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1. a) P.D. v/I towing, tow length > 200 m., underway seen
from stbd side.
b) v/I object towed, tow length > 200 m., seen from
stbd side.
2. Maintain course and speed.
a) Two short blasts, a/c to port and pass round stem of
last v/i or object towed.
3. a) i) Masthead its ford and aft.
ii) Side its and stern light.
iii) Length < 50 m - aft masthead it not compulsory.
iv) Two addl masthead its in vert line with ford or aft
masthead it.
v) Yellow towing it above stern it.
b) Side its an stern it or adequately illuminated.
4. a) One prolonged and two short blasts.
b) Last v/I towed, if manned - one prolonged and three
short blasts.

1. a) P.D. v/I towing, tow length > 200 m., underway seen
from port side.
b) v/I object towed, tow length > 200 m seen from
port side.
2. One short blast, a/c to stbd and pass round stem of last
v/I or object towed

3. a) i) Masthead its ford and aft.

ii)Side its and stern light.
Length < 50 m - aft masthead it not compulsory.
iv)Two addl masthead its in vert line with ford or aft
masthead it.
v) Yellow towing it above stern it.
b) Side its an stern it or adequately illuminated.
4. a) One prolonged and two short blasts.
b) Last v/I towed, if manned - one prolonged and three
short blasts.

1. Lost of inconspicuous, partly submerged v/I or object

towed, tow length < 200 m see from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port.

3. a) Breadth < 25 m - all round white its ford and aft.

b) Breadth > 25 m - Addl - all round white its at
extremeties of breadth.
c) Length > 100 m - Addl - all round white its in between
above its at horz intervals < 100 m.
d) Dracones - Ford it not compulsory.

4. Nil

1. Lost of inconspicuous, partly submerged v/I or object

towed, tow length > 200 m see from stbd side.

2. a/c away from tug giving appropriate singal.

3. a) Breadth < 25 m - all round white its ford and aft.

b) Breadth > 25 m - Addl - all round white its at
extremeties of breadth.
c) Length > 100 m - Addl - all round white its in between
above its at horz intervals < 100 m.
d) Dracones - Ford it not compulsory.

4. Nil

1. S.V. underway, also propelled by machinery, seen from

stbd side.

2. Manitain course and speed.

3. a) Masthead its ford and aft.

b) Side its and stern light.
c) Length < 50 m - aft masthead it not compulsory.

4. a) Making way - one prolonged blast.

b) Stopped - two prolonged blasts with two secs.
interval in between

1. S.V. underway, also propelled by machinery, seen from

stbd side.

2. One short blast, a/c to stbd.

3. a) Masthead its ford and aft.

b) Side its and stern light.
c) Length < 50 m - aft masthead it not compulsory.

4. a) Making way - one prolonged blast.

b) Stopped - two prolonged blasts with two secs.
interval in between

1. v/I fishing with nets or lines extending < 150 m horizontally

from v/I, underway or at anchor, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port.

3. a) i) All round red over white its in vert line.

ii) Making way - side Its and stern It.
b) i) All round green over white Its in vert line.
ii) Masthead It abaft of and higher than green It.
iii) Making way - side Its and stern it.
iv) Length < 50 m - masthead It not compulsory.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. v/I fishing with nets or lines extending > 150 m horizontally

from v/I, underway or at anchor, seen end on from ahead
or astern.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port away from gear.

3. a) All round red over white its in vert line.

b) Making way - side Its and stern It.
c) All round white It in direction of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I NUC, underway, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port.

3. a) Two all round red Its in vert line.

b) Making way - side Its and stern It.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I RAM, except mine clearance v/I, underway, seen from

stbd side.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port.

3. a) All round, white and red Its in vert line.

b) Making way - masthead Its ford and aft, side Its
and stern It.
c) Length < 50 m - aft masthead It not compulsory.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

13 13

1. v/I RAM, except mine clearance v/I, at anchor, seen from

port side.

