Report Fyp Car Paint
Report Fyp Car Paint
Report Fyp Car Paint
“In a changing world, by the time you master the game the rules have
–Innu Reno
_____________________ ____________________________
Hani Hassan Mahmood (Project Advisor) (Member)
____________________________ ____________________________
Muhammad Amir (Co-Supervisor) (Member)
____________________________ (Member)
Prof. Usman Ali Shah
(Chairman Electrical Engineering ____________________________
Department) (Member)
The report is dedicated to our beloved parents, our project coordinators and our supervisor.
First of all, would thank almighty Allah for His countless blessings which has enabled to
withstand and overcome the challenges during this project. The supervisor Hani Hassan owes
gratitude for providing the opportunity and guiding through different phases of the work. At
NED University, the Vice Chancellor deserves special thanks. The co-supervisor Muhammad
Among colleagues, it is a privilege to have the company of Sheikh Hassam Moinuddin who
helped us through some of the challenges task. We cherish the time that we have spent
The life in the last year had been preoccupied we were not able to give due time to our
families. We heartily acknowledge our parents for their patience and support. At the end,
there are many more people among the staff of NED University. Thank you all, for what you
have done.
DEDICATION.................................................................................................................................................. i
Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ vi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction and Background......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Problem Statement:..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation:............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives..............................................................................................................................5
1.4 Challenges Faced:..................................................................................................................6
1.5 Conveyor Belt:.......................................................................................................................7
1.6 Sensor....................................................................................................................................9
1.7 MOTORS:.............................................................................................................................14
1.8 Organization of Thesis.........................................................................................................16
CHAPTER 2 SIMULATION AND ALGORITHM.................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 3 METHOD AND MATERIAL............................................................................................... 30
3.1 Conveyor Belt......................................................................................................................30
3.2 Sensors................................................................................................................................32
3.3 Robotic Arm........................................................................................................................33
3.4 Furnace................................................................................................................................34
3.5 Keypad and Panel Box.........................................................................................................36
3.6 Controller............................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER 4 IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS............................................................................... 38
4.1 Connections and Wiring......................................................................................................38
4.1.1 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................38
4.1.2 Connections of Robotic Arm:.......................................................................................39
4.1.3 Connection of Furnace................................................................................................40
4.1.4 Connection of Conveyor..............................................................................................41
4.1.5 Connection of NRF.......................................................................................................42
4.1.6 Connection of Panel Box..............................................................................................44
4.2 Power Supply.......................................................................................................................45
4.3 Working and Mechanism....................................................................................................45
4.3.1 Working of Conveyor:..................................................................................................45
4.3.2 Working of Robotic Arm..............................................................................................46
4.3.3 Working of furnace......................................................................................................46
4.3.4 Working of Panel Box..................................................................................................46
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK............................................................................... 48
5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................48
5.2 Future Advancements.....................................................................................................50
References.................................................................................................................................................. 51
The purpose of the project was to implement an efficient, time saving, compact and cost
effective car paint baking system. The tasks were achieved using the knowledge of Arduino
UNO programming as well its interfacing with sensors and actuators. Automation is a great
Automated Automotive Paint Baking System. Considering automotive paint baking because
of the reasons that the process of car painting is done automatically by robotic arms which
reduce the time and labour. The wirelessly controlled furnace saves time and it is not
required anymore to paint an automobile by holding fire for the paint to scorch up. The
In Pakistan, the worldwide trusted companies of paints, paints the cars providing anti-
corrosive, heavy duty protective coatings. Along with these normal protective coatings, the
powder coatings are also the fragment of their business. This method of enhancing and
protective coating is used by both, the industrialists and the retailers. They use finely
powdered paint which is electrically charged, mixed with resin, is sprayed on the car’s
There is very less amount of these paint companies which paint the cars with all the
precautions, focusing more on the cosmetic appearance and the quality of paint. The issue of
health and care arises. The workers in these automobile industries work with all their efforts
to win the heart by making the car more and more attractive and eye-catching.
The exposure to chemicals, paints and metals is hazardous for human life. The process of car
painting, sanding, metal fabrication, all come with long term serious health dangers. [1]
The sanding process releases silica which increases the chances for lung cancer.
