Chapter 3: Age Level Characteristics: Amber Mattison
Chapter 3: Age Level Characteristics: Amber Mattison
Chapter 3: Age Level Characteristics: Amber Mattison
Social Characteristics
More selective in their choice of friends and are likely to have more or less permanent
best friends.
Like organized games in small groups- overconcerned with rules.
Quarrels are still frequent.
Emotional Characteristics
Sensitive to criticism and ridicule- have difficulty adjusting to failure.
Eager to please the teacher.
Sensitive to the feelings of others.
Cognitive Characteristics
Understand that there are different ways to know things and that some ways are better
than others.
Understand that learning and recall are caused by particular cognitive processes that they
can control.
Elementary School (9 and 10 years old)
Physical Characteristics
Become leaner and stronger.
Obesity can become a problem.
Gender differences in motor skill performance are apparent.
Social Characteristics
Peer group becomes powerful and begins to replace adults as source of behavior
standards and recognition of achievement.
More selective and gender-based friendships.
Play makes numerous contributions to development.
Emotional Characteristics
Develop a more global, integrated, and complex self-image.
Disruptive family relationships, social rejections, and school failure may lead to
delinquent behavior.
Cognitive Characteristics
Can think logically- such thinking is constrained and inconsistent.
Simple memory skills- often perform about as well as adolescents or adults. More
complex memory skills- performance is more limited.