GNU Radio Based Testbed (GRaTe-BED)

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Acta Universitatis Sapientiae

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, 8 (2016) 5-18

DOI: 10.1515/auseme-2017-0001

GNU Radio Based Testbed (GRaTe-BED)

for Evaluating the Communication Link
of Unmanned Aerial Systems
András SZABÓ
Department of IT, Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training,
National University of Public Service, Budapest,

Manuscript received October 15, 2016; revised December 15, 2016

Abstract: UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) are commonly used in 3D (dull, dirty
and dangerous) missions, because these are not endangering the operators life, while
reduce maintenance costs and increase maneuvering capabilities. Despite of these
advantages we should consider the possible vulnerabilities of this technology as well.
Unmanned vehicles can be controlled via direct communication link, or they can work
in a preprogrammed mode. Usually the preprogrammed mode is based on radio
navigation systems, so we can draw a conclusion that both depend on the RF
environment. In this paper I analyze a possibility to effectively evaluate the
communication link of an UAS. Developers have to consider several key factors (type
of operation, endurance, payload type and size, propulsion, communication link, etc.)
during the development process. They are also responsible that the final product meets
the predefined requirements. On the other side commercial UAS owners should have a
possibility to compare and evaluate the UAS before the acquisition. Finally, operators
and frequency management entities need tools to diagnose the possible sources of
interference regarding the unmanned vehicles. To understand the consequences of
interference in the RF spectrum we have to be able to measure the quality of the
communication link in different usage scenarios. In my research I evaluate the usage of
SDRs (Software Defined Radios) in RF Test and Evaluation processes. After analyzing
the possibilities for a flexible testbed, I demonstrate the usability with some
measurements in the GNU Radio signal processing framework.

Keywords: UAS, SDR, RF, Test & Evaluation, USRP, GNU Radio.

1. Introduction
There are multiple names for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) like drone,
remotely operated aircraft (ROA), remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), remotely
piloted vehicle (RPV), and autonomous aerial vehicle. The innovations of the
6 A. Szabó

last few years let this technology become so popular today. For hobbies through
commercial and governmental entities all the way up to the military.
The driving force behind this technology was originally the military,
similarly to other inventions in the field of telecommunication and computer
science. This technology is getting into our everyday life so suddenly and
drastically, like the Internet and the mobile communication several years ago.
Those caused major changes in the economy, scientific world, culture,
education and most importantly transformed our social life. The question is
what these unmanned devices will cause in the history of mankind. The global
term for these devices is Cyber-Physical Systems, which describe the fact that
they exist and act in both dimensions. The technical and legal backgrounds
haven't been established yet, as it is still an emerging technology.
From the security perspective the drones are rising threats and unused
opportunities in the same time. We have heard notable cases (drone crashes1 2,
jamming incident3, counter operations in conflicts4 5, football hooliganism6,
drug smuggling7) in the news which prove that unaware hobbyist, criminals,
malicious users and even state-actors recognized the possibilities of this

2. Background and motivation

The before mentioned threats have to be addressed with proper counter-
measures. We have to consider the possible counter UAS techniques, and also
the usable defense mechanisms. While putting together the elements of the
threat model, we have to consider the basic requirements of the UAS as well as
the possible exploitation methods.
The duality of this technology is represented by the fact that we have to
encounter jamming [1] or dazzling attack8 against the UAS sensors [2], [3] or
attackers can disturb public event using drones (fly over with a political interest1, 6
or endangering the public (several drones crashed in crowded public space like
stadiums9). So we have to be prepared for the offensive and defensive operations

like pilots have blinded by lasers or other light source
GRaTe-BED for Evaluating the Communication Link of Unmanned Aerial Systems 7

too. It is quite contradictory, that micro UAS are publicly available for a low
price, but security of the used communication standards, and the possible counter-
UAS techniques are not well known. Law enforcement and security agencies
need counter-UAS techniques [4], which are still available on the market
(solutions for detecting10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and for detecting and countering15, 16. These
governmental entities are in a difficult position because these countermeasures
usually haven’t been inspected by independent test facilities and the results aren’t
available publicly (which is understandable regarding the sensitive nature of these
countermeasures). Both the effectiveness and the limits have to be analyzed to
ensure proper counter-UAS capability and to minimize unneeded interference
with legitimate spectrum users (to decrease the footprint of the equipment only to
that location which has to be secured). Test procedures have to be defined and
made publicly available to standardize the requirements. It is also a challenge to
navigate in the field of UAS technology, where there are multiple companies on
the drone market with wide portfolio, several frequency ranges (usually 72 MHz,
433 MHz, 915 MHz, 2,4 GHz for control 900 MHz, 1,2 GHz, 2,4 GHz or 5,8
GHz for payload communication), and different protocols (Wifi, 3DR, MAVlink,
etc.) for the control channel. In [5] researchers highlighted the lack of
standardized protocols for civil UAS control communication. So we have to
evaluate devices with different kind of RF parameters, and various proprietary, or
open source upper layer protocols.

