The Ontologrcal Expressiveness Information Systems Analysis Design Grammars

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J of Info Systems (1993) 3,217-237

On the ontologrcal expressiveness

of information systems analysis and
design grammars
Y. Wand and R. WebeP
Faculty of Commerce and Business Admmrstraf/on, The Unrversrty of British Columbia,
2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, B C Canada V6T 122,and ‘Depafimenl of Commerce, The
Unrversrty of Queensland,Australia 4072

Abstract. Information systems analysis and design (ISAD) methodologies provide

facilities for describingexisting or conceivedreal-worldsystems. These facilities are
ontologicallyexpressive if they are capable of describing all real-world phenomena
completely and clearly. In this paper we formally examine the notion of the ontologi-
cal expressiveness ofa grammar and discuss some of its implications forthe design
and use of ISAD methodologies. We identify some generic ways in which ontological
expressiveness may be undermined in a grammar and some potential conse-
quences of these violations. We also examine ontological expressiveness within the
context of some other desirable features that might be considered in the design of
ISAD methodologies.

Keywords: clarity, completeness, expressiveness, grammar, IS development,



A large number of methodologies have now been developed to assist with the analysis, design
and implementation of information systems (Olle et al., 1988). Various attempts have been
made to better understand their nature and to evaluate their relative strengths and weaknesses.
They have been studied, for example, via feature analyses, case studies, experiments and
field studies (e.g. Olle et al., 1982; Floyd, 1986; Shoval 8 Even-Chaime, 1987; Batra et al.,
1990). Researchers appear generally disillusioned, however, with the progress made so far.
Many now call for better theory to guide the empirical work (Bubenko, 1986; livari, 1986). The
need is twofold. First, fundamental information systems concepts that underlie the methodolo-
gies need to be clarified and defined precisely (Lindgreen, 1990). Second, theoretical bases
need to be developed that allow different features of methodologies to be better understood
and evaluated.
Y. Wand & R. Weber

In prior work, we have attempted to address both concerns. In Wand & Weber (199Oa).
we formally define and articulate a number of fundamental information systems concepts, e.g.
system, subsystem, input, output, environment, coupling, level structure and decomposition.
In Wand & Weber (1990b), we provide a summary description of three theoretical models we
have developed to evaluate how well information systems analysis and design (ISAD) meth-
odologies facilitate the accomplishment of three major tasks that must be undertaken during
the analysis, design and implementation of information systems:
1 Representation of the real world. A methodology must possess features that enable users
to construct a representation of their view of the real world.' A user's view may reflect existing
real-world phenomena (e.g. the way employees are currently compensated in an organization)
or imagined real-world phenomena (e.g. consumer behaviour if prices were to change). We
have proposed a model that specifies a set of ontological constructs that ISAD methodologies
must be able to describe. Otherwise, they may not be able to capture the meaning that users
ascribe to the real-world phenomena because some phenomena cannot be represented.
2 State tracking of the real world. An information system must faithfully track changes in the
existing or imagined real-world phenomena it is intended to modeL2 In some cases these
changes may be transformations of matter or energy -for example, the production of a finished
good from raw materials. In other cases they may be transformations of information - for
example, transmission of messages in a data communications system. In this latter type of
case, the information system models (simulates) another information system. Such a simulation
can be used to study, say, the impact of changes in the data comrnunicahons system on
response for both types of cases, however, we have proposed a model that articulates
the conditions under which an information system will be a faithful state-tracking mechanism.
An ISAD methodology must contain constructs that allow information systems to be developed
that ensure that these conditions are fulfilled.
3 Decomposition of the red-world model. We argue a 'good' information system must be
structured so that it is well decomposed. A good decomposition, in turn, must reflect the structure
and dynamics of the represented real system. Otherwise, the script that describes the infor-
mation system will convey the meaning of the real-world system it represents less effectively.

'Whether a user's wew of the real world reflects objecbve reality of socially constructed reality (Klecn 8 Hirschheim. 1987.
Lyybnen, 1987a. Iivan, 1991) does not affect our model We take tho view as given. however it is formulated, and model
it accordingly
'The real-world system is the represented system, and the information system that models the real-world system is the
repsenong system Of course. the information system (the representlng system) is itself part of the real world. but not
that part of the real world bemg represented by the infonabon system (i 8. it cannot represent itself)
%e may d d o p an information system to simulate another system, to replace an existmg infotmatlon system. to enhance
an exlsbng inbrmatlon sysiem or to implementan infornebon system where none pnrv~uelyexisted In all cases. however
the informatm system b e d s or repmsenb real-world phenomena, some of whlch may be infomnatlon systems phenomena
themsekes In our wew, the essence of information is that It is a represen&3tlonof a real-world phenomena that we use
to m i d the costs of hmng to observe the d - w o r l d phenomena directly (see also Kary. 1999) In the absence of an
order-entry system,for example. we would haw lo regularly ask customem dimcUy wtrether they w s h d to purchase
merchandise or services Slmilady. in the absence of a simulabon of information processing in a data communications
system, we might have to incur msUy changes to the system to evaluate how these changes affect response tlme
Ontological expressiveness of IS grammars rmn
In this light, we have proposed a set of necessary (but not sufficient) requirements that an
informationsystem must fulfil if it is to be well decomposed. An ISAD methodology must contain
constructs which allow information systems to be developed to ensure these requirementsare
In this paper, we develop certain aspects of our first model, namely the representation
model. In particular, we focus on the grammars that ISAD methodologies provide to describe
various features of the real world.4 We address the issue of how these grammars might be
evaluated to determine whether they are ontologically expressive. By ontological expressive-
ness, we mean that an ISAD grammar can be used to describe all ontological constructs
completely and ~ l e a r l yWe
. ~ develop this notion in the analysis below.
The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. The second section briefly describes how
we view ISAD methodologies within the representational model. The third, fourth and fifth
sections outline some basic foundations that we need to be able to define precisely ontological
expressiveness.The sixth and seventh sections develop the two major aspects of ontological
expressiveness we examine: ontological completeness and ontological clarity. The eighth
section discusses the relationshipbetween the extensibilityof an ISAD grammar and ontological
completeness. Finally,the ninth sectionpresents future researchdirections and our conclusions.


