Clone Wars Adventure

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separatist mining and production station has been PART 1: COMMUNICATIONS TOWER
found by Republic intelligence that looks to be a
A short trek along a river of lava brings the squad to the
valuable resource to their war e orts. A special
comm tower. There is some cover to the north that the
squad of Clone Troopers has been tasked with
Troopers can take to formulate their plan of attack. The
in ltrating the base and taking out the operations.
tower is guarded by two B1 Series Squads and three B2
Warning! If you will be playing in this adventure, read Series, B2-A droids. Once they have been dealt with the
no further. Troopers can enter the tower and begin the slicing and
data upload.
Tower Slicing and Upload
On the previously uncharted planet of Tresed Aval, the The task of slicing into the comm tower and uploading the
Separatists have built a mining and re nement facility to data takes 1 minute but the amount of progress each
harvest the planets resources for use in production of round can vary. Using a Slicer's kit, the following check
their droid army and other weaponry. results determine how much progress is made each
This is an adventure speci c for a squad of ve Clone round.
Troopers at level 6. Each player should use the Human
species and Clone background when building their DC Time of progress elapsed per round
character. Class selection can be up to you as DM but it's
<15 Fail to initiate, must retry next round
most fun to create builds that best t the theme of Clone
Troopers. At the end of the document is a page of 15 10 seconds completed
loadouts special to this adventure. Have each player 20 15 seconds completed
choose one in place of all other equipment selection.
Huge thanks to Drake Ryzer for creating these. 25 20 seconds completed
The adventure involves 3-4 parts or encounters -
Capturing the main communications tower, destroying A second Trooper, pro cient in Technology, may
the surface drilling rigs, and making it to the extraction provide help allowing advantage on these checks. A new
point. Unfortunately for the Troopers, their exit doesn't go check can be made each round to try and improve their
quite as planned and they must ght a certain General in progress time but it can also hinder them. Keep track of
a last bit of hope to escape. the time elapsed per their checks and once they hit 60
As a one-shot, the nal battle is likely to have a negative seconds they have completed the data upload.
outcome for the players. That is unless you are OK with
Defending the Tower
bending lore and allowing them to triumph.
While one or two Troopers work on slicing into the comm
Enemies used in the adventure highlighted in bold text
tower, the others will soon have company. An MTT will
can be found on under Scum & Villainy. Any
appear from the East and begin o oading a group of six
monsters not found on the website are included at the
B1 Series, B1-A droids each round. To help manage these
end of this adventure along with maps and other
new combatants, have the droids act on the same turn in
THE BRIEFING AND DROP The droids will stop deploying when the comm tower
slicing has completed. From here the Trooper squad can
The Clone Trooper squad has been assembled and
now make their way to the surface drilling rigs. Depending
receive their orders by command. The accompanying
on how the squad is looking, this is an opportunity for a
satellite scan (see attached map #1) shows the targets of
short rest while the bombing run makes it's way to take
their mission.
out the re ning facility.
The troopers will be dropped at point Aurek and will
need to make their way to point Besh to secure and hold PART 2: SURFACE DRILLING RIGS
the communications tower. With the tower secure, the
From the communications tower, the squad will travel
Troopers will need to slice into the system and upload
North West to points Cresh to nd the two surface drilling
location data of the re ning facility at point Dorn so the
rigs. There is a small group of 4-5 B1 Series, B1-A droids
bombing squad can coordinate their attack run.
standing guard at each drill. Once those threats are
From there, the Troopers will head to points Cresh to
eliminated it's time to deactivate or destroy the drills.
take out two surface drilling rigs. With the drills destroyed
Each drilling rig is set up with a magnetic eld that
and the bombing run complete, it's time for the squad to
extends in a 10 - 15 foot radius from the center of the
rendezvous at point Esk for extraction.
structure. The area is di cult terrain, any attack rolls of
Once briefed, the squad will be transported to the drop
ranged weapon attacks which deal kinetic, energy, or ion
zone to begin their mission. Remind them that Separatist
damage have disadvantage if the attacks pass in or out of
droids will likely be guarding the area and to keep their
the eld, and communications equipment cannot
eyes open and minds sharp.
communicate into or out of the eld.
Any Trooper that steps into the eld must make a
Strength Save DC 15 or loose their weapons as they are
pulled to the magnetized structure.
The magnetic eld can be shut o by a small control CONCLUSION
located at the top of the drilling rig, 20 feet up. Once that
is done, the Troopers can use whatever means necessary Did the Troopers defeat Grievous and make a daring
to destroy the drilling rig. Each rig has 50HP. escape? Or did they go down ghting as honorable
members of the Grand Army of the Republic?
With the drilling rigs destroyed and the bombing run
completed, the Clone Troopers can now make their way With some tweaks here and there, this adventure can
to point Esk for extraction. If you want to throw a little bit easily be inserted into a Clone Wars campaign. Perhaps as
more at them before the nal ght, you can do so here. A a jumping o point of the elite squad that then follows
group of B1 Series, B1-A droids and B2 Series, B2-A their ongoing special missions. If they make if o planet,
droids will give them one nal challenge before they head maybe their initial desertion has left a very bad taste
o the planet. towards the GAR and a they carry out a life of rogue
And now the twist. Once they have reached Esk and Troopers or hired guns.
eliminated any further threats, they should be sending a
comm for pick-up. The voice on the other end struggles to THANK YOU
hide the bad news. With the mission completed, We appreciate having you as a supporter of all of the
leadership tallied it's losses and determined that an Dungeon Jedi Masters content we produce. We hope this
escorted extraction would not be worth the highly module is useful at your table and inspires many more
probably loss in resources given the heavy Separtist adventures to come.
starship resistance.
All hope is not lost, however. A Wisdom (Perception) May the Force be with you!
check DC 10 reveals a CIS Transport North East of their — Todd & Tegan, Dungeon Jedi Masters
current position, resting on a small outcropping over
another river of lava.