3. Objectives and Scope of the Research

In this paper I will investigate the possibilities to evaluate the communi-
cation systems of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). As highlighted by several
researches, the communication link [6], [7] is vital for the future UAS
development and deployments of unmanned systems. Engineers meet a
challenge when trying to analyze the different open source (like MAVlink17, 18])

ARRIER DSR-200 Drone Surveillance Radar
Army Tests New Acoustic Threat Detection System
Domestic Drone Countermeasures
Anti-UAV Defence System (AUDS)
Falcon Shield
MAVLink micro air vehicle marshalling / communication library
MAVLINK Common Message Set
8 A. Szabó

and closed-source UAS communication protocols. Nowadays the possibility

offered by SDR is adequate choice for RF test and evaluation (T&E) facilities.
SDR can speed up the measurement and validation process, and also migrate the
bulk of the physical measurements to simulation, emulation (only essential field
tests are done in the real world) [8]. SDRs already facilitate the integrating
simulations to the real-word RF measurements. Subsystems or essential
components can be simulated in frameworks like the open-source GNU Radio
(or commercial tools like Labview and Matlab) and access the RF world with
tools such as ETTUS research's USRP SDR family.
New opportunities, like measurement devices organized and controlled in a
distributed network will increase the reliability of the measurement results.
Device-to-device communication enabled us to automatize, synchronize and
fusion different measurements (like measuring wind, temperature, humidity and
other weather condition while sensing the RF spectrum and validating the
position of the Device Under Test - DUT).
In my research I highlight these possibilities and proof them with a GNU
radio based concept. My research was aiming to achieve the following goals:
Design an integrated testbed for RF interference and jamming measurements,
Implement a network centric measurement capability, Create a flexible,
scenario drive testbed (Fig. 1), Create the SWOT analysis (Strengths and
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of this approach.

4. Previous Work
UAS technology is a hot research topic nowadays, there are several
publications related to my field of interest. In [9], [10] authors highlighted the
importance of robust communication between the UAV and the ground control
station, which means that we have to test these UA in a possible not-
cooperative/hostile EM environment (to be prepared to the unintentionally
hazardous or hostile situations) and also develop suitable response to aerial
terrorist attacks (especially which conducted with commercial UAS [10]. In
spite of the high proliferation of mini UAV systems, there are only a few
recommendations about testing the DUT as a hardware in the loop [11],
evaluate its communication [7], [12] or analyze the performance of the
sensor/payload systems [13]. Engineers are focusing on the vulnerability of the
communication link against unintentional interference [14] or adversaries with
RF jamming capabilities [15], the cyber exploitation of these devices are also a
hot topic [16]. However, very few of the before-mentioned papers try to
understand the threat against UAS, or attempt to manage this problem in holistic
point of view. In fact the security of these cyber-physical devices has to be
GRaTe-BED for Evaluating the Communication Link of Unmanned Aerial Systems 9

analyzed in a comprehensive approach [17], from the physical level19 to the

application layer. In the military this classification is mentioned as CEMA
(Cyber Electromagnetic Activities) [18]. There are several researches about the
usage of SDR as communication link testbed [19]. They are focusing on the
communication protocol under development and using SDRs only as a point-to-
point link test equipment, not taking the advantage of the previously mentioned

Figure 1: Networked measurement instrument (1. is the network segment of the

management node(s), 2. is the team-jammer network and 3. is the RF sensor network)

Different jamming scenarios against advanced wireless standards are

analyzed, and organized in a methodical manner in [15]. Researchers in [20]
collected the possible threats against UAS, but they focused on the computer
based simulation.
These researches encouraged me to create the GNU Radio Test BED
(GRaTe-BED) for testing UAS communication link, with the capability to
analyze unintentional interference or malicious jamming activity, anomalies
from Layer 1 to Layer 7.