The process of building an information system can be conceived as constructing a mapping

of certain real-world phenomena into a script (generatedby some programming language) that
can be read, interpreted and executed by a machine (Computer Science and Technology
Board, 1990). Since the mapping from the real world to the program script can be complex, it
is usually done in stages (Fig. 1). Initially,scripts are generated that focus on capturing important
real-world characteristics. For example, an entity-relationship diagram may be prepared to
model real-world entities and their relationships. However, as the real-world characteristics
become better understood, new scripts are generated that reflect the constraints of the machine
world in which the informationsystem must operate. For example, entity-relationshipdiagrams
are mapped onto relations, which in tum are mapped onto record structures, which in turn are
mapped onto access paths.

'A grammar generates a language, which is a set of strings over some alphabet. Syntactically coned strings are sentences
of the language (see Sudkamp, 1988). ISAO grammars often generate languages that comprise a set of graphical strings.
e.g. concatenations of data flow diagram symbols. In these grammars, sentences provide a graphical representation of
some real-world phenomena.
?he notion of ontological completeness parallels the notion of expressive power in programming languages (Halpem 8
Wimmen, 1987). Oei 81 a/. (1992. p. 5) also address the notion of the expressve power of a modelling technique in the
contexl of completeness: 'The expressive power of a modelling technique is a measurement of what can be desaibed.
i.e. the possible universes of discourse that can be described.' Besides expressive completeness, however, we are also
concerned with expressive clarity the notion that an ISAD grammar and the scnpts (stnngs) it produces can be interpreted
Y. Wand & R. Weber

- Script
No I
No n
- Mochme

Figura 1. Mapping the real world via scripts lo the machine world

The scripts used in the process of building an information system are generated via
grammars6 All ISAD methodologies provide at least one grammar that permits scripts consid-
ered useful in the process of building an information system to be generated. For example,
the structured analysis and design methodology provides a grammar for generating data flow
diagram scripts to describe certain features of the real-world system. In light of substantial
research and experience, however, it is now well known that the quality of these scripts as a
representation of real-world characteristics can vary considerably (Lyytmen, 1985, 198i'b).
Our representation model provides a basis for addressing the question of why information
system scripts might differ in terms of how well they represent real-world phenomena. In short.
we argue that a grammar will not be able to generate scripts describing all real-world charac-
teristics that might be of interest when information systems are built unless it contains constructs
that enable it to model any real-world phenomenon in which a user is interested. This issue
addresses the completeness of a grammar. Moreover, the grammar will not produce clear
scripts unless the mapping from the grammatical constructs to the real-world constructs is
straightforward. We need a theory or model, therefore, that tells us what real-world constructs
a grammar must be able to describe. Moreover, we need a theory or model that allows us to
evaluate the clarity of the mappings between the grammatical constructs and the real-wortd
constructs. The following two sections address these issues.


To determine the set of real-world constructs that an ISAD grammar must be able to describe.
we have tumed to the discipline of ontology. Ontology is a branch of philosophy concerned
with articulating the nature and structure of the world.
In choosing the set of real-world constructs that an ISAD grammar must be able to describe,
we have relied upon a particular ontological model developed by Bunge (19T7, 1979) (see
also Wand 8 Weber, 1990a). We chose to employ, adapt and extend Bunge's ontology for

'Some ISAD grammars are formal because they are speafled precisety (e.g. 2 and Lotus). othen are semiformal because
they are speafied patbally (e g NIAM's grammar for conceptual schema design and grammars that generate data flow
diagrams and entity-mlabonshtp models), sbU others are informal because they am relatrvety unspeafied (e g. uncon-
slmned' English)
Ontological expressiveness ot IS grammars

several reasons. First, in our view his ontology is better developed and better formalized than
any we have encountered so far. In this regard, Agassi (1990, p. 120) recently evaluated the
importance of Bunge's ontology and concluded: '. . . philosophy and science will never be the
same again'. Second, Bunge models the world as a world of systems. Thus, he is concerned
with concepts that are fundamental to the computer science and information system domains.
In this regard, Bochenski (1990, p. 99) comments, somewhat acidly: 'One great merit of Mario
Bunge is surely that he made the study of the system leave the computer science ghetto, to
which it was so often confined, and introduced it into the science to which it belongs, namely
to philosophy.' Third, we believe we have been able to use Bunge's ontology to obtain useful
theoretical and practical results. Rather than engaging in woolly philosophical polemics, we
seek instead to produce concrete outcomes using Bunge's ontology and to judge these
outcomes by their usefulness.
Table 1 provides an overview of the ontological (real-world)constructs derived from Bunge's
ontology.that we have used in our work (see, e.g., Wand & Weber, 1989b). In the context of
this paper, however, our choice of this specific ontology and its constructs can be viewed as
exemplars, chosen for their high level of rigour and completeness. We believe that the notion
of ontological expressiveness can be applied to evaluate any ISAD grammar, irrespective of
the ontology adopted.' The results produced using different ontologies to account for the
strengths and weaknesses of ISAD grammars can then be evaluated. The remainder of the
paper proceeds with this view in mind.


