Connected Speech: Linksbetweenwords 3.1 Matching Adjectivesand Nouns:consonantto Vowel Links
Connected Speech: Linksbetweenwords 3.1 Matching Adjectivesand Nouns:consonantto Vowel Links
Connected Speech: Linksbetweenwords 3.1 Matching Adjectivesand Nouns:consonantto Vowel Links
Linksbetweenwords (3.1-3.4)
I Ask students (giving clues if necessary) to suggest singular countable
nouns that begin with a vowel sound and end with a consonant sound
(e.g. animal, egg). Notice that the words mayor may not begin and end
with vowel and consonant letters (e.g. unit begins with the vowel letter u
but the consonant sound Ij/; apple ends with the vowel letter e but the
consonant sound II/). Write the words that students give you on the right
half of the board. #
2 Now ask for similar adjectives (e.g. American, unsafe). Write these on the
left side of the board. Write the word an to the left of these.
3 Students chorally and individually repeat all the words after you. Correct
pronunciation where necessary.
4 Give students a few minutes to study the lists and write down as many
meaningful (though possibly amusing!) an + adjective + noun
combinations as they can. Then invite them to suggest their examples.
Make sure that the word final consonants flow smoothly into the
following word initial vowels. If necessary, illustrate this by marking the
link on the board. For example:
an'-Jintelligent'-Jelephant an'-Joverweight '-Juncle
After a student suggests an example and pronounces it with smooth
consonant-vowel link, ask others to repeat. Monitor the links and
correct where necessary.
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
Variation sound change in that cat. (Note that before the sound Isl the It! might also
Instead of eliciting adjectives and nouns from students, copy Box 31 onto a be 'unreleased' or replaced with a 'glottal stop'. This is the closure in the
handout or an OHT and do steps 3 and 4. throat we make as we begin a cough, just before we make a coughing
sound. You could encourage either a It! sound or a glottal stop before Is/.)
Box 31 2 Organise students into pairs and give out or show the material in Box 32.
Student handout
Students say the words and phrases in each row to each other and decide
address aeroplane airport which of the underlined final consonants in columns B or C is said in the
awful endless enjoyable animal apple apricot same or nearly the same way as in column A. They should put a./ next to
excellent impossible incorrect arm example egg this. Demonstrate with the first row: in column C, t will be pronounced as
an informal innocent intelligent elephant evening exam in hot, but in column B it will be pronounced something like Ip/.
Irish old open overweight example ice cream illness 3 Give the students an opportunity to check their answers. Say (or play
underground unfinished office omelette onion
from the recording) the items in each row: 'hot - a hot pizza - a hot oven',
orange uncle
etc. Make sure that you say the items in columns Band C fairly quickly so
@ CAM""DG' Umvmm PRe" '0°4 that the consonant-final changes take place.
4 Students report back their answers by saying the two similar
pronunciations first and then the different one. For example:
3.2 Changingsounds:consonant to consonant links hot (= holt!) - a hot oven (= holt!) - a hot pizza (= ho/p/)
The phrase in which there is a change in the final consonant (and the type
iIltheproIlunciation of the final
of change) is given in the Answer key below Box 32.
1;1avowel + It!, Id! or In! when they are
5 Check the answers and then ask the class and individuals to repeat after
with another consonant (e.g. hoB
ihesounds It! and IdJ are sometimes left you or the recording.
eaf a consonant cluster formed when a Extensions
1.1J}dsisJ6I1owedby a word beginning I Ask students to suggest when It!, IdJ and In! change and when they do not,
ary, We tofIPeter). This feature
and how they change.
a consonant at the
I Explain that some consonant sounds at the end of a word change when
they are followed by a consonant at the beginning of the next word. 2 Keep a note of items that are commonly said as one 'unit' (i.e. without a
Illustrate by writing on the board: pause between), such as compound nouns, in which the first element ends
that that sort that cat in It!, IdJor In!. Ask students to repeat these items making the sound
and saying each item. Demonstrate that in the first two items the final tin changes practised above where necessary. Examples of compound nouns
that is pronounced Itl, but that before cat the t is pronounced something are: (with sound changes) credit card, output, feedback, broadcast,
like Ig/. Students repeat each wordlphrase after you and try to make the godmother, handball, pedestrian crossing, downpour, input; (without
80 81
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
82 83
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
84 85
Pronunciation Practice Activities
Connected speech
4 Ask students for their answers. They should say, for example:
before and after
' /
giving the words from A first. Then get the class or individuals to repeat
after you. Monitor the use of linking r and correct where necessary.
