CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing System For Nanonetworks: September 2015
CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing System For Nanonetworks: September 2015
CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing System For Nanonetworks: September 2015
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4 authors, including:
Andreas Pitsillides
University of Cyprus
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Christos K Liaskos on 29 October 2015.
ABSTRACT and networking design issues [11, 10]. The key challenge in
The present paper introduces a joint coordinate and rout- nano- architectures and protocols is to maintain simplicity
ing system (CORONA) which can be deployed dynamically without compromising the connectivity and lifetime of the
on a 2D ad-hoc nanonetwork. User-selected nodes are used nanonetwork.
as anchor-points at the setup phase. All nodes then mea-
sure their distances, in number of hops, from these anchors, Early nanonetworking approaches were flood-based, where
obtaining a sense of geolocation. At operation phase, the upon the first reception of a packet, each of the nodes re-
routing employs the appropriate subset of anchors, selected broadcast it blindly, thus all reachable nodes receive the
by the sender of a packet. CORONA requires minimal setup packet [6]. While this maximizes the network coverage,
overhead and simple integer-based calculations only, impos- unconditional broadcast schemes are expected to result in
ing limited requirements for trustworthy operation. Once serious redundancy and collisions, the so-called “broadcast
deployed, it operates efficiently, yielding a very low packet storm” problem, due to high density of nodes in nano-networks.
retransmission and packet loss rate, promoting energy-efficiency The Dynamic Infrastructure (DIF) [10, 15], approach has
and medium multiplexity. been introduced to mitigate transmissions without compro-
mising the high network coverage. The key idea in DIF is
Keywords that only nodes with good reception quality can act as re-
Wireless Networking, Nanoscale. transmitters, while the remaining nodes revert to receiving-
-only mode. The classification of nodes is based on packet
reception statistics, running locally at each node, called the
1. INTRODUCTION maturity process. According to it, a nanonode can deduce
Advances in nanotechnology enable the development of tiny whether it is better to “mature” into “infrastructure”, tak-
machines from nanoscale components, namely nanomachines. ing part in packet retransmission. While the DIF approach
Composed of a power supply, a memory, an antenna and a achieves significant gains in energy efficiency, as in the flood
CPU module, nanomachines are entirely autonomous nodes approach, every single node in the topology overhears trans-
which are able to perform simple operations and communi- mitted packets in the network even when it is not necessary.
cate in short distances. Currently, miniature graphene based
antennas [1] are introduced giving nanomachines the ability Most of the nanonetwork applications are expected to be
to achieve high transmission rates over very short distances data-centric in the sense that data is requested based on
when operating in the most promising operating spectrum certain attributes. For instance, consider a wireless tem-
of Terahertz Band [5],[2]. Such networks are expected to be perature sensing nanonetwork where a user-node requests
widely deployed in a variety of fields, such as biomedicine, for temperature readings equal or greater than a value, then
industry, environment and the military [1]. Communication nanonodes that satisfy this condition have to respond. Since
among nanomachines is evolving in the direction of ad-hoc reply-messages have to be driven to a specific node, the user-
networks due to their characteristics: the ability to be re- node, it is wiser to use unicast routing rather than broadcast.
configurable and self-organized. However, the severe restric-
tions of nano-nodes [17] in terms of computational power, The present work proposes a new data-centric routing scheme
memory and energy, combined with the expected high num- for nanonetworks. We focus on dense, 2D topologies due to
ber of nano-nodes per network, give rise to different protocol their applicability in Software-Defined Metamaterials (SDM),
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for per- a new class of artificial materials with programmable elec-
sonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not tromagnetic properties [9]. In the SDM case, an efficient ad-
made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear
this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for compo-
dressing and routing scheme makes for trustworthy, stable
nents of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstract- electromagnetic properties, while also laying the foundations
ing with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on for SDM access authorization and security mechanisms. In
servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or the extremely constrained nanonetworking environment, we
a fee. Request permissions from’ 15, assume a nano-CPU able to perform simple integer calcu-
September 21 - 22, 2015, Boston, MA, USA. (c)2015 ACM. 978-1-4503- lations only, and furthermore that no neighbourhood status
3674-1/15/09...$15.00. DOI:
information is exchanged. Basically, a reply-packet is de-
livered by utilizing only the sender/receiver address infor- which uses a hierarchical cluster based architecture where
mation in the message, preventing its broadcast to the net- all nanonodes communicate directly with the nanocontroller
work. The addresses are composed of a set of four location- in one hop. It is noted, however, that clustering-based ap-
-attribute values, which characterize the local range of area proaches were originally introduced by Srinkath et al [14].
