Course Description Catalog
Course Description Catalog
Course Description Catalog
Where Learning Clicks
Edgenuity’s award-winning courses combine rigorous content with direct-instruction videos from expert, on-screen
teachers with interactive learning tools and resources to engage and motivate students. Our online courses for core
curriculum, AP®, elective, Career and Technical Education (CTE), dual credit, and credit recovery are based on the
rigor and high expectations of state, Common Core, NGSS, and iNACOL standards.
Edgenuity gives schools the flexibility to offer the right courses for your students’ needs. Our online courses are
available for credit and concept recovery, initial credit, and as honors courses for students who want to further
challenge themselves. Designed to inspire lifelong learning, Edgenuity’s courses can be used in any blended or online
learning model.
Feature instruction and assignments to Feature extended instruction and assign- Have additional instruction and/or
meet Common Core and state standards ments for complete coverage of standards assignments to extend learning
Take an average of 40 hours per semester Take an average of 50 hours per semester Take an average of 60 hours per semester
Schools can enroll student athletes in Edgenuity courses to ensure they are prepared to enter college with a rigorous
online academic experience. Core courses for initial credit are approved by the NCAA for use with Instructional
Services. Schools and districts can also use Edgenuity courses with their own teachers, but these implementations
need to be reviewed by the NCAA to ensure students are getting high-quality instruction. Students who need to recover
credits must complete the full course to receive credit from the NCAA even if they are recovering a credit; credit
recovery versions or any courses with pretesting or prescriptive testing are not approved by the NCAA.
SOCIAL STUDIES...................................................................................................................................................................................13
ADVANCED PLACEMENT®......................................................................................................................................................................16
GENERAL ELECTIVES............................................................................................................................................................................18
WORLD LANGUAGES.............................................................................................................................................................................20
TEST PREPARATION..............................................................................................................................................................................34
SUBSCRIPTION-BASED ELECTIVES.......................................................................................................................................................42
This course synthesizes previous mathematical learning in four
With an emphasis on function families and their representations,
focused areas of instruction. First, students relate visual displays
Precalculus is a thoughtful introduction to advanced studies
and summary statistics to various types of data and to probability
leading to calculus. The course briefly reviews linear equations,
distributions with a focus on drawing conclusions from the data.
inequalities, and systems and moves purposefully into the study
Then, students embark on an in-depth study of polynomial,
of functions. Students then discover the nature of graphs and
rational, and radical functions, drawing on concepts of integers
deepen their understanding of polynomial, rational, exponential,
and number properties to understand polynomial operations and
and logarithmic functions. Scaffolding rigorous content with clear
the combination of functions through operations. This section of
instruction, the course leads students through an advanced study
instruction builds to the fundamental theorem of algebra. Students
of trigonometric functions, matrices, and vectors. The course
then expand the study of right-triangle trigonometry they began in
concludes with a short study of probability and statistics.
Mathematics II to include non-right triangles and developing the
AP® CALCULUS AB laws of sines and cosines. Finally, students model an array of real-
This college-level, yearlong course prepares students for the world situations with all the types of functions they have studied,
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB Exam. Major topics of study including work with logarithms to solve exponential equations. As
in this full-year course include a review of pre-calculus, limits, they synthesize and generalize what they have learned about a
derivatives, definite integrals, mathematical modeling of differential variety of function families, students appreciate the usefulness and
equations, and the applications of these concepts. Emphasis relevance of mathematics in the real world.
is placed on the use of technology to solve problems and draw
conclusions. The course utilizes a multi-representative approach
mathematics courses such as Algebra II and Pre-Calculus. The first * Courses marked with an asterisk are one-semester courses.
half of the course begins with an in-depth study of probability and
an exploration of sampling and comparing populations and closes
with units on data distributions and data analysis. In the second
half of the course, students create and analyze scatterplots and
study two-way tables and normal distributions. Finally, students
apply probability to topics such as conditional probability,
combinations and permutations, and sets.
This yearlong, college-level course is designed to prepare students
for the Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics exam. Major topics
of study include exploring one-and two-variable data, sampling,
experimentation, probability, sampling distributions, and statistical
inference. These topics are organized into three big ideas: variation
and distribution, patterns and uncertainty, data-based predictions,
decisions, and conclusions.
