Planet Fall
Planet Fall
Planet Fall
First Turn: The attackers get the first turn and must use it to move on to the table from their table edge. Special Rules: The attacking forces intend to make planet fall, dropping troops or supplies in reinforcement of ground troops. To do so a ship must spend a whole turn in low orbit of the planet (within 2cm). For every turn a ship spends in low orbit doing nothing the attacker gains a point (see victory conditions). A ship can only spend one turn in contact with the planet per hit point. Ships with attack craft may still deploy the attack craft during planet fall or may instead gain one extra point. Game Length: The game lasts for 8 turns at which point the attackers automatically break off or until one of the fleets is totally destroyed. Victory Conditions: Normal victory points do not apply. Instead the imperial side gains one point at the end of the game for every ship that is at half hit points or above and 1 point for every enemy vessel crippled of destroyed. The attacking side gain points as detailed in the special rules section, they also gain a point for every imperial vessel destroyed or crippled.