Start-Up and Upgrade Guide: Applies To SINUMERIK 810/840D Software Version Software Version

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Applies to

Software Version
Software Version

© Siemens AG, 2004. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 810/840D Upgrade Guide
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February 19, 2004
1 Prerequisites for Upgrade.........................................................................................4
2 Back-Up.......................................................................................................................5
2.1 General prerequisites for upgrade.....................................................................................5
2.2 Software upgrade with PCU 20........................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Back-up of NC data with MMC 100.2......................................................................................5
2.3 Software upgrade with MMC 103 / PCU 50........................................................................................ 5
2.3.1 Back-up with MMC 103 or PCU 50....................................................................................5
2.3.2 Software replacement within a software series..................................................................6
3 CCU 3...........................................................................................................................6
3.1 Upgrade from CCU 1 to CCU 3...................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Upgrade from CCU 2 to CCU 3...................................................................................................... 7
4 General Information...................................................................................................7
4.1 General restrictions........................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Software version display................................................................................................................ 7
4.3 Frames........................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Series start-up file.......................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Series start-up with MMC 103 software version lower than 5.3......................................................8
4.6 Limitation of the number of axes and channels..............................................................................8
4.7 DMP block...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Alarm 14132 "Orientation axes configured incorrectly"..................................................................9
4.9 Alarm 300403, 300701 on the 810D with CCU 3...........................................................................9
4.10 Safety............................................................................................................................................ 9
5 NCU..............................................................................................................................9
5.1 PLC 6FC5 314-6CF00-0AB0.......................................................................................................... 9
5.2 NCU 573.5 with PLC 317-2DP....................................................................................................... 9
5.3 PLC firmware version 20.71.09 for PLC 317-2DP........................................................................10
5.4 PLC firmware version 10.60.17 for PLC 314C-2DP.....................................................................10
5.5 PLC Toolbox V 06.04.07.............................................................................................................. 10
5.6 PLC Toolbox V 06.05.02 / PLC symbol generator........................................................................10
6 General Conditions..................................................................................................11
6.1 PLC memory configuration for NCU *.4........................................................................................11
6.2 Upgrade in case of channel axis gaps.......................................................................................... 11
6.3 Auxiliary functions in the OB40.................................................................................................... 11
6.4 Synchronous spindle.................................................................................................................... 11
6.5 Coupled-axis groupings................................................................................................................ 11
6.6 NCU Link...................................................................................................................................... 11
6.7 Gantry axes.................................................................................................................................. 12
6.8 High-standard and high-performance closed-loop control modules...............................................12
6.9 Memory management.................................................................................................................. 12
6.10 Loadable compile cycles............................................................................................................. 12
6.11 Alarm 4185.................................................................................................................................. 12
6.12 Program preprocessing............................................................................................................... 12
6.13 PLC restarting characteristics..................................................................................................... 13
7 New Functions as of Software Version
7.1 Compressor.................................................................................................................................. 13
7.2 Tool management........................................................................................................................ 13
7.2.1 Handling of the buffer memory for turret...............................................................................13
7.2.2 Master toolholder / master spindle........................................................................................ 13
7.3 Intermediate gears....................................................................................................................... 13
7.4 Curve tables................................................................................................................................. 13
7.5 Synchronous spindles.................................................................................................................. 13
7.5.1 Disable synchronization........................................................................................................ 13
7.5.2 Knee-shaped acceleration characteristic..............................................................................13
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7.6 New variables............................................................................................................................... 14
7.7 Gantry.......................................................................................................................................... 14
7.8 Overlaying of movements in case of transformations...................................................................14
7.8.1 Temperature compensation.................................................................................................. 14
7.8.2 Online tool length offset........................................................................................................ 14
7.9 Programmable slave axis dynamic response...............................................................................15
7.10 3D circumferential milling with limiting surfaces..........................................................................15
7.11 Collision monitoring on inside contours (CDON, CDOF).............................................................15
7.12 Reset delay................................................................................................................................. 15
7.13 Master / slave linkages................................................................................................................ 15
7.14 Programmable search path for subprogram calls........................................................................15
7.15 Initialization of data...................................................................................................................... 16
7.16 Block change at RTLIOF / IPOBRKA..........................................................................................16
7.17 Automatic IPO buffer control....................................................................................................... 16
7.18 Deselect REPOS motion............................................................................................................. 16
7.19 Master value linkage................................................................................................................... 16
7.19.1 Actual-value linkage....................................................................................................... 16
7.19.2 Virtual master axis......................................................................................................... 16
7.20 Output specifications of predefined auxiliary functions................................................................17
7.21 Execute string as part program line............................................................................................. 17
7.22 Adjustable feed for approach...................................................................................................... 18
7.23 PLC series start-up file................................................................................................................ 18
8 New Functions as of Software Version
8.1 Option: Spline interpolation three-axis machining (order number 6FC5 251-0AF14-0AA0)........18
8.2 Option: Spline interpolation five-axis machining (order number 6FC5 251-0AA14-0AA0)...........18
8.3 Option: Path length evaluation (order number 6FC5 251-0AF05-0AA0)......................................18
8.4 Option: Advanced positioning control (order number 6FC5 251-0AF04-0AA0)............................18
9 Functional Improvements from Version to
10 Functional lmprovements from Version to

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1 Prerequisites for Upgrade
The software version (NCK 51.05.00) is a software update version. New NCK functions have
not been included. The software version 06.05.11 (NCK51.07.03) contains new functions in addition to the
functionality of software series 6.4 (cf. item 8).