2. One short blasts, a/c to stbd.

3. a) All round, white and red Its in vert line.

b) All round white Its ford and deck.
c) Working Its to illuminate deck.
d) Length < 100 m - working Its not compulsory.
e) Length < 50 m - working Its and white It at stern
not compulsory, and ford white It placed where it
can best be seen

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. P.D. v/I towing, RAM, tow length > 200 m, underway,
seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port and pass round stern of last
v/I or object towed.

3. a)Masthead Its ford and aft.

b)Side Its and stern It.
c)Length < 50 m - aft masthead It not compulsory.
d)Two addl masthead Its in vert line with ford or aft
masthead Its.
e) Yellow towing it above stern it.
f) All round, white and red Its in vert line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredge, RAM, underway or at anchor, seen end on

from ahead or astern.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port towards safe side.

3. a) All round red, white and red Its in vert line.

b) Two All round red Its vert line on obstruction side.
c) Two All round green Its vert line on safe side.
d) Making way -
i) Masthead Its ford and aft, side Its and stern It.
ii) Length < 50 m - aft masthead It not compulsory.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Small v/I engaged in diving operations, seen from

stbd side.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port.

3. All round red, white and red Its in vert line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I engaged in mine clearance operation, underway,

seen end on blast, a/c to stbd or astern.

2. One short blast, a/c to stbd and pass > 1000 m clear of v/I.

3. a) Three all round green Its - one at foremast head

and one at each of fore yard.
b) Masthead Its ford and aft. side Its and stern It.
c) Length < 50 m - aft masthead It not compulsory.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

18 18
1. v/I engaged in mine clearance operation, underway,
seen from port side.

2. One short blast, a/c to stbd and pass > 1000 m clear of v/I.

3. a) Three all round green Its - one at foremast head

and one at each of fore yard.
b) All round white Its ford and at stern.
c) Working Its to illuminate deck.
d) Length < 100 m - working Its not compulsory.
e) Length < 50 m - working Its and white It at stern not
compulsory. and ford white It placed where it can
best bee seen.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I constrained by draught, underway, seen from

stbd side.

2. One short blast, a/c to stbd and pass round her stern.

3. a) Three all round red Its in vert line.

b) Masthead its ford and aft, side Its and stern It.
c) Length < 50 m - at Masthead it compulsory.
e) Length < 50 m - working Its and white It at stern not

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Pilot v/I underway, seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course speed.

3. a) All round white over red Its in vert line at or near

b) Side Its and stern It.

4. a) Making way - one prolonged blast.

b) Stopped - two prolonged blasts with two secs.
interval in between.
c) Optional - four short blasts.


1. Pilot v/I underway, seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast, a/c to stbd.

3. a) All round white over red Its in vert line at or near

b) Side Its and stern It.

4. a) Making way - one prolonged blast.

b) Stopped - two prolonged blasts with two secs.
interval in between.
c) Optional - four short blasts.

1. Pilot v/I at anchor, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blast, a/c to port.

3. a) All round white over red Its in vert line at or near

b) All round white Its ford and at stern.
c) Working Its to illuminate deck.
d) Length < 100 m - working Its not compulsory.
e) Length < 50 m - working Its and white It at stern not
compulsory, and ford white It placed where it can best

4. a) Length < 100 m - ringing of bell for 5 secs.

b) Length > 100 m - ringing of bell for five secs and rapid
ringing of gong aft for five secs.
c) Optional - four short blasts.
1. v/I at anchor, seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast, a/c to stbd.

3. a) All round white Its ford and at stern.

b) Working Its to illuminate deck.
c) Length < 100 m - working Its not compulsory.
d) Length < 50 m - working Its and white It at stern not
compulsory, and ford white It placed where it can best

4. a) Length < 100 m - ringing of bell for 5 secs.

b) Length > 100 m - ringing of bell for five secs and rapid
ringing of gong aft for five secs.
c) Optional - four short blasts.

