TRX Exercises
TRX Exercises
TRX Exercises
2) lock press
Lean forwards holding the straps (A). Hold
your left arm to your chest and extend the
right (B). Return to the start and repeat
with your other arm. The left-right
switches improve your muscle reaction
times for better agility.
5) Push Up
3) Low row
Lie under the TRX and grab hold of the
handles (A). Raise your body, drawing
your shoulders back to focus the work on
your lats for that V-shape (B). The Charlie
Sheen levels of instability make this move
a great back builder.
6) Biceps Curl
7) Tricep press
For horseshoe triceps, hold tight and bend 11) Lunge
your arms so your forearms come to your Place your left foot into the stirrups and
head (A). Then extend forcefully to drop into a lunge (A). Squeeze your glutes
straighten your arms (B). This one burns, and drive your body up, raising your left
but it hits every fibre in your triceps for knee up to hip height (B). It’s a tough
quick gains. move, but bigger glutes will improve your
running and posture.
8) One-leg squat
Hold the handles and lean backwards,
raising your left leg (A). Squat on your
right leg, tensing your core to prevent any 12) Ham curl
wobbling (B). Fire back up. This hammers On your back, put your feet in the stirrups,
your glutes and quads, burning hundreds with legs slightly bent (A). Pull your feet
of calories. towards you, keeping your hips as high as
possible (B). That pain in your hamstrings
and core is solid muscle under
13) Pike
Adopt a press-up position with both feet in
the stirrups (A). Tense your core, exhale
and, keeping your legs straight, raise your
10) TRX Overhead Squat backside (B). With good form, this is a
painful but high-yielding six-pack builder.
17) TRX Pendulum Mountain Climber