This Upgrade Guide supersedes the Guides for versions,,

System software 06.04.15

Export versions
Order number Designation ... on PC card For hardware
6FC5250-6PX10-4AH0 NCU system software 2 axes NCU 561.3, Version B
6FC5250-6BX10-4AH0 NCU system software 6 axes NCU 571.3
6FC5250-6DY30-4AH0 NCU system software 2 axes NCU *.4
6FC5250-6CY30-4AH0 NCU system software 6 axes NCU *.4
6FC5250-6BY30-4AH0 NCU system software 12 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4
6FC5250-6AY30-4AH0 NCU system software 31 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4
6FC5450-6AY03-4AH0 CCU system software CCU 3
Standard versions (subject to export restrictions)
Order number Designation ... on PC card For hardware
6FC5250-6CX30-4AH0 NCU system software 6 axes NCU *.4
6FC5250-6BX30-4AH0 NCU system software 12 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4
6FC5250-6AX30-4AH0 NCU system software 31 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4
6FC5450-6AX03-4AH0 CCU system software CCU 3

System software 06.05.11

Export versions
Order number Designation ... on PC card For hardware
6FC5250-6DY30-5AH0 NCU system software 2 axes NCU *.4, NCU 573.5
6FC5250-6CY30-5AH0 NCU system software 6 axes NCU *.4, NCU 573.5
6FC5250-6BY30-5AH0 NCU system software 12 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU 573.5
6FC5250-6AY30-5AH0 NCU system software 31 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU 573.5
6FC5450-6AY03-5AH0 CCU system software CCU 3
Standard versions (subject to export restrictions)
Order number Designation ... on PC card For hardware
6FC5250-6CX30-5AH0 NCU system software 6 axes NCU *.4, NCU 573.5
6FC5250-6BX30-5AH0 NCU system software 12 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU 573.5
6FC5250-6AX30-5AH0 NCU system software 31 axes NCU 572.3/573.2/573.3, NCU *.4,
NCU 573.5
6FC5450-6AX03-5AH0 CCU system software CCU 3


- 6FC5250-6AY00-3AG0 SinuCom NC with SinuCom FFS

To program the PC card, SinuCom FFS must be used as of software version 6.4.13.
- 6FC5252-6AX21-5AG0: Toolbox V06.05.02 with PLC basic program 06.05.02.
The PLC basic program of Toolbox 6.3.3 can be used. An upgrade is not always required.
- PG/PC with STEP7 from Version 5.2 and optional online MPI link.
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- Current documentation for SW 6 with additional function-related information

2 Back-Up

2.1 General prerequisites for upgrade

Prior to an NCK upgrade, it must be ensured that a minimum of 50KB of dynamic memory per channel is
available. This can be verified in MD18050 INFO_FREE_MEM_DYNAMIC. If less memory is available,
additional memory must be provided by extending MD18210 USER_MEM_DYNAMIC. If this is not
possible, a higher performance CPU must be used, or unused memory must be released. The machine
data, which are identified in the list as D-RAM, are suitable for this purpose.

An additional 50KB of static memory should be available. This can be verified via MD18060
INFO_FREE_MEM_STATIC. If the available memory is insufficient, the unloading of NC programs can
make more memory available.

Set the machine data 11210 UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY = FF, 11220 INI_FILE_MODE = 1

or 2.

2.2 Software upgrade with PCU 20

2.2.1 Prerequisites
RS232C connection between MMC and PG or PC.

2.2.2 Back-up of NC data with MMC 100.2

Select start-up data from the “Data Out” menu in the "Services" operating area. Back up NCK data in the
archive format on the PG/PC separately from the PLC data via RS232C on PG/PC.
Compensation data will not be backed up with the series start-up. The compensation data can be backed
up separately on an external PC in the "Services" area via "SK Data Out – SK Data" and selection of the
sections "Interpolatory compensation", "Circle error compensation" and "Leadscrew error compensation".

Once the upgrade of the NCU is completed, these data can be reloaded into the NCK ("Services" area,
"Softkey Data In" --- MD CEC_ENABLE or ENC_COMP_ENABLE of the respective axes has the value

2.3 Software upgrade with MMC 103 / PCU 50

2.3.1 Back-up with MMC 103 or PCU 50

Prior to the NCK upgrade, a back-up must be performed in order to permit the recovery of the machine's
current database. This can be done by performing a series start-up.
To create the series start-up file, it is necessary to set the manufacturer password and to unload a tool in
the spindle or buffer storage. Now the archive content of the file to be created can be defined in the menu
Services/Series start-up/Create start-up archive/ (selection: NC with compensations).
Once the archive name has been defined, the back-up is started via the Archive softkey.
Now all necessary data (compensations, tools, definitions, loaded programs, machine data, etc.) are
saved in the Archives path.

In addition to the NCK back-up, a PLC back-up must be created. This back-up must be performed with the
PLC in Stop state. Set S4 on the NCU module to position 2. This will switch the PLC to Stop state. The

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PLC series start-up is made in the same manner as the NCK back-up after selecting the data (selection:
PLC) through the Archive softkey.
If it is necessary to upgrade the PLC basic program, this will require STEP7. For this purpose, the new
toolbox must be installed via SETUP. In addition, the customer project of this system is required. The
required blocks are transferred from the new toolbox library to the customer project (or a copy). In this
process, the OBs, FC12 and DB 4 must not be transferred (these are the blocks for a new creation of a
user program), because they have been modified by the machine manufacturer. Then the blocks must be
transferred to the PLC. A new PLC series start-up file must be created.

2.3.2 Software replacement within a software series

Replacing the software
Switch off the control and replace the PC card. The card remains in the control (regardless of the type of
the SINUMERIK 810D/840D).
Set switch S3 to position 1, set S4 to position 3 and switch the control on. Once the start-up is completed,
the state "7-segment display shows the digit 6 / PLC LED PS flashes / PF red" is established.
The NC standard machine data have now been loaded. NC and PLC are cleared.