As the Troopers make their way to the transport and
come within 30 - 40 feet, a pair of Destroyer Droids roll
out of the ship.
But wait, there's more. After a couple rounds with the
destroyer droids, the Troopers are honored with the
presence of a frightening cyborg, General Grievous (stat
block below). The General was visiting Tresed Aval to
inspect the progress of the facility. He will come out of the
ship and join the combat, all the while proclaiming his
disappointment that no Jedi accompanied the Clones
giving him an opportunity to add another lightsaber to his
This adventure was originally designed to have the
Clones ght to the death unless they did something very
creative and courageous. How things play out is up to
you. Grievous can hit hard but is squishy himself and if
the Clones concentrate on him there is a good chance
they can put him down. If the Troopers succeed they can
take the transport ship and get o planet.
Per his Cowardice feature, Grievous will make a run for
his ship if he gets too low on health. If he's able to get
away, you can have a troop transport ship show up last
minute to complete the extraction.
Medium humanoid (kaleesh) , neutral dark Slam. Melee Weapon Attack.+11 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 12 (1d6+9) kinetic damage.
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 133 (11d8+22) Heavy Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack. +8 to
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft. hit, range 40/160 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3)
energy damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Crush Them!. Grievous can direct one of its allies to
strike. When it does so, it chooses an ally within 30
23 (+6) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
feet who can see or hear it. That ally can
Saving Throws Str +11, Dex +8, Con +7 immediately use its reaction to make one weapon
Skills Athletics +11, Intimidation +5, Perception +5, attack.
Stealth +8 Frightful Presence. Choose any number of
Damage Vulnerabilities ion characters within 80 feet. Creatures of Grievous's
Damage Resistances energy, kinetic, necrotic, poison, choice within 80 feet of it must make a DC 18
psychic Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of
Condition Immunities poisoned Grievous for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Languages Galactic Basic, Huttese, Kaleesh, Nemodian the e ect on itself on a success. If a creature's
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) saving throw is successful or the e ect ends for it,
the creature is immune to this ability for the next
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Grievous fails a 24 hours.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Whirling Advance. Whirling his blades, Grievous
Jedi Slayer. Grievous has advantage on saving advances with a shield of sparks and light. Choose
throws against force powers cast by enemies a creature within 30 feet to make a DC 18
within 5 feet of it. When Grievous damages an Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the target
enemy character, they have disadvantage on creature is pushed 10 feet away and Grievous
Concentration saving throws to maintain their moves into the space the target creature
force powers. previously occupied. This movement does not
provoke opportunity attacks. Additionally,
Wrathful Combatant. Grievous's melee attacks deal Grievous has advantage on his next attack against
+3 damage (included in the attack). Additionally, the target creature. On a success, Grievous moves
Grievous has advantage on all Strength checks and into a square adjacent to the target. Opportunity
saving throws as long as he is not incapacitated. attacks made against Grievous that are triggered
Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). by this move have disadvantage.
When Grievous is reduced to 0 hit points, it is REACTIONS
reduced to 1 hit point instead. Parry. When Grievous is hit by a creature while he
Reckless. At the start of its turn, Grievous can gain is wielding one or more melee weapons, Grievous
advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during can use its reaction to reduce the damage taken
that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage by 20 (1d10+15). If the damage is reduced to 0,
until the start of its next turn. Grievous can make a Lightsaber attack against the
attacker as part of this reaction.
More Machine than Man. Grievous has
disadvantage on saving throws against e ects that Jedi Slayer. When a creature within 5 feet of
would deal ion or lightning damage. Grievous casts a force power, Grievous use its
Cowardice. While Grievous has less than half its hit reaction to make a melee attack against that
points remaining, it can take the Dash or creature.
Disengage actions as a Bonus action on each of its LEGENDARY ACTIONS
turns. Additionally, it has advantage on all Grievous can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Dexterity (Stealth) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) from the options below. Only one legendary action
checks. option can be used at a time and only at the end
