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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 5083 (1988): Knifing stopper [CHD 20: Paints, Varnishes

and Related Products]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS : 5083 - 1988

Indian Standard
(Second Revision )

UDC 667.38.42

© Copyright 1988


NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 2 October 1988
( Second Revision )
[ Page 2, Table 1, Sl No. (i) ] — Delete and renumber the subsequent serial
number accordingly.

( CHD 20 )

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

( Second Revision )
( Title, cover page ) — Substitute the following for the existing and
subsequently wherever it appears:
( Second Revision )'
(CHD 031)
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
( Second Re vision )

( Page 2, clause 3.9, lines 3 and 4 ) — Substitute 'not less than 10 minutes
and not more than 45 minutes' for 'not less than 10 minutes and not more than 20

( CHD 031 )
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
IS : 5083 - 1988

Indian Standard
(Second Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was 0.3 This standard was first published in 1969
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on In the first revision, the requirements for dents
30 March 1988, after the draft finalized by the in the determination of stopping properties had
Paints and Allied Products Sectional Committee been improved and drying schedule of the
had been approved by the Chemical Division material modified. The requirement for wateT
Council content had also been modified Jn the second
revision, the drying time requirements have been
0.2 As part of the painting schedule for finishing suitably modified to remove ambiguity Consis-
rail coaches, manufacturers indent paste filler for tency clause has also been modified to specify
colour coats ( see IS 110-1983*) With the the width of knife and determination of stopping
advent of welded integral coaches, the use of a properties, and a method of test for assessing
knifing stopper was keenly felt in the painting the adhesion of the material to the primer and
schedule for filling up dents and uneven spots to the subsequent coats and within the different
and surface imperfections, and this standard coats of the material has been added
was drawn up in consultation with rail coach
manufacturers and embodies the accumulated
experience in the supply of the material by 0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a parti-
manufacturers and users As the performance of cular requirement of this standard is complied
the material is dependent on the painting system with, the final value, observed or calculated,
and schedule of which it forms a part, for proper expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be
evaluation of the material, the test schedule rounded off in accordance with IS 2-1960*
should simulate the one to be followed in actual The number of significant places retained in the
use ( see also Appendix D ). rounded off value should be the same as that of
the specified value in this standard
*Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey
filler, for enamels, for use over primers ( second revision ) *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).

1. SCOPE 3.3 Consistency — The material shall be suitable

for application by a knife of about 30 cm width
1.1 This standard prescribes requirements, and and produce a smooth and uniform surface. It
methods of sampling and test for knifing stopper. should be capable of being drawn smoothly with
This material is used for filling up dents and knife for about 125 cm length at a stretch for air-
uneven spots, in conjunction with other materials drying synthetic system
This material constitutes a part of the painting
schedule for rail coaches.
3.4 The material shall be compatible with
2. TERMINOLOGY petroleum hydrocarbon solvent 145/205 ( low
aromatic ) ( see IS 1745-1978*)
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the defini-
tions given in IS : 1303-1983* shall apply. 3.5 Stopping Properties — The material shall
pass the test as prescribed in Appendix A
3.6 Rubbing Properties — The material shall
3.1 F o r m and Condition — The material shall pass the test as prescribed in Appendix B.
be homogeneous soft paste and shall be free from
grit and other visible impurities. 3.7 Hold-Out Properties — The material shall
pass the test as prescribed in Appendix C.
3.2 Composition — The material shall be of
such composition as to comply with the require- 3.8 Adhesion and Compatibility in Paint
ments of this standard. System — The material shall have good adhesion

*Glossary of terms relating to paints ( second revision ). *Specification for petroleum hydrocarbon solvent
( second revision ).

IS : 5083 - 1988

to grey filler ( see IS : 110-1983*) and shall be c) Mass of the material; and
compatible with paint system given in d) Month and year of manufacture.
Appendix D.
4.2.1 The containers may also be marked with
3.9 Drying T i m e — The film of the material the Standard Mark.
applied to a dry film thickness of 275 micron in
one coat shall become surface-dry in not less than NOTE — The use of the Standard Mark is governed
by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards
10 minutes and not more than 20 minutes, and Act 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made
hard dry (suitable for application of second thereunder. The Standard Mark on products
c o a t ) in not more than 8 hours, subject to the covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance
material being satisfactory for application as that they have been produced to comply with the
requirements of that standard under a well defined
given in 3.3. system of inspection, testing and quality control which
is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
3.10 The material shall also comply with the producer. Standard marked products are also
requirements given in Table 1. continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that
standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions
under which a licence for the use of the standard
mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers
SL M E T H O D OF may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
TO CL N o . IN
IS : 101-1964* )
(1) (2) (3) (4) 5.1 Representative samples of the material shall
i) Water content, be drawn as prescribed in IS : 101 ( Part 1/Sec 1 )-
percent by mass, 1 0 14 1986*.
II) Keeping properties N o t less than 31 6. TEST METHODS
6 months
* M e t h o d s of test for ready mixed paints and enamels
6.1 Tests shall be conducted as prescribed in
( second revision ) IS : 10l-1964† and Appendices A to D. Refe-
rences to IS : 101-1964‡ are given is col 4 of
4. PACKING AND MARKING Table 1 and to appendices in 3.5 to 3.8.