PLC start-up is then made through the sequence of S4 from position 3 to position 0
=> S4 in position 3 => S4 in position 0. Now the PLC must switch to the Run mode.
Set S3 to position 0.
The software version can be verified in the menu Diagnostics/Service displays/Version.

Loading the back-ups

Once the manufacturer password has been set, the NCK back-up can be loaded in the menu
Services/Series start-up/Load start-up archive/ after selecting the back-up file.
Once completed, the PLC back-up can be loaded.
When the PLC back-up has been loaded, the system must be switched off/on in order to achieve the
simultaneous start-up of all components.

3 CCU 3

3.1 Upgrade from CCU 1 to CCU 3

- NC back-up CCU 1
The drive boot files must be saved in ASCII format, so that they can be loaded with the CCU 3.
For this purpose, an upgrade archive should be created using the setting

- Standard start-up CCU 3

After the standard start-up of the CCU 3, the value of the MD18210 $MN_USER_MEM_DYNAMIC should
be noted.

- Load upgrade archive

A name change has been made with drive machine data 1254. This is why the following message is
generated when the upgrade archive is loaded:
Drive x: Line x: Entry not found in ACC file: N1254 $MD_SPACE_VECTOR_FILTER_TIME

MD 1254 is preset with defaults. The back-up must be used to check if the value has been changed from
the default (0.5ms).

- DRAM expansion
After loading of the upgrade archive, the MD $MN_USER_MEM_DYNAMIC should be set to the default
value of the CCU 3.

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- Essential changes in the default machine data
MD10072=1 MD10072=0.5
MD10134=3 MD10134=6
MD28070=30 MD28070=38
MD28520=1 MD28520=3

3.2 Upgrade from CCU 2 to CCU 3

Due to the fact that the SRAM memory expansion with the CCU 2 is not defined via option data, memory
problems may occur during an upgrade of a CCU 3 with a series start-up file of the CCU 2. For the CCU 3,
the SRAM memory that deviates from the basic configuration (768KB) is defined by options. For this
reason, part programs need to be unloaded from the CCU 2 before the series start-up is created, in order
to ensure that the series start-up can be loaded properly. If it is not possible to reload all programs,
memory options must be upgraded.

The CCU 3e software can be flashed. The flash operation is indicated by the digit 8 on the 7-segment
display and takes about two minutes. The end of the flash operation is indicated by the digit 9.

4 General Information

4.1 General restrictions

- The function G643 (Approximate positioning in block) is released for applications in the tool change area
(e.g. optimizations when approaching the tool change position).
It is not released for applications in the machining process.
- The functions FCUB, FLIN in combination with the compressor COMPCAD are not released.
- NCUs nnn.3: The shutdown of the PCU 50 via the EXIT button is only permitted in the Emergency STOP
- NCUs nnn.4: The shutdown of the PCU 50 via the EXIT button is only permitted in the Emergency STOP
state, if a PLC firmware < 10.60.17 is used.
- With the NCU 573.3, it is no longer possible to enable 10 channels and 31 axes at the same time. The
number is limited to eight channels.
- With the NCU 572.3 / 572.4, 31-axis SW, the number of channels is limited to 6.
- Safety in combination with the NCU 573.5 is not released.
- In combination with the NCU 573.5, MtoN is released for test purposes only.
- In combination with the NCU 573.5, NCU Link is released for test purposes only.

4.2 Software version display

The display of the NCK software version in the diagnostic display (header) and the machine data have
been changed in compliance with the NC60-2002 catalog.
06.03.19. 840D 06A .. 65 ph_km
This is the software for six axes (06A). This software runs on the NCU 571.3. The reference to the
hardware must no longer be established via the diagnostic display, but indirectly via the number of axes
(refer to item 1).
Version displays with the addition PRELIMINARY instead of the order number designate software that is
provided for test purposes only.

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4.3 Frames
If $MC_MM_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK bit 1 = 1, the external work offset is disabled by G153. This
response has been changed compared to other SW 6 versions.

The default setting of $MC_CHSFRAME_POWERON_MASK has changed. The default setting of

MD24008 is now zero (formerly "1"). This means that the system frame for scratching will be retained
even after Power ON / Reset.

4.4 Series start-up file

The series start-up makes it possible to start up machines of the same design quickly and easily. These
machines must be identical both in terms of the electrical equipment (e.g. NCU CPU, software) and
mechanical conditions. If this match does not exist, the series start-up is not necessarily an adequate
start-up procedure. In this case, a different back-up procedure (e.g. separate back-up with Initial.ini etc.)
must be used, because it may be necessary to adjust machine data.
Particular attention must be paid to the memory limits that are different for the NCUs. If these are
exhausted, memory bottlenecks can occur after an upgrade of the NCK software or the replacement of an
Before the back-ups are performed, the machine data $MN_UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY must be
verified. It should be preset with the value "0" or "FF"hex. Other values such as "1" can cause problems
with the restoring of the back-up after a software upgrade. The preferred value is FFhex.