where the specific node belongs to. According to the pro- Nanonodes are clustered into groups and communication
posed addressing process each node sets locally its own ad- abilities are delegated only to their more-powerful cluster
dress, rather than being pre-assigned. In large nanonetworks masters (controllers). Later, a dual-mode solution is pre-
such an approach is expected to reduce the painful assign- sented in [13], where the authors propose a receiver-initiated
ment of addressing quite significantly. MAC protocol, which supports both centralized and dis-
tributed nanonetwork types. Finally, a centralized routing
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Related framework based on hierarchical clustering architecture in
studies are given in Section 2. Section 3 details the concept conjunction with Time Division Multiple Access is intro-
and introduces the proposed CORONA scheme. Evaluation duced in [12]. In that study, the communication between
via simulations take place in Section 4. Finally, the conclu- a data source and a controller is either multi-hop or direct,
sion is given in Section 5. based on the nano-controller’s evaluation. Still, in all the
above mentioned schemes, nano-nodes should support an
2. RELATED WORK explicit addressing scheme, a timing system for duty-cycle
operation, as well as quite a few powerful cluster heads, dis-
Nanonetworking has become a topic of research interest in
persed uniformly throughout the covered area.
different fields. In general, two main trends can be distin-
guished: the biological or bio-inspired communication mod-
A flood-based, extremely lightweight data dissemination scheme
ules and the wireless electromagnetic (EM) communication.
was introduced in [10]. According to this approach, a beacon
The first relies on biology as a source of inspiration and
node initially emits pulses (“packets”) periodically, which are
exploits biological molecules as information carriers. For
disseminated via a flooding scheme. This stage acts as an en-
example, the information is encoded on several biological
vironmental sounding, called “node maturity process”, dur-
molecules (e.g. RNA), which are diffused to the environment
ing which nanonodes are classified as either “infrastructure”
[1, 16]. The latter trend, which is assumed in the present
(re-transmitter) or network “user”, based on their reception
work, relies on radiative transfer theory, where wireless com-
quality. Once the maturity process is complete, the nodes
munication is based on electromagnetic (EM) waves. Re-
can communicate by running any protocol (e.g. PHLAME
lated research efforts so far have been focused on the physi-
or flood) over the formed infrastructure. Through theo-
cal and the Medium Access Control (MAC) definition, where
retical analysis and simulations, it was demonstrated that
the driving factor of research is the energy efficiency.
the infrastructure nodes form regular patterns around the
beacon. The study focused in rectangular grid topologies,
At the physical layer, early studies show that electromag-
where it was shown to addresses the three design challenges
netic communication in the Terahertz Band (0.1−10.0 THz)
of nanonetworking: i) high scalability and coverage with
is the most promising approach [5]. The development of an
regard to number of nodes in the network ii) limited com-
antenna at nano-scale, while keeping its operating frequency
plexity and iii) high energy efficiency.
at this promising operating spectrum, is proposed to be ac-
complished by the use of the new ”extraordinary” material
While the work of [10] proposed and evaluated the concept of
called graphene [1]. In carbon plasmonic nano-antennas,
dynamically-forming infrastructure in ad-hoc nanonetworks,
the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves can be up
it faced two limitations. Firstly, its operational parame-
to two orders of magnitude lower than in classical materials.
ters required topology-dependent optimization. Secondly,
Moreover, the Terahertz Band allows for high transmission
the nodes were assumed to have (simple) digital signal pro-
rates over very short distances. Recent studies have shown
cessing capabilities and floating point computation support.
that the communication range of a single node may be fur-
ther increased with the use of the 0.1 − 0.54 THz window
The present study introduces a lightweight routing and ad-
[2]. The authors showed that, when using this window, the
dressing scheme, which does not suffer from the limitations
free-space propagation loss becomes the dominating factor
stated above.
in channel characteristics, minimizing molecular absorption
and achieving the largest transmission distance.