MS U.S. HISTORY understand fundamental concepts and philosophies that led to the
Offering an interactive and comprehensive overview of American creation of the United States Constitution. Students enrolled in this
history, this course engages and inspires students to learn about the two-semester course analyze the political process, political parties,
rich and diverse history of America’s native peoples, early European and influences that affect them both. Engaging, interactive content
colonization and settlement in America, and the creation of a new introduces economic concepts and encourages students to explore
nation through the American Revolution. Middle school students government and economics on a global scale. By instilling a thorough
enrolled in this course will closely examine major changes brought understanding of government and economics, this course inspires
about by the nation’s reconstruction, industrialization, urbanization, students to investigate what it means to be an American citizen.
and progressive reforms and consider the implications each of
these events had on the expansion of the United States’ global
This course provides a basic overview of all aspects of World History
influence through modern times. Over the course of two semesters,
from the early River Valley civilizations through our modern world.
interesting course content encourages students to think carefully
Students will gain a rich understanding of global cultures and
about the challenges and opportunities facing the United States in
the historical factors that have shaped the world around them.
the twenty-first century.
Throughout the course students analyze historical sources and
MS MODERN WORLD HISTORY make connections with concepts such as government, economic
The MS Modern World History course presents a cohesive and systems, and technology and innovation. Students encounter
comprehensive overview of world history from the Middle Ages to rigorous reading and writing activities for a variety of purposes.
the modern era. This yearlong course examines the role of conflict These activities allow students to develop literacy and writing skills
and cooperation in shaping the modern world. Students will draw as well as critical thinking and communication skills.
upon and further develop historical inquiry skills as they examine
the expansion of global economic, political, and social interactions
Designed to introduce students to the study of geography, this
and question the impact they had, and continue to have, on
course helps students master important concepts in physical and
cultures and nations. Students will explore the lasting effects that
human geography. Comprehensive and organized by region, this
revolutions in government and technology have had on peoples,
two-semester middle school course helps students understand the
nations, and the environment.
Earth’s physical and human diversity. Students analyze population
MS ANCIENT WORLD HISTORY and settlement patterns and evaluate the ways that human activities
This yearlong course covers ancient peoples, cultures, civilizations, modify the physical environment. While studying humans around the
and innovations through approximately 300 CE. Students are world, students compare development, standards of living, systems
introduced to historical inquiry skills for application to studies of government, and economic factors across the globe. In addition,
of ancient civilizations. Students explore physical and human students gain a rich understanding of global cultures and the
geography to explain how ancient people interacted with the historical factors that have shaped the world around them. All units
environment and understand how civilizations developed. Students in the course are parallel and include studies in physical and human
study early economies and how trade relations affected culture and geography, ancient cultures, regional studies, and modern issues.
language. In later lessons, students examine how early forms of
government and technology have had a lasting influence on modern
This yearlong course examines the major events and turning points of
civilization. Throughout the course, students analyze maps and
world history from ancient times to the present. Students investigate
primary sources to identify patterns and make connections across
the development of classical civilizations in the Middle East, Africa,
time and space. Students are exposed to diverse cultures and learn
Europe, and Asia, and they explore the economic, political, and
to explore the past with historical empathy.
social revolutions that have transformed human history. At the
MS CIVICS, GOVERNMENT, & ECONOMICS end of the course, students conduct a rigorous study of modern
Exploring the structure of the United States government on a national, history, allowing them to draw connections between past events and
state, and local level, this course challenges students to learn and contemporary issues. The use of recurring themes, such as social
This one-semester college-level course is designed to prepare
Psychology will introduce students to the systematic study of the
students for the AP United States Government and Politics exam.
behavior and mental processes of human means and animals.
Students will study the Constitutional underpinnings and structure
Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and
of the United States government, issues of politics and political
phenomena associated with the major fields within psychology.
parties, and topics in civil rights and public policy, demonstrating
Students also learn about the methods psychologists use in their
their understanding and acquisition of skills through written work,
science and practice. The major aim of this course is to provide
project-based activities, and practice exams.
each student with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained
ECONOMICS in most introductory college psychology courses. In addition, this
Available as either a semester or a full year, this course invites course has been designed to help students successfully achieve a
students to broaden their understanding of how economic concepts passing score on the AP Psychology exam.
apply to their everyday lives—including microeconomic and
macroeconomic theory and the characteristics of mixed-market
This advanced study of world history explores historical themes
economies, the role of government in a free-enterprise system and
common to societies around the world and across time periods, from
the global economy, and personal finance strategies. Throughout the
1200 to the present day. Emphasis is placed on document analysis,
course, students apply critical-thinking skills while making practical
historical thinking skills, reasoning processes, and essay writing.
economic choices. Students also master literacy skills through
Students will demonstrate their understanding and acquisition of
rigorous reading and writing activities. Students analyze data displays
skills through written work, document-based questions, project-
and write routinely and responsively in tasks and assignments that
based activities, and practice exams.
are based on scenarios, texts, activities, and examples. In more
extensive, process-based writing lessons, students write full-length
essays in informative and argumentative formats.