1. v/I aground, seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast, a/c to stbd. reverse course and inform


3. a) Two All round red Its in vert line.

b) All round white Its ford and at stern.
c) Length < 50 m - white light at stern not compulsory.
and ford white Light placed where it can best be seen.

4. a) Length < 100 m - rapid ringing of bell for five secs.

b) Length > 100 m - rapid ringing of bell for five secs
and rapid ringing of gong aft for five secs.
c) Optional - appropriate whistle signal (two short and
one prolonged blasts).


1. Trawler, underway, shooting nets, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts, a/c to port.

3. a) All round green, white Its in vert line.

b) Masthead It abaft of and higher than green It.
c) Making way - side Its and stern It.
d) Length < 50 m - masthead It not compulsory.
e) Two all round white lights in vertical line at tower
level than green and white lights.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler, underway or at anchor hauling nets, seen

from port side.

2. One short blasts, a/c to stbd.

3. a) All round green over white Its in vert line.

b) Masthead light abaft of and higher than green light.
c) Making way - side Its and stern It.
d) Length < 50 m - masthead light not compulsory.
e) All round white over red lights in vertical line
at tower level than green and white lights.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. Two trawlers engaged in pair trawling, underway,
shooting nets, seen end on from ahead or astern.

2. One short blasts, a/c to stbd.

3. a) All round green over white Its in vert line.

b) Masthead It abaft of and higher than green It.
c) Making way - side Its and stern It.
d) Length < 50 m - masthead It not compulsory.
e) i) Two all round white Its in vertical line at tower
level than green and white Its.
ii) Search It directed forward and in direction of
other trawler.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. Two trawlers engaged in pair trawling, underway,
shooting nets, seen end on from ahead or astern.

2. One short blasts, a/c to stbd.

3. a) All round green over white Its in vert line.

b) Masthead light abaft of and higher than green light.
c) Making way - side Its and stern It.
d) Length < 50 m - masthead It not compulsory.
e) i) All round white over red lights in vertical line
at tower level than green and white lights.
ii) Search It directed forward and in direction of
other trawler.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. Two trawlers engaged in pair trawling, underway,
shooting nets, seen end on from ahead or astern.

2. One short blasts, a/c to stbd, and pass well clear

3. a) All round green over white Its in vert line.

b) Masthead light abaft of and higher than green light.
c) Making way - side Its and stern It.
d) Length < 50 m - masthead It not compulsory.
e) i) Two all round white Its in vertical line at tower
level than green and white Its.
ii) Search It directed forward and in direction of
other trawler.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. - Power driven.

2. v/I - Vessel

3. stbd - Starboard 10. Ford - Forward

4. S.V. - Sailing vessel 11. Addl - Additional

5. a/c - Alter course 12. Vert - Vertical

6. N.U.C. - Not under Command 13. Horz - Horizontal.
7. R.A.M. - Restricted in ability to manoeuvre.

8. C.B.D. - Constrained by draught.

9. It. - Light.
1. P.D. v/l less than 50 m underway seen end on
2. One short blast, a/c to stbd.
3. No day signal.
4. Making way - One prolonged blast
Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.
interval in between.

1. P.D. v/l less than 50 m underway seen From
Stbd side.
2. Maintain course and speed.
3. No day signal.
4. Making way - One prolonged blast
Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs
interval in between.

1. P.D. v/l less than 50 m underway seen From

port side.
2. One short blast a/c to stbd.
3. No day signal.
4. Making way - One prolonged blast
Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs
interval in between.

1. P.D. v/l seen end on -
a) Probably 50 m. or more underway.
b) less than 50 m. towing or pushing underway
two 200 m. or less.
2. One short blast a/c to stbd.
3. No day signal.
4. a) Making way - One prolonged blast.
Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.
interval in between.

1. P.D. v/l less than 50 m or more underway

seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. Making way - One prolonged blast

Snopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs
intervat in between.

