Intro To Space Mission
Intro To Space Mission
Intro To Space Mission
Environment Programmatics
Launcher, vacuum, Budget, planning,
radiations industrial cooperation
Frequencies, Space
Satellite design law
Mission • Payload: antennas, repeater,
Payload performances instrument
Orbit, lifetime, … • Platform: mechanical,
thermal, avionics, power,
Ground segment,
Control and Users
What are the elements of a Space Mission?
Types of missions
Earth Observation
LEO observation, Meteo
Science and Exploration
Columbus and Rosetta
Broadcasting, Broadband, MSS, Secure Communications, IFC
ATV, debris removal, servicing
Other types of mission
Early warning, SIGINT, ELINT
Space System architecture: Earth observation system
Observing the Earth: Principles in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
Sun Synchronous Orbit:
• All Earth can be imaged, with stable sun/scene/satellite angle,
from a “short” distance
• Pass-by on scenes is NOT continuous…
Optical imaging: mostly Push broom
• No snapshot principle, but “combing” the surface in harvesting
Radar missions: active sensing
• Illumination of scene, capturing reflection
Ideal balance : coverage vs resolution
20 x 20 km
Pléiades : Very High Resolution over 20km swath
60 km swath
Solar Obiter
Rosetta: long voyage to comet encounter
Rosetta programme
Rosetta (total cost: 1100 M€)
• ESA : project authority
• CNES : responsible for the French part of the payload
Philae (total cost: 250 M€) :
• CNES : sub-system provider, provider of the Science Operations and Navigation Center
Better knowledge of the material of the primitive solar system and its formation
Checking if :
• Comets have provided an important part of Earth oceans water
• Comets have provided compounds required for the birth of life on Earth (complex organic
Rosetta: long voyage to comet encounter
Broadcasting coverage
Broadband: Example of Ka-Sat
Ka-Sat satellite
• Eurostar E3000 satellite providing
bidirectional access in Ka-band
• Four-colour scheme for efficient frequency
• 90 Gbps throughput satellite
• In service since 2012
Couverture à quatre couleurs
Mobile Satellite Services (MSS)
• What type of services can we imagine for an in-orbit servicer?
Removedebris mission:
• Video
Other type of missions: M2M/IoT (for connected objects), AIS
• 66 satellites at 780 km altitude (and not 77)
• 1.5 kW, 860 kg
LEO constellations for Communications: OneWeb
OneWeb constellation
• Fleet of LEO microsatellites to deliver Internet globally with
low latency
• Initial constellation: 648 satellites + spares = 900 satellites
to be built, reduced to 600
• 150 kg satellites, 1,200-kilometer orbit
• Very high production rate
What are the elements of a Space Mission?
Which orbit for which mission?
Where to send the satellites: trajectories in Space
Orbit parameters
E v
Apogee Perigee
a MAT 9178
orbit period: T = 2
Geostationnary orbit
« Invented » by Arthur C. Clarke in 1945
Using the property of angular velocity for a point on the equator and a satellite at
#36000km altitude: the satellite « does not move when seen from Earth »
Application for telecommunications : 3 satellites cover the whole Earth
Which orbit for which mission? The case of 2 special orbits
What are the elements of a Space Missions?