4.5 Series start-up with MMC 103 software version lower than 5.3
If a series start-up is created with NCK SW versions higher than NCK 05.02.06, the user cycles are also
integrated twice. As of NCK software version 05.02.06, the NC has a new directory “CMA_DIR“ (cycles for
machine manufacturers). The MMC does not yet know this directory (only from MMC version 5.3) and
saves the user cycles a second time. Therefore, when the series start-up file is loaded, a message “File
exists, overwrite yes/no” is generated for the user cycles. The user cycles already exist and need not be

4.6 Limitation of the number of axes and channels

As from software version 6.5.10, the various software designs (version with two axes to version with 31
axes) can be used on all NCUs of type *.4 and NCU 573.5. In this way, PLC programs can be kept
general so that they can be used for various machine designs. Thus, 6, 12 or 31 physical axes out of 31
axes can be managed.
The limitation of the number of axes and channels still applies.
The following combinations are possible:

HW \ SW | 2A/2C 6A/2C 12A/2C 31A/10C

561.4 | 2(2)A/2C 2(2)A/2C 2(2)A/2C 2(2)A/2C
571.4 | 2A/2C 6(31)A/2C 6(31)A/2C 6(31)A/2C
572.4 | 2A/2C 6(31)A/2C 12(31)A/2C 31(31)A/6C
573.4 | 2A/2C 6(31)A/2C 12(31)A/2C 31(31)A/10C

A=axes, C=channels, 2(31)=2 out of 31 axes

4.7 DMP block

The number of axes including the DMP block is limited to 31. If e.g. a DMP block is used for a 31-axis
software, a total of 30 axes are still possible.

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4.8 Alarm 14132 "Orientation axes configured incorrectly"
This alarm is output if the assignment of orientation axes to the machine kinematics is not correct.
However, this alarm is also output if there is no position measuring system active on one of the axes
carrying out the transformation.

4.9 Alarm 300403, 300701 on the 810D with CCU 3

The software upgrade on a Sin810 with CCU 3 and external axis expansion plug-in unit must be carried
out by means of the upgrade archive. Otherwise it is possible that the above-mentioned alarms for the
external controllers are output.

4.10 Safety

As of software version 06.04.15, the functions SPL Start via ProgEvent and Safety Acceptance Test
Support can be used.


5.1 PLC 6FC5 314-6CF00-0AB0

With the NCU 561.4 / 571.4 / 572.4 / 573.4, a new PLC on the basis of the IBC16 chip has been
The SINUMERIK order number of the PLC 6FC5 314-6CF00-0AB0 corresponds to the SIMATIC order
number 6ES7 314-6CF00-0AB0.

Prerequisites for upgrade with NCU 561.4 / 571.4

- STEP7 Version >= 5.1 Service Pack 2, Hotfix 3 or STEP7 on HMI Version >= 5.1 with Service Pack 3
- NCU Software Version >= 6.4.13
- PLC Firmware Version 10.60.17
- Toolbox >= 6.3.2
- PLC Basic Program 5.3.5 or >= 6.3.2
- HMI Advanced Version >= 5.3.20, >= 6.1.15 or >= 6.2.12, 6.3.xx, 6.4.xx
- HMI Embedded Version >= 6.2.34
- NCU Box >= 6FC5247-0AA0-0AA2 / 13A

If PLC projects shall be reused with S7 hardware configurations, the PLC hardware configuration must be
newly created. This requires the integration of the PLC CPU 314C-2DP into the hardware configuration
(from the toolbox).

PLC changes as compared to PLC 315-2DP

- Performance is by a factor of about 3 faster

- User memory 480KB
- Min. 16, max. 32 PROFIBUS slaves / size SDB 2000 <= 32KB
- 256 timers
- 256 counters

5.2 NCU 573.5 with PLC 317-2DP

With the NCU 573.5, order number 6FC5357-0BB35-0AE0, a new PLC on the basis of the IBC32 chip has
been implemented.
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Prerequisites for upgrade
- STEP7 Version 5.2, Service Pack 1
- NCU Software Version >= 6.5.10
- PLC Firmware Version >= 20.71.09
- Toolbox >= 6.5.2
- PLC Basic Program 6.5.2
- HMI Advanced Version 6.3.xx, 6.4.xx
- HMI Embedded Version >= 6.2.34
- NCU Box >= 6FC5247-0AA0-0AA2 / 13A

If PLC projects shall be reused with S7 hardware configurations, the PLC hardware configuration must be
newly created. This requires the integration of the PLC CPU 317-2DP into the hardware configuration
(from the toolbox).

PLC changes as compared to PLC 314C-2DP

- Performance is by a factor of about 3.5 faster
- User memory max. 768KB
- Number of inputs/outputs with process image 256 I bytes / 256 O bytes
- Number of inputs/outputs without process image 4096 PI bytes / 4096 PO bytes
- 124 PROFIBUS slaves, 1 master
- 512 timers
- 512 counters
- 4096 flag bytes
Total number of blocks:
- 2048 FB, FC
- 2047 DB

NCU 573.5
- CNC user memory basic version 3MB, max. 6MB (option)
- Processor clock frequency 933MHz

5.3 PLC firmware version 20.71.09 for PLC 317-2DP

The PLC firmware version 20.71.09 has not been generally released. A firmware update will be required,
as soon as the general release is available.

5.4 PLC firmware version 10.60.17 for PLC 314C-2DP

If an NCU software version >= 6.5.xx is used on an NCU *.4, a PLC firmware version >=10.60.17 is
obligatory. Older versions cannot be executed.

5.5 PLC Toolbox V 06.04.07

Hardware configuration:
The SINUMERIK components are now located in a separate "SINUMERIK" folder. With the previous
versions, they are still in the "Rack 300" folder. This toolbox is required for the configuration of the NCU
573.4, because the hardware catalog for the PLC of the NCU 573.4 (S7 PLC 314-C-2DP- 6CF00) has

5.6 PLC Toolbox V 06.05.02 / PLC symbol generator

With the PlcSym.exe tool, it is possible to convert S7 symbol tables for the display on the SINUMERIK
control. The files created must be integrated in the data management of the HMI.
The symbols are displayed in the Diagnostics operating area.
Prerequisite: HMI Advanced Version >= 6.3.18

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6 General Conditions

6.1 PLC memory configuration for NCU *.4

The user is guaranteed 480KB of loading memory. It is possible to exceed this limit, i.e. to continue to use
memory. However, this can cause problems when the PLC series start-up file is loaded. Message:
Memory full.