To evaluate whether a grammar provides a clear representation of a real-world construct, we

rely on basic notions from the mathematics of mappings. In the analysis below, we focus on
two sets: the set of real-world constructs we obtain from the ontological model; and the set of
grammatical constructs we obtain from a description of the grammar. We are concerned with
two mappings between these two sets: first, a representationmapping, which describes whether
and how a real-world construct is represented via a grammatical construct; and, second, an
interpretation mapping, which describes whether and how a grammatical construct stands for
a real-world construct (Fig. 2). The former mapping addresses the issue of whether real-world
constructs can somehow be representedby a grammar (the issue of ontological completeness).
The latter mapping, on the other hand, addresses the issue of what each grammatical construct
means in terms of the real-world constructs (the issue of ontological clarity).' In short, we will
argue that completeness is achieved when the representation mapping is total; on the other

'Indeed, we would be pleased to see our colleagues USB our approach wlth other ontologies they might deem useful
BUbmately.uwrs must also be able to map back from the operatlonal information system to reallty The extent to which
they can accomplish this mapping will depend upon how clearly the relevant real-world constructs can be represented by
the grammar that generates the final, machine-executablescnpl
Y. Wand & R. Weber

Table 1. Ontological constructs in the Bunge-Wand-Weber representational model

Ontological construct Explanation

Thing A thing is the elementary unit in our ontological model The real wodd is made up of things A
composte thing may be made up of other things (composite or pnmitive)
Properties Things possess properties A property is modelled via an anribure function that maps the thing
into some value A property of a composite thing thal belongs to a component thing is called a
hereditary property Othenwse it is called an ernergenf properly A property that is inherently a
property of an indlvtdual thing is called an inmnsc properly A property that is meaningful only in
the context of two or more things is called a mutual or relabonal property
State The vector of values for all attribute funcbons of a thing is the state of the thing
Conceivable state =ace The set 01 all states that the thing might ever assume is the conceivable state space of the thing
State law A state law restricts the values of the properties of a thing to a subset that is deemed lawful because
of natural laws or human laws A law is constdered a property
Lawful state space The lawful state space is the set of states of a thing that comply with the state laws of the thing
The lawful state space is usually a proper subset of the conmvable statbspace
Event An event is a change of state of a thing It is effected wa a transformation (see below)
Event space The event space of a thing is the set of all possble events thal can occur in the thing
Transformation A transformation is a mapping from a domain mmpnsng slates to a cn-domam comprising
Lawful transformation A lawful transformation defines which events in a thing are lawful
Lawful event space The lawful event spam is the set of all events in a thing that are lawful
Hislory The chronologically ordered states that a thing traverses are the history of the thing The two things
are said to be mpled or interact
Coupling A thing ads on another thing if its existence affects the history of the other thing The two things
are said to be coupled or interact
System A set of things is a system if. for any bipartitioning of the set. couplings exist among things in the
two subsets
System compostion The things in the system are its cornpositron
System enwronment Things that are not in the system but interad mth things in the system are called the environment
of the system
System structure The set of muplings that exist among things in the system and among things in the system and
things in the enwmnment of the system is called the structure of the system
Subsystem A subsystem is a system whose mmposibon and structure are subsets of the composition and
sttucture of another system
System decomposmon A decomposition of a system is a set of subsystems sudr that every component in the system is
etther one of the subsystems in the decomposrtlonof IS induded in the mmpostion of one of the
subsystems in the decompostion
Level structuls A level structure defines a part~alorder over the subsystems in a decomposmonto show which
subsystems am components of other subsystems or me system itself
Stable state A stable state is a stab in which athing, subsystem, or system wlll remain unless forced to change
by vlme of the act~onof a thing in the environment (an external event)
Unstable state An unstable state is a state that WIU be changed into another state by virtue of the action of
bansformabons in the ry?9em
External event An external event is an event that an- in a thing. subsystem or system by wrtue of the amon of
some thlng in m e enwmment on the thing. subsystem or system. The before-state of an external
event is always stable. The after-state may be sable or unstable
onto/ogica/ expressiveness of is grammars

Table 1 . Continued

Ontological construct Explanation

Internal event An internal event is an event that anses in a thing, subsystem or system by virtue of lawful
transformations in the thing, subsystem or system. The before-state of an internal event is always
unstable The after-state may be stable or unstable
Well-defined event A well-defined event is an event in which the subsequent state can always be predicted given that
the prior state IS known
Poorly defined event A poorly defined event is an event in which the subsequent state cannot be predicted given that
the prior state is known
Class A class is a set of things that possess a common property
Kind A kind is a set of things that possess two or more common properties

Represen to tion


constructs constructs



Figure 2. Modelling of the real world and interpreting the model

hand, clarity is achieved when the interpretation mapping is total and one-to-one. We develop
these ideas below.


If we are to rigorously compare constructs in an ISAD grammar against constructs in an

ontological model, we need some common formalism in which both can be expressed. The
approach we adopt is to use the concepts of formal languages.
We begin with the notion of a grammar. Formally, a grammar can be defined as follows:

Definition 1
A grammar, G, is a four-tuple, G=(V, T , S, P), where V is a finite set of elements called
variables or non-terminals, T is a finite set of elements called terminals, v n T = 0 , S is an
element in V called the start symbol and P is a finite set of productions, where a production is
an ordered pair (a,p), a+, and a,p are elements of VUT. At least one a must be an element
of v.
Table 2. Backus-Naur form (BNF) representation of a grammar for
generahng data flow diagrams

<data flow diagm>::=<transttion list>

<transition list>::-(<transltion>)<transition><transition
<datastorexdata flowxprocess>l =+
<process><dataflowxprocess>l 0-0
<pmcess><data flowxdata store>) 0 - i
<data flow>::=
<process>::= 0