Paints and their solvents are prepared with such chemicals which when come in
Sanding release silicoses that is the silica dust, which can cause permanent damage of
The ingredients of the paints and the protective coating spray include such toxins
The list of problem continues, but there is no way to reduce or minimize these effects on
human life. We cannot change the process of sanding, the texture of sand, or we can’t even
Due to these reasons more serious preventive measures are necessary. We have devised a
solution to the said problem. The automatic and wireless system is the only possible solution
that can keep the humans safe from the hazards of these toxins. [2] The human life is the
most precious thing, and to assure them a healthy life we have designed this process.
Before starting work on designed wirelessly controlled automatic car paint baking system, its
key elements were studied like conveyor belt, painting mechanism using robotic arm, heating
sensors and its different techniques to gain sufficient knowledge in order to meet the
Figure 1-1 Problem in Painting Automobile
1.2 Motivation:
The process, automobile production is an expensive project with every step consuming an
average energy of about 700-900kWh per car bodyi, whose impact is visible in the figures of
the balance sheets. The involvedness of the painting process implicates number of
methodologies to make better use of energy, space and material. There are dozens of
problems in paint industries, so the target is to make an automated and wireless process
controlled paint baking heat oven system. The aim of this project is to make it on a conveyer
belt, with the help of robotic arm which can make it more efficient and economical. The
whole process will be constructed on a single conveyor belt, provided with number of
sensors which sense the body at different spots. The robotic arm is for coating the body of
car, it is programmed in such a way, that whenever the body of car is detected the arm
identifies its axis and according to its axis location, starts painting it. Then the main target of
this project is to dry the pain, which is an automated and wirelessly controlled mechanism.
The system will be automated and it will reduce the labour work and whole process is
operated at one place not in parts that is our main objective. Currently, the process of car
painting is being done but with many limitations, which are mentioned below.
During the whole car processing mechanism, the paint spray booth is the most
sensitive and delicate step, affecting the power consumption the most.
single platform and instead of waiting for the body to get dried.
amalgamated onto a single conveyor belt, the process will get automatically
shifted to the drying chamber that is the furnace, which for sure saves the
time. To make the process time efficient, this is the most beneficial automated
The previous systems are wired, which makes this simple process look
complicated and complex. The wireless keypad system makes it the process
In automotive industries, the object is not any small sized package; it’s a
whole giant car structure. Presently most of the work is done by labours,
which have to lift these heavy bulky loads. This manual lifting causes serious
1.3 Objectives
This project is providing an automated mechanism to paint or repaint the automobile using
robotic arm. It also includes controlling the heat and temperature of furnace (baking oven)
wirelessly using a controller. All the process will be combined on a single conveyor belt. It is
When the structure of the car is placed on conveyer belt, the body will be painted by the help
of robotic arm. As the body is detected, the robotic arm will identify the axis of the body and
paint it. After the body is painted, in order to get dried it will be stepped into the baking oven,
with an automatic front and back door. This furnace is provided with IR sensor
To build a smart baking oven which is providing a complete process to cure the
To install and extend our existing automobile painting system using the automated
To develop a system that is more accurate.
The challenges we will face during the implementation of this system are following:
Making and Controlling of robotic arm to paint the desired object is one of the
difficult tasks.
Temperature controlling.
Conveyer belt
To paint the object properly with paint nozzle through robotic arm is a challenging
big challenges.
Another challenge is making algorithms for this whole system using sensors. It is one of
difficult tasks to work with different sensors and make them in properly working condition.
Calibrating sensors and then making of algorithms to operate this system successfully.
It is the basic tool in material handling industry used in transportation of bulk materials. It is a machine
with a moving belt. To move the belt and carry the material forward one or two motors or pulleys are
powered. The powered pulley is called drive pulley and the unpowered one is known as idler pulley. [1]
1. BED
The upper surface belt is its bed which can be placed on a stand.