6.2 Upgrade in case of channel axis gaps

If the channel axis definition contains gaps, and if an upgrade is made from a software version lower than
05.03.13 to Version 6, the work offsets must be entered by hand, or the series start-up files must be
loaded again without clearing the NC.

6.3 Auxiliary functions in the OB40

In the following combination, it may happen that auxiliary functions are temporarily not recognized in the
H/T function evaluation in OB40 (Parameter IRAuxfuT/H =true of FB1)
In the part program:
The H function is temporarily lost.
Remedy: Program m55.

6.4 Synchronous spindle

If the synchronous spindle linkage is enabled while the master spindle is in an acceleration phase, the
slave spindle will accelerate at a higher rate than specified in the MD. Alarms such as contour monitoring
can occur.

If the synchronous spindle linkage is enabled, all spindles involved must be released. If this is not the
case, a position offset between the master spindle and the slave spindle can occur during positioning in
synchronous spindle mode.

6.5 Coupled-axis groupings

When coupled-axis groupings are enabled via synchronized actions or across all channels, the user must
ensure that the control parameters (e.g. acceleration, speed) of the slave axis are observed.
No verification is made in the NC in such cases.

6.6 NCU Link

If NCUs are interconnected via the Link function, NCUs of the same type (order number) must always be

If it is desired to configure a link connection with different interpolation cycles, the system clock cycles in
both systems must be identical. Otherwise, an alarm 4013 with the error ID

Exception: It should be noted that processors with different cycles are used with the NCU 573. If, in case
of service, a module can only be replaced with a faster NCU, the slower NCU must be the master. It is not
always necessary to replace all NCUs.

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NCU Order No. (component) Processor PLC
Component material No.
573.2 6FC5357-0BB33-0AE1 Pentium II 266MHz PLC 315-2DP
GWE-570038.9634.36 X200 MCE4 MOD PENTIUM II 266MHz
573.3 6FC5357-0BB33-0AE2 Pentium III 500MHz PLC 315-2DP
GWE-570038.9635.11 X200 MOD MIKROPR PENTIUM II 500MHz MMC-2 5V
573.4 6FC5357-0BB34-0AE0 Pentium III 500MHz PLC 314C-2DP
GWE-570038.9635.20 X200 MOD MIKROPR PENTIUM II 500MHz MMC-2 5V
573.4R 6FC5357-0BB34-0AE1 Celeron 650MHz PLC 314C-2DP
GWE-570038.9635.20 X200 MOD MIKROPR Celeron 650MHz MMC-2 5V

6.7 Gantry axes

If the slave axis of the gantry grouping has an inverse direction of rotation (AX_MOT_DIR=1), the use of
the function generator (square-wave) is not permitted.

6.8 High-standard and high-performance closed-loop control modules

Mixed operation using standard/performance and high-standard/high-performance closed-loop control
modules is possible.
- HMI Advanced as of software version 06.02.12
- 611D start-up tool as of software version 06.02.12
- HMI Embedded as of software version 06.03.27
- SinuCom NC

The high-standard/high-performance modules are not compatible with their boot file to the
standard/performance modules. A new drive start-up must be carried out.

6.9 Memory management

For the 12/31-axis software, the option check was not active due to the compiler switch 'NCU 3'.
The option is checked again.
The default of the available SRAM memory is 0.5MB for NCU 561, 571, 572 and 2.5MB for NCU 573.

6.8 Loadable compile cycles

A maximum of ten loadable compile cycles can be loaded. This also includes libraries with the file
extension ???.ELF.

Loading more than one technological function can lead to incorrect value allocations. This can happen if
loadable compile cycle applications do not organize their machine data by ascending consecutive
numbers within the three areas of NCK, channel and axis MD.
During the loading of a correct archive, it can happen that the contents of individual CC machine data
overwrite each other.

6.9 Alarm 4185

Auxiliary function assignments, which are neither active nor have been rejected by an alarm, are now
recognized. Alarm 4185 is then output (cf. item 7.21) .

6.10 Program preprocessing

If the function Program preprocessing is used, the alarms 15170 "Program could not be compiled" and
15450 "Compiled program cannot be stored" are output after an upgrade to SW 6.4.
With SW 6.4, the compiled program is no longer stored in the SRAM, but in the DRAM.

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For this purpose, however, sufficient DRAM space must be reserved via MD
It is also possible to store the compiled program in the SRAM, if sufficient DRAM space is not available.
$MN_PREPROCESSING_LEVEL, bit 6 must therefore be set.

6.11 PLC restarting characteristics

- Die NCU *.4 must not be operated with S4 in switch position 1. After Reset or Power OFF/ON, the PLC
does not switch to cyclic operation.
- If the PLC has been switched to the Stop state by a PI service or an operator action on a programming
device (e.g. when loading a hardware configuration), it must be restarted with an operator action on the
programming device or through the S4 switch. Power OFF/ON or Reset do not switch the PLC to cyclic

7 New Functions as of Software Version

7.1 Compressor
Orientations that are programmed independent of the kinematics by means of direction vectors (or Euler
or RPY angles) are compressed.

7.2 Tool management

7.2.1 Handling of the buffer memory for turret

The tool change command on the PLC is additionally provided with the two new data Owner magazine
address/Magazine location address of the new tool. Using these data, the PLC is able to safely position
the tool turret.

7.2.2 Master toolholder / master spindle

The value defined via the commands SETMTH/SETMS is retained beyond the end of the program.