(For intermediate + students)
2 Give out the handout (Box 35) or display the material on the OHT.
Box 35 Student handout
3 Students work in pairs to match words in A and B that commonly go
together. (You could use the term collocate if the students know it.) Give A B
or ask for a couple of examples: amateur orchestra, bitter enemy. Make amateur bitter car clever alarm animal arm
clear that the words need a linking r: end-of-year fair fire inner armchair article ear
amateur ' /orchestra bitter ' /enemy leather newspaper rare rear earthquake enemy engine
r r regular severe sour upper estimate exams exercise
4 Ask students for suggestions and then get the class or individuals to exit idea orange orchestra
repeat after you. Monitor the use of linking r and correct where @ CAM""DG' UN<vmm Pm; w04
If you have a non-rhotic accent (see above), play the recording of the same
pairs listed in step I (four - four elephants, another - another ice cream, ete.)
said with a North American accent. Ask students if they notice a difference
between British and North American English. They should observe that in
North American English -r and -re words said alone are pronounced with
an r sound at the end. For example, in North American English, four said
alone is /b:r/ and in British English it is /b:/.
Contracted forms (3.5-3.7)
Box 34 Student handout 3.5 Dialogues
before better bigger after exit far father
brother enter future here minor over past peace
major mother near teacher sister smaller student and Box 37 onto separate handouts or
under war there worse
@CAM>RWG,Umvmm Pm; w04
I Give out or display the material in Box 36. Say the sentences in A or play
the recording, and students repeat each one, first chorally and then
individually. Do the same with the sentences in Band C.
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
part to read out their sentence. Any students who think they have the
corresponding B part should read out their sentence. Students should
continue reading out the sentences until the class (and you) are happy 3.6 Talkingaboutfamiliesl
that all the pairs have been found. This may need some discussion if
mistakes are made. Make sure students use contracted forms when they
read out their sentences, and correct where necessary. Alternatively, do
this as an activity where students move around the class looking for their
'partner' . ___="M
~ Box 36 Student handout I Give out or display the handout. Focus on Picture I. Say the sentences
A B C below aloud or play them on the recording. Students repeat chorally and
It's blue. individually. Make sure they produce contracted forms.
He's gone home. No, I don't.
There's some here. I've cut it. No, he doesn't. @ Judy's 34- Adrian's 35.They've been married for five years. They've
That's right. It's disappeared. No, I wasn't. got two children. Pat's three and David's two.
They're in my bag. You've left it on your desk. No, she can't. 2 Ask students to make similar sentences about the family in Picture 2.
I'm tired. I've forgotten them. No, I won't. Monitor the contracted forms and correct where necessary.
«> CAM>RmGE UN'V,",'TY P,m 2004 3 Make wrong sentences about the family in Picture I. Elicit corrections
from the students as in the following examples:
A: Judy's 35.
B: No, she's not (or she isn't). She's 34.
1 Based on Hewings, M. (I993, p. 74).
88 89
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
A: They've been married for seven years. 3.7 Comparingspeech and writing
B: No, they haven't. They've been married for five years.
A: They've got three children. FOClJs,
Marking possible contracted forms in written dialogues; saying
contracted forms
B: No, they haven't. They've got two children. Intermediate+
Repeat for Picture 2. Then students work in pairs, making wrong 60 minutes
sentences and correcting. Monitor contracted forms and correct where Copy the mate;rialin Box 39 onto a handout. Copy the material in Box
necessary. 4° onto a separate handout or an OHT.
4 Ask students to tell you about themselves and their own families using
similar sentences with contracted forms. For example: Procedure
I'm 18. I'm (not) married. I've got two children/brothers/sisters.
They're 16 and 21. My brother's called Marcus. He's married to Jenny. I Give out the handout (Box 39). Students work in pairs to decide where
They've been married for three years. They haven't got any children. contracted forms would be used in the dialogues if they were said at
Monitor contractions and correct where necessary. normal conversational speed. You may find it useful to introduce the idea
of written contractions (=reductions such as he's, I'll, we've, etc. that are
represented in writing) and blending (= reductions found in speech that
Box 38 Student handout may be, but are not often, represented in writing, such as this'd [this
would], why're [why are], couldn't've [could not have; although couldn't
Picture1 have is found in writing], etc. In this activity students are asked to mark
Ju.Jy AJr,'h all contracted forms, both written contractions and blending.
2 Check answers. You might ask students when auxiliary verbs (e.g. have,
Pt Dw,'J will, would) are not normally contracted (in yes/no questions, e.g. Have
you seen the time?, and when they occur at the end of a sentence, e.g. Yes,
I am sure it will).
3f 35 3 J.. 3 Give out the second handout with the contracted versions on (Box 40).
Mo,rr,'eJ 5 ye~r" Go through each dialogue a sentence at a time, asking students to repeat
after you or the recording, chorally and individually. Check that the
Picture 2 contracted forms are produced.
4 Students work in pairs, reading the dialogues. Monitor the contracted
forms and correct where necessary.
f3 f3
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
92 93
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
94 95
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
Write on the board some other words that have weak and strong forms, such
as them, at, to, can, have. Students choose a word and work in pairs to write
two short dialogues like those in Box 43, one in which the word is likely to be
pronounced with its strong form and the other with its weak form.
Distribute these to other pairs of students, who practise and perform them.
96 97
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
onto a handout.