1. P.D. v/l less than 50 m or more underway

seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. Making way - One prolonged blast

Snopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs
intervat in between.

1. a) v/I probably 50 m. or more but less than

100 m. at anchor, seen from ahead or astern.
b) P.D. v/I probably 50 m. or more underway
seen end on, out of range of side lignts.
c) P.D. v/I towing or pushing less than 50 m.
underway, tow 200 m. or less, out of range of
side lights.

2. a) & b) One short blast a/c to stbd.

c) As per side light when sighted.
3. a) A bali in fore part.
b) & c) No day signal.
4. As per possibility.

1. a) v/I probably 50 m. or more but less than

100 m. at anchor, seen from port side.
b) P.D. v/I probably 50 m. or more underway
seen from stbd side out of range of side lights.
2. a) One short blast a/c to stbd.
b) Maintain course and speed.
3. a) A bali in fore part.
b) No day signal.
4. a) Rapid ringing of bell for 5 secs.
Additional - Short. prolonged and short blasts
may be sounded.
b) Making way - One prolonged blast.
Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 sects.
interval in between.
1. a) P.D. v/I or S.V. underway seen from astern.
b) P.D. v/I less than 50 m. underway out of range of
side lights.
c) All - round light of :
i) v/I less than 50 m. at anchor. ii) v/I under oars.
iii) P.D. v/I less than 12 m., speed not exceeding 7 knots.
iv) P.D. v/I less than 12m., out of range side lights.
v) Sailing v/I less than 7 m.
2. a) One short blast a/c stbd.
b) As per side light when sighted.
c) i), ii) & v) One short blast a/c to stbd. iii) Port blow-
Maintain course and speed. Right ahead & stbd bow-
One short blast a/c to stbd. iv) As per side light when
3. Anchored v/I - One ball in fore part. Others - No
day signal.
4. As per possibility.


1. Air - cushion v/I less than 50 m. in non -

displacement mode underway seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. one prolonged blast.

(v/I assumed to be making way)


1. Air - cushion v/I less than 50 m. in non -

displacement mode underway seen from
stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. one prolonged blast.

(v/I assumed to be making way)


1. Air - cushion v/I less than 50 m. in non -

displacement mode underway seen from
port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. one prolonged blast.

(v/I assumed to be making way)
1. a) Air - cushion v/I in non - displacement
mode underway seen from astern.

b) Air - cushion v/I less than 12 m. in non -

displacement mode underway out of range
of side lights.

2. a) One short blast a/c to stbd.

b) As per side light when sighted.

3. No day signal.

4. one prolonged blast.

(v/I assumed to be making way.)

1. a) Air - cushion v/I in non - displacement
mode underway seen from astern.

b) Air - cushion v/I less than 12 m. in non -

displacement mode underway out of range
of side lights. seen from stbd. side.

2. a) One short blast a/c to stbd.

b) Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. one prolonged blast.

(v/I assumed to be making way.)

1. a) Air - cushion v/I in non - displacement
mode underway seen from astern.

b) Air - cushion v/I less than 12 m. in non -

displacement mode underway out of range
of side lights. seen from stbd. side.

2. a) Two short blast a/c to stbd.

b) One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. one prolonged blast.

(v/I assumed to be making way.)


1. a) P.D. v/I less than 20 m. underway, seen end on.

b) P.D. v/I less than 12 m. underway, mast head

it. displaced from centre line, line, seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. Making way - One prolonged blast.

Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.
interval in between.

1. P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m underway tow

200 m. or less from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m underway tow

200 m. or less from port side.