7.3 Intermediate gears

In addition to the firmly configured motor/load transmission ratios, variably programmable intermediate
gears can also be implemented, like they are used e.g. for interfacing driven tools.
Switchover between the motor/load gear and the load intermediate gear is possible in any position. To
permit a new referencing without an interrupting reset, the machine data $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST and
$MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR were also changed to become effective with NewConfig.

7.4 Curve tables

With software version 6.3, the commands CTABSSV and CTABSEV to read the start value or end value of
a curve table segment of the slave axis were introduced.
In addition, more commands for the diagnostics of axis linkages and curve tables have been introduced.

7.5 Synchronous spindles

7.5.1 Disable synchronization

The interface signal DB[axis].DBX31.5 permits disabling of the synchronization of the slave spindle.

7.5.2 Knee-shaped acceleration characteristic

Spindle motors usually have a speed-dependent acceleration capability. For this reason, the setpoint
acceleration must be reduced starting at a specific speed.
The speed dependent acceleration reduction must be configured by means of

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7.6 New variables
- $P_CHANNO, type INT Scan of current channel number
- $AA_TOFF[ GeoAx], type REAL Position offset in tool coordinate system
- $AA_TOFF_VAL[ GeoAx], type REAL Integrated position offset in tool coordinate system
- $AA_TOFF_PREP_DIFF[ GeoAx] $AA_TOFF_PREP_DIFF[ ] can be used to determine,
depending on the direction, the difference between the
currently effective value of $AA_TOFF[ ] and the value
when the current motion block was prepared.
- $VA_EG_SYNCDIFF_S[a], type DOUBLE Signed synchronism difference with ELG
(a = slave axis)
- $AC_TANEB , type DOUBLE Angle between the 3D path tangent at the end point of the
current block and the 3D path tangent at the start point of
the following block
- $AC_TOOLO_ACT[i], i = 1, 2, 3 , type REAL i-th component of the vector of the current setpoint tool
- $AC_TOOLO_END[i], i = 1, 2, 3 , type REAL i-th component of the vector of the tool end orientation of
the current block
- $AC_TOOLO_DIFF, type REAL Residual angle in degrees, i.e. the angle between the
vectors $AC_TOOLO_END[i] and $AC_TOOLO_ACT[i].
- $VC_TOOLO[i], i = 1, 2, 3, type Real ith component of the vector of the actual tool orientation
- $VC_TOOLO_DIFF , type Real Angle in degrees between the setpoint and actual tool
- $VC_TOOLO_STAT, type INTEGER Status variable for actual tool orientation

7.7 Gantry
Modulo rotary axes can be linked in a gantry grouping. It is thus possible that both axes (master and slave
axis) are modulo rotary axes or that only one axis (either the master or slave axis) is a modulo rotary axis.

7.8 Overlaying of movements in case of transformations

With the orientation transformation active, it is possible to overlay a programmed movement with other
movements in real time, with the direction of such movements depending on the current tool orientation.

7.8.1 Temperature compensation

With this function, the temperature compensation values are no longer allocated to the machine axes, but
rather to the tool. This permits the compensation of changes due to expansion, like they can occur in five-
axis heads (e.g. longitudinal expansion of the tool spindle) and are included in a rotation of the tool

7.8.2 Online tool length offset

The online tool length offset is used to change the effective tool lengths in real time so that these length
changes are also considered in tool orientation changes. It is thus possible to machine e.g. a workpiece to
be machined in five axes, for which a finishing program is available, (approximately) with a roughing
allowance. If the tool is not perpendicular to the workpiece surface during machining or if the contour
includes curves whose radii are smaller than the offset dimension, deviations from the actual offset
surface will result. The creation of accurate offset surfaces is not possible with tool length offset alone.
Tool length offsets are applied via a new synchronized action variable $AA_TOFF[ ]. This is a three-
dimensional variable, corresponding to the three tool directions. The geometry axis designators are used
as an index. Only so many offset directions can be active as there are active geometry axes. All offsets
can be active at the same time. The online tool length offset function is applicable to:
- Orientation transformations (TRAORI )
- Orientable tool carriers (TCARR ).

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7.9 Programmable slave axis dynamic response
The axis dynamic response and the acceleration performance of the slave axis can be influenced by the
part program. The programmed offset values are effective in the TANG, TRAIL, LEAD, COUP and ELG
linkage modes.
For the dynamic offset values (VELOLIMA, ACCLIMA, JERKLIMA), it is not distinguished where they are
applied. Programmed dynamic offsets that are made in a part program, also influence the slave axes
whose linkage was activated in synchronized actions. In turn, dynamic offsets that are set in synchronized
actions will also influence linkages from a part program.

7.10 3D circumferential milling with limiting surfaces

For circumferential milling, the radius-dependent insertion depth for limiting surfaces has been optimized.
NC programs generated by CAD systems usually approximate the center-point path of a standard tool.
The CNC must correct the original contour for other tools.
The G codes CUT3DCC and CUT3DCCD have been introduced for this purpose.
- CUT3DCC: 3D circumferential milling while considering a limiting surface.
The NC program describes the contour on the machining surface.
- CUT3DCCD: 3D circumferential milling while considering a limiting surface.
The NC program describes the center-point path of the standard tool.

7.11 Collision monitoring on inside contours (CDON, CDOF)

Expansion of the G code group 23 with the new G code CDOF2. If this G code is active, no offset value
and no offset direction is calculated in blocks or parts of blocks in which the angle between the path
direction and the tool orientation is smaller than the limit angle defined with machine data 21080
($MC_CUTCOM_PARALLEL_ORI_LIMIT). Instead, the offset direction is determined from the adjacent
blocks in which the offset direction is well defined.
For this reason, straight line blocks whose traversing direction is parallel to the tool orientation, are also
permitted in this situation, because such blocks are treated as pure dummy blocks. Previously, such
blocks resulted in the alarm 10759 "Path parallel to tool orientation ".