At higher layers, authors in [6] proposed the Rate Division FOR NANONETWORKS (CORONA)
Time Spread On-Off Keying (RD TS-OOK) as a modulation
This section presents the proposed approach to address ge-
scheme in nano-communication. A logical ”1” is transmit-
ographic routing in nanonetworks. First, we present a tech-
ted as a femtosecond-long pulse and a logical ”0” is encod-
nique for assigning addresses in a nanonetwork in the form
ing as silence. Each node uses different symbol and coding
of a coordinate system. Each nanomachine derives its own
rates, while the only limitation is time related: keep the
coordinates dynamically during the process. This “address-
pulse duration much smaller than the symbol duration. A
ing” information assigned to each nanomachine may not be
handshake-based MAC protocol, namely the PHLAME, is
unique. Instead it may be shared by all nodes in the same
then proposed on top of RD TS-OOK. During the hand-
area. We will then present the routing scheme operating on
shake process the coupled nodes choose the best for their
top of the aforementioned addressing.
communication parameters. The nanonodes are either con-
nected in a full mesh, or operate by a full-flood example
[8]. A harvesting-aware MAC protocol is proposed in [17], 3.1 Setting up the Coordinate system
anchor_1 anchor_2
anchor_4 anchor_3
Figure 3: Using facing anchor points for packet rout-
Figure 1: Coordination system setup. Each user- ing may disallow the communication between cer-
selected vertex anchor broadcasts a single setup tain network areas.
packet. Each node retransmits and updates its dis-
tance from the corresponding anchor, measured in broadcasts the packet. Each receiving node understands via
hops traversed. the SETUP flag that the packet serves initialization pur-
poses. It proceeds to read the ANCHOR A value and sets
the corresponding distance in its memory to the N HOPS
value. It then increases N HOPS by one unit and retrans-
(1-bit flag) (2-bit flag) (2-bit flag)
N_HOPS {SOURCE} {RECEIVER} 01 int mits the packet. In this manner, all nodes are informed of
10 int
Meaning of Flag 11 int
the distance from anchor 1. After a safe timeout, the pro-
tion defines an ”area” of the topology. The amount of nodes
being in an area depends on i) the type of the topology and
ii) the transmission range of each nanonode.
Figure 2: CORONA requirements in terms of packet
header additions (left) and node memory (right)
3.2 The Packet Routing Process
A triangulation-based coordinate system on a 2D plane re-
quires three anchors to uniquely identify an area. However,
The proposed coordinate assignment system relies on stan- given that CORONA assumes rectangular areas with an-
dard triangulation, popularized in several systems and stud- chors placed at the vertexes, even two anchors may suf-
ies [3]. An example and an overview of the assumed system fice, because an area with theoretically duplicate coordinates
is given in Fig. 1. We assume a rectangular area over which usually lies outside the network. Even if both areas with
a large set of nanonodes is uniformly placed. The layout identical coordinates would happen to lie within the net-
may be pre-arranged or random, provided that the average work area, the result would just be a temporary increase
node density remains uniform over the surface. This layout in the number of retransmitting nodes. However, in the
is important for monitoring and controlling industrial and case of CORONA this is avoided altogether, as explained
artificial materials [9]. The coordinates of a node comprise later. Therefore, the routing process of CORONA uses only
four parts, each corresponding to the distance of the node two of the four anchor coordinates for each packet trans-
from the four anchors placed at the area vertexes. For ex- mission. The decision is taken by the source node S based
ample, the concentric arcs in Fig. 1 roughly correspond to on which pair of anchors yields the lowest number of hops
the hop distance between anchor 1 and every node in the for transferring a packet, pkt, from a source node S with
network. coordinates (s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 ) to a receiver node R with coor-
dinates (r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 ). Once the appropriate anchor pair,
Therefore, according to CORONA, each node must obtain (anchor i, anchor j) is chosen by the sender, the transmis-
its distance from the anchor 1 -anchor 4 nodes. We note sion process is initiated. The SETUP flag of the originating
that the indexing of the anchors must follow a clockwise packet is set to 0 and the values of ANCHOR A and AN-
or counter-clockwise order. This is accomplished during a CHOR B flags are set according to the selected anchors for
setup phase, during which the anchor nodes sequentially routing.