2. Maintain course and spee.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing underway seen end on -

a) less than 50 m, tow exceeds 200 m.

b) probably 50 m or more, tow 200 m or less.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more underway

tow 200 m or less from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and spee.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more underway

tow 200 m or less, seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and spee.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more underway

tow 200 m or less, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more underway

tow 200 m or less, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more underway

tow exceeds 200 m. seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. One diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m underway tow

exceeds 200 m. seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more

underway, tow exceeds 200 m. seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more underway

tow exceeds 200 m., seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. One diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m or more underway

tow exceeds 200 m. seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. One diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway tow exceeds 200 m. seen from
port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway tow exceeds 200 m. seen from
port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing underway seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond if tow exceeds 200 m.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than probably 50 m.

underway with tow 200 m. or seen from
stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than probably 50 m.

underway with tow 200 m. or seen from
port side

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than probably 50 m.

underway with tow exceeding 200 m. or seen
from port side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. One diamond each on towing and towed v/Is

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than probably 50 m.

underway with tow exceeding 200 m. or seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond each on towing and towed v/Is

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow exceeding 200 m. or
less seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow exceeding 200 m. or
less seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow 200 m. or less seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow 200 m. or less seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow exceeding 200 m. seen
from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. One diamond each on towing and towed v/Is

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow exceeding 200 m.
seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. One diamond each on towing and towed v/Is

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow exceeding 200 m.
seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond each on towing and towed v/Is

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more

underway with tow exceeding 200 m.
seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. One diamond each on towing and towed v/Is

4. Towing v/I - One prolonged and two short blasts.

Towed v/I - One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I pushing ahead less than 50 m.

underway seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I pushing ahead less than 50 m.

underway seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I pushing ahead probably 50 m. or more

underway seen from stbd side.

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I pushing ahead probably 50 m. or more

underway seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I pushing ahead probably 50 m. or more

underway seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing alongside less than 50 m.

underway seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing alongside Probably 50 m. or

more underway seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Inconspicuous partly submerged v/I or object

or their combination towed, breadth less than
25 m., lenth 100 m. or less.

2. Action according to position of tug.

3. One diamond at or near aftermost extremity of

last v/I or object. If tow exceeds 200 m., one
additional diamond forward.

4. No fog signal.


1. Inconspicuous partly submerged v/I or object

or their combination towed, length 200 m. or less.

2. Action according to position of tug.

3. One diamond at or near aftermost extremity of

last v/I or object. If tow exceeds 200 m. one
additional diamond forward.

4. No fog signal.

1. S.V. underway seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. a) S.V. underway seen from stbd side.

b) v/I being towed seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. a) No day signal.
b) If length of tow exceeds 200 m. a diamond.

4. a) One prolonged and two short blasts.

b) One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. a) S.V. underway seen from port side.

b) v/I being towed seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. a) No day signal.
b) If length of tow exceeds 200 m. a diamond.

4. a) One prolonged and two short blasts.

b) One prolonged and three short blasts.


1. S.V. less than 20 m underway seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m or more underway seen

end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m or more underway seen

from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m or more underway seen

from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m or more underway seen

from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m. or more underway seen

from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m or more underway seen

from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m or more underway seen

from astern.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. S.V. probably 20 m or more underway seen

from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. No day signal.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way seen

from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way seen

from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way seen

from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way seen

from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. making way seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. making way seen

from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. making way seen

from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd .

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd .

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way seen from astern.

2. Twe short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler underway but stopped or at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending 150 m. or less, seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending 150 m. or less, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending 150 m. or less, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending 150 m. or less, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending 150 m. or less, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler

a) making way, gear extending 150 m. or less,
seen from astern.
b) underway but stopped or at anchor, gear
extending more than 150 m.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. a) Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

b) Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. F.V. other than trawler
a) making way, gear extending 150 m. or less,
seen from astern.
b) underway but stopped or at anchor, gear
extending more than 150 m.

2. a) Two short blast a/c to port.

b) One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. a) Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

b) Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. F.V. other than trawler -
a) making way, gear extending 150 m. or less
seen from astern.
b) underway but stopped or at anchor, gear
extending more than 150 m.