AP and Advanced Placement are registered trademarks of the College Board.
* Courses marked with an asterisk are one-semester courses.
Examining current global issues that impact our world today, this
course takes a thematic approach to understanding the development
of human systems, human understanding of the world, and
human social organization. Divided into two semesters, this high
school course will challenge students to develop geographic skills,
including learning to interpret maps, analyze data, and compare
theories. Offering interactive content that will grow students’
understanding of the development of modern civilization and human
systems—from the agricultural revolution to the technological
Middle school students begin their introduction to Spanish Middle school students begin their introduction to German
with fundamental building blocks in four key areas of foreign with fundamental building blocks in four key areas of foreign
language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and
writing. Each unit consists of an ongoing adventure story, a new writing. Each unit consists of an ongoing adventure story, a new
vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive
games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening
comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, and comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, and
multimedia cultural presentations covering major Spanish-speaking multimedia cultural presentations covering major German-speaking
areas in Europe and the Americas. areas in Europe.
Students in middle school continue their introduction to Spanish Students continue their introduction to middle school German with
with fundamental building blocks in four key areas of foreign this second-year course by covering fundamental building blocks in
language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and four key areas of foreign language study: listening comprehension,
writing. Each unit consists of an ongoing adventure story, a new speaking, reading, and writing. Each unit consists of an ongoing
vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive adventure story, a new vocabulary theme and grammar concept,
games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening numerous interactive games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar,
comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, and reading and listening comprehension activities, speaking and
multimedia cultural presentations covering major Spanish-speaking writing activities, and multimedia cultural presentations covering
areas in Europe and the Americas. major German-speaking areas in Europe.
Students in middle school begin their introduction to French In this middle school course, students begin their introduction
with fundamental building blocks in four key areas of foreign to Chinese with fundamental building blocks in four key areas of
language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and foreign language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading,
writing. Each unit consists of an ongoing adventure story, a new and writing. Each unit consists of an ongoing adventure story, a
vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive new vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive
games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening
comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, and comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, and
multimedia cultural presentations covering major French-speaking multimedia cultural presentations covering major Chinese-speaking
areas in Europe and across the globe. countries.
Middle school students continue their introduction to French Middle school students continue their introduction to Chinese with
with fundamental building blocks in four key areas of foreign fundamental building blocks in four key areas of foreign language
language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Each
writing. Each unit consists of an ongoing adventure story, a new unit consists of an ongoing adventure story, a new vocabulary theme
vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive and grammar concept, numerous interactive games reinforcing
games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening comprehension
comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, and activities, speaking and writing activities, and multimedia cultural
multimedia cultural presentations covering major French-speaking presentations covering major Chinese-speaking countries.
areas in Europe and across the globe.
OTHER DOCTORS* This semester-length high school course provides students with an
Physicians, Pharmacists, Dentists, Veterinarians, and Other Doctors understanding of the field of agriculture power and introduces them
focuses on preparation for physician-level careers, including dental, to concepts associated with producing the food and fiber required
veterinary and pharmaceutical, along with a look into the physician to meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs. Students are given the
assistant and alternative medicine systems. This semester-long opportunity to explore agriculture machinery, as well as structures
course also introduces the topics of diversity and the move toward and technological concepts. They also learn about the historical
social and cultural skills in medicine, in addition to academic changes in agriculture and how agriculture has changed to meet the
ability. This course focuses on the preparation for entry to practice, needs of the future world population. Students are introduced to
along with navigating the field once you are in it (working as part of machinery, structures, biotechnology, and ethical and professional
a team, dealing with patients, etc.). Students choose their career standards applicable to agriculture power.
path by studying different roles, responsibilities, settings, education
needs, and amounts of patient contact. Degree and training
requirements, working environment, salaries, and the day in the
Public Health: Discovering the Big Picture in Health Care is a
life of that career is also covered in this course. Students explore
semester-long high school course that discusses the multiple
important aspects that are applicable to the entire health field, such
definitions of public health and the ways these definitions are put
as behaving ethically, keeping patients safe and free from infections
into practice. The five core disciplines and ways they interact to
and germs, and following laws and policies.