<data store>::= =

To illustrate these different concepts on the context of an ISAD grammar, Table 2 shows
the Backus-Naur form representation of a grammar designed to generate data flow diagrams
(DFDs).’ The terminals in the grammar comprise the fundamental elements from which
sentences can be built. In the DFD grammar, the terminals are the terminator symbol, data
flow symbol, process symbol, and data store symbol. The variables in the grammar compnse
meaningful strings of terminals. One of the variables in the DFD grammar, <transition lisb,
represents particular concatenations of three of the four terminals in the grammar - for example,
an instance of <transition lisb might be (<terminatorxdata flow><process>). This instance
stands for a particular (sub)graph showing a data flow emerging from a terminator to enter a
process symbol. The start symbol in the grammar is the other variable, namely, data flow
diagram. It represents the entire data flow diagram, which in tum represents some subset of
the real world to be modelled. Productions show how variables in the grammar are replaced
by strings of a specified form. In the DFD grammar, <data flow diagram>
is a production.
<transition lisb

Note that the grammar shown in Table 2 is not the only grammar that might be defined to
generate data flow diagrams. A different grammar might have different variables. For example,
rather than have a variable named <transition lisb that represents particular concatenations
of three terminals, another grammar migM define two-terminal concatenations instead:

cinpub::=(cdata flowxdata store>l<data flow><proces~(<terminator><dataflow>)

coutpub::=(<data storexdata flow>l<process><data flow>l<data flow>cterminator>)

This grammar would also need productionsdefining how a data flow diagram could be composed
from these variables.

* M e work sewn8 to have been undertaken on fomaliring ISAD grammars Nevertheless. see Adler (1988) and Parent
6 Spacwetra (1985).See also Sudkamp (1988) for a descnptlon of BadtusNaur form.
Ontological expressiveness ot IS grammars

Note, also, that the grammar shown in Table 2 does not capture all the rules needed to
define a lawful data flow diagram." For example, the user of the grammar has to know that
two transitions can be concatenated only when the ending terminal of the first transition equals
the beginning terminal of the second transition (e.g. if the first triple ends with a process, the
adjacent triple must begin with a process). Similarly, the user has to know that a lawful data
flow diagram begins and ends with a terminator."
From our viewpoint of analysing the ontological expressivenessof a grammar, the variables
and terminals in grammars have special significance (see, for example, Meyer, 1990, p. 47).

Definition 2
A construct is an element of the union of the sets V and T. A construct describes a set of
objects or things that have common properties. These objects or things are the specimens of
the construct.

To illustrate these notions, consider again the grammar shown in Table 2 to generate data
flow diagrams and a specific instance of a data flow diagram generated via this grammar to
describe, say, a library system. The process symbol (terminal) and the transition variable are
constructs within the grammar. A specimen of the former construct would be a process symbol
showing a particular activity that updates the status of a library book from on-the-shelf to
on-loan. A specimen of the latter construct would be a request (data flow) from a borrower
(terminator) entering a process that updates the borrower's record of book borrowings.
Our representation model can also be expressed as a formal grammar. Indeed, Meyer
(1990, p. 297) argues that any theory or model can be conceived in this way: 'A theory may
be viewed as a formal language, or more properly a metalanguage, defined by syntactic and
semantic rules.' In light of our arguments above, the constructs in an ontological grammar are
the terminals and variables that generate descriptions of the real world in ontological terms.
Primitive or atomic constructs within the representationmodel are terminals within the grammar.
Derived constructs are the variables within the grammar.
At this time we have not specified our adaptation of Bunge's ontological model in our
representation model as a formal grammar. Nevertheless, it will be sufficient for our analysis
below if we illustrate the form such a grammar might take. Recall that Table 1 shows the
ontological constructs we use in our representationmodel. Two terminals in the representation
grammar would be defined via the primitive ontologicalconstructsof 'things' and 'transformation'.
A variable would be used to stand for the den'ved ontological construct of an 'event'. It might
be defined as <evenb::=<state>dransformation><state>. The start symbol in the grammar
might be named <ontological scripb.

"?n part this Iunitatton reflects the fad that we have used a context-free grammar. More-powerful grammars, such as
context-wsibve grammars. allow more rules to be speafled (Sudkamp, 1966).
"We am assuming that the in8al data now always anses horn a terminator and that the final data flow always enters a
Y. Wand & R. Weber

In summary, formal grammars provide a common way of describing both our representation
model and the facilities included in an ISAD methodology for describing existing or conceived
real-world systems. They formally specify the constructs that exist in both the representation
model and an ISAD grammar such that a more precise comparison can be undertaken between
the two sets of constructs. In our analysis below, we focus on comparing the constructs in a
grammar that might be used to describe our representation model (henceforth the ontological
constructs) and one that might be used to define the representation facilities in an ISAD
methodology (Henceforth the design constructs). We show how these comparisons address
the notion of ontological completeness and ontological clarity.


Recall that we defined ontological completeness informally in terms of whether an ISAD

grammar can represent the same information about the real world that can be represented in
our representation model. In the context of the concepts we described above, evaluating
ontological completeness means that we search for a correspondence between each terminal
and variable in a grammar describing our representation model (the ontological grammar) and
each terminal and variable in an ISAD grammar. We focus, therefore, on the mapping from
real-world constructs to grammatical constructs - the representation mapping (Fig. 2).
In this light, let Oc be the set of constructs in our ontological grammar, and let Mc be the
set of constructs in an ISAD grammar M. We define ontological completeness and ontological
incompleteness (or consfruct deficit) as follows:

Definition 3
Let f be the mapping from the set of ontological constructs Oc to the set of constructs Mc of
an ISAD grammar M." Then M is ontologically complete if the mapping f is total. Otherwise,
ontological inmmpleteness or construct deficit exists.

Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the notions of ontological completeness and ontological incom-
pleteness or construct deficit. Note the conditionthat differentiates the two situations. Providing
the mapping exhausts the domain, the grammar is ontologically complete; otherwise, it is
incomplete. In other words, a grammar is ontologically complete if and only if it provides at
least one grammatical construct for every ontological construct.
Unfortunately,we are unable to give any examples of ISAD grammars that are ontologically
complete according to the list of constructs shown in Table 1. All ISAD grammars we have
examined so far exhibit ontological incompleteness or construct deficit For instance, in the
grammar used to generate entity-relationship models, there is no grammatical construct to

'%e assume f is glven irnpliatly as par( of the delinibon of the design grammar. In other words, the semant~aof each
mnstrud in the grammar can be determined The specficat~oncan be undertaken etther wa internon (by rule) or by
extenson (by an expliat list)
Ontolagicai expressiveness ut IS grammars

Ontological Design
constructs constructs
Flgure 3. Ontological completeness

On tological Design
constructs constructs
Flgure 4. Ontological incompleteness or constnrct deficit

represent the ontological construct of a transformation; in the grammar used to generate NlAM
(Nijssen'sinformation analysis method) conceptual schema diagrams (Nijssen & Halpin, 1989),
there is no construct to represent the ontological construct of an event; in the grammar used
to generate data flow diagrams, there is no construct to represent a state law.
We argue that, prima facie, ontological incompleteness or construct deficit is undesirable.
Users of a grammar with ontological incompletenessor construct deficit are unable to represent
all real-world phenomena that might interest them. As a result, we have observed two strategies
they employ to try to overcome the problems that arise. First, they invoke another design
construct to stand for the unrepresented ontological construct. For example, the entity-relation-
ship model provides no construct for representing the ontological construct of an event.
Nevertheless, we have observed users employing the entity construct to stand for both things
and events. We argue below that using one design construct to represent multiple ontological
constructs produces a new set of problems because the design construct becomes semantically

'%y using an entlty construct to represent an event and markng fi as such, designers e f i m v d y create a new construu
(anentity symbol wdh the word 'event'). The meaning of the relationshipsattached to d will change revent modifies enmy'
or 'event generates event) Someone reading the diagram stlll musl bnng to bear knowledge outside the diagram to
interpret it.
Y. Wand & R. Weber

Second, users will employ other grammars to represent the ontological constructs where
deficit exists. For example, data flow diagrams might be used in conjunction with NlAM to
compensate for NIAM’s inability to represent events. Similarly, it is well known that data flow
diagrams and entity-relationshipdiagrams complement each other as a manifestation of their
relative strengths and weaknesses in representing real-world phenomena. Unfortunately,using
multiple grammars to describe the real world may produce incompatibilities in the repre-
sentations generated by the grammars. As a result, users of the grammars may become
confusedand produce erroneous information systems designs (see especially Coad & Yourdon,
1991, p. 25).
Given most, if not all, ISAD grammars seem to possess ontological incompleteness or
construct deficit, as researchers we must try to account for why this situation has arisen.
Perhaps it reflects the fact that the designers of ISAD grammars have traded expressive power
for simplicity. As additional constructs and production rules are added to a grammar to enhance
expressive power, unfortunately the grammar becomes more complex to use. Perhaps, also,
designers of grammars believe that information systems development complexity will be
reduced if individual grammars facilitate modelling only a subset of real-world phenomena.
Whatever the reason, an analysis of the ontological completeness of a grammar still provides
a way of structuring discourse and research to address these issues.


The expressive power of an ISAD grammar is also a function of how ‘clearly’ each construct
in the grammar represents an ontological construct. To evaluate the level of ontological clarity
that exists in an ISAD grammar, we focus on the interpretation mapping (Fig. 2). We are
concerned with the question of how to interpret the meaning of each design construct.
The subsections below examinethree situations that can undermine design construct clarity.
We first define and discuss the nature of each problematical situation. Then we provide some
examples of each from existing ISAD grammars and outline some research issues.

Construct overload
Construct overload occurs when one design construct maps into two or more ontological
constructs (Fig. 5).14More formally:

Definition 5
Let g be the mapping from the set of design consbucts Mc of an ISAD grammar M to the set
of ontological constructs OC.” Then M has Construct overload if g is a one-to-many mapping.

'%late. figs 5-7 show three situabons mat we argue undermine ontological clan*, in the conlext of a grammar that is
ontologically complete. Clearly, thesa slluatons can also east with grammars that am ontologically incomplete.
l 5 ~ nwe. assume g is gwen as part of the speaficabon of the grammar.
Ontologlcol Design
constructs constructs

Figure 5. Ontological completeness with ConStruCl overload.