4.1 Packing — The material shall be packed as 6.2 Quality of Reagents — Unless specified
agreed to between the purchaser and the otherwise, pure chemicals and distilled water
supplier. ( see IS : 1070-1977‡ ) shall be employed in tests.
NOTE — Pure chemicals shall mean chemicals that
4.2 Marking — The containers shall be marked do not contain impurities which affect the results of
with the following: analysis.
a) Name of the material; *Methods of sampling and test for paints, varnishes
b) Manufacturer's name and trade-mark, if and related products : Part 1 Test on liquid paints
any; ( general and physical ), Section 1 Sampling.
†Methods of test for ready mixed paints and enamels.
*Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey ‡Specification for water for general laboratory use
filler, for enamels, for use over primers ( second revision ). ( second revision ).

( Clause 3.5 )

A-0. GENERAL of about 3 mm diameter and 1 mm deep. The

A-0.1 Outline of the Method — A mild steel dents shall be so made that they are 50 mm away
from the sides of the panel and 50 mm apart
panel is dented with a specified number of dents from one another. Roughen the panel with
and then coated with primer and knifing stopper. emery paper No. 180. Wipe this with petroleum
It is then suitably examined at the dents for hydrocarbon solvent, 145/205 ( low aromatic )
satisfactory stopping properties. ( see IS : 1745-1978* ) and allow to dry. Apply
A-1.1 Dent a 300×150×0.900 mm mild steel *Specification for petroleum hydrocarbon solvents
panel with blunt iron ball hammer with 10 dents ( second revision ).

IS : 5083 - 1988

a coat of red oxide-zinc chromate primer ( see material to a thickness of 1 000 microns (wet
IS : 2074-1979* ) and allow to air-dry for 18 film thickness ). Keep the panel vertical.
hours. Over this, make one application of the A-l.1.1 The material shall be deemed to have
passed the test if there is no sagging, shows no
*Specification for ready mixed paints, red oxide-zinc signs of crack and pinholes or appreciable shrink-
chrome, priming (first revision ). age when observed 18 hours after application.

( Clause 36 )
B-0. GENERAL apply one coat of the material to give a dry film
thickness of not less then 0.30 mm. Allow this
B-0.1 Outline of the Method — The material to dry for 12 hours under normal laboratory
in a specified film thickness is applied on a drying conditions.
surface prepared by coating with red oxide-zinc
chromate primer. This film is then tested for its B-1.2 The film prepared as above shall be
rubbing properties by rubbing with wet abrasive suitable for wet rubbing down with No. 220
paper. waterproof abrasive paper without any clogging
of the paper. Eight rubs under moderate
B-1. PROCEDURE pressure should not remove the material to an
extent as to expose the under surface. After
B-1.1 Brush on a mild steel panel, one coat of rubbing down, the surface shall not show defects
red oxide-zinc chromate primer (see IS : 2074- like roughness, scratches, cracks, pinholes, etc.
1979* ) and allow to dry for 18 hours under These characteristics shall be compared with the
laboratory drying conditions. Using putty knife, registered sample which shall be submitted before
bulk supply. Minor pinholes or scratches which
*Specification for ready mixed paints, red oxide-zinc will duly be filled by the subsequent coat of
chrome, priming (first revision ). filler, shall not be the cause for rejection.

( Clause 3.7 )
C-0. GENERAL 4 applications of the material after an interval of
12 hours between the applications in order to
C-0.1 Outline of the Method — The film give a total film thickness of 1.25 mm. Allow
prepared, as for test under Appendix A, is wet the final coat of the material to dry for 12 hours
rubbed with abrasive paper and a coat of grey and wet rub with No. 180 to 220 abrasive paper.
ready mixed filler brushed on it. The coat of the Wipe off and allow the coat to dry free from
ready mixed filler is wet rubbed and a coat of water. Brush on a coat of grey ready mixed
finishing enamel applied on it, and the film is filler ( conforming to IS : 110-1983* ) and allow
then observed for uniformity and absorption. to dry for 18 hours. Wet rub with No. 280
emery paper, wipe off and allow to dry free from
C-1. PROCEDURE water. Apply one coat of finishing enamel
( see IS : 2932-1974† ) and allow to dry for 12
C-1.1 Prepare a 300 × 150 × 0.900 mm mild steel hours.
panel and roughen it with emery paper. Wipe
this with petroleum hydrocarbon solvent 145/205 C-1.1.1 The material shall be deemed to have
( low aromatic ) and allow to dry. Apply one passed the test if the finish is uniform and shows
coat of red oxide-zinc chromate primer ( see IS : equal absorption all over.
2074-1979* ) and allow to air-dry for 18 hours.
Brush one coat of grey filler ( see IS : 110-1983† ) N O T E — For the purpose of testing, all the materials
and allow to dry for 18 hours. Over this, make shall be from the same source.