reduce disease, injury and death in populations is explored. By
PLANNING MEETINGS AND SPECIAL EVENTS* understanding the roles of public health, students gain a greater
Planning Meetings and Special Events is a semester-long high appreciation for its importance and the various occupations one
school course designed as an introduction to the study of planning could pursue within the field of public health. Students explore the
meetings and special events. Being a meetings and special events history, nature and context of the public health system. Students
planner is both demanding and rewarding. According to The Bureau also learn how to promote public health, and how to coordinate
of Labor Statistics employment of meeting, convention, and event a response to a public health emergency. Students explore how
planners is projected to grow 7 percent from 2018 to 2028, faster diseases spread and learn about the roles of the Centers for Disease
than the average for all occupations. Job opportunities should be Control and the World Health Organization. By entering the field of
best for candidates with hospitality experience and a bachelor’s public health, students play an integral part in improving the health
degree in meeting and event management, hospitality, or tourism and lives of many people.
management. It’s not all fun and parties because a meeting
coordinator is responsible for every detail of an event. Planners
Science and Mathematics in the Real World is a semester-long high
must know how to communicate, be empathetic, and think of their
school course where students focus on how to apply scientific and
clients. It’s crucial to remember that in some instances the event
mathematical concepts to the development of plans, processes, and
will be a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, so it’s important to get it right.
projects that address real world problems, including sustainability
VIRTUAL TUTOR: TASC® SAT, PSAT, and ACCUPLACER are registered trademarks of the College Board.
This test preparation course effectively prepares students for ACT, COMPASS, and WorkKeys are registered trademarks of ACT, Inc.
ALGEBRA I HONORS quadratic formula methods. Next, students solve linear systems
This full-year honors course introduces students to linear, and apply their knowledge of the concept to three-by-three systems.
exponential, and quadratic functions by interpreting, analyzing, An in-depth study on polynomial operations and functions allow
comparing, and contrasting functions that are represented students build their knowledge of polynomials algebraically and
numerically, tabularly, graphically, and algebraically. Technology graphically. In the second semester, students study nonlinear
is utilized within some lessons to further support students in functions. Students solve and graph rational and radical functions
identifying key features as well as displaying images of the whereas the exponential and logarithmic functions focus on the
functions. The course builds upon the basic concepts of functions key features and transformations of the functions. Expected value
to include transformations of linear and non-linear functions. and normal distribution concepts expand and deepen students’
Students deepen their understanding of quantitative reasoning, knowledge of probability and statistics. Students also cover
piecewise functions, and quadratic functions through performance trigonometric functions and periodic phenomena.
tasks. The additional performance-based skills allow the honors
students to apply more of the concepts taught in the course. The
This full-year advanced math course starts with a unit on the
course concludes with students analyzing data through displays and
nature of functions and complex numbers before moving into
statistical analysis.
matrices, systems, and linear programming. Students then return
GEOMETRY HONORS to functions with a focus on graphing a variety of function types;
The course begins by exploring the foundational concepts of this unit includes a performance task on production schemes.
Euclidean Geometry in which students learn the terminology of Students explore rational functions in depth and then conclude
geometry, measuring, proving theorems, and constructing figures. the first semester with right triangle and circular trigonometry. In
Students then expand on their knowledge of transformations and the second half of the course, students synthesize what they have
complete an assignment on identifying point symmetry as well learned to graph and solve trigonometric functions. They also study
as completing a performance task on tessellations. The course vectors, conics and analytic geometry, statistics and probability,
continues with an in-depth look at triangles where students mathematical modeling, and sequences and series.
prove theorems, relating congruency and similarity in terms of
transformations, and connecting right triangles relationships to
This freshman honors English course invites students to explore
trigonometry. Students study set theory and apply probability
a variety of diverse and complex texts organized into thematic
through theoretical and experimental probability, two-way tables,
units. Students will engage in literary analysis and inferential
and combinations and permutations. With lessons pertaining to
evaluation of great texts, both classic and contemporary. While
quadrilaterals, students can identify the various figures based on
critically reading fiction, poetry, drama, and literary nonfiction,
their key features. Within the circles units, students identify angles,
honors students will master comprehension, use evidence to
radii, and chords, perform a performance-based task on tangents,
conduct in-depth literary analysis, and examine and critique how
and then compute the circumference and area of various circles.
authors develop ideas in a variety of genres. Interwoven throughout
Then students study parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas before
the lessons are activities that encourage students to strengthen
modeling and computing two- and three-dimensional figures.