2. Motor
The motor can be placed under and within the conveyor BED. A sprocket is a wheel
3. Shaft
A pulley like an iron pipe can be placed on end of the bed. Pulley has a steel shaft through it. The shaft
Material of conveyor:
material must be resistant to temperature, moisture and chemicals. The five main materials
The belt conveyor system operates in a damp and dusty environment. It rotates for 16
hours a day under varying loads depending on the bearings calculated life. It is used
to transport and move large and heavy industrial and agricultural material. A belt
conveyor system transports objects over long distances. The endless conveyor belt is
moved by a drive system. [6] Conveyor systems use conveyor belts with by motors
that continually loop over the material that rotates over them.
1.6 Sensor
A device used to detect any change in physical environment and responds according to that
physical input, such a device is called as a sensor. That physical input can be light, pressure,
heat or any other physical environmental phenomenon. The detected output can be a signal
which is a human readable format at the location of sensor or any electronically transmitted
Numerous types of sensors are found in the world, which requires input signal in the form of
any physical phenomenon and produces an output in the form of signals (electrical). The
sensor needs an input device which provides input to the control system.
Sensors are classified into many classes in many different ways. A simplest way of
In the first kind, the sensors can be classified as active or passive sensors.
1. Active sensors:
When external excitation signal or a power signal is required by a sensor, then such kind of
2. Passive sensors: When external excitation signal or a power signal is not required by
This classification is based on conversion phenomenon, i.e. the inputs and the outputs.
Analog and Digital Sensors are the final classification of the sensors.
1. Analog output is produced by analog sensors i.e. a continuous output signal with
2. Digital Sensors, work with discrete or digital data. The data in digital sensors, is
The following is a list of different types of sensors that are used in numerous applications
The temperature sensors vary from simple ON/OFF thermostatic devices which
switch a domestic hot water heating system to highly sensitive semiconductor types.
The sense the change in the temperature of the surroundings and generate an
electrical signal.
The sensors which detect the presence of any object without the actual physical
contact, those sensors are called as proximity sensors. Now a day, the cell phones use
photocell or photo resistor (these are the light sensors) changes when light shines on
Ultrasonic Sensors are intended to detect solid or liquid by using sound waves.
This sensor captures and registers physical touch on an object. It enables an object to
The tilt in multiple axes of a reference plane can be measured by the tilt sensor.
The rate of fuel injected and the flow rate is measured by the flow and level sensor.
The sensors used for this automated system are used for detecting the object as
An electronic device, infrared sensor is used for measuring the heat of objects as well
as detects the objects. In this project, the IR sensors are used to detect the motion.
These sensors use only infrared radiations instead of emitting them, so they are called
as passive IR sensor. All objects radiate thermal radiation of some kind, usually in the
infrared spectrum which is invisible to our eyes. These radiations are only detected by
the infrared sensor. The IR led is used as the emitter and the photodiode is the
detector that is sensitive to IR light of same wavelength. The output voltage and
resistances change in proportional to the received light when the IR light falls on the
The second sensor which is used to detect temperature and humidity is DHT11. It is a
digital temperature sensor which detects the temperature and humidity and the output
is also digital signal. It is used for high stability and long term reliability. It includes a
An electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called as
The type of technology used in motor determines its application and its dependent cost.
AC electric motors are driven by alternating current. The synchronous motor always runs at
magnetic field (stator) and rotates with it. The speed of these machines are varied by varying
the frequency (f) and the number of poles (P), as Ns = 120 f/P.
DC motor is the only motor which is driven by direct current. It’s the most primitive version
of the electric motor where rotating torque is produced due to flow of current through the
A servo motor is a rotary actuator which permits a control of angular position, acceleration
and velocity. It makes use of a regular motor and a sensor for feedback. As it is specifically
designed for the purpose so the controller is the most sophisticated part of the servo motor.
The simplest servo motors use DC motors and a potentiometer for position sensing and also
use big-bang control that is the motor moves at extreme speed until it stops at the selected
position. In industrial motion control it is not widely used as it can be quite imprecise, but
these kinds of servo motors are widespread in radio-controlled devices such as model aircraft
and toy cars. Some servo motors for industries have both position and speed sensing
controlled through algorithms, which allows the motor to be carried to its position quickly
AC servo
DC servo
DC servos are not designed for high currents and are suited for smaller applications.