Launch segment
The launch segment: selection of launch sites
There are a few launch sites over the Earth. The following selection criteria are use to determine the
• Large area for assembly halls and launch pads
• Free zone under the early trajectory
• No constraints towards East (for launches to Geo Stationnary)
• As close as possible from Equator (Earth rotation effect)
• Accessibility (land, sea, air)
• Political situation (unrest, export)
Launching environment: impact on the satellites
During the launch, the satellite has to withstand several types of constraints,
which will drive its design:
Mechanical and acoustic:
• Acoustic noise of the launcher engines (mainly on large surfaces)
• Mechanical vibration on structural parts (primary and secondary structures)
• Shocks when the fairing is separated in 2 parts
• Shocks at spacecraft separation
• Aerothermal drag during ascent, due to launcher speed
• Thermal environment when the launcher is above atmosphere
(Sun orientation)
• More Bandwidth
• Absorption losses increase
• Narrow beams allow frequency re-use
• Better spot beam support for small
• Robust protection
• Better pointing accuracy needed
• = (more complex/more expensive
A perfect world
Purpose of coordination:
• Guarantee a minimum signal to noise ratio
• Minimize interference level from other networks
• Frequency isolation The real world
• Polarization isolation
• Coverage isolation
• User terminal antenna diameter increase, to reduce
gain towards adjacent satellite
Overall coordination process: a 3-step process for GEO satellites
From 1957 to 2015: orbital debris are generated by the activity of man in space
• The micrometeoroids are of natural origins (comets, asteroids, etc.).
• The meteoroids arriving on Earth generally come from the asteroids
(99.4%). The meteoroids coming from comets are less fragile and do
not cross the atmosphere. They are seen as shooting stars (Perseides,
in August).
• Drag, disturbing torque
• Erosion
Charged particles (electrons, protons, heavy ions):
• electrostatic discharge
• Degradation of electronic components, SEE
• Degradation external materials, optical instruments due
to cumulated dose
• Degradation of solar cells, opto-electronic components…
Magnetic field:
• satellite / magneto-coupler coupling
Solar radiation:
• Thermal effects
• Solar pressure
Micrometeorids / Debris:
• physical damage
What are the elements of a Space Missions?
Ground Segment
Control segment
Spacecraft configuration
Payload and platform health monitoring
Mission segment
Mission preparation and management
Payload configuration
User Segment
Data processing, archiving, distribution
User terminals: TV reception, VSAT, mobile phones, military terminals
Space System architecture: Earth observation system
Space System architecture: Telecommunications system
What are the elements of a Space Missions?
Space Law
Space Liability: the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (107 rat., 23 sig.)
Provides basic legal framework for International Governance of Outer Space
• Benefit to all the peoples, peaceful use of space
Provides legal framework for international liability of States party to the Treaty
Space Liability: the 1972 Liability Convention (92 rat., 21 have sign.)
Expands on the liability rules created in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty
• Introduction of the term “Launching State”: a State which launches or procures the launching of a
space object, or from where it is launched
• Introduction of the liability regimes applicable to Launching States: Absolute liability for damage
caused on the surface of the earth or to an aircraft in flight, Liability for fault for damage caused
elsewhere than on the surface of the earth
The 1975 Convention of Registration of space objects (64 rat.)
• Mandatory central registration of objects launched into outer space
• Launching States shall provide all information to Secretary General of the UN
Actors in the Space System value chain
Telecom main players: Airbus, SSL, Boeing, TAS, Lockheed Martin, Orbital ATK
Telecom challengers: CAST, Melco, ISS Reshetnev, OHB
Observation main players: Airbus, IAI, Satrec Initiative, TAS, NEC
Observation challengers: CAST, Elecnor, Lockheed Martin, Ball Aerospace
And a lot of new entrants
Telecom operators, Space Agencies
Global (Intelsat, Eutelsat, SES, Telesat) and regional operators (KT, Arabsat, Nilesat,
ABS, Turksat), with fleets from 1 to 50 satellites
CSA, South Korea (KARI), Netherlands, Ukrain, Israel, Brasil, North Korea, Taiwan,
Iran, Algeria,…United Arab Emirates
Dedicated Agencies: Eumetsat, NOAA
New Space
GAFA, SpaceX: entrepreneurs, huge investment capacity, privately funded
programmes, dreams and ambitions. They can be in any place of the value chain
Through this module, we have seen all the types of Mission that can be fulfilled by a
Space System , and all the elements that have to be taken into account for designing it
In the next module, we will see how the mission drives the System and Subsytem design,
at Platform and Payload level, how this design can be validated before launch, by focusing
on Telecommunications Satellites.