Layer 1 35.100: Open systems interconnection (OSI) Source:
10 A. Szabó

5. Methodology
Design considerations
In the following I will present the main features which I had to consider
during my research.
SDR platform
SDR solves the flexibility needs by converting most of the PHY layer signal
processing blocks into a software layer. This method not only simplifies design
and implementation of advanced radio system, but it also made new approaches
possible. SDR receivers, transceivers can be deployed in different locations,
multiple radios can be organized into a network (see Fig. 1), to mention a few
novel features. This technology simplifies RF testing, by transforming
measurement into scriptable steps. Multiple scenarios can be tested and
validated, minimizing the human error (measurement errors). The repeatable
steps can be automatized but the design of the scenario and the analysis of the
final results should done by engineers. It’s important to mention that the testbed
can’t operate without human interaction.
For the hardware part of the testbed I used USRP N200 with
UHD_003.005.005 driver, usrp_n200 firmware and usrp_n200_r4 FPGA image
(openly available from, the software component was GNU radio
(Version There are several simulation platforms which would have
been utilized for this project (for example Labview, Matlab and Simulink). My
choice was Gnu Radio. The reasons behind this decision were my previous
experience with this tool, and also to make the results publicly, and freely
available for other researchers. The hardware parameters are well documented
(for us it’s important that maximum output power is between 17-20 dBm,
usable between 400 to 4400 MHz with SBXv3, and 68.75 to 2200 MHz with
WBXv3 frontend boards [21]).
USRP hardware can work both with command line tools like (UHD_FFT,
UHD_SIGGEN) or graphical interface of the GNU Radio Companion. Both
have advantages and some drawbacks as well.
To automate different scenarios cli tools are useful, because they can be
organized and executed in a script, without user interaction (besides that usually
users triggers the start and check the integrity of the output).
On the other hand if the analysis needs human interaction, the results are not
predictable, then it is recommended to conduct the evaluation under supervision
of a human operator.
GRaTe-BED for Evaluating the Communication Link of Unmanned Aerial Systems 11

Figure 2: Flowgraph of the jammer in GNU Radio (left), with the constellation
diagram of the output (right)
To organize the graphical interface we can choose from a notebook view
(different graphical elements are on different “pages”) or we can create only one
“common View”, and we can orient different elements with a Grid Position
parameter. I find it much handier to organize into a notebook view then to a
complex diagram.
At the jammer node similarly pre-programed steps like scripts using
uhd_siggen (Fig. 3) or interactive user control with uhd_siggen_gui can be
utilized (as a signal generator it can create basic signals sine, sweep, square,
noise). If we are using GNU Radio Companion then we can use virtual
measurement devices (spectrum analyzer, waterfall display, oscilloscope,
histogram view, constellation diagram, etc.) to monitor the state of the flow
graph. On the other hand the output should be inspected with external device (to
check that the SDR generating the predefined signals with the allowed power).
12 A. Szabó

Figure 3: DJI Phantom 2 vision control channel (1) with a pulsed jammer signal
(2) generated with uhd_siggen script
Threat library
The effectiveness of the testbed is highly dependent on the interference/jam
library, and the topology represented by the scenario. The utilized error
detection/correction algorithms, media access schema, the channel coding made
sophisticated RF standards cause that the effectiveness of the jammer signal is
difficult to represent with mathematical models. Likewise in [22] the author
mentioned the difficulties of simulating complex Electronic Warfare systems to
measure the effectiveness. In this case SDRs can solve the problem by
interconnecting the simulation and the real world RF measurements.
Unknown RF standards can be observed in a black box approach, with
replaying signals we can spoof pre-recorded control signals and analyze the
system responses [23]. For the “replay attack” (Fig. 4) we can save multiple
different samples, and replay them in different orders, but it can increase the
complexity of the software if we do not merge these samples.
GRaTe-BED for Evaluating the Communication Link of Unmanned Aerial Systems 13

Figure 4: Replay attack demonstrated in GNU Radio Companion

Channel modeling
Author in [24] compared the possibilities for channel simulation in GNU
Radio. With these models we can introduce different channel degradation
effects (multipath, frequency selective fading, etc.) to observe the DUT
response to the possible RF anomalies (not only the Transmitter but also the
jammer performance can be degraded by environmental conditions).
While creating a high density SDR network array we have to consider the
difficulties caused by multiple measurement device sets to high sampling rate
(like 100 Msamp/sec with 20 MHz RF bandwidth) [25].
USRP N200 has Gigabit Ethernet network interface, supporting IPv4, and
only the IP address can be changed (not even the netmask). So theoretically the
maximum number of sensors in the network is 254 (because USRP doesn't
support routing, so we can’t create a routed topology).
Sampling rate is a critical parameter to the network load (Fig. 5), and the
proper configuration of the TCP/IP stack is also vital [26].
14 A. Szabó