2. a) One short blast a/c to stbd.

b) Two short blast a/c to port.

3. a) Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

b) Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from stbd

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from stbd

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from port

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from port

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from astern.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from astern.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from astern.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of
gear .

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler making way, gear

extending more than 150 m., seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction of

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler underway but stopped

or at anchor, gear extending 150 m. or less.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way shooting

nets seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way hauling

nets seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler underway but stopped or at anchor,

hauling nets.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler underway but stopped or at anchor,

nets fast on an obstruction.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way shooting

nets seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way hauling

nets seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way shooting

nets seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler less than 50 m. making way hauling

nets seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more making way

shooting nets seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probaly 50 m. or more making way

hauling nets seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, hauling nets, seen from
port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, hauling nets, seen from
stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, nets fast on an
obstruction, seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more making way

shooting nets seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more making way

hauling nets seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, nets fast on an
obstruction, seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more making way

shooting nets seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more making way

hauling nets seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler probably 50 m. or more underway but

stopped or at anchor, nets fast on an
obstruction, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way shooting nets seen from


2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way hauling nets seen from


2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way shooting nets seen from


2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way hauling nets seen from


2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way shooting nets seen from


2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag Z.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Trawler making way hauling nets seen from


2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also flag G.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Two v/Is each less than 50 m. pair trawling

making way hauling nets seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Each v/I shows two cones with apexes together

in vertical line. Also flags G & T.

4. Each v/I sounds one prolonged and two short



1. Two v/sI each probably 50 m. or more pair

trawling making way shooting nets, seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Each v/I shows two cones with apexes together

in vertical line. Also flags Z & T.

4. Each v/I sounds one prolonged and two short



1. Two v/Is each probably 50 m. or more pair

trawling underway but stopped or at anchor,
nets fast on an obstruction, seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Each vessel shows two cones with apexes

together in vertical line. Also flag T.

4. Each v/I sounds one prolonged and two short


1. Two v/Is pair trawling making way shooting nets

seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Each v/I shows two cones with apexes together

in vertical line. Also flags Z & T.

4. Each v/I sounds one prolonged and two short



1. Two v/Is pair trawling underway but stopped

or at anchor, nets fast on an obstruction.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Each vessel shows two cones with apexes

together in vertical line. Also flag T.

4. Each v/I sounds one prolonged and two short



1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less making way seen
end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less making way seen
from stbd side.

2. Two short blast a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less making way seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending more than 150 m., making way seen
end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction
of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending more than 150 m., making way seen
from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction
of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending more than 150 m., making way seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction
of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less making way seen
from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less making way seen
from astern.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less making way seen
from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending more than 150 m., making way seen
from astern.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction
of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending more than 150 m., making way seen
from astern.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction
of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less making way seen
from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction
of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. or less underway but
stopped or at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. F.V. other than trawler using purse seine gear

extending 150 m. underway but stopped or
at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two cones with apexes together in vertical line.

Also a cone with apex upwards in direction
of gear.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. N.U.C. v/I making seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two balls in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. N.U.C. v/I making way seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two balls in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. N.U.C. v/I making way seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Two balls in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. N.U.C. v/I making way seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two balls in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. N.U.C. v/I making way seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Two balls in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. a) Aground v/I less than 50 m.
b) N.U.C. v/I making way seen from astern.

2. a) One short blast a/c to stbd.

b) One short blast a/c to stbd, reverse course
inform master.

3. a) Two balls in vertical line.

b) Three balls in vertical line.

4. a) One prolonged and two short blasts.

b) Three stokes on bell before and after rapid
ringing of bell for 5 secs. Also may sound
two short and one prolonged blasts.

1. a) Aground v/I less than 50 m.
b) N.U.C. v/I making way seen from astern.

2. a) One short blast a/c to stbd.

b) One short blast a/c to stbd, reverse course
inform master.

3. a) Two balls in vertical line.

b) Three balls in vertical line.