transmit a single packet with special flags sets. The receiving
nodes are thus notified to update their observed hop count Upon the reception of a packet a node T with coordinates
from the corresponding anchor and re-transmit the packet. (t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ) deduces whether to retransmit a packet or not
The necessary packet headers and node fields are given in based only on simple integer comparisons:
Fig. 2. When an anchor node, e.g. anchor 1 is to execute (ti ∈ [si , ri ]) && (tj ∈ [sj , rj ]) (1)
its part in the setup process, it sets the SETUP packet flag
to 1, and ANCHOR A to the SET ANCHOR 1 value (0, 0). The criterion (1) essentially states that the retransmitting
(The ANCHOR B field is used in the routing process, dis- nodes lie within the area defined as the intersection of the
cussed below). Next, it sets the N HOPS field to one and rings:
1. Radius ∈ [si , ri ], Center = anchor i .
Table 1: Simulation Parameters
2. Radius ∈ [sj , rj ], Center = anchor j . Parameter Value
Frequency 100GHz
It is critical, however, that the intersection of the two rings Normal Tx Power (PT X ) 2 dBnW
be a connected area. The opposite would disallow the com- Noise Level 0 dBnW
munication between nodes S and R. It is not difficult to Node Sensitivity (SIN Rthresh ) −10dB
show that this condition always holds when the anchors are Attenuation Model Free Space (FSPL)
placed on non-diagonally-facing vertexes. In these cases, all Guard Interval 0.1 nsec
concentric circles have a single common point within the Packet Inter-arrival 100 nsec
rectangle area. This does not always hold for diagonally- Packet Duration 10 nsec
facing anchors. An example is given in Fig. 3, where the use
of the top-right and bottom-left anchors bans the communi-
cation between areas A and B, since the ring intersection is CORONA
segmented. 70
60 FLOOD−0.6
Therefore, a sender S needs only consider anchor pairs that FLOOD−0.8
50 FLOOD−1.0
PDF (%)
lie on the same side of the rectangle area, namely the pairs
p1 = {anchor 1, anchor 2}, p2 = {anchor 2, anchor 3}, 40
p3 = {anchor 3, anchor 4} and p4 = {anchor 4, anchor 1}. 30
As stated, the selection criterion is based on which pair of-
fers the smallest number of hops to reach the destination R.
This can be expressed via the following lightweight process: 10
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
1. Calculate Di = |si − ri | , i = 1 . . . 4. Retransmissions per point−to−point packet exchange.
All subsequent runs consider a square area with four an- • The successful point-to-point packet exchange ratio
chor nodes at the four corners/vertexes for CORONA. The (i.e. how many out of the 100 pairs communicated
physical-layer parameters are summarized in Table 1 and successfully).
are typical for studies on nano-networks [6]. We employ the
• The number of retransmitting nodes involved per each
SINR approach to simulate the packet reception process [4].
of the 100 packet exchanges, forming a probability dis-
The connectivity of the nodes is circular, assuming the use
tribution function (PDF).
of a patch antenna [7]. In each case, the connectivity radius
is defined by the Tx Power, the Noise Level, the SIN Rthresh • The network-wide (i.e. global) i) packet retransmission
and the attenuation model (FSPL): rate, ii) successful packet reception rate, iii) packet
loss rate. These metrics are defined as the aggregates
P (radius) over all nodes and over all 100 exchanges, divided by
< SIN Rthresh ⇒
N oise Level the duration of the simulation (i.e. the time for 100
PT X exchanges) minus the warm-up period.