1.8 Organization of Thesis
To make sure that whom so ever in the future picks this report to further implement this
project in a more effective manner we divided this report into five chapters for the ease of
any particular individual in layman terms. Each chapter covers different aspects i.e. of how
this idea was initially implemented, how we have made a difference, and how anybody else
Starting from First chapter which gives a brief overview and literature review of how we
were motivated with the idea of making a FYP that would not only cover the learning of
entire bachelors, but if necessary it would be a near to perfect solution for preliminary use.
Second chapter covers the simulation of project and programming and particular software
As the idea starts to make sense so does the study of things required to put in the system, so
third chapter covers the study of methods and materials that were required to cover all
Fourth comes with the implementation and results which by its name concludes that this
chapter would cover the explanation of how this task was performed and what aspects were
Arduino IDE was used as software for code programming. The algorithms of code
For Arduino UNO
Simulations can be tested on Proteus Software by downloading Arduino libraries.
In this chapter we have briefly discussed the approach towards the construction, setup,
working and techniques we applied to paint an automobile without waiting for days to dry
up, which was our target. We will discuss all the parts we used, along with their
measurements, materials, structure and the reason behind their selection. There are number of
options which could be used as the substitute but we choose the most consistent and the most
reliable materials, to make this the best way to paint and bake the automobile and to make
The material of the conveyor was the big target for us, not only to bear the weight of
object, but to resist heat of the furnace too. Our objective was to find the best heat
resistant material which could be used as the conveyor belt. We had many options for
the belt, which includes rubber tube which is used in tires, hard plastic which is used
in utensils, aluminium sheet and leather. The best among them was leather textile
fabric. Leather was chosen because leather can bear high temperatures and is easily
The conveyor structure should be strong enough to carry the entire load, the motors
and all the rest of the components. We had options like, steel, iron, plastic and wood
to use as the base material of the conveyor’s structure. Among all these materials,
wood is the best one as iron and steel were although strong enough but they’ll get
heated at a quicker rate. We used wood as the base material of conveyor and the sides
of the structure is made of acrylic sheet along with the top too.
should be of standard size. After all the measurements and the parts placement it was
decided that the conveyor should be 3 feet long. 3 feet is the best size for the
After constructing the base of conveyor in the proper size, we find the perfect
material for the conveyor belt. Now to join the different parts of conveyor we used
screws at the joints. For the movement of conveyor we used two motors, each of 12
volts. The purpose of conveyor is to convey the object that is the car from one
As the objective of our project was to place an object on the conveyor belt to be
painted by the robotic arm. There was need for sensors, which will detect the object
when it comes near the mechanical arm. IR sensors are used at different positions of
The purpose of first IR sensor is to detect the object and to start the motors of
The purpose of second IR sensor is to detect the object and to stop those
Third IR sensor is placed near the door of the furnace. When the sensor
detects the object near the furnace, the motors of conveyor stops and the door
To detect object at different spots on the conveyor belt, we used IR sensors. The first
sensor is placed to detect the object and turn the conveyor on. The conveyor belt stops
at two locations, for that purpose two more IR sensors are used. The second sensor,
when detects the object, stops the motors of the conveyor. The third sensor is placed
before the furnace. That sensor IR sensor when detects the object, it stops the motors
and then the doors of furnace opens. So in this way three sensors are placed at
3.3 Robotic Arm
mechanical device or system can move. The number of degrees of freedom is equal to
the total number of independent displacements or aspects of motion.ii The robotic arm
The robotic arm has three high speed Metal Gear Servo i.e. MG995 as shown in
figure 3.3, which can rotate approximately 60 degrees in each direction.iii. It has an
operating voltage of about 4.8V a 7.2V which is suitable for painting purpose.
The structure of robotic arm is purely metallic. The body of mechanical arm is made
of metal along with a protective coating. The parts of robot are joined together by the
help of screws.
On the front top there is a metal claw on which the paint nozzle is fixed. The three
metal gear servo motors are present at three different locations on the arm. The whole
stand of the arm is made of metal while the base if of acrylic sheet.