1 Give students the handout (Box 44).
2 Say the full sentences (see Answer key) aloud or play the recording.
Students write the number of unstressed words (not the words
themselves) in the gaps. Leavingoutsounds(3.11-3.12)
3 Check the answers and then students repeat the sentences after you or the
recording. 3.11 Leavingoutconsonants:
It I andI dl inclusters
Pronunciation Practice Activities Connected speech
4 Say the phrases (making sure that the It! or Id/ sounds are left out where
this is likely) or play the recording. Students check their answers.
5 Students repeat the phrases chorally and individually. Monitor the ItI and
Id/ sounds and correct where necessary.
You could ask students to suggest rules for when It! and Id/ are not left out
when they are the final consonant in a cluster at the end of a word. This
exercise gives a partial picture. The full rules are that It! and Id/ are not left
out: before a word beginning with a vowel, or the letters I, w, h, y or r; in the
clusters -It, -nt, -rt, -rd and -red (pronounced Ird/).
100 101
Pronunciation Practice Activities
I Focus students on the list of words. Students group the words according
to the number of syllables. Tell them they should find the same number of
words in each group, or tell them how many words with the same
number of syllables they should find (four for each group in Box 47).
2 Elicit from students the five lists of words with the same number of
syllables. Correct pronunciation where necessary.
102 1°3
Pronunciation Practice Activities
Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Extension Variation
Students work in pairs to produce a new version of Box 47, using words
For intermediate students, follow the same procedure, but use short phrases
from their course book or their own ideas. They could write this on the board
or sentences. You may need to repeat each one, two or three times. Example
or an OHT, and then repeat the procedure above. They should also produce material is given in Box 49. Don't give students a written list of the
an answer key, listing the words with the same number of syllables. phrases/sentences.
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
deleted from the list and the game continues until all the words are Variations
crossed out. 1 Instead of clapping, use a thick elastic band. Hold the elastic band at two
3 Ask pairs of students to write down four words (different from those ends, pulling it a little at each unstressed syllable and pulling it a lot at
used so far), with two, three, four and five syllables. Collect these in and each stressed syllable.1
write a selection on the board. Repeat the procedure in steps 2 and 3 2 Demonstrate syllable length by writing words with the unstressed
above. syllables in squashed-together lower case letters and stressed syllables in
spread-out capital letters. For example:
S E N T ence par TIC ularly after NOON
For intermediate students, follow the same procedure, but include some
words that may be said with either three syllables, or two when they are at
normal conversational speed. Students only get a point if they can say the 4.5 Matchingwordswiththeir stresspatterns
word with the number of syllables that they claim it has. You could use some
words from Box 46, and below are a few more examples. The vowel sounds
left out when the word is spoken at conversational speed are in square
brackets. handout or an OHT.
106 1°7
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Box 50 Student handout Write the words/compounds randomly on the board, or write and display
above accountant biology calculation economIcs them on an OHT. Students classify them according to their stress pattern.
They should group them under patterns such as: 00, 00, 00, 000, ete.
engmeer experiment guitar over trumpet
When they report back their answers, correct pronunciation if necessary,
I A: Where did you put John's photo? B: It's the door. 00 focusing on any wrong stress placement.
2 A: What's Sue doing at college? B: She's studying .0000 Extension
3 A: What does Pat do? B: He's an . 000 For more advanced students, include some examples where there are
4 A: David's quite musical, isn't he? alternative stress patterns, and discuss these. You could include words such
B: Yes, he plays the .00 as Japanese which have shifting stress (see Introduction, p. 5). For example,
5 A: What do you like best at school? B: I really like . 0000 the word Japanese might be said with stress on the third or the first syllable.
6 A: What did you do in maths today? The stress in She's Tapanese is likely to be 0 000, while in She's a Japanese
B: A reallydifficult . 0000 author it may be either 0 0 000 00 or 0 0 000 00. So the stress pattern of
7 A: Was Jack hurt when he fell off his bike? the words said in isolation might best be represented as 000. Some more
B: He just got a small cut his left eye. 00 examples of words and compounds with variable stress like this are given in
8 A: What was the exam like? Activities 4.20 and 4.21. You could also include words such as object, which
B: We had an easy to do. 0000 have different stress patterns depending on whether they are used as verb or
noun: object (00) =verb; object (00) =noun. Some more examples of words
9 A: Do you play any musical instruments?
like this are given in Activity 4. II.
B: I used to play the . 00
IO A: What does Maria want to do when she leaves university?
B: She wants to be an . 000 Box 51 Teacher reference
U"vmm Pm, w04
Example words Stress pattern
curtains, flower, tea towel 00
around, giraffe, guitar 00
basketball, countryside, furniture, frying pan, traffic jam 000
December, hot chocolate, museum, romantic 000
incorrect, understand 000
primary school, supermarket, windscreen wipers 0000
4.6 Groupthewords
stress pattern 4.7 Countrynames
with representing syllables and word
words with more than one syllable and syllables,
there are a number of words with each = 00; pronunciation = 00000.
