Modeling is a useful approach to describe aspects of a
system. Modeling is used as the basis for a simulation to describe some information about a system. Model can say so much more than words alone, because it helps to describe the parts of the system, and how they relate to each other. Such a model is often called a conceptual model, because it is intended to describe the concepts behind the system. Introduction
Conceptual models, by their nature, are designed for
people that are not already familiar with the system. A conceptual model is designed to give some insight into the system and how it might work. The conceptual model helps to describe the idea (concept) behind the system 1. What the system is intended to do, and 2. How it will be accomplished without letting the technical details get in the way. Conceptual Model
Two requirements for conceptual models:
1. They should be readable—and understandable—by humans. 2. The second is that they should describe the concept behind the system. The model should describe the different parts of the system, how they are connected, and what function they perform. Conceptual Model
Conceptual models may take the form of:
1. Textual descriptions: or specific information technology formats such as Extensible Markup Language (XML). 2. Graphical representation: specific image elements - such as shapes, connecting lines, specific layouts etc. - will each be used to convey some specific information about the system being described. Simple example of a conceptual model System Concepts
Conceptual models are described as a way to capture
and describe the concept behind a system. This might be a dynamic system— such as an engine, or a vehicle, or a processing plant. A Dynamic System is a collection of different parts that work together to transform some input into the system, into some output from the system. System Concepts – Examples of Dynamic Systems 1. An engine transforms energy of some form (fuel, electricity, etc.) into a different form of energy (such as mechanical work). 2. A vehicle can transform some input (batteries, engine output) into movement (the vehicle, as a system, accepts gasoline as an input, and then produces movement for the passengers and cargo). 3. A processing plant accepts some materials as input and produces some products as output. System Concepts – Examples of Static Systems 1. Human Organizations: they exist to do work, where each part (in relationship to some of the other parts) produces something useful. A useful conceptual model of a human organization could be as simple as an organization chart. It shows the different parts of the system (the different departments and working groups) and how they are connected. System Concepts – System Parts Types Three different types of parts: 1. Objects (the identifiable “things” that make up the system) 2. Processes (the operations that take time and involve change) 3. Relations (how these different parts are organized together in the system) System Concepts – Objects Mars Rover Example The rover itself is the system, and in the conceptual model of the system, objects might include: solar panels, power plants, wheels, sensors, robotic arms, and communicators. Each of these things does something different—they may be related to other objects, or may rely on those other objects for input, control, or output, but they each have their own individual purpose for being in the system. System Concepts – Processes Mars Rover Example The wheel assemblies together are responsible for the process of movement. The power plant is responsible for the process of turning electricity from the solar panels into potential energy for the wheel assemblies. And the solar panels are responsible for turning sunlight into electricity. Each of these is a process, and by identifying them in a conceptual model, the modeler helps to give the concept of the system in a clear and meaningful way. System Concepts – Processes
When a modeler considers processes, there are a
couple of features that the modeler should consider: 1. The name of the process, 2. What allows the process to begin, 3. What causes the process to end, and 4. The effect of the process. System Concepts – Processes Mars Rover Example The “electricity generation” process. (Name) The starting condition of that process is when there is sunlight on the solar panel. (beginning the process) The ending conditions of that process might be two different ones: First, when there is no longer any sunlight, and Second could be when the batteries are full. (Ending the process)
Finally, the effect of the process would be to generate
electricity. (effect of the process) System Concepts – Relations Mars Rover Example In the Mars rover, there is an object called the robotic arm. There is a relation between the power plant and the robotic arm, showing that generated power goes to the robotic arm. It might be useful to indicate on that relation, that the power only goes to the robotic arm when it is activated by some control. Conceptual Modeling Types Conceptual Modeling Types – Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ERD is a graphical model captures information about the various entities (objects) in a system, and then relates them to each other, with some definition given to the relationship. In addition, the model also has the ability to illustrate the parameters for each entity that give it definition. Conceptual Modeling Types – Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) The three basic elements that can be shown in an ERD are: 1. the Entity, which is illustrated by a rectangle, 2. The Attribute (used to describe what possible parameters an entity might have) which is illustrated by an oval in the diagram and connected to an entity by a line, and 3. The Relation, which describes the particular relation that exists between different entities, and is illustrated by a diamond on a connecting line between two entities. Conceptual Modeling Types – ERD – Mars Rover Example Conceptual Modeling Types – Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ERD is not suited for showing dynamic behavior, so while the relations might indicate a possibility for a process to occur, there is no specific provision for representing processes, the passage of time, or other dynamic aspects of the modeled system in action. The ERD exists to illustrate the conceptual entity types in a system, and how they relate to each other. ERD is frequently used as the basis for a relational data model. Example DHL prides itself on having up-to-date information on the processing and current location of each shipped item. To do this, DHL relies on a company-wide information system. Shipped items are the heart of the DHL product tracking information system. Shipped items can be characterized by item number (unique), weight, dimensions, insurance amount, destination, and final delivery date. Shipped items are received into the DHL system at a single retail center. Retail centers are characterized by their type, uniqueID, and address. Shipped items make their way to their destination via one or more standard DHL transportation events (i.e., flights, truck deliveries). These transportation events are characterized by a unique scheduleNumber, a type (e.g, flight, truck), and a deliveryRoute. Please create an Entity Relationship diagram that captures this information about the UPS system. Be certain to indicate identifiers and cardinality constraints. Conceptual Modeling Types – Use-Case Diagram A use-case diagram is a graphic model that is useful for describing the concepts of how a user will interact with a system. That interaction may be that the user is operating or enabling the system, or that the user is giving some information or resources to the system, or some other interaction. Conceptual Modeling Types – Use-Case Diagram The elements of a use-case diagram include the User (Actor) (which may represent a human user, or even some other system), which is represented in the system as a stick figure. The System is represented in a use-case diagram as a box, which contains a number of different ovals. The box is the boundary of the system, and it illustrates this by keeping the users outside the box, while all the ovals inside the box. Conceptual Modeling Types – Use-Case Diagram The Ovals represent certain actions, or processes, that the user becomes part of when they interact with the system. The ovals, representing processes, are sometimes connected to each other, representing the output of one process which may serve as the input to another process, or some other relationship. Finally, all of the process ovals, and sometimes the relations between them and also between the actors and the ovals, are labeled describing the Relationship. Conceptual Modeling Types – Use-Case Diagram – Mars Rover Example Example
Suppose we want to develop software for an alarm clock.
The clock shows the time of day. Using buttons, the user can set the hours and minutes fields individually, and choose between 12 and 24-hour display. It is possible to set one or two alarms. When an alarm fires, it will sound some noise. The user can turn it off, or choose to ’snooze’. If the user does not respond at all, the alarm will turn off itself after 2 minutes. ’Snoozing’ means to turn off the sound, but the alarm will fire again after some minutes of delay. This ’snoozing time’ is pre-adjustable. Identify the top-level functional requirement for the clock, and model it with a use case diagram. Problem A university registrar’s office maintains data about the following entities: courses, including number, title, credits, syllabus, and prerequisites; course offerings, including course number, year, semester, section number, instructor(s),timings, and classroom; students, including student-id, name, and program; and instructors, including identification number, name, department, and title. Further, the enrollment of students in courses and grades awarded to students in each course they are enrolled for must be appropriately modeled. Construct an E-R diagram for the registrar’s office. Dead line: 18 March 2023, will collect in The lecture Your answer in a HAND WRITTEN format with YOUR NAME AND YOUR MAJOR.