating semaphores and Queues.
Hard real-time scheduling considerations – Saving Memory space and power. Hardware software co-design
aspects in embedded systems.
12 Hours
1. Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction - Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2002
2. An Embedded software Primer - David E. Simon: Pearson Education, 1999
1. Embedded Systems: Architecture and Programming, Raj Kamal, TMH. 2008
2. Embedded Systems Architecture – A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers, Tammy
Noergaard, Elsevier Publication, 2005
3. Embedded C programming, Barnett, Cox & O’cull, Thomson (2005).
UNIT - 1
INTRODUCTION: Background, Uncertainty and imprecision, Statistics and random processes, Uncertainty in
information, Fuzzy sets and membership, Chance versus ambiguity, Classical sets - operations on classical sets to
functions, Fuzzy sets-fuzzy set operations, Properties of fuzzy sets. Sets as points in hypercubes.
7 Hours
UNIT - 2
CLASSICAL RELATIONS AND FUZZY RELATIONS: Cartesian product, Crisp relations-cardinality of crisp
relations, Operations on crisp relations, Properties of crisp relations, Compositions, Fuzzy relations-cardinality of
fuzzy relations, Operations on fuzzy relations, Properties of fuzzy relations, Fuzzy Cartesian product and
composition, Non interactive fuzzy sets, Tolerance and equivalence relations-crisp equivalence relation, Crisp
tolerance relation, Fuzzy tolerance, Max-min Method, other similarity methods.
7 Hours
UNIT - 3
MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS: Features of the membership function, Standards forms and boundaries,
fuzzification, Membership value assignments-intuition, Inference, Rank ordering, Angular fuzzy sets. Neural
networks, Genetic algorithms, Inductive reasoning.
6 Hours
UNIT - 4
FUZZY-TO-CRISP CONVERSIONS AND FUZZY ARITHMETIC: Lambda-cuts for fuzzy sets, Lambda-cuts
for fuzzy relations, Defuzzification methods. Extension principle-crisp functions, Mapping and relations, Functions
of fuzzy sets-extension principle, Fuzzy transform (Mapping), Practical considerations, and Fuzzy numbers Interval
analysis in Arithmetic, Approximate methods of extension-vertex method, DSW algorithm, Restricted DSW
algorithm, Comparisons, Fuzzy vectors.
6 Hours
UNIT - 5
CLASSICAL LOGIC AND FUZZY LOGIC: Classical predicate logic-tautologies, Contradictions, Equivalence,
Exclusive or and exclusive nor, Logical proofs, Deductive Inferences, Fuzzy logic, Approximate reasoning, Fuzzy
tautologies, Contradictions, Equivalence and logical proofs, Other forms of the implication operation, Other forms of
the composition operation.
6 Hours
UNIT - 6
FUZZY RULE-BASED SYSTEMS: Natural language, Linguistic hedges, Rule-based system-canonical rule forms,
Decomposition of compound rules, Likelihood and truth qualification, Aggregation of fuzzy rules, Graphical
techniques of inference.
6 Hours
UNIT - 7
FUZZY DECISION MAKING: Fuzzy synthetic evaluation, Fuzzy ordering, Preference and consensus,
Multiobjective decision making under fuzzy states and fuzzy actions.
8 Hours
UNIT - 8
FUZZY CLASSIFICATION: Classification by equivalence relations-crisp relations, Fuzzy relations cluster
analysis, Cluster validity, c-Means clustering-hard c-Means (HCM), Fuzzy c-Means (FCM), classification metric,
Hardening the fuzzy c-Partition, Similarity relations from clustering.
6 Hours
1. “Fuzzy logic with Engineering applications”, Timothy J. Ross, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
1. Nural networks and fuzzy systems: A dynamical system approach, B. Kosko, Peasrson Edu. 1991.
UNIT - 1
7 Hours
UNIT - 2
5 Hours
UNIT - 3
TEXT AND IMAGE COMPRESSION: Introduction, compression principles, text compression, image
7 Hours
UNIT - 4
AUDIO AND VIDEO COMPRESSION: Introduction, audio compression, DPCM, ADPCM, APC, LPC, video
compression, video compression principles, H.261, H.263, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4.
7 Hours
UNIT - 5
MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION NETWORKS: Introduction, LANs, Ethernet, Token ring, Bridges, FDDI
High-speed LANs, LAN protocol.
7 Hours
UNIT - 6
THE INTERNET: Introduction, IP Datagrams, Fragmentation, IP Address, ARP and RARP, QoS Support, IPv8.
7 Hours
UNIT - 7
BROADBAND ATM NETWORKS: Introduction, Cell format, Switfh and Protocol Architecture ATM LANs.
6 Hours
UNIT - 8
6 Hours
1. Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards, Fred Halsall,
Pearson Education, Asia, Second Indian reprint 2002.