< SIN Rthresh ⇒
F SP L(radius) · N oiseLevel
PT X c Figures 4 and 5 present the results pertaining to the grid
radius < · (3)
SIN Rthresh · N oiseLevel 4π · F layout. The PDF of nodes involved per transmission pair
is given in Fig. 4. It is obvious that the FLOOD ap-
Grid Topology
CORONA proach involves every single of the 10, 000 nodes in the net-
Global Pkt
50 Retransm. rate. DIF work, for each transmission pair, when the flood probabil-
(Pkts/nsec) FLOOD−0.4
37 FLOOD−0.6
ity is 1.0 (FLOOD-1.0). This number drops proportion-
FLOOD−0.8 ally to the flood probability, when the latter is decreased
FLOOD−1.0 to p = 0.8, 0.6, 0.4 respectively. Notice that the respec-
50 37 25 12
tive PDFs are narrow peaks around the means defined by
Global Pkt
0.25 0.5 0.74 0.99
point−to−point p × 10, 000. We remark that p is a parameter that re-
Recv rate. packet exch. (%)
(Pkts/nsec) 300 quires manual, precise tuning, which may not be viable for
nanonetworks. For example, Fig. 5 demonstrates that even
wild variations of p may offer small performance advantage.
910 Global Pkt
loss rate.
All compared FLOOD variations and DIF achieve perfect
1200 (Pkts/nsec) packet exchange ratio (100%), but with a global packet re-
ception rate almost five times higher than CORONA.
this may quickly deplete the nodes serving as retransmitters
30 (infrastructures), since they handle all the packet transmis-
sion load of the network. (We notice, however, that once de-
pleted, these nodes are automatically substituted by others).
10 Nonetheless, the performance of DIF surpasses FLOOD in
every aspect shown in Fig. 5.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Retransmissions per point−to−point packet exchange. On the other hand, CORONA exhibits interesting traits.
In Fig. 4 we observe that the PDF of CORONA is not a
Figure 6: PDF of nodes involved in the transmis- narrow peak, meaning that the number of retransmitters
sion of a packet from a random source to a random participating to a packet exchange varies considerably. This
destination, assuming a random topology. is expected, given that the packets now travel over paths
defined by their coordinate system, as described in Section
3. In essence, the performance of DIF corresponds roughly
to an average scenario for CORONA from this aspect. How-
Random Topology
ever, shorter paths are more probable for CORONA, as
Global Pkt
50 Retransm. rate.
DIF shown by the form of the corresponding PDF. Furthermore,
(Pkts/nsec) FLOOD−0.4
FLOOD−0.6 Fig. 5 shows that CORONA combines a perfect packet
exchange ratio (100%) with a considerably reduced global
packet send, receive and interference rate. The gains of
12 CORONA over FLOOD and DIF also validate the shorter-
Global Pkt 50 37 25 12 Successful
Recv rate. point−to−point
packet-path claim. In terms of global packet interference
(Pkts/nsec) 0.25 0.5 0.74 0.99
packet exch. (%) and send rate, DIF and CORONA behave similarly in the
grid layout assumed in Fig. 5. These metrics are represen-
tative of the energy-efficiency of the schemes. However, the
980 global packet reception rate is much lower for CORONA.
1300 Global Pkt This metric expresses the communication multiplexing po-
loss rate.
tential. In essence, for each packet exchange, DIF involves
approximately five times more (redundant) auditors than
CORONA. This means that in the case of simultaneous
packet exchanges among multiple sender-receiver pairs, DIF
Figure 7: Radar plot for the setup of Fig. 6, pre- would be expected to cause unnecessary interference, limit-
senting the successful packet transmission ratio, as ing the multiplexing potential of the wireless medium.
well as the global packet send/receive/loss rate.
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5. CONCLUSION [9] C. Liaskos, A. Tsioliaridou, A. Pitsillides,
The present study introduced a joint coordinate and routing I. F.Akyildiz, N. Kantartzis, A. Lalas,
system for trustworthy nanonetworks (CORONA). CORONA X. Dimitropoulos, S. Ioannidis, M. Kafesaki, and
uses distances from user-selected anchor points to define C. Soukoulis. Design and Development of Software
arc-shaped paths among any pair of nodes. These paths Defined Metamaterials for Nanonetworks, 2015. IEEE
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tion needs, while reducing considerably the number of re- [10] C. K. Liaskos and A. N. Tsioliaridou. A Promise of
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This work was supported by the EU FP7 OPTET project harvesting wireless nanosensor networks in the
(Grant no.317631) and the GSRT in Greece with a Research Terahertz Band. Wireless Networks, 20(5):1169–1183,
Excellence grant. 2014.
[13] Shahram Mohrehkesh and Michele C. Weigle.
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