This document provides definitions and examples of various operators (terms) used to summarize, analyze, discuss, and evaluate texts in different levels of difficulty. It lists operators such as describe, outline, state, present, point out, summarize, analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare for the first level of difficulty. The second level includes operators like analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare. The third and most difficult level covers terms such as comment, discuss, justify, evaluate, contrast, and assess.
This document provides definitions and examples of various operators (terms) used to summarize, analyze, discuss, and evaluate texts in different levels of difficulty. It lists operators such as describe, outline, state, present, point out, summarize, analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare for the first level of difficulty. The second level includes operators like analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare. The third and most difficult level covers terms such as comment, discuss, justify, evaluate, contrast, and assess.
This document provides definitions and examples of various operators (terms) used to summarize, analyze, discuss, and evaluate texts in different levels of difficulty. It lists operators such as describe, outline, state, present, point out, summarize, analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare for the first level of difficulty. The second level includes operators like analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare. The third and most difficult level covers terms such as comment, discuss, justify, evaluate, contrast, and assess.
This document provides definitions and examples of various operators (terms) used to summarize, analyze, discuss, and evaluate texts in different levels of difficulty. It lists operators such as describe, outline, state, present, point out, summarize, analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare for the first level of difficulty. The second level includes operators like analyze, examine, characterize, explain, illustrate, interpret, and compare. The third and most difficult level covers terms such as comment, discuss, justify, evaluate, contrast, and assess.
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Übersicht über die Operatoren
Operatoren Definitionen Beispiele
Anforderungsbereich I describe give a detailed account of sth. Describe the soldier’s ap- pearance. Anforderungsbereich II: Describe the way the play- wright creates an atmos- phere of suspense. outline give the main features, struc- Outline the author’s views on ture or general principles of a love, marriage and divorce topic omitting minor details state specify clearly State briefly the main devel- opments in the family de- scribed in the text. present (re-)structure and write down Present the situation of the characters point out find and explain certain aspects Point out the author’s main ideas on …. summarize, give a concise account of the Summarize the information write a summary main points given in the text about the hazards of cloning. Anforderungsbereich II analyse, describe and explain in detail Analyse the opposing views examine certain aspects and / or fea- on class held by the two pro- tures of the text tagonists. Examine the author’s use of language characterize describe and examine the way Characterize / Write a char- in which the character(s) is / acterisation of the principal are presented figures in the play. examine cf. analyse explain describe and define in detail Explain the protagonist’s ob- session with money. illustrate use examples to explain or Illustrate the author’s use of make clear metaphorical language. interpret make clear the meaning of sth. Interpret the message the author wishes to convey. compare point out similarities and differ- Compare the attitude of the ences two characters towards war. Anforderungsbereich III: Compare X’s and Y’s views on education. Anforderungsbereich III comment state clearly your opinions on Comment on the suggestion the topic in question and sup- made in the text that a ‘lack port your views with evidence of women in the armed forces demonstrates a weakness in the role of women in society.’ discuss investigate or examine by ar- Discuss the implications of gument; give reasons for and globalisation as presented in against this text. justify show adequate grounds for de- You are the principal of a cisions or conclusions school. Justify your decision to forbid smoking on the school premises. evaluate Form an opinion after carefully Evaluate the author’s view of considering and presenting ad- the present impact of the vantages and disadvantages American Dream… contrast emphasize the differences be- Contrast the author’s idea of tween two or more things human aggression with the theories of aggression you have read about. assess consider in a balanced way the Assess the importance of points for and against sth standards in education.