BOX5I.) rds by their stress pattern
108 1°9
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Procedure Here are some more jobs with their stress patterns:
I Write on the board the following series of stress patterns: I syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 4 syllables
00 -+ 0000 -+ 0000 -+ 00 -+ 0 -+ 000 -+ 000 -+ 000 judge 0 artist 00 carpenter 000 receptionist 0000
and the following country names in random order: chef 0 dentist 00 astronaut 000 librarian 0000
Estonia, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, nurse 0 farmer 00 detective 000 economist 0000
Venezuela vet 0 doctor 00 optician 000 psychologist 0000
2 Say the country names and students repeat after you. cashier 00 accountant 000 politician 0000
3 Explain that Jane is a businesswoman who travels all over the world. In masseur 00 dietician 0000
the last year she has visited eight different counties. The students need to electrician 0000
find out what order she visited the countries listed above. The stress
3 Include compounds for more advanced students. You could add some of
patterns written on the board show the order. Her first trip was to
the jobs below to those given above. Note that some of these have two
Norway (00). (Answer: Norway [00] -+ Venezuela [0000] -+ Estonia
main stresses (see Introduction, pp. 4-5).
[0000] -+ Japan [00] -+ France [0] -+ Singapore [000] -+ Germany
[000] -+ New Zealand [000].) 3 syllables 4 syllables 5+ syllables
bus driver 000 shop assistant 0000 safety officer 00000
4 Ask a few students to give their answers, and correct any wrong
street sweeper 000 taxi driver 0000 refuse collector 00000
pronunciations and stress patterns.
farm worker 000 research worker 0000 civil engineer 00000
5 Write some more examples on the board and repeat the procedure in
art dealer 000 civil servant 0000 police officer 00000
steps 1-4. Use the information about country names and their stress
security guard 00000
patterns given below.
personnel officer 000000
I syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 4 syllables
Wales 0 Belgium 00 Angola 000 Algeria 0000
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
the words, not the stress patterns. Give students a few minutes to try to 2 00 7 0000 12 00
remember the words. 3 0000 8 000 13 000
2 Rub the words out, and in random order write up the stress patterns of 4 000 9 0000 I4 00
the words (000,00, etc.). It can help to write a number next to each one. 5 000 10 000 15 000
Students point to a pattern (or say the number) and then give the word
Example items:
from the list having that pattern. If correct, they score a point and the
00: coffee, ice cream, sugar, apples
pattern is rubbed off the board. Continue until all the patterns are
000: marmalade, cabbages, oranges, shower gel
removed. The winner is the person/team with most points.
000: salami, tomatoes, spaghetti, satsumas
Variations 000: mayonnaise
I After step I, rub the words out and write up only the stress patterns in a 0000: tonic water, talcum powder
numbered order. 0000: deodorant
Start with this: End with only this:
I lemonade 5 shampoo I 000 5 00
4.9 Stress patterns in -ty and -teen numbers (1):
2 pineapple 6 potatoes -+ 2 000 6 000 Bingo
3 soap 7 butter 3 0 7 00
4 washing powder 8 tomato juice 4 0000 8 0000 numbers (e.g. 3 ° vs I3,
The first student begins: 'I went to the supermarket and bought some r vs thirTEEN) than on
lemonade' (stress pattern I). The second student continues: 'I went to the 4.9 and 4.10 focus on this
supermarket and bought some lemonade and a pineapple' (stress the basis of stress
patterns I and 2). The remaining students continue in the same way,
remembering what has come before and adding an item to the list. They
are eliminated if they make a mistake (either in remembering the word or
getting the wrong stress pattern) and the turn moves to the next student.
Students may substitute words not in the original list, provided that they
have the correct stress pattern. Procedure
2 Don't use a pre-set list of words for the 'I went to the supermarket. . .' I Write the numbers I3, I4, I5, I6, I7, I8, I9, 3°, 4°, 5°, 60, 7°, 80,9°
memory activity. Instead, write a list of numbered stress patterns on the on the board. Each student chooses six of the numbers and writes them
board (such as the possible list opposite) and ask students to suggest on a piece of paper. Call the numbers out at random and students cross
items themselves which they can buy in a supermarket and which match them off their lists when they hear them. Make sure that you stress the
these patterns. You could use some of the examples given above, but second syllable in the -teen numbers (thirTEEN, fourTEEN, etc.) and the
some other example items (with only one main stress) are given opposite. first in the -ty numbers (THIRTy, FORTy, etc.). The first student to cross
out all six numbers shouts out Bingo, and they are the winner if they have
crossed out the correct numbers.