7.12 Reset delay

With the NCU reset via the start-up tool of the HMI, it can happen that vertical axes without counterweight
fall slightly due to the response time of the brakes. Now, NC Ready is removed first, followed by the
setting of the hardware reset. This makes it possible to apply the brakes before the position control is
canceled (through the hardware reset). The delay between Pi-Reset and the actual triggering of the
hardware reset can be set via the machine data $MN_REBOOT_DELAY_TIME.

Note: This does not work for the pushbutton reset on the NCU module, because this is hardwired.

7.13 Master / slave linkages

The functionality of the master/slave linkage has been expanded with new applications.
- Linkage and separation of rotating, speed-controlled spindles
- Dynamic configuration of linkages

7.14 Programmable search path for subprogram calls

Subprograms that have been stored outside the standard search path, e.g. in a different workpiece
directory, need no longer be called up with the absolute path indication.
To make this possible, the part program command CALLPATH is introduced. As a parameter, a string
(constant or variable) is specified to indicate the directory by which the standard search path is expanded.


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7.15 Initialization of data
For the global use of data in part programs, it is possible to automatically initialize variables by assigning
variables. In this manner, data can be pre-assigned defaults as a function of specific machine situations.
This applies to variables of the following types: GUD, R parameters, setting data, synchronized action

Attribute: REDEF (variable) INIPO 2: INIT on Power ON
Here, the data are overwritten with the default 2 during the buffered restart of the NC.

7.16 Block change at RTLIOF / IPOBRKA

IPOBRKA has been provided with an additional criterion for the release of the block change. The release
is made only when the respective axis has reached the programmed value x (in per cent of the braking
ramp) and its current actual or setpoint position is not more than one tolerance away from the end position
of the block.

7.17 Automatic IPO buffer control

The automatic IPO buffer control is used to avoid the stop&go operation caused by block cycle problems
in favor of a more consistent path speed.
It is enabled by the modal G code FIFOCTRL. There are no machine data or other parameters. As long as
the function is not disabled by STARTFIFO or STOPFIFO, it will attempt to move with as consistent an
average speed as possible.

7.18 Deselect REPOS motion

The PLC interface signal DB[axis].DBX.10.0 = true makes it possible to prevent the REPOS motion for
positioning axes (not for geo or orientation axes!).
The function is enabled with $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (BIT-7) = 1.

7.19 Master value linkage

7.19.1 Actual-value linkage

With actual-value linkage, a systematic position offset is created between the master and the slave axis.
The reason for this is the IPO/position controller dead time which lies between the actual value of the
master axis and the actual value of the slave axis.
From SW 6.4, the position offset is compensated by this dead time through a linear extrapolation of the
master value.

7.19.2 Virtual master axis

The use of a virtual master axis will cause a position offset between the master and the slave axis.
The cause for this is a delay in the processing of the actual value of a virtual axis.
The servo provides the actual value to the IPO, which uses this value to calculate a setpoint value as the
input variable for the master value linkage.
Contrary to this, the slave axis is interpolated in the NCK, i.e. the setpoint for the servo is what causes the
approach of the actual position.
This means that the master and slave axis positions have an “age difference” of 3 IPO cycles.

For a 1:1 linkage, the following offset is created:

delta = 3 * path per IPO cycle Simulated master value linkage

delta = 3 * path per IPO cycle - 1 * path per servo cycle Actual value linkage
delta = 3 * path per IPO cycle + (V)^2 / (2 * A) ; Setpoint value linkage

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V: Speed of the master axis
A: max. acceleration of the slave axis
delta: Position of master axis - Position of slave axis

The offset can be corrected in synchronized actions, but requires additional programming effort as well as
the knowledge of the delay times with the user.

7.20 Output specifications of predefined auxiliary functions

Auxiliary functions can be configured with respect to their output time.
Previously, it was only possible to preset the output time for a group. With the new machine data, it is
possible to explicitly specify the output times for specific predefined auxiliary functions.

The following output times can be set:

- Acknowledgement "normal" after an OB1 cycle
- Acknowledgement "quick" with OB40
- No output to VDI
- Spindle response after acknowledgement
- Output before motion
- Output during motion
- Output at end of block

The output specifications have the following weights, in the order given below:
$MC_AUXFU_GROUP_SPEC[ grpindex ]

Therefore, the predefined output specifications will always apply for the predefined auxiliary functions.

- From SW 6.4, spindle M functions (e.g. M3/M4/M5) are always output before the traversing motion, even
if the MD $MC_AUXFU_M_SYNC_TYPE=1 (output during motion). However, the output time of the
spindle M functions can be adjusted in the MD $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_SPEC.

- It is not possible to overwrite the predefined auxiliary functions via the configuration of user-defined
auxiliary functions. An attempt to do so will e.g. generate the alarm "4185 Channel K1 invalid
configuration of an auxiliary function SM I1 S5".
This alarm is also output if invalid auxiliary function groups have been defined.
This was not monitored in software versions lower than < 6.4.9.
M3 stored in 5th auxiliary function group, although only 2nd group is allowed here.

- The spindle auxiliary functions M1=40 through M1=45 are now always assigned to the 4 th auxiliary
function group (see MD $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_GROUP).

- For the programming of M40 through M45, the address extension of the master spindle will automatically
be output at the interface from SW 6.4.

7.21 Execute string as part program line

The part program command EXECSTRING is used to design the type of part program command in a
variable manner. The command is passed a string as a parameter, which contains the actual part program
line to be executed.
The part program command EXECSTRING is programmed in a separate part program line.