*Specification for ready mixed paints, red oxide-zinc *Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey
chrome, priming (first revision ). filler, for enamels, for use over primers ( second revision ).
†Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey †Specification for enamel, synthetic exerior ( a ) under-
filler, for enamels, for use over primers ( second revision ). coating ; (b) finishing (first revision ).

IS : 5083 - 1988

( Clauses 0 2 and 3.8 )
D-0. GENERAL f) Brush one coat of grey filler (see IS : 110-
D-0.1 This method is used to establish whether 1983* ) and allow to dry for 18 hours;
the adhesion of a coating to a substrate is at a g) Wet rub the filler with No. 240 or 280
generally adequate level This does not dist- waterproof abrasive and brush one coat
inguish between higher levels of adhesion for of undercoating of gulf red colour (see
which more sophisticated methods of measure- IS : 2932-1974† ) and allow to dry for 12
ment are required. hours. Rub down with waterproof emery
paper No. 320;
h) Brush one coat of gulf red synthetic
D-1.1 Cutting Tool — Sharp razor blade, enamel, finishing ( see IS : 2932-1974† )
scalpel, knife or other cutting devices. It is of and allow to dry for 18 hours before
particular importancc that the cutting edges be assessing the performance.
in good condition.
D-1.2 Cutting Guide — Steel or other hard
metal straightedge to ensure straight cuts. D-3.1 Select an area free of blemishes and minor
D-1.3 Tape — 25 mm wide, semitransparent surface imperfections.
pressure-sensitive tape with an adhesion strength D-3.2 Make two cuts in the film each about 40
of 44 6 ± 2.8 g/mm width. The backing of the mm long that intersect near their middle with an
tape may consist of fibre-reinforced cellulose angle between 30 and 45°. When making the
acetate, unplasticized ( poly vinyl chloride ) or incisions, use the straightedge and cut through
polyester film the coating to substrate in one steady motion.
D-1.4 Rubber Eraser — on the end of a D-3.3 Inspect the incisions for reflection of light
from the metal substrate to establish that the
pencil coating film has been penetrated. If the subs-
D-1.5 Illumination — A light source is helpful trate has not been reached make another cross
in determining whether the cuts have been made in a different location. Do not attempt to
through the film to the substrate. deepen a previous cut as this may affect adhesion
along the incision
D-3.4 Remove two complete laps of the pressure-
D-2.1 A paint system shall be prepared as sensitive tape from the roll and discard. Remove
described below: an additional length at a steady ( that is, not
a) Clean the surface either by shot or grit jerked ) rate and cut a piece about 75 mm long.
blast, by phosphating or by any appro- D-3.5 Place the center of the tape at the inter-
priate chemical treatment; section of the cuts with the tape running in the
b) Brush immediately one coat of red oxide- same direction as the smaller angles. Smooth
zinc chromate primer ( see IS . 2074- the tape into place by finger in the area of the
1979* ) and allow to dry for at least 18 incisions and then rub firmly with the eraser on
hours. Rub down with waterproof emery the end of a pencil. The colour under the trans-
paper No. 220. parent tape is a useful indication of when good
c) Brush one coat of grey filler ( see IS : 110- contact has been made.
1983† ) and allow to dry for at least 12 D-3.6 Within 9 0 ± 3 0 s of application, remove
hours; the tape by seizing the free end and pulling it off
d) Give 4 applications of the material, each rapidly ( not jerked ) back upon itself at as close
application having a thickness of 0 250 to to an angle of 180° as possible.
0 40 mm of dry film at an interval of 12 D-3.7 Repeat the test in two other locations on
hours between the applications. The over- each test panel.
all film thickness of 4 applications shall D-3.8 The material shall be deemed to have
be about 1 25 mm, sufficient to take care passed the test if the stopper layer has a good
of undulations and dents noticed in the adhesion over filler coat. Failure of adhesion
sheet metal work. Allow the final coat to between primer coat to metal surface, filler to
dry for 24 hours; primer coat or finish coat to fillers coat should
e) Wet rub the surface with No. 220 abrasive not be the cause for rejection of stopper. Exami-
paper; nation of failure should be confined to the
stopper and filler interphase.
*Specification for ready mixed paint, air drying, red *Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey
oxide-zinc chrome, priming (first revision ). filler, for enamels for use over primers ( second revision ).
†Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey †Specification for enamel, synthetic, exterior
filler, for enamels for use over primers ( second revision ). (a) undercoating, (b) finishing (first revision ).



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