3.4 Furnace
3.4.1Material of Furnace:
Our target for the furnace was to find any material that that can bear up to hundreds
available in the market that can be used to construct furnace. We used metal sheets
for the top and side layers of the furnace. And the doors of the furnace are constructed
The furnace is a cuboids shaped metal body fixed on the conveyor. The structure of
the frame is constructed in such a way, that the doors can fit easily with the frame and
the mechanism of furnace door opening and closing can be performed easily.
The motors which are used for the furnace door are 4 pole stepper motor, found
normally in CD ROMS. The main motor is the stepper motor but its driving
The length height and width of the furnace is 9, 10 and 6 inches respectively. It is
3.4.5 Temperature of Furnace:
The temperature range of the heating element is 120- 150 degree. This temperature is
perfect for the paint of the car’s structure to dry it up. We require a small range of
temperature, up to 40 degrees.
For the heating purpose, the metal wire is used. Metal wire normally used
domestically for heating water, water heaters, kettles or boilers are hollow metallic
coiled wires. These wires use Nichrome because of its high resistance and it forms a
3.4.7 Sensors:
A sensor is used in the furnace. The purpose of sensor is to sense the current
temperature of the furnace, and to send that temperature to the LCD. Temperature
sensor DHT11 is used for temperature sensing. Capacitive humidity sensor is used by
Arduino relay module is used for the heating element of the furnace. The high voltage of the
heating element is controlled by the module. The relay which is a switch basically is
Figure 3-5 furnace structure
To enter the desired temperature a 4x4 27899 keypad is used. The matrix keypad
which is normally seen on microwaves, calculators, gas stations, is used by the user to
set the temperature required for the paint drying purpose. This temperature should be
in the temperature range of the heating element. The temperature should not exceed
the range; otherwise it will take more time to dry or may cause damage to the object.
The chosen temperature will be displayed on the LCD. For the display of the
characters a 16x4 LCD is used. The model number of LCD is 016N004b. the
displayed temperature will be achieved by the heating element. As soon the desired
3.5.3 NRF
NRF24L01 is used for the wireless communication between the transceiver and the
receiver. It uses 2.4GHz band with range up to 100 meter if it is used in open space.
The transmission of the desired temperature from the user via keypad to the LCD will
be done through a wireless channel. The purpose of this panel box is to set the
3.6 Controller
1. For the furnace ATmega328 is used. It is Arduino UNO which has total 14
mega is the board which is based on this microcontroller. It has 16 PWM pins
With the first Arduino, the heating element, the temperature sensors, the LCD and
the NRF is connected. While with the Arduino Mega the three IR sensors, the robotic
The robotic arm is built in a way that it can bear the weight of the painting nozzle. There are
three servo motors joined at the three joints. The servo motor MG995 is used for the arm’s
movement, which has three pins. The red wire is the Vcc one, brown one is the ground wire
and the orange one is the PWM wire. Three power supplies of 5 volts are used to power each
In the same manner as shown in Figure 4-8 three servos of robotic arm are controlled through
i. Motor driver: the motor driver is used for the doors of the furnace. The four pole
stepper motor is connected to the motor driver. The 12 volt adapter is used for power
ii. Temperature sensor: the temperature sensor, DHT11 is used for measuring the
accurate temperature of the furnace. It has three output pins. The Vcc, ground and
data pin. Vcc and ground are connected via Arduino and the data pin is connected to
iii. Heating coil: the nichrome coil has two output pin terminals. One is connected to
relay and other is connected to the ground of 220 v ac. While the 220 v is connected
The connection of Arduino Uno to DHT11 can be seen in Figure 4-10 and heating coil is
For the conveyor belt, a DC motor of 24V is used on one side only to run the belt. The motor
has two wires, one is connected to the relay and one is connected to the ground. As the
conveyor has to turn off at many stations so the relay is used which is powered by a 12 volts
adapter and the ground of motor and relay are common. As the relay needs 5 volts input, so
the voltage regulator LM7805 is used to convert 12 volts input into 5 volts. One pin of motor
is connected to relay at normally close pin and other is connected to the ground of 12V while
Two NRF are used for the wireless communication between the user controlled keypad and
the display screen LCD. One NRF is connected to the Arduino UNO along with LCD and the
other NRF is connected to the Arduino Mega. 3.3 volt input is used to power each NRF. The
rest of the pins of NRF are connected to the digital pins of Arduino with a common ground.