their oral language skills, research and critically analyze sources
ALGEBRA II HONORS of information, and produce clear, coherent writing. In addition
The course begins with a review of concepts that will assist to activities offered to students in core courses, honors students
students throughout the course, such as literal equations, problem are given additional opportunities to create and to participate in
solving, and word problems. Students then progress to a unit project-based learning activities, including writing a Shakespearian
on functions where students compute operations of functions, sonnet and creating an original interpretation of a Shakespearian
compose of functions, and study inverses of functions. To build on play. Honors students will read a range of classic texts, including
their algebraic skills, students learn about complex numbers and Homer’s The Odyssey, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Jack
apply them to quadratic functions via completing the square and London’s “To Build a Fire” and Richard Connell’s “The Most
CHARACTER & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT injustices. Upon completing this course, students will understand
In this course, students will learn what leadership looks like in a the value of resiliency and how to utilize a framework for working
21st-century world, how new generations are adapting to lasting through life challenges, enabling them to lead a meaningful and
principles and how to influence others and take on a leadership fulfilling life.
role in their own community. The course begins with providing
students the opportunity to identify and write out their life vision,
Personal Development is a course designed to increase a student’s
mission, and purpose and begin to understand the value of making
success in school, at work, and in their personal life. Each of the
memories, having adventures, and creating meaningful experiences.
lessons in this course provide students with practical insights,
Upon completion of this course, students will have a clear
stories, discussion questions, and activities designed to enhance
understanding of what it takes to have an impact on their family,
self-awareness, boost self-esteem, and help develop the motivation
friends, and peers, as well as a personal action plan of practical
it takes to overcome personal challenges. By participating in
steps they can take to reach their goals.
course activities and discussions, students build a valuable record
CLIMATE & CULTURE TRANSFORMATION of their goals, dreams, skills, interests, and values. Students
Climate & Culture Transformation is a course designed to teach will also develop the skills necessary to make informed and
students the different aspects of health and safety, relationship responsible decisions about their own well-being, as well as the
support, social awareness, and equity, inclusion, & diversity. The well-being of others.
climate and culture of a school, community, or relationship are
all based on mutual and self-respect, perspective-taking, healthy
This course is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge
communication, and positive values. In this course, students are
and tools to improve and repair relationships between people and
challenged to reflect on and learn more about themselves and
communities. It seeks to build social behaviors and treat underlying
others, as well as how to advocate for safer and more supportive
causes that lead to antisocial behavior, rather than merely punish
environments. Each lesson is packed with positivity and insight
the misbehavior itself, and restore the trust and harmony in both
needed to envision a brighter future for all.
individuals and relationships after harm is done. By participating
COLLEGE & CAREER READINESS in this course, students learn to evaluate the impact that their
The content in this course provides instruction on skills essential environment and experiences have on them, and then build
for students preparing for college and/or a career, including: how to purposeful, positive futures for themselves, regardless of their
build an effective resume, how to groom and dress in the workplace, history, circumstance, or past mistakes. This course aims to instill
the power of networking and how to develop disciplines that lead the confidence, inspiration, and wisdom needed to break through
to success. Now, more than ever, students are told they must be any social stereotypes or barriers that stand in the way of reaching
prepared for higher education or a career in a skilled profession. their full, best potentials possible.
A list of required materials by course, can be found on the eDynamic Learning Course Catalog website. On that page,
click on the course tile to bring up Units at a Glance for the course and scroll to the bottom for Required Materials list.
ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION* engineering, agriscience is finding new ways to better produce and
What comes to mind when you think of marketing? Does a favorite manage plants, from the field to the garden. In Agriscience II, you’ll
commercial jingle begin to play in your head? Or do you recall the build on your existing knowledge of plant science and delve deeper
irritating phone call from a company trying to sell you software you into important areas such as soil science and weed management.
already have? No matter what your feelings are about it, there’s You’ll learn more about horticulture and plant science trends from
no denying the sheer magnitude of the marketing industry. Every creating hybrid species to growing edible plants in unlikely places.
year companies spend $200 billion promoting their products and
services—and that’s in the United States alone! Experts estimate
This beginning of this full-year course will introduce you
that by the time you turn 65, you will have seen nearly 2 million
to vocabulary and simple sentences, so that you can start
TV commercials, not to mention radio ads, billboards, and online
communicating right away. Importantly, you will explore Deaf
advertisements. You’re familiar with what it’s like on the receiving
culture: social beliefs, traditions, history, values and communities
end of a company’s marketing efforts, but what’s it like on the other
influenced by deafness. The second semester will introduce you to
side? In this Advertising and Sales Promotions course, you’ll learn
more of this language and its grammatical structures.