4. a) One prolonged and two short blasts.

b) Three stokes on bell before and after rapid
ringing of bell for 5 secs. Also may sound
short and one prolonged blasts.

1. a) Aground v/I less than 50 m.
b) N.U.C. v/I making way seen from astern.

2. a) Two short blast a/c to port.

b) One short blast a/c to stbd, reverse course
and inform master.

3. a) Two balls in vertical line.

b) Three balls in vertical line.

4. a) One prolonged and two short blasts.

b) Three stokes on bell before and after rapid
ringing of bell for 5 secs. Also may sound
two short and one prolonged blasts.

1. N.U.C. v/I underway but stopped.

2. One short blast a/c stbd.

3. Two balls in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. making way seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. making way seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. making way seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. making way seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c in stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. making way seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. a) v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without

obstruction probably 50 m. or more
making way seen end on.
b) P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m. underway,
tow 200 m. or less R.A.M. seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. a) v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without

obstruction probably 50 m. or more
making way seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

probably 50 m. or more making way seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. at anchor, or making way seen
from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and if at

anchor also a ball in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. at anchor, or making way seen
from astern.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and if at

anchor also a ball in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

less than 50 m. at anchor, or making way seen
from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and if at

anchor also a ball in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without obstruction

probably 50 m. or more but less than 100 m. at
anchor, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and a ball

in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m. underway tow

200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from stbd. side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m. underway tow

200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing underway R.A.M. seen on,

a) less than 50 m. tow exceeds 200 m.
b) probably 50 m or more, tow 200 m or less.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and if tow

exceeds 200 m. also a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow 200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow 200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow 200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow 200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m. underway tow

exceeds 200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from
stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and also

a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m. underway tow

exceeds 200 m. or less R.A.M. seen from
port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and also

a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow exceeds 200 m. R.A.M. seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and also

a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow exceeds 200 m. R.A.M. seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and also

a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow exceeds 200 m, R.A.M. seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and also

a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing less than 50 m. or more

underway tow exceeds 200 m. R.A.M. seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and also

a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing probably 50 m. or more underway

tow exceeds 200 m. R.A.M. seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and also

a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing underway R.A.M. seen from


2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and it

tow exceeds 200 m. also a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing underway R.A.M. seen from


2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and if

tow exceeds 200 m. also a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. P.D. v/I towing underway R.A.M. seen from


2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line and if

tow exceeds 200 m. also a diamond.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo less than 50 m. R.A.M. with

obstruction on stbd side making way seen
end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo less than 50 m. R.A.M. with

obstruction on port side making way seen
end on.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo less than 50 m. R.A.M. with

obstruction on port side making way seen
from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo less than 50 m. R.A.M. with

obstruction on stbd side making way seen
from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo less than 50 m. R.A.M. with

obstruction on stbd side making way seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo less than 50 m. R.A.M. with

obstruction on port side making way seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo probably 50 m. or more R.A.M.

with obstruction on port side making way seen
end on.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo probably 50 m. or more R.A.M.

with obstruction on stbd side making way seen
end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo probably 50 m. or more R.A.M.

with obstruction on port side making way seen
from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo probably 50 m. or more R.A.M.

with obstruction on port side making way seen
end on.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger probably 50 m. more R.A.M. with

obstruction on stbd side making way seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo probably 50 m. more R.A.M. with

obstruction on port side making way seen
from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger R.A.M. with obstruction on stbd side

making way seen from astern.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger R.A.M. with obstruction on port side

making way seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo R.A.M. with obstruction on stbd

side making way seen from astern.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo R.A.M. with obstruction on port

side making way seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Dredger / uwo R.A.M. with obstruction underway

but stopped or at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line. Also two

diamonds in vertical line on safe side and two
balls in vertical line on obstruction side.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. a) v/I R.A.M. or dredger / uwo without

obstruction underway but stopped.
b) Small v/I engaged in diving operations.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. a) Ball, diamond and ball in vertical line.

b) Rigid flag A.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I less than 50 m. underway

seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I less than 50 m. underway

seen form stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard.
4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I less than 50 m. underway

seen form port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd. and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard.
4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I probably 50 m. or more

underway seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard.
4. One prolonged and two short blasts.