As an example of construct overload, Weber & Zhang (1991) found that the grammatical
construct called ‘entity’ in NlAM represents two ontological constructs in our representation
model - namely, a thing and a property of a thing. Thus, the NlAM grammar entity design
construct is ‘overloaded’ because it stands for more than one ontological construct.
Similarly, in the relational model a relation can stand for the ontological constructs of a
thing and a mutual property (a property defined over two or more things) in our representation
model. For example, a book in a library may be borrowed by a borrower. In our ontological
model the book and the borrower are things. The fact that a book may be borrowed by a
borrower is a mutual property because it is an assertion made about two things. It is both a
property of the book (the book may be borrowed) and a property of the borrower (the borrower
may borrow the book). If relations in the relational model are in third normal form, the book
and borrower will be representedby relations. Also, the mutual property (relationship) reflecting
that books may be borrowed by borrowers will be represented as a relation. In short, the
relational grammar design construct of a relation is overloaded because it stands for more than
one ontological construct.
We argue that construct overload is undesirable,prima facie, because users of an ISAD
grammar must bring to bear other knowledge, which they might not always possess, to determine
which ontological construct is being represented by the design construct. For example, when
analysts or designers first sight a relation in a relational model, it is not immediately clear
whether the relation is representing an entity or a mutual property (relationship). Analysts or
designers must employ knowledge not manifested in the relational model to make this deter-
mination. For example, they first use commonsense reasoningto identifythe keys in the relation.
They then check how many keys exist and the nature of the domains in the relation. In short,
construct overload means that an ISAD grammar loses expressive power because design
constructs no longer clearly manifest the real-world semantics.
When construct overload occurs, we claim that in due course a new design construct will
be introduced into the ISAD grammar to eliminate the overload. For example, early versions
of the entity-relationship model used the relationship symbol (diamond) to stand for both a
Y. Wand& R. Weber

relationship and the IS-A (subset hierarchy) constructs. In our representation model, a rela-
tionship is a mutual property, and the IS-A construct reflects the ontological notion of a kind
(see Table 1). Thus, the relationship symbol is overloaded. In light of our model, therefore, we
can understand why later versions of the entity-relationship model have introduced a new
symbol to stand for the IS-A notion (Teorey et a/., 1986).
Given the apparent prevalence of construct overload among ISAD grammars, again, as
researchers, we would like to account for why this situation exists. Once more, designers of
ISAD grammars may be trading off expressiveness against simplicity. Introducing construct
overload into a grammar reduces the number of constructs in the grammar and makes it
simpler. However, expressive power is lost, because the meaning of the constructs is not
always clear. Using our model to identify the nature and extent of construct overload in a
grammar should enable the trade-offs to be evaluated more carefully.
Construct overload may also reflect efforts by designers of grammars to undertakeabstrac-
tion. on the ontological constructs. Perhaps they see common properties among several
ontological constructs. In this light they provide a single design construct to represent each
ontological construct in the class or kind. For example, the designers of a grammar may
conceive of a relationship as any type of association between two things. Accordingly, they
may view both composition (part-of) and class membership (IS-A) as subtypes of the general
notion of a relationship. However, even if construct overload reflects abstraction, we argue that
our model still provides a way of evaluating whether the abstraction undertaken is likely to be

Construct redundancy

The second situation that might arise we call construct redundancy. Here two or more design
constructs are used to represent a single ontological construct (Fig. 6 ) . More formally:

Definition 6
Let g be the mapping from the set of design constructs Mc of an ISAD grammar M to the set
of ontological constructs Oc. Then M has constmct redundancy if g is a many-to-one mapping.

As with construct overload, construct redundancy establishes a prima-faciecase of lack of

ontological clarity with respect to the design construct As a result, it may reflect that the
expressiveness of an ISAD grammar has been undermined. Potentially several deleterious
effects arise: users have to remember a larger number of design constructs; they may be
uncertain about whether two or more design constructs truly stand for the same ontological
construct; and a larger number of production rules must be remembered to accommodate the
redundant design constnrcts.’’

’%Note, we distingunh construd redundancy fram syntactic redundancy in a grammar. The data flow diagram COnStNd
of a process can be shown as both a cirde and a rounded rectangle. This is an example of syntacbc redundancy.
Onto/q*ca/expressiveness ot IS grammars

Ontological Design
constructs constructs

Figure 6. Ontological completeness with construct redundancy

The notion of construct redundancy teases out some thorny issues that arise, however,
when mapping from design tonstructs to ontological constructs. Consider, for example, four
constructs in a grammar that generates physical data flow diagrams: a data flow, a data store,
a process and a terminator. In prior work (Wand 8 Weber, 1989a), we argued that each of
these four design constructs represents the ontological construct of a thing in an implemented
information system: a data flow may represent a piece of paper that stands for a customer
order; a data store may represent a filing cabinet in which customer orders are kept; a process
may representa clerk who handles customer orders; and a terminator may representa customer
who sends orders to an organization. Thus, four design constructs have been used to represent
a single ontological construct, and at first glance we would conclude that construct redundancy
Note, however, that one might conceive data flows, data stores, processes and terminators
as subtypes of a more general construct that could be called ‘thing’. For example, things that
are terminators are distinguished from other things because they exist in the environment of
the information system. This more general construct could be named in a grammar for data
flow diagrams, and a choice production rule could then be specified to define it through a set
of alternatives - namely, data flow, data store, process and terminator (<thing>: :=<data
f l o w I <data store>l<process>l<terminator>).This new grammatical variable ’thing’ can then
be mapped directly to the ontological construct of a thing.
Two issues now arise. First, we must ensure that the design construct called ‘thing’ means
the same as the ontological construct called ‘thing’. In the context of the above example, we
must ensure that the four types of things represented by data flows, data stores, processes
and terminators are exhaustive -that is, all things in an information system that we might want
to model via a physical data flow diagram are an instanceof one of these four types.” Otherwise,
the meaning of the design construct and the meaning of the ontological construct are not the