2 Check by asking the winner to read back their numbers.
112 113
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Variations 4.10 Stress patterns in -ty and -teen numbers (2):
I Instead of just saying the numbers, say sentences with the numbers in talking about accommodation
context. Some possible sentence frames are given in Box 52. Use the
numbers at the end of sentences or followed by an unstressed word. FQC~c~' ,Qistinguishingbetween -ty and -teen numbers on the basis of stress
0 pattern
Make sure that you stress the second syllable in the -teen numbers LevelIntermediate
(thirTEEN, fourTEEN, etc.) and the first in the -ty numbers (THIRTy, Tii11e!i minutes
FORTy, etc.). (SeeVariation 2 for the reason.) PreparationCopy the material in Box 55 (for half the class) and 56 (for the other
2 As in Variation I, say sentences with the numbers in context. This time, onto Sepal;ate handouts. For the demonstration, write the
however, include examples of -teen numbers with stress shift when they about house I in just one copy of Box 55.
are followed by a stressed syllable. If you use the -teen numbers followed
by a word beginning with a stressed syllable, the stress usually shifts to Procedure
the first syllable. Compare:
fifTEEN but FIFteen YEARS I Write the following on the board:
0 0 0 0
(For more details, see Introduction, p. 5.)
She's thirty. She's thirteen.
Some possible sentence frames for this are given in Box 53. You could
replace some of the frames in Box 52 with these. 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0
She was thirty yesterday. She was thirteen yesterday.
Students repeat the sentences after you, chorally and individually. Point
Box 52 Teacher reference
out (if the students don't already know) that stress can be shifted in the
I His office is number (13/30). -teen words: She's thirTEEN vs She was THIRteen YESterday. (For more
2 Next birthday he'll be (13/30). information, see Activity 4.9 or Introduction, p. 5.) Repeat a few times
3 There were (13/30) of them. with some of the 14/40, 15/50, etc. pairs (up to 19/90).
4 Do questions I to (13/30) for homework. 2 Do a quick listening quiz. Say sentences such as 'She's ninety', 'She was
5 Turn to page (13/3°)' fourteen yesterday', etc., and students write down the numbers they hear:
6 It costs 4 dollars, (13/30).
9°, I4, etc. You could use the frames in Box 52 (without stress shift) and
7 She'll be (13/30) on Friday.
Box 53 (with stress shift).
8 The plane leaves from gate (13/30).
3 Organise the students into Student A/B pairs. Give one of the handouts
(Box 55) to Student A and the other (Box 56) to Student B.
4 Explain the context: Students A and B are looking for accommodation to
Box 53 Teacher reference rent together while studying at college / university / a language school
(whichever is relevant to your context). They have each found different
I It costs (13/30) dollars. (00.THIRteen DOLLars/THIRTy DOLLars)
things out about advertised accommodation and are now back home
2 I've got (13/30) cousins. (00.THIRteen COUSins/THIRTy COUSins)
3 There are (13/30) children in the class. (00.THIRteen CHILDRen / sharing this information (the address, the rent per week, the distance
from the college/university/school, the bus number, and the time the bus
4 The book only has (13/30) pages. (oo.THIRteenPAGes/THIRTy journey takes). They have to complete their table by asking each other
PAGes .00) questions.
5 There were (13/30) thousand people in the crowd. (00.THIRteen 5 Demonstrate the activity. Call one of the students to the front and give
THOUSand/THIRTy THOUSand ...) them the copy of Box 55 that you prepared earlier with the added
information about house I . You take one of the blank copies. Ask this
II4 115
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
student questions abut house I and write the information you get on your Box 54 Teacher reference
handout. Show that answers can be checked if necessary by saying 'Sorry,
did you say... or ...?' The conversation might go, for example: Accommodation I 2 3 4 5
Teacher (T): What's the address of the first house? Address 80, Black 5°, Blue 19, Green 16, Red 4°, White
Student (S): 80, Black Road. Rd Rd Rd Rd Rd
T: Sorry, did you say 80 (EIGHty) or 18 (eighTEEN)? S: 80. £60/wk
How much? £n6/wk £70/wk £n7/wk £I80/wk
(You then write down the answer.)
T: How much does it cost? S: n6 pounds a week. Bus number? 17 60 13 14 9°
T: How far is it from the college? S: 18 kilometres. How far? I8km I9km I4km I6km 13 km
T: Sorry, did you say 80 (EIGHty) or 18 (eighTEEN)? S: 18.
How long? 40mm 50mm 30mm 40mm 60min
T: How long does it take? S: 4° minutes.
T: What's the bus number? S: 17.
T: Sorry, did you say 7° (SEVenty) or 17 (sevenTEEN)? S: 17.
6 The rest of the class should add the information to their sheets at the
Box 55 Student A handout
same time. At the end of the demonstration, ask students to check any
information they didn't get or weren't sure about, with the student at the Accommodation I 2 3 4 5
front. Encourage them to use the 'Sorry, did you say... or ...?' pattern Address 5°, Blue 19, Green
demonstrated. Rd Rd
7 Students then work in pairs, asking each other questions to complete
How much? £70/wk £60/wk
their handouts. When they have finished, they should compare handouts
and check that they have the correct information. During this time, Bus number? 13 14
monitor and correct stress in numbers.