Figure 5: Network load in Wireshark IO Graph (the network traffic of uhd_fft was

The script used for measurement:

/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i eth1 -s 65535 -w /tmp/USRP_10M+1M_uhd_FFT.pcap & timeout -sHUP 30

/usr/bin/uhd_fft --args="addr=" --fft-size=2048 --fft-rate=40 -f 2G -s
10000000;timeout -sHUP 30 /usr/bin/uhd_fft --args="addr=" --fft-size=2048 --fft-
rate=40 -f 2G -s 1000000;pkill -HUP -f /usr/sbin/tcpdump

The first 30 sec. uhd_fft was configured to sample 10 Msps, than 30 sec. with
only 1 Msps.

RF Navigation
Global (like GPS, GNSS, etc.) or autonomous [9] radio navigation systems
are commonly used in UAS for the autopilot system, and also have important
role in remotely operated device in “link lost” situations. Likewise, these
technologies can be tested on SDR platform [27]
Test scenario building
It’s a mandatory requirement for T&E equipment to perform in a repeatable,
flexible way and to be able to adapt to new technologies (like new protocols). In
GNU radio basic signal processing blocks are available (modulators,
demodulators, filters, etc.), if a new / special purposed processing function is
GRaTe-BED for Evaluating the Communication Link of Unmanned Aerial Systems 15

required, it is straightforward to integrate into GNU Radio (as block is develop

in C++ ).
Evaluation of the results
We have to define metrics before performing the test, for example a 4 state
metric look like this: I. “No effect” II. “No operator control over the vehicle”
III. “Position change caused by jam signal” “Full control achieved by the
attack”. The RF measurement results and these metrics should be logged to the
final report.
If we are analyzing a standardized protocol with a reason to create a protocol
aware jamming scenario, then we need information about the communication
protocol. CGRAN (Comprehensive GNU Radio Archive Network)20 hosts a lot
of “out-of the tree modules”21 (like GSM, LTE, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11
protocols). These modules can be utilized in a high protocol level fuzzing. To
check the availability of the DUT, we have to create an entity which analyzes its
responses. In IT security this called as oracle [28]. If the DUT can cooperate (it
can measure and log the signal quality), then we only have to synchronize the
jamming scenario with this logging mechanism, and after the tests we get
information about the jamming efficiency. It is difficult to analyze the onboard
navigation, guidance and control loop, if the DUT is in flight. Most commercial
UAS have proprietary control channel and debugging procedures (there are
reverse engineering attempts like [29])
If the DUT isn’t capable to log, than we should create some external sensor
to evaluate the jammer performance in an indirect mode. The testbed for cyber-
physical systems can utilize multiple sensors to analyze the DUT response to
environmental changes. Visual recording of the responses is the easiest, but
difficult to organize and analyze after the measurements. Atmospheric
conditions can be useful, with low cost devices like Raspberry Pi or Arduino we
can create a sensor network, and logs can be collected to the management node
which schedule the RF tests.
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the testbed, the identified Opportunities
open to us and the Threats we have to face are shown in Fig 6.

more details can be found at
16 A. Szabó

Figure 6: SWOT analysis

6. Conclusion and recommendations

Several researchers analyzed possibilities to exploit the control subsystem of
UASs. However, these analyses are mostly focusing on the cyber part of the
security (in a network oriented view only the upper OSI layers are covered) or
on just one type of communication link/protocol. To understand and evaluate
the threat against this technology we have to manage this problem in a
comprehensive manner. Security of the unmanned technology should not be
based on “security through obscurity”. Communication protocols have to be
publicly available to enable adequate security analysis.
I demonstrated a possible approach with a flexible, open source, easily
implementable framework. I already highlighted the importance of the
comprehensive threat modeling. Full disclosure [30] of UAS vulnerabilities was
out of my scope. It would be unethical, because changing the hardware in
embedded systems is in most of the cases impossible, modifying the software is
difficult, and in most of the cases it is impossible for the end-user. I recommend
to all my colleagues in this field of research to follow this procedure. In my
paper I highlighted possible testing techniques and toolsets helping the reliable
evaluation of this technology.
GRaTe-BED for Evaluating the Communication Link of Unmanned Aerial Systems 17

Future plans
- Creating a database back-end to manage the measurement and to store the
- Testing with different UAS;
- Expanding the RF spectrum (the current hardware can analyze up to 4,4 GHz,
with down converters it is possible to analyze upper portion of the spectrum);
- Analyzing RF immunity and interference in UAS swarming operations.

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18 A. Szabó

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