More formally. we seek to determine whether the union of the extensions of the subtypes equals the extension within
the domam of the ontological construct In other words, an instance of the ontologid construct is also an instanca of at
least one of the subtypes In this regard, it IS important that the meaning of each subtype be defined clearly OtheMnse
ontological clanty wll suffer
Y. Wand & R. Weber

same, and the former should not be mapped to the latter. Second, it is evident that some
arbitrariness surrounds how we select the variables in a grammar" (we alluded to this problem
above). The problem is that different grammars can be specifiedto generate the same language.
Whereas one grammar might have construct redundancy because of the way variables are
chosen, another might not.
To summarize, we believe construct redundancy will always show use of subtyping in a
grammar (relativeto the ontologicalconstructs).Once construct redundancy has been identified,
it is then important to check that all instances in the domain of the ontological construct are
covered by one of the grammatical subtype constructs. If some instance of an ontological
construct is not covered, we then have a problem d ontological incompleteness or construct
deficit. In this regard, Weber 8 Zhang (1991) found several design constructs in NlAM that
represented the ontological construct of a state law. At first glance, therefore, construct
redundancy existed. It became clear, however, that the NlAM design constructs represented
different types of sbte law (in other words, the NlAM grammar was employing subtypes).
Nevertheless,they found that some types of state law could not be represented using the NlAM
grammar. Thus, the NlAM grammar exhibits ontological incompleteness or construct deficit
rather than construct redundancy.

Construct excess

The third situation that may arise we call construct excess. Here a grammatical construct does
not map into any ontological construct (Fig. 7):

Definition 7
Let g be the mapping from the set of design constructs Mc of an ISAD grammar M to the set
of ontological constructs Oc.Then M has construct excess if g is a partial mapping.

We see three ways in which construct excess can be interpreted. First, the construct may
reflect deficiency of the ontological model. In other words, the construct represents a real-world
phenomenon that cannot be captured via the ontological constructs used in the evaluation for
ontological completeness.
Second, construct excess may mean hat a grammar contains a design construct for some
type of real-world phenomenon that is supposed to be outside the domain of discourse it
models. For example, logical data flow diagrams are supposed to model only the l o g i d aspects
of an information system. We interpret this objective to mean that logical data flow diagrams
model the representations that carry meaning in an information system and not the physical
components of the informationsystem. Yet an external terminator in a logical data flow diagram
stands for a physical thing - for example, a customer. In short, a logical data flow diagram is

'kevertheless. we predid that the desgners of a grammar choose their vanables so that each vanable represents some
type of real-world construct. In other words. designers ascnbe real-world meaning to the vanables they speafy
ontologicat expressiveness at IS grammars

Ontological Deslgn
constructs constructs
Figure 7. Ontological completeness with construct excess

providing a design construct to model something that is supposedly outside its domain of
Earlier we aigued that having multiple grammars to model different parts of the real world
can lead to inconsistencies and incompleteness in the scripts produced. Nevertheless, if the
designers of an ISAD grammar intend that it should model only some part of the real world,
they should at least ensure that the constructs they provide in the grammar represent only
those phenomena that fall within the domain of discourse covered by the grammar. Otherwise,
ontological clarity again suffers, and we predict that users will become confused about the
real-world meaning conveyed in the scripts generated via the grammar.lg
Third, construct excess may reflect confusion between constructs in the modelled domain
and constructs in the implemented information system. For example, consider the design
construct of message passing in grammars that generate object-oriented scripts (Coad 8
Yourdon, 1991). Message passing may be meaningful in object-oriented programming (imple-
menting the information system), but it is not meaningfulwhen modelling the real-world domain
(Parsons & Wand, 1991). For example, it is unlikely that we would conceive of a customer
placing an order by sending a message to a product! Clearly a message might be sent to a
salesperson, but the salesperson may not even be included in the application domain to be
modelled. In the context of Table 1, we should be concerned with representing the ontological
construct of coupling rather than the implementation construct of message passing. Again, we
predict that ontological clarity suffers when modelling (design) constructs and implementation
constructs are included in the one ISAD grammar.


The extent to which an ISAD grammar achieves ontological completeness and ontological
clarity is a measure of its expressive power. Accordingly, if two grammars each achieve the
same measure of ontologicalcompleteness and clarity, we deem them to be equally expressive.

'%deed. our experience is that new users of logical data flow diagrams are often confused about the difference between
a terminator that has both input and output data flows and a process.
Y. Wand & R. Weber

In the context of our representation model, both are capable of capturing the same set of
semantics about the real-world system being represented with the Same level of clarity.
Assuming that the ontological model used in an evaluation for completeness and clarity is
'valid', nothing can be done to improve a grammar's ontological clarity if it is deficient (short of
changing the grammar). If construct overload, redundancy or excess exists, the grammar must
be modified to add or delete design constructs and production rules. In effect, a new grammar
must be produced. For example, recall that a new construct was added to entity-relationship
grammars to represent the ontological notion of a class (the IS-A construct), thereby eliminating
one form of overload on the relationship construct. This new construct could not be generated
via existing production rules from existing constructs. Instead,it had to be added to the grammar.
However, a grammar that appears to be ontologically incomplete, may achieve complete-
ness through being extensible. If a grammar is extensible, constructs in the grammar can be
combined via production rules to form other constructs. For example, even if a grammar that
generates data flow diagrams has no variable to representthe ontological construct of an event,
it is extensible if it permits an input data flow, a process and an output data flow to be combined
to represent the ontological construct of an internal event and a terminator and an input data
flow to be combined to represent the ontological construct of an external event (see Table 1).
Having generated these new constructs, we might then name them so that we are mindful of
their ontological significance when we subsequently use the data flow diagram grammar to
model the real world - for example:

<evenb::=(<internal evenb)<extemal evenb)

<internal evenb::=(<data flow><process><dataflow>)
<external evenb::=(<terminator><dataflow>)