N110 DEF STRING [10] MFCT1 = "M7"
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N200 EXECSTRING(MFCT1 << " M4711") ; execute part program line "M7 M4711"

7.22 Adjustable feed for approach

With an active G95, a program stop due to a stopped spindle can occur after a block search or ASUB call.
The MD42120 $SC_APPROACH_FEED now permits to set a feed for these approach motions.

7.23 PLC series start-up file

It is possible to create PLC series start-up files in HMI format under STEP7.

8 New Functions as of Software Version

8.1 Option: Spline interpolation three-axis machining

(order number 6FC5 251-0AF14-0AA0)
With this option, compressing of three-axis traversing movements via compressor is released.

8.2 Option: Spline interpolation five-axis machining

(order number 6FC5 251-0AA14-0AA0)
With this option, compressing of five-axis traversing movements via compressor is released.

8.3 Option: Path length evaluation (order number 6FC5 251-0AF05-0AA0)

With this option, the total traversing path and total traversing time of each axis can be determined. The
values are retained beyond Power ON/Reset.

8.4 Option: Advanced positioning control (order number 6FC5 251-0AF04-0AA0)

With this option, oscillations in the position control circuit can be actively damped.
Prerequisite: Sin840D with high-performance closed-loop control modules.

9 Functional Improvements from Version to

BRKdb07417 BRKdb07542 BRKdb07649 BRKdb07757
BRKdb07758 BRKdb07788 BRKdb07880 BRKdb07991 BRKdb07993 BRKdb08175
CHMdc07882 CHMdc08006 CHMdc08012 CHMdc08059 CHMdc08062 ERLde26367
ERLde39658 ERLde42126 ERLde44126 ERLde46497 ERLde47341 ERLde47488
ERLde47706 ERLde48163 ERLde48695 ERLde48884 ERLde50454 ERLde51164
ERLde51385 ERLde51455 ERLde51722 ERLde51776 ERLde52098 ERLde52139
ERLde52273 ERLde52299 ERLde52524 ERLde52710 ERLde53072 ERLde53152
ERLde53242 ERLde53458 ERLde53635 ERLde53862 ERLde53862 ERLde53882
ERLde54200 ERLde54282 ERLde54316 ERLde54321 ERLde54368 ERLde54415
ERLde54448 ERLde54460 ERLde54495 ERLde54506 ERLde54529 ERLde54536
ERLde54598 ERLde54663 ERLde54710 ERLde54728 ERLde54731 ERLde54825
ERLde54917 ERLde54945 ERLde54965 ERLde54972 ERLde55125 ERLde55144
ERLde55249 ERLde55281 ERLde55291 ERLde55301 ERLde55372 ERLde55522
ERLde55533 ERLde55696 ERLde55714 ERLde55724 ERLde55729 ERLde55760
ERLde55778 ERLde55817 ERLde55818 ERLde55864 ERLde55874 ERLde55969
ERLde56026 ERLde56036 ERLde56054 ERLde56098 ERLde56142 ERLde56143
ERLde56154 ERLde56175 ERLde56188 ERLde56319 ERLde56326 ERLde56404
ERLde56462 ERLde56481 ERLde56487 ERLde56503 ERLde56504 ERLde56524
ERLde56617 ERLde56635 ERLde56646 ERLde56675 ERLde56700 ERLde56789
ERLde56901 ERLde57018 ERLde57026 ERLde57065 ERLde57075 ERLde57080

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ERLde57145 ERLde57193 ERLde57194 ERLde57241 ERLde57242 ERLde57274
ERLde57362 ERLde57371 ERLde57399 ERLde57456 ERLde57463 ERLde57490
ERLde57591 ERLde57597 ERLde57659 ERLde57680 ERLde57730 ERLde57740
ERLde57742 ERLde58117 ERLde58157 ERLde58217 ERLde58233 ERLde58265
ERLde58334 ERLde58582 ERLde58596 ERLde58619 ERLde58624 ERLde58625
ERLde58644 ERLde58646 ERLde58656 ERLde58671 ERLde58683 ERLde58800
ERLde58812 ERLde58836 ERLde58840 ERLde58852 ERLde58865 ERLde58866
ERLde58886 ERLde58964 ERLde59024 ERLde59041 ERLde59104 ERLde59112
ERLde59121 ERLde59126 ERLde59151 ERLde59250 ERLde59258 MGLdm00364
MGLdm00522 MGLdm00539 MGLdm00551 MGLdm00553 MGLdm00561 MGLdm00564
MGLdm00566 MGLdm00573 MGLdm00591 MGLdm00601 MGLdm00602 MGLdm00604
MGLdm00611 MGLdm00624 MGLdm00639 MGLdm00641 SWBds04238 SWBds05018

10 Functional lmprovements from Version to

BRKdb07984 BRKdb08504 BRKdb08602 BRKdb08623 CHMdc08409 ERLde48648
ERLde49808 ERLde58265 ERLde59246 ERLde59792 ERLde60055 ERLde60097
ERLde60601 ERLde60780 ERLde60793 ERLde60800 ERLde60881 ERLde60896
ERLde60945 ERLde61163 ERLde61188 ERLde61348 ERLde61817 ERLde61971
ERLde62056 ERLde62091 ERLde62101 ERLde62117 ERLde62160 ERLde62234
ERLde62273 ERLde62480 ERLde62545 ERLde62639 ERLde62665 ERLde62886
ERLde63016 ERLde63118 MGLdm00724 MGLdm00754 MGLdm00768 MGLdm00771
BRKdb08769 ERLde60770 ERLde63315 ERLde63787 ERLde63841 ERLde64019
ERLde64046 ERLde64089 MGLdm00694 MGLdm00790 ERLde64883 ERLde65262

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