Quarterly Assessment 1
Quarterly Assessment 1
Quarterly Assessment 1
3. It is a shout out words or phrases that may boost the 12. In executing the complex routines of cheer
morale and confidence of a playing team and perform dance these must be prioritized. What are
better during a game. What is it? these two?
A. Yell B. Call C. Cheer D. Bravo A. Techniques and Safety
B. Precautions and Techniques
C. Approach and Strategies
4. Which of the following best describes CHEERDANCE?
D. Safety and Precautions
A. Cheer dance is a combination of cheer which means to
shout phrases and dance which pertains in performing bodily
movements usually matched with rhythm and time. 13. What refers to the utilization of several
B. Cheer dance is a physical activity that comprises of yells dance techniques such as contemporary
and structured routines for a competition. dance, jazz, modern dance, contemporary
C. Cheer dance is about helping on how to develop each ballet, ethnic or folk dance?
component of health-related fitness. A. Dance Styles B. Basic Gymnastic Skills
D. Cheer dance is a performance of a routine, usually C. Elements of Cheer D. Elements of Dance
dominated by gymnastic skills to lead the crowd to cheer for a
certain team during a game or sport. 14. What is the purpose of the yells and
cheers in performing cheer dance?
5. What refers to the skill, practice, or sport of executing A. It is design to fire down the excitement of the
gymnastic feats without the use of apparatus? crowd
A. Jumps B. Tumbling C. Stance D. Roll B. It encourages the performance to be dull
C. It gives extra energy and motivation to the
6. When you are having a hard time in executing simple crowd
gymnastic skills such as precision of arm and hand D. Its purpose is to give noise to the
movements, several jumps and stunts. What health related performance
component of cheer dance you need to develop?
15. Which of the following really helps to
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Flexibility
B. Coordination D. Strength Training develop each component of health-related
fitness leading to a more fit and active
7. Which of the following basic gymnastic skills under the lifestyle?
jump category entails whipping of the legs and feet A. Dance B. Cheer dance
C. Ballet D. Exercise
A. Execution B. Lift C. Landing D. Approach
“The first step to greatness is to be honest.”
- Samuel Johnson