how marketing campaigns, ads, and commercials are conceived and
brought to life. You’ll meet some of the creative men and women AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE 2
who produce those memorable ads and commercials. And you’ll In this course, students will build on the skills they learned in
discover career opportunities in the field to help you decide if a job American Sign Language 1 and explore the long and rich history
in this exciting, fast-paced industry is in your future! of Deaf culture and language. They will expand their knowledge of
the language as well as their understanding of the world in which
it is frequently used. Students will grow their sign vocabulary and
How have African Americans shaped the culture of the United
improve their ability to interact using facial expressions and body
States throughout history? Tracing the accomplishments and
language. They will also learn current trends in technology within
obstacles of African Americans from the slave trade through
ASL as well as potential education and career opportunities
emancipation, and to the modern African diaspora, you will learn
about the political, economic, social, religious, and cultural factors AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE 3
that have influenced African American life. In African American As students dive into more advanced ASL signing, including unique
History, you’ll come face to face with individuals who changed the grammar features, advanced classifiers and locatives, they’ll learn,
course of history and learn more about slavery, the Civil Rights compose, and present new-found vocabulary and narratives by
Movement, and the many contributions of the African American immersion in Deaf culture and community. Students will learn
community to American life. You will also explore how the history of opinions, slang, and idioms, to using technology and media that
African Americans influences current events today. offers authentic Deaf perspectives. They will explore how travel,
cultural differences, and geography affect sign language, and gain
a better understanding of Deaf culture by learning important events
In this course, students will learn more about the development and
and examining topics such as education, science, and literature.
maintenance of agriculture, animal systems, natural resources,
Additionally, through discussing Deaf culture and experiences,
and other food sources. Students will also examine the relationship
students will advance their signing skills by developing verb
between agriculture and natural resources and the environment,
tenses, grammar, and syntax in real conversation activities and
health, politics, and world trade.
through opportunities to debate real issues. Students will explore
AGRISCIENCE II: SUSTAINING HUMAN LIFE* the next steps in education and career opportunities for their new
Science and technology are revolutionizing may areas of our lives, intermediate ASL skills.
and agriculture is no exception! From aquaculture to genetic
Cosmetology is a specialized field with a high skill set. Students will Whether students aspire to be a world-class chef or just want to
examine the complexities of cosmetology by learning to perform a learn the skills needed to create their own dishes, they’ll build a
hair, scalp, and skin analysis. Students will also learn about hair strong foundation and grow their knowledge of this exciting industry.
types, face shapes, and color theory. To prepare students for a career Students will explore baking and desserts, learn how to prepare
in cosmetology, color techniques with an emphasis on salon and proteins, and study nutrition and safety in the kitchen. They will
chemical safety is examined. enhance their understanding of sustainability in the food industry,
learn to prepare meals from a global perspective, and dissect the
business of cooking, from managing a kitchen to successfully
Let’s delve into the realm of hairstyling and cutting techniques! In
running a catering company.
this course students will explore a variety of wigs, extensions, and
hairpieces, while also developing knowledge about shampooing and CYBERSECURITY I
conditioning. Discover manual curling and the use of chemicals We depend more and more on the technologies we interact with
to curl and straighten hair, as well as safety when working with every day, and we put more and more of our personal data out there
chemicals. By the end of the course students will be well versed in a online. Can all of that data really be kept “secret”? We all need to
plethora of hair skills and techniques. know more about how to protect our personal information, especially
given how much we rely on and use our network devices and media.
You’ll learn about the various parts of your computer, how they work
For many hundreds of years, literature has been one of the most
together, and how you can manipulate them to keep your data safe.
important human art forms. It allows us to give voice to our emotions,
You’ll also dive into the tools, technologies, and methods that will
create imaginary worlds, express ideas, and escape the confines of
help protect you from an attack and discover the many opportunities
material reality. Through creative writing, we can come to understand
in the rapidly growing field of cybersecurity.
ourselves and our world a little bit better. This course provides students
with a solid grounding in the writing process, from finding inspiration DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY I: CREATING IMAGES WITH IMPACT!
to building a basic story to using complicated literary techniques and Have you ever wondered how photographers take such great
creating strange hybrid forms of poetic prose and prose poetry. By the pictures? Have you tried to take photographs and wondered
end of this course, students will learn how to discover their creative why they didn’t seem to capture that moment that you saw with
thoughts and turn those ideas into fully realized pieces of creative writing. your eyes? The Digital Photography I course focuses on the
basics of photography, including building an understanding of
aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and composition. Students will
In today’s world, crime and deviant behavior rank at or near the
be introduced to the history of photography and basic camera
top of many people’s concerns. In this course, we will study the
functions. Students will use the basic techniques of composition
field of Criminology – the study of crime. We will look at possible
and camera functions to build a portfolio of images, capturing
explanations for crime from the standpoint of psychological,
people, landscapes, close-up, and action photographs.