How far? I4km I6km
How long? 50mm 60min
I At the end of the activity,ask students to discusswhich accommodation "CAMeRWGE Umvmm Pms w04
they would prefer to have and why. If they don't make the -teen/-ty
numbers clear in the discussion, ask 'Sorry, did you say... or ...?', and
encourage other students to do the same. Box 56 Student B handout
2 Having formally introduced and practised this point of pronunciation in
Accommodation I 2 3 4 5
the activity, try to repeat it as the occasion arises in the classroom. For
example, when asking students to open their books at a particular page, Address 16, Red 4°, White
give them the opportunity to check numbers: Rd Rd
T: Can you turn to page 7° (mumbled, or said quietly), please? How much? £r80/wk
S: Sorry, did you say 7° or 17?
or to clarify numbers for you: Bus number? 60 9°
T: What room is your next class in? S: GI3. How far? I9km 13 km
T: Sorry, did you say GI3 or G30?
How long? 30mm 40mm
116 II7
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
4.11 Stress innoun-verb
... ,nwpairs ---
focus Identifying different stress patterns when the same word is used as a
Box 57 Student handout
Prepare a similar exercise with other words that have this feature: combine, I I've always wanted to conduct an orchestra.
compound, conflict, contest, contrast, convict, decrease, defect, extract, 2 She gave me a watch as a present.
insult, misprint, perfect, produce, protest, rebel, reject, survey, upset. Note 3 Thomas was the main suspect in the crime.
that the nouns export and import are stressed on the first syllable: EXport, 4 What's that strange object on the top shelf?
IMport. As verbs these words usually have stress on the second syllable: 5 The vegetable shop sold only local produce.
exPORT, imPORT, but may be stressed on the first syllable with stress shift 6 It's my pleasure to present Dr Stevens.
(see Introduction, p. 5): We EXport SHOES /They IMport CARS. 7 We can't discount the possibility that John has had an accident.
8 The children's conduct during the concert was excellent.
Answerkey ,
9 I have to produce the report by the end of the week.
PartA: 1noun:CONtract,2verb:conTRACT, 3 PERmit,4 verb: perMIT, 10 When she asked for money I began to suspect her honesty.
II Would anyone object if we finish the meeting early?
5 noun:RECord,6 verb:reCORD.
12 Will you give me a discount on the price if I buy three?
Rule:usedasnouns- stressonthefirstsyllable;usedasverbs- stressonthe
@CAMB,mGE UNlvmm P,m w04
PartB:1verb:conDUCT, 2 noun:PRESent,
3 noun:SUSpect,
4 noun:OBject,
5 noun:PROduce,6 verb:preSENT,7verb:disCOUNT,
8 noun:CONduct,
9 verb:
proDUCE,10verb:susPECT, 11verb:obJECT,12noun:DIScount.
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
happy, lovely, yellow). Students check their answers. Repeat and ask
students to mark the syllables in the words as stressed or unstressed (for
example, by putting 0 over the stressed syllable and 0 over the
Box 59 Student handout
unstressed) . @)
3 Students use the information in the table to complete the general rule I had a letter from my brother Paul yesterday. He was very angry and
about stress in two-syllable words. Tell them that the gaps should be upset. He's a guitarist and he was going to Japan to give some concerts.
filled with the words nouns, verbs and adjectives. (Answer: nouns, But at the airport his guitar was stolen. He called the police, of course.
adjectives, verbs.) They were very polite and friendly and took his address, but told him
Extension he would be very lucky to get it back. He still had his passport and
Give or show students the text in Box 59 and ask them to identify all two- tickets, but couldn't go without his guitar.
C>, UNlvmm P.m '004
syllable nouns and adjectives. Remind them that the rule they have just
learned applies to most, but not all, nouns and adjectives. Ask them which
ones don't follow the rule. (Note that verbs are not highlighted here as the
tendency in verbs is less definite than with nouns and adjectives, as the
second sentence of the rule in Box 58 shows.) Read the text aloud or play the
recording. Students check their answers.
Pronunciation Practice Activities
Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Time 4° minutes
~,i~parationCopyrhe material in Box 60 onto a handout. For this activity, each
student should have access to a dictionary that shows stress patterns
in words.
-<'~, , ~C~~ "~-"" ~_c_~~- -~~cc_-
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
3 Ask students if they can see any patterns in stress placement in the words.
They should notice that all the -ian words have main stress in the syllable
before -ian. This is the general rule that you should highlight. (-ian words
often refer to 'people who are members of a particular group'.) Students
might also note that the other words all have stress in the first syllable.
Accept this, of course, but as this doesn't represent a general rule, don't
focus attention on it.
4 Students continue to work in pairs. Student A should 'be' one of the -ian
words, and Student B tries to guess what they are by asking questions:
'Do you do magic?' 'Are you involved in politics?' etc. They should
include words on the handout (magic, politics) in their questions, but for
some roles (physician, pedestrian) they will need to use additional
vocabulary either because they do not have a corresponding 'root' word
(pedestrian) or because a corresponding word has a different meaning (a
physician is a doctor, not someone who studies or works with physics). .
4.14 Suffixes and word stress:wordsending -ian2 Demonstrate the activity with one student in front of the class before
Activity 4.13 before this one. Activity 4.13 starting the pairwork.
the relationship between word stress and 5 In monitoring and correcting while the pairwork is in progress, focus
e this activity looks in particular at the only on stress placement in the words on the handout.