ACTIONS of another creature's turn. Grievous regains spent
Multiattack. On each of his turns, Grievous can use legendary actions at the start of its turn.
one of Crush Them!, Frightful Presence, or
Weapon Attack. Grievous makes one Lightsaber,
Whirling Advance and then make two Slam,
Slam, or Heavy Blaster Pistol attack.
Lightsaber, or Heavy Blaster Pistol attacks; or he
may make four Slam, Lightsaber, or Heavy Blaster Move. Grievous can move up to its movement
Pistol attacks. speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack. +11 to hit, reach Advanced Cybernetic Actions (Costs 2 Actions).
5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8+9) energy damage. Grievous can use either its Whirling Advance or
Crush Them! actions.
The Clone troopers of The Grand Army of the Republic Clone trooper medics were equipped to diagnose and
utilized many roles during the Clone Wars. treat wounded soldiers.
All included names ("DC-15a" for example) are merely
avor, the name after is the actual weapon. Any class that Primary Weapon: "DC-15s" blaster carbine and ve
requires use of an item, like a Wristpad for techcasters, power cells
gets one as part of their equipment. Additionally, all Secondary Weapon: (a) "DC-15s" light pistol or (b) one
troopers get the following items: "DC-17" blaster pistol, and a power cell and one
Helmet with incorporated headcomm, two glowrods, a Armor: (a) ber armor or (b) weave armor.
bandolier ( avored as utility belt), grappling hook, two Explosives: one ash grenade and one ion grenade.
days of rations, trauma kit, one medpac, and one set of Medic utility: two trauma kits, three medpacs and a
either a demolitions kit, security kit, or slicer's kit. tool you are pro cient in.
Premium Item: two ne medpacs and a ne armor
chassis (of the type chosen above) with the avoidant
The front-line soldier of the Grand Army of the Republic.
reinforcement and optimized actuators mark I mods.
Primary Weapon: (a) "DC-15s" blaster carbine or (b)
"DC-15a" blaster ri e and ve power cells
Clone troopers developed to o er concentrated repower
Secondary Weapon: (a) "DC-15s" light pistol and a
using grenades.
power cell or (b) two vibrodaggers
Armor: (a) ber armor or (b) weave armor Primary Weapon: (a) "DC-15a" blaster carbine and
Explosives: two fragmentation grenades, one ion three power cells.
grenade, and one thermal detonator Secondary Weapon: grenade launcher.
Trooper utility: a tool you are pro cient in. Armor: (a) ber armor or (b) weave armor.
Premium Item: ne weapon chassis (of the primary Explosives: two fragmentation grenades, two thermal
weapon type chosen above) with the accuracy focus detonators, and one breaching charge.
mark II, ne amplifying barrel, and rapid core mods. Premium Item: two average fragmentation grenades,
two average ion grenade and a ne grenade launcher
chassis with the Fine Expanded Magazine mod.
"There are some o cers on the way, so I want everything
squared away for inspection." Sharpshooter
Clone sharpshooters received special ash training,
Primary Weapon: (a) "DC-15" blaster ri e or (b) two
teaching them the intricacies of being good snipers.
"DC-17" blaster pistols, and six power cells
Secondary Weapon: (a) hold-out pistol and a power Primary Weapon: "DC-15x" sniper ri e and ten power
cell, or (b) one techblade cells.
Armor: (a) ber armor or (b) weave armor. Secondary Weapon: (a) hold-out pistol and a power cell
Explosives: two fragmentation grenades, two grenade. or (b) two vibrodaggers.
O cer utility: one medpac, a holocomm, and a tool Armor: (a) ber armor or (b) weave armor.
you are pro cient in. Explosives: two fragmentation grenades and one ash
Premium Item: ne armor chassis (of the type chosen grenade.
above) with the darkvision visor and regulated Sniper Utility: comm jammer, macrobinoculars.
reinforcement mods. Premium Item: ne sniper ri e chassis with the
accuracy focus mark II, dire core, and recoil dampener
Heavy Gunner
"Send the Heavy Gunner in rst—he has better armor and
more repower." Spec Ops
Trained to move quickly and quietly and detect enemies
Primary Weapon: "Z-6" assault cannon and ten power
at a distance.
Secondary Weapon: (a) hold-out pistol and a power cell Primary Weapon: (a) "DC-15a" blaster carbine and ve
or (b) two vibrodaggers. power cells or (b) a vibrorapier.
Armor: (a) weave armor, (b) composite armor, and a Secondary Weapon: (a) two "DC-15s" light pistols and
light shield. two power cells or (b) two techblades, and two
Explosives: one fragmentation grenades and one ion vibrodaggers.
grenade. Armor: ber armor.
Heavy Gunner Utility: bandolier and 5 power cells. Explosives: three ash grenades, two ion grenade.
Premium Item: ne armor chassis (of the type chosen Spec Ops utility: comm jammer, pocket scrambler, two
above) with the bonded plates mark II, ne reinforced tools you are pro cient in.
underlay, and bioenhancement matrix mark I mods. Premium Item: ne armor chassis (of the type chosen
above) with the obscured armoring and agile
reinforcement mods.
Briefing satellite scan with objective points

Tresed Aval layout

Links to Resources
Satellite Image

Battle Map 90x45

Map Assets by Peter Thompson

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