biological and sociological perspectives, explore the categories and
social consequences of crime, and investigate how the criminal DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY II: DISCOVERING YOUR CREATIVE POTENTIAL*
justice system handles not only criminals, but also their misdeeds. In today’s world, photographs are all around us, including in
Why do some individuals commit crimes why others do not? What advertisements, on websites, and hung on our walls as art. Many
aspects in our culture and society promote crime and deviance? Why of the images that we see have been created by professional
are different punishments given for the same crime? What factors… photographers. In this course, we will examine various aspects of
from arrest to punishment…help shape the criminal case process? professional photography, including the ethics of the profession,
and examine some of the areas that professional photographers
may choose to specialize in, such as wedding photography and
Food is all around us—we are dependent on it and we enjoy it. This
product photography. We will also learn more about some of the
course will give you the basic fundamentals to start working in the
Want to have an impact on the most important years of human Although the crime scene represents the first step in solving crimes
development? Students will learn how to create fun and educational through forensic science, the crime laboratory plays a critical role
environments for children, how to keep the environment safe for in the analysis of evidence. This course focuses on the analysis of
children, and how to encourage the health and well-being of infants, evidence and testing that takes place within this setting. We will
toddlers, and school-aged children. examine some of the basic scientific principles and knowledge that
guides forensic laboratory processes, such as those testing DNA,
toxicology, and material analysis. Techniques such as microscopy,
Do you have a flair for fashion? Are you constantly redecorating your
chromatography, odontology, entomology, mineralogy, and
room? If so, the design industry might just be for you! In this course,
spectroscopy will be examined.
you’ll explore what it is like to work in the industry by exploring
career possibilities and the background that you need to pursue FOUNDATIONS OF GAME DESIGN 1A: INTRODUCTION*
them. Get ready to try your hand at designing as you learn the basics Does your love of video games motivate you to pursue a career in
of color and design then test your skills through hands-on projects. this field? Pursue your passion by learning about the principles of
In addition, you’ll develop the essential communication skills that game design through the stages of development, iterative process,
build success in any business. By the end of the course, you’ll be critiques, and game development tools. Put these new skills to work
well on your way to developing the portfolio you need to get your by designing your own game!
stylishly clad foot in the door of this exciting field.
Are your students fashion trend followers? Are they drawn to Now that you have the basics of game design down, let’s use your
how designers have pulled together fabrics and colors to create creativity to develop a game from start to finish! Develop your game
memorable pieces? Do they dream of designing their own line of creation skills and practice with the tools professionals use to
clothing or accessories? Students will learn what it takes to get launch your career options in the field of game design. The content
started in the fashion industry, from the careers available to new of this course also applies to certification exams.
technology and trends reshaping the industry every day. Students
will start creating today!
From vampires to ghosts, these frightening stories have influenced
FORENSICS: THE SCIENCE OF CRIME fiction writers since the 18th century. This course will focus on the
Fingerprints. Blood spatter. DNA analysis. Law enforcement is major themes found in Gothic literature and demonstrate how the
increasingly making use of the techniques and knowledge from the core writing drivers produce, for the reader, a thrilling psychological
sciences to better understand the crimes that are committed and environment. Terror versus horror, the influence of the supernatural,
to catch those individuals responsible for the crimes. Students will and descriptions of the difference between good and evil are just a
explore techniques and practices used by forensic scientists during few of the themes presented. By the time students have completed
a crime scene investigation (CSI). Starting with how clues and data this course, they will have gained an understanding of and an
are recorded and preserved, they’ll follow evidence trails until the appreciation for the complex nature of dark fiction.
CSI goes to trial in the criminal justice system, examining how
various elements of the crime scene are analyzed and processed.
Is there life on other planets? What extremes can the human body
FORENSIC SCIENCE I: SECRETS OF THE DEAD* endure? Can we solve the problem of global warming? Today,
Fingerprints. Blood spatter. DNA analysis. The world of law scientists, explorers, and writers are working to answer all of these
enforcement is increasingly making use of the techniques and questions. Like Edison, Einstein, Curie, and Newton, the scientists
knowledge from the sciences to better understand the crimes that of today are asking questions and working on problems that may
are committed and to catch those individuals responsible for the revolutionize our lives and world. This course focuses on 10 of
crimes. Forensic science applies scientific knowledge to the criminal today’s greatest scientific minds. Each unit takes an in-depth look
justice system. This course focuses on some of the techniques at one of these individuals, and shows how their ideas may help to
and practices used by forensic scientists during a crime scene shape tomorrow’s world.