2 This activity is based loosely on one in Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M. and Goodwin,
J. M. (I996, p. 49).
124 125
Pronunciation Practice Activities
Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Box 61 Student handout 4.15 Suffixesand word stress: wordsending -ic and -ical
000 Students should have done Activity 4.13 before this one. Activity 4.13
is a general introduction to the relationship between word stress and
musician politician diet magic vegetarian library music physician
prefixes and suffixes, while this activity looks in particular at the
suffixes -ic and -ical.
Jdentifyingthe relationship between the suffixes -ic and -ical and
word stress
dietician historian politics grammar electricity pedestrian Advanced
Time 4° minutes
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
~ ;'
""10 Part A
Part B
drama - dramatic politics - political
theatre - theatrical energy - energetic
diplomat - diplomatic science - scientific 4.16 Stress inphrasalverbsandrelatednouns
enthusiasm - enthusiastic theory - theoretical andrelated nouns
Part C ~
128 129
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Part A
Verb Noun
3 COVer UP 4 COVer-up
5 GET toGETHer 6 GET-together
9 LIE DOWN 10 LIE-down
II PRINTOUT 12 PRINTout Extension
13 SEND OFF 14 SEND-off Here are some other verb-noun pairs with the same stress pattern, which
15 SET BACK 16 SETback you could use later in a similar exercise: break down / a breakdown, break in
17 STOP OVER 18 STOPover
/ a break-in, buyout / a buyout, change over / a changeover, climb down / a
19 TURN OUT 20 TURNout
climbdown, flare up / a flare-up, get away / a getaway, hold up / a hold-up, let
Part B down / a letdown, let up / a letup, mix up / a mix-up, sell out / a sell-out,
I a I must send off this parcel before the post office closes. takeaway / a takeaway, work out / a workout.
b We gave him a good send-offbefore he left for Australia.
2 a He couldn't from his parents any longer.
b The robbers had a in the mountains. 4.17 Rules of stress in compound nouns
3 a I'm not feeling very well. I'm going to have a .
b I'm tired. I think I might go and .
4 a The government is accused of a of events at the
handout or an OHT.
b There's no point trying to the mistake. You'll just
have to admit it.
5 a We've got a spare room if you need a place to . Procedure
b My ticket to Sydney includes a in Singapore.
I If necessary, explain that compound nouns are made up of two separate
6 a There's a of the report next to the computer.
words (either noun + noun, or adjective + noun) and are often written as
I'll the report and give you a copy.
7 a He felt a cold sweat on his forehead. two words (e.g. credit card). Others are written as a single word (e.g.
b There's been a from the prison. toothpaste) or with the words joined by a hyphen (e.g.cross-section).
8 a My brothers and I try to every month or so. 2 Give out or show students the sentences in Box 65 and ask them to
b We're having a on Friday. Would you like to underline all the compound nouns (each sentence has two). Ask
come? them whether the main stress is in the first or second part of the
9 a There was a of 95% in the election. compound.
b The play didn't to be a great success. 3 Read the sentences aloud or play the recording. Students check their
10 a Ronaldo suffered a yesterdayas he tried to getfit answers. Ask them to say what is the usual pattern. (Main stress is in the
for the World Cup. first part of most compound nouns, but occasionally in the second.)
b The flooding work on the building by weeks.
Q CAM","G' Umvmm PH" W04
13° 131
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
132 133
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
Box 67 Teacher reference 1 Distribute at random to each student one of the cards/pieces of paper you
(S)ame or (D )ifferent? have prepared.
1 She told me her name. - A litre of S: 00000 2 Students walk around the room and find others who have B parts with
milk. the same stress pattern (i.e. the same number of syllables with stress on
2 He went by car. - Over the hill. D: 0000/0000 the same syllables). To do this, Student 1 says the B part on their card and
3 He plays the guitar. - I'll try to find S: 00000 Student 2 says theirs. If the two B parts don't have the same stress
out. pattern, the students move on to another student and do the same thing.
4 On holiday. - A chest of drawers. D: 0000/0000 If the two parts are the same, the students form a pair and together they
5 They live in a flat. -It's against the D: 00000/00000
go to find other students with the same stress pattern. This continues
until all students have formed into groups. First demonstrate the
6 What does it look like? - She's really D: 00000/00000
procedure carefully with a few students at the front of the class.
angry. 3 Check the answers by saying the A parts for each set of dialogues. The
7 I'm afraid I can't. - In the afternoon. S: 00000
S: 000000 student with the appropriate B part responds. If the students who
8 She's meeting her boyfriend. -It's
under the table. respond to the A parts in each set are standing together, then they have
9 She's completely exhausted. - He D: 0000000/0000000 found their partners correctly. If they are not, ask them to say their parts
wants to be a doctor. again and discuss with the other members of the class where they should
10 She's expecting a baby. - I was S: 0000000 be. Continue until you and the class are happy that the correct groups are
looking for David. formed.