1. Mine clearance v/I probably 50 m. or more

underway seen from stbd side.

2. Two short blasts a/c to stbd and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I probably 50 m. or more

underway seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I underway seen from astern

or less than 50 m. at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard. Also it at anchor, a ball
in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I underway seen from astern

or less than 50 m. at anchor.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard. Also it at anchor, a ball
in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I underway seen from astern

or less than 50 m. at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard. Also it at anchor, a ball
in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Mine clearance v/I probably 50 m. or more but

less than 100 m. at anchor, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and pass more than

1000 m.

3. Three balls - one at foremast head and one at

each end of fore yard. Also a ball in fore part.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. less than 50 m. underway seen

end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. less than 50 m. underway seen

from stbd side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and go round her


3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. less than 50 m. underway seen

from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. probably 50 m. or more underway

seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. probably 50 m. or more underway

seen from stbd side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd and go round her


3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. probably 50 m. underway seen

port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. underway seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. underway seen from astern.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. v/I C.B.D. underway seen from astern.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. A Cylinder.

4. One prolonged and two short blasts.


1. Pilot vessel underway seen end on.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Flag H. (As per Int. Code of Signals).

4. Making way - One prolonged blasts.

Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.

Interval in between.

Additional - Four short blasts may be sounded.


1. Pilot vessel underway seen from stbd side

2. Maintain course and speed.

3. Flag H. (As per Int. Code of Signals).

4. Making way - One prolonged blast.

Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.

Interval in between.

Additional - Four short blasts may be sounded.


1. Pilot vessel underway seen from port side

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Flag H. (As per Int. Code of Signals).

4. Making way - One prolonged blast.

Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.

Interval in between.

Additional - Four short blasts may be sounded.

1. Pilot vessel underway seen from astern or less
than 50 m. at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Flag H. (As per Int. Code of Signals). Also if at

anchor, a ball in fore part.

4. Making way - One prolonged blast.

Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.
Interval in between.

Anchored - Rapid ringing of bell for 5 secs.

Additional - Four short blasts may be sounded.

1. Pilot vessel underway seen from astern or less
than 50 m. at anchor.

2. Two short blasts a/c to port.

3. Flag H. (As per Int. Code of Signals). Also, if at

anchor, a ball in fore part.

4. Making way - One prolonged blast.

Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.
Interval in between.

Anchored - Rapid ringing of bell for 5 secs.

Additional - Four short blasts may be sounded.
1. Pilot vessel underway seen from astern or less
than 50 m. at anchor.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. Flag H. (As per Int. Code of Signals). Also if at

anchor, a ball in fore part.

4. Making way - One prolonged blast.

Stopped - Two prolonged blasts with 2 secs.
Interval in between.

Anchored - Rapid ringing of bell for 5 secs.

Additional - Four short blasts may be sounded.


1. Pilot v/I probably 50 m. or more but less than

100 m. at anchor, seen from port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd.

3. A ball in fore part flag H. (As per Int. Code of


4. Rapid ringing of bell for 5 secs.

Additional - Four short blasts may be sounded.

1. Aground v/I probably 50 m. or more, seen from
port side.

2. One short blast a/c to stbd, reverse course and

inform Master.

3. Three balls in vertical line.

4. Less than 100 m. - Three strokes on bell before

and after rapid ringing of bell for 5 secs.
100 m. or more - Three strokes on bell before and
after rapid ringing of bell for 5 secs. in fore part and
rapid ringing of gong for 5 secs. in after par.

Additional - Two short and one prolonged blasts may

be sounded.

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