In Figure 4 -12 it is shown how nrf connected to UNO and in Figure 4 -13 how nrf
connected to Mega.
Figure 4-13 NRF WITH MEGA
The LCD is connected to the Arduino UNO along with the heating coil, and the temperature
sensor. Whereas the keypad is connected to the Arduino Mega along with the IR sensors and
Figure 4-7 shows keypad connected to Arduino mega and Figure 4 -15 shows the
4.2 Power Supply
Power supply is used for robotic arm. Three power supplies each of 12 volts is used for the
three motors of the robotic arm. Diodes, LM7805 and capacitors are used with a three
ampere, 24 volts transformer for designing the power supply such as the circuit shown in
Figure 4-9
The conveyor belt is powered by the help of adapter, which converts 220V to 12V.
The relay module plays the most important part here. The purpose of switching is
performed byte switches. The start and stop of the conveyor cannot be done without
relay module. Whenever the object gets detected, the mechanism of switching is done
When the object is detected by the second sensor, the conveyor stops. At this stage,
the robotic arm has to paint the object. The arm has three motors; they can move 60
degree in each direction. Firstly, the middle motor works. It moves five times from
left to right to paint. Then the motor at top that is the third motor moves similarly five
When the object gets detected by the third sensor, the conveyor stops for the second
time. Now the door of the furnace opens. When the door opens completely, the motor
starts again, and the object moves into the furnace and the door closes again. Now the
user will set the suitable temperature of the furnace. That temperature will be
achieved by the heating coil. As that temperature is attained, the heating coil stops
working. The back door of the furnace opens and the object leaves the furnace. In this
To dry the paint of the object, it is necessary to give a perfectly suitable temperature at which
the paint can dry. It is up to the users, what temperature they may give. To give the input
temperature a 4x4 keypad is present in this system. As the temperature will be, it will be
shown on the LCD and at the same time the heating of coil starts. The temperature of the coil
increases and reaches the given temperature. Two NRFs are present at the transmitter side
and at the receiver side. The NRF connected to the Arduino UNO will send the signal to the
second NRF of Arduino Mega. In this way we can control the temperature through a wireless
5.1 Conclusion
The objective of this task was to develop and implement a working prototype of an
automated wirelessly controlled automobile paint baking system. By the grace of Allah, we
are successful.
The main aim of undertaking any project is to learn something new and achieve something.
These achievements are not only related to technical aspects, but to behavioural and cultural
aspects as well.
When we first picked up this project we did not had much of the idea of wireless interfacing
but we had many goals in our mind that we wanted to achieve and most of all we wanted to
achieve something big, meaningful and yet useful. As we started to learn about how wide is
the field of wireless communication and how much it is useful to so many applications, it
became quite clear enough to us that yes it may not be an easy language to learn, but it is
As we get near towards to finishing our report, the conclusion to it is definitely positive. We
all wanted to learn a few parts from something new, instead we learnt more than our own
With each result from testing of Arduino for the first time to the end of completing an entire
circuit and body of the project, the results worked out fine. The conveyor works very smooth
and the object detection at different instants was also done finely. The painting and the
furnace parts took the longest time, as there were number of things which had to be
Similarly the task to set the temperature via wireless channel was a big difficult task for us to
achieve but by the help of such modules we communicated the signals without any
That being said this project is easily applicable to any small or big car painting shop. If it’s a
big room or an office then place two of them rather than one. Not only because they are
1) There was a very good practice of completing the task within the allotted time as this
3) It boosted our self-confidence both within ourselves and in our project mates.
5) The project enabled us to gain technical knowledge of devices and components which
In future the work will be done on painting mechanism through robotic arm. Using
MATLAB or any software image processing will be achieved to paint accurately. Axes and