Warner Bros. Movie World - Park Profile
Warner Bros. Movie World - Park Profile
Warner Bros. Movie World - Park Profile
Warner Bros. International rides and attractions have a strong The rst
Recreation Enterprises link with the corporate brand of
(WB ) announced in 1994 Warner Bros., and the park advertis- themed ark in
that they would start construction on es itself as "Hollywood in Germany."
a movie-based theme park in Bottrop- From the outside, everything is more
Kirchhellen, Germany, the local re- or less hidden and built low to the
Euro e, with
sponse to the park was overwhelm- ground. Strategic landscaping and
ingly negative. And there were some fences prohibit a view "to the set," all 0 its · s
good reasons. The site WE had select- with only the Lethal Weapon Pursuit
ed had been the site for two other the- roller coaster visible from the a attracttons
mers, both of which went bankrupt parking lot.
soon after their inaugural seasons.
WB's management has been able A Tour strongly linked
to overcome the problems that Guests enter through the Grand
plagued its predecessors , and the Archway, a 45-foot-tall entrance to with the cor orate
park, now in its third the park reminiscent of Hollywood
season, received more studios. The impressive Fountain of bra amer
than 2 million guests Fame, which anchors the entrance
last year. In fact, Warn- plaza, is surrounded by brass plaques
er Brothers now ranks of stars who have visited the facility.
among the top three at- The Bermuda Triangle, a high-tech •
tractions in Germany. water ride through an active volcano, In
The park is the is found in this area. Guests get close
first movie- to a number of pyrotechnic effects ennany."
• •
I r I
• and "alien" anima tronics before open the Studio Tour a little bit later
e are not ocuslng ending their ride with a splash into during the day. And with our show
a lagoon. schedule for the Roxy Theater at Hol-
on s eci ·c rides or Also on the square is The Warner lywood Boulevard (showing Marvin
Bros. Studio Tour, the park's longest the Martian in the Third Dimension)
show with a duration of 50 minutes. we will try to further enforce a flow
The first part is a Tram Tour that back into the front of the park. By
takes guests into the back lot of the doing all this we feel that people will
park, where, on an area of 12 acres, still come back to the front of
the studio complexes are located. the park."
After the Studio Tour, guests enter The Studio Commissary, which is
the Movie Magic complex where, on modeled after the famous canteen
three separate stages, guests are where stars and crew dined at the
taken behind the scenes and invited Warner Bros. studios in Burbank,
to discover the secrets of audio and Calif., is also in the entrance plaza.
visual special effects. Farther down the street is the
Because both of these attractions Warner Bros. department store, the
are located in the front of the park, it biggest shop at the park, boasting a
has led to flow and capacity problems variety of movie and Looney Tunes
during the afternoon. The park is in- related souvenirs.
stituting new m easures to alleviate Opposite the store is the Roxy
this problem. General manager Mark Theater, modeled after the Broadway
Germyn explains, "This year we will theater of the sam e name i.n New
attractions. It
features impres-
sive driving and he-
licopter stunts, explo-
sions, and pyrotechnics.
The show, with a dura-
tion of about 30 min-
utes, takes place in a
2,900-seat amphithe-
ater, which fills up six
times a day.
Another area of the park
is the Looney Thnes area,
featuring 12 rides and at-
tractions for younger
guests. Rides include
a junior roller coaster
by Vekoma themed
The Maverick Illusion Show is one of W8's most popular movie-themed live shows.
38 No ve m b e r 1 998 IAAPA
The Bermuda Triangle takes riders on a high-tech water ride through an active volcano.
Benelux market," says junior public pass es so far because for u s it is Germy n s ay s one of the chal-
relations m a nager Carolien e Gotz. very important to get the first-time lenges the park has is recruiting en-
"This has proved to be very helpful," visitors in the first few years." The tertainers , again mainly due to the
says Wirz . "The Dutch people are park is open from early April until location of the park. 'We are in Bot-
more looking for fun in their leisure the end of October, operating from trop , not in Duss eldorf, Cologne,
time. We know that 35 percent ofthe 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the week- Hollywood, or Orlando. Performers
Dutch people go to a theme park days and from 9 a .m . to 9 p.m . dur- are more rare because there isn't
once a year, while only 12-13 per- ing the peak summer season. traditionally a lot of opportunity in
cent of the Gennan people are going this city; another major factor in re-
to a theme park once a year. "Obvi- Human Resources taining talent is that entertainers
ously it is much easier to get Dutch 'We have about a 70 percent r ehire like to be on stage, but ours is 100
people into the park than Germa n rate this season; that makes clear acres, which needs some adaptation.
people," adds Gotz. "And also when to us we are doing something right," 'We create m emories here," says
they are in the park, they are more says Germyn. "Each year we Germyn. "Tha t is why people have
relaxed than Germans." organize a job fair which is very to come to Movie World; we are a
successful; we have a pool of seriou s distinct experience." Take one has
Admission Policy applicants which is more than dou- been very successful, and the ex-
The park features a pay-one-price ble of what we had last year. How pansion for n e xt season should
system. Admission is $21 for adults that is to continue r e mains to be make this park a star. fw
and $18 for children ages 4-11. At seen. We are looking for people who Mark Wijman , based in The Netherlands,
present the park does not fe a ture are enthusiastic. People who have provides marketing and public relations ser-
seas on passe s, but, according to an e njoyment of interacting not vices for amusement parks, theme parks,
Wirz, it may introduc e them in only with the guests but also with and attractions worldwide that wish to tar-
1999 . "We have not s old se a s on their fellow team-members." get their facility to the European continent.