investigation (CSI). Starting with how clues and data are recorded
Think about the last time you visited your favorite store. Have
In this course, students will learn about what makes the hotel
you ever wondered how the products you buy make it to the store
and restaurant industries unique. They will learn about large and
shelves? Whether it’s video games, clothing, or sports equipment,
small restaurants, boutique and resort hotels, and their day-to-
the goods we purchase must go through a manufacturing process
day operations. Students will evaluate the environment for these
before they can be marketed and sold. In this course, you’ll learn
businesses by examining their customers and their competition.
about the types of manufacturing systems and processes used to
As well, they will discover trends and technological advances that
create the products we buy every day. You’ll also be introduced
makes each industry exciting and innovative. Students will explore
to the various career opportunities in the manufacturing industry
a variety of interesting job options from Front Desk and Concierge
including those for engineers, technicians, and supervisors. As a
services to Front-of-House and Food Service.
culminating project, you’ll plan your own manufacturing process for
INTERIOR DESIGN* a new product or invention! If you thought manufacturing was little
As the housing market continues to boom, people are looking more than mundane assembly lines, this course will show you just
to others to make updates to their homes that matches their how exciting and fruitful the industry can be.
preferences. In this course, students will learn how to turn their
interests and skills in interior design into a career. Explore color,
You’ve probably seen an old movie about a hotshot naval aviator, or
texture, trends, and styles over time, how homes are built, and
perhaps a more recent film about the daring actions of Special Forces
“green” options for homes and businesses. Interior designers do it
operatives. But do you really know what careers the military can offer
all—from planning the color scheme to choosing furniture and light
you? Introduction to Military Careers will provide the answers. The military
fixtures—with the end goal of creating a space where people can live
is far more diverse and offers many more career opportunities and tracks
or work comfortably, safely, and happily.
than most people imagine. In Introduction to Military Careers, you’ll learn
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS: not only about the four branches of the military (and the Coast Guard)
GLOBAL COMMERCE IN THE 21ST CENTURY* but also about the types of jobs you might pursue in each branch.
From geography to culture Global Business is an exciting topic From aviation to medicine, law enforcement to dentistry, the military
in the business community today. This course is designed to can be an outstanding place to pursue your dreams.
Edgenuity offers a broad catalog of one-semester electives through our Instructional Services group The content for the
following courses is provided by two best-in-class content development organizations: cFitness and eDynamic Learning.
These courses are available only through Instructional Services, meaning that they must be facilitated by an
Edgenuity teacher. The courses cannot be delivered by a district teacher.
*AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, Cosmetology, Nursing Assistant, and Pharmacy Technician are not available with Instructional Services.
ADAPTIVE PE strength, and flexibility training. In addition, they will learn about
This course allows for customized exercise requirements based on biomechanics and movement concepts as they enhance their level of
a student’s situation. In addition, students learn the basic skills skill-related fitness. Students will learn about game play concepts and
and information needed to begin a personalized exercise program specifically investigate the rules, guidelines, and skills pertaining to
and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Students research soccer, softball, volleyball, tennis, walking and running, dance, and
the benefits of physical activity and the techniques, principles, yoga. Students take a pre- and post-fitness assessment. Throughout
and guidelines of exercise to keep them safe and healthy. this course, students also participate in a weekly fitness program
involving elements of cardio, strength, and flexibility, as well as
participating in a variety of dual, individual, and group sport activities.
This two-semester course guides students through an in-depth
examination of the effects of exercise on the body. Students CONCEPTS IN FITNESS
learn how to exercise efficiently and properly. Basic anatomy, This course examines basic concepts in fitness that are important
biomechanics, and physiology will serve as a foundation for for personal fitness, as well as necessary foundational information
students to build effective exercise programs. The study of for any health or exercise career field. Areas of study include
nutrition and human behavior is also an integral part of the musculoskeletal anatomy and physiology, terms of movement,
course. Students conduct fitness assessments and participate in basic biomechanics, health-related components of fitness, FITT
weekly physical activity. principles, functional fitness skills, safety and injury prevention,
*These courses are recommended for grades 10–12. posture and technique, nutrition, and weight management.
This course is appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and
advanced runners and offers a variety of training schedules
Driver’s Ed Online Courses
In partnership with, Edgenuity offers online driver’s education for students in Arizona, California,
Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.
This course runs on a separate third-party learning management system.
Course materials are accessible through a third-party, user-friendly LMS and on all devices. Course progress is
automatically saved so students can pick up right where they left off. Once they’ve finished the course, students can take
their final test online, and after passing it, will earn their Certificate of Completion from an appropriately licensed school.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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