Therefore, because the data flow diagram grammar is extensible, we can create new
grammatical constructs that correspond to ontological constructs that are not covered by the
initial set of constructs defined in the grammar. From the viewpoint of ontological completeness,
we are indifferent as to whether the needed constructs are defined at the outset or defined
through extension. Indeed, in the interests of simplicity and flexibility, designers of grammars
have incentives to provide only the minimal set of defined constructs yet allow maximum
flexibility in construct creation through a few powerful production rules.
Unfortunately,the goals of expressive adequacy and simplicity are often in conflict. Addi-
tional constructs and production rules enhance expressive power at the cost of increased
complexity. Moreover, as Bailes et a/. (1992) point out, grammars may be equally expressive
but not equally extensible. Some grammars permit new constructs to be defined via declaration;
others require schemes of encoding and interpretation. It is generally believed that declarative
extension is easier to comprehend and use than interpretive extension. In this regard, the
example of an extension shown above for the ontological construct of an event should be easy
to comprehend and use because it has been defined declaratively. On the other hand, if an
event had to be defined via some procedural grammar, such as structured English, it will
supposedly be harder to comprehend and use.
Ontologjcai expressiveness of IS grammars

How an ISAD grammar achieves ontological completeness is therefore an important issue

in assessing how easily it can be used to represent real-world phenomena. If an ontological
construct is represented by a grammatical construct that is exceedingly complex (both syntac-
tically and semantically) because it has been defined through interpretive extension, the
'semantic power' of the grammatical construct may be undermined. In other words, some of
the real-world meaning of the construct may be lost because it is cognitively difficult for users
to understand. In short, designers of ISAD grammars not only must strive for ontological
completeness, they also must carefully evaluate how they will achieve ontological completeness
with the grammatical constructs and production rules they choose.20


In light of our analysis above, we are currently pursuing five research directions. First, to
facilitate the use of our representation model in evaluating the expressive power of an ISAD
grammar, we are seeking to describe it via a formal grammar. Second, we are continuing our
evaluation of existing ISAD methodologies to determine whether the facilities they provide to
describe existing and conceived real-world systems are ontologically complete and exhibit
construct clarity. Third, in light of our evaluations of the expressive power of existing ISAD
grammars, we are empirically testing our predictions about the strengths and weaknesses of
these grammars for representing real-world systems. Fourth, we are using our representation
model to predict which ISAD grammars are likely to work well together and which are likely to
produce conflicting and redundant descriptions of real-world phenomena. Fifth, we are seeking
to better understand the trade-offs that might be made between expressive power and simplicity
in an ISAD grammar.
In summary, we believe that our approach provides the rudiments of a theory that will allow
systematic design and appraisal of some important features of ISAD methodologies. In par-
ticular, we believe that we can begin to formally articulate the facilities that should be provided
by ISAD methodologies if they are to be capable of describing the real wodd in a clear,
straightfoward fashion. We are hopeful, therefore, that in due course these results will affect
how research on ISAD methodologies proceeds and how the design of ISAD methodologies
is undertaken.
Finally, we reiterate that we believe that the approach we advocate in this paper to the
evaluation of ISAD methodologies is general. While we have described the approach in the
context of Bunge's ontological model, clearly other ontologies might be used (e.g. Guha &
Lenat, 1990; Stamper, 1992). Indeed, we see substantial merit in conducting the evaluation
using different ontologies. Alternative views of the world may give us better insights into how
it should be modelled and what modelling capabilities should be provided by ISAD grammars.

%hen desgning grammars. dearly other issues must be considered. For example, what syntactical representations the
designer chooses for different constructs may affect how easrly the grammar can be learned and used. Moreover, aesthetics
mud be consldered when designing grammars that produce graphs (Ding 8 Mateti. 1999)
Y. Wand & R. Weber


With the usual caveat, we are indebted to participants in a workshop at the University of Alberta
and to Paul Bailes, Maria Orlowska, Keny Raymond, Roly Sussex, Janice Thomas and an
anonymous referee for helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. The research
described in this paper was supported in part by Canadian NSERC and SSHRC operatmg
grants and by grants from the Australian Research Council and GWA Ply. Ltd.


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Yalr Wand has a DSc in Operations Research (Technion,
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Israel) He has held positions at the Faculty of Management,
Stamper. R.K. (1992) Signs. organizations. normsand infor-
the University of Calgary, Canada, and the Faculty of In-
mation systems. In: Proceedings of the Third Australian
dustnal Engineering, Technion, Israel Presently, he IS on
Conference on lnformation Sysfems. MacGregor, R..
faculty at the Management lnformation Systems Division,
Clarke, R.. Little. S.. Gould. T. and Ang. A. (eds), pp.
Faculty of Commerce. the University of British Columbia
21-65. Universrty of Wollongong.
(Vancouver Canada) HIS research interests are modelling
Sudkamp. T.A. (1988) Languages and Machines: An lnfro-
of information systems and formal foundations of systems
dumon lo the Theory of Computer Snenm. Addison-
analysis and desgn
Wesley, Reading. England.
Ron Weber is GWA Professor of Commerce at the Uni-
Teorey. T.J , Yang. D 8 Fry J.P (1986) A logical design
versity of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia His primary re-
methodology for relational databases using the extended
search interests are in formal modelling of information
entlty-relationship model. ACM Compubng Surveys. 18,
systems, computer control and audit, and management of
the information systems function He is a Fellow of the
Wand, Y. 8 Weber, R. (1989a) An ontological analysis of
Australian Computer Soaety. a Fellow of the Australian
systems analysis and design methods. In: lnformabon
Soaety of Certified Pradising Accountants and a Past Pres-
Systems Concepts -An ln-Depth Analysis. Falkenberg.
dent of the Acmunting Assouation of Australia and New
E. and Lmdgreen, P. (eds), pp. 7S107. North-Holland,
Wand, Y. B Weber. R. (l989b) A model of control and audit
procedure change in ewlving data processing systems.
The Accounting Review, 64,87-107.

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