RPC Article 8
RPC Article 8
RPC Article 8
Examples: Note that while it is true that the act performed by the
1. A desires that the present government be offender is in the nature of a proposal, and it is not
overthrown. But A is afraid to do it himself with punishable because it does not involve treason or
others. A then suggests the overthrowing of the rebellion, nevertheless, the proposal in this case in an
government to some desperate people who will do it overt act of the crime of corruption of public officer.
at the slightest provocation.
Criminal conspiracy and proposal:
In this case, A is not liable for proposal to commit In sum, the crimes in which conspiracy and proposal are
rebellion, because A has not decided to commit it. punishable are against the security of the State or
Likewise, it was merely a suggestion – not a economic security. For treason, it is against the eternal
decided, concrete and formal proposal. security of the State. For Coup d’etat, rebellion and
sedition, all are against internal security.
2. A conceived the idea of overthrowing the present
government. A called several of his trusted followers Reason: In ordinary crimes, the State survives the victim
and instructed them to go around the country and and the culprit cannot find in the success of his work any
secretly to organize groups and to convince them of impunity. Whereas, in crimes against the external and
the necessity of having a new government. internal security of the State, if the culprit succeeds in his
criminal enterprise, he would obtain the power and
Note that what A proposed in this case is not the therefore impunity for the crime committed.
execution of the crime of rebellion, but the
performance of preparatory acts for the commission
of rebellion. Therefore, there is no criminal proposal.