If it is not practical for students to walk around the classroom, give all the
4.19 Findyourpartners dialogues to all students on a handout (Box 69). They should work in pairs
to categorise the B parts according to their stress pattern.
134 135
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
B: I bought it in town.
A: When are you going back home? 00000
B: I'm leaving today.
A: How are you getting to Paris?
- - -~: !~~)?!~::r:~~JE~ ~:~~~: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - --
136 137
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
1 Give out the handout (Box 7°) or display the OHT. Practise the Box 71 Teacher reference
pronunciation of nationalities and occupations: Q: Where's a from? List I List 2 List 3
A: He's Chinese. Q: What does he do? A: He's a dentist. Pay particular (Stress shift possible; stress (No stress shift)
attention to stress. patterns are given for the words
2 Demonstrate that when they are used before a word with stress in the first without and with stress shift)
syllable, some nationality words (those in list I) have a different stress Japanese (0001000) Italian (0000) doctor (00)
pattern than when they are used at the end of the sentence (or before Chinese (00100) Icelandic (000) dentist (00)
words that don't have stress in the first syllable). Compare: Taiwanese (0001000) Malaysian (000) farmer (00)
a's Chinese (00). He's a Chinese dentist (00 00). (with stress shift) Portuguese (0001000) Australian (0000) teacher (00)
b's Malaysian (000). She's a Malaysian farmer. (00000) (without Singaporean (00000100000) Peruvian (0000) lecturer (000)
stress shift) Argentinian (00000100000) Nigerian (0000) artist (00)
Ask students to predict which nationality words have this stress shift and Indonesian (000010000) Tunisian (0000) author (00)
to put ". above these. The stress patterns of the words are given in Box 71. Pakistani (000010000) Norwegian (000) architect (000)
3 Give students a few moments to try to remember the nationalities and sculptor (00)
jobs, then turn off the OHT or ask them to turn their handouts face lawyer (00)
down. Ask students to make sentences of the type: a's Chinese or a's a journalist (000)
footballer (000)
Chinese dentist. Give one point for remembering and one for getting
actor (00)
stress in the right place in the nationality word.
. an OHT or a handout.
the words in column B of Box
. an OHT or a handout.
ac:tivity, do the same for the
a b c d
1 Give out or display the material in Box 72. Students repeat the items in
column A after you or the recording. Make sure that the main stress is in
the second half of the compound, as follows:
broken-down 000 semi-detached 0000
far-reaching 000 stress-related 0000
e f g h
long-distance 000 three-dimensional 00000
@CAMORWG' UN<v",m Pm; w04
138 139
Pronunciation Practice Activities Syllables, word stress and stress in phrases
isn't always an exact answer, although possible answers are given in the
4 Students report their answers. Make sure that main stress in the
compound shifts back to the first word or first half of the compound.
Give out or display the blanked copy of the material in Box 72 and follow
the procedure for steps I and 2. Then students work in pairs to think of
suitable nouns to follow the beginnings in column A. These should either
have one syllable or, if they have more than one, have stress in the first Box 73 Student handout
syllable. This will produce compounds that most regularly have stress shift.
Students report their answers. Make sure that main stress in the compound
bloodshot .credit card eyes . footballer
shifts back to the first word or first half of the compound.
daylight first-class fraud hours
Extension full-time next door job neighbour
Repeat the activity at a later date using the material in Box 73, which is rush hour Stone Age ticket traffic
designed to show that the tendency highlighted in the activity above doesn't windscreen world-class tools Wiper
always apply. Begin by reminding students that when compound adjectives " CAMeRWGEUmvmnY PRm w04
are combined with nouns the stress may shift back, but not always. The
material contains a mixture of compounds that have main stress in the
second part, and stress shift when followed by a stressed noun (first-class,
full-time, next door, world-class); and compounds that always have stress in
the first part and no stress shift (bloodshot, credit card, daylight, rush hour,
Stone Age, windscreen).
14° 141
Intonation students respond. Make sure that they use the prominence and
intonation pattern practised so far. For example:
repeated it is not prominent. (You could use the word stressed or ete.
highlighted instead of prominent, or simply demonstrate the difference (= new / a choice (= new / a choice (= given / no other
by gesture.) Both have a falling tone.
is made) is made) word can go here)
2 Introduce yourself in the same way by saying (for example):
Where's Seoul?
TheNAME'S~gs.~ It's in I KOREA. SOUTH Korea.
Perhaps shake hands with one of the students to 'dramatise' it. North
3 Ask a few students to introduce themselves to you in the same way, and India.
then all students introduce themselves to other students around them.
Check that the last name is not prominent and correct where necessary. (= new / a choice (= new / a choice (= given / no other
(If students don't have a name that fits this pattern - perhaps they have is made) is made) word can go here)
only one name or put their family name first - you may have to miss out
this step, or adapt as necessary.)
4 Give out the handout (Box 74) to students. First ask them to match the
questions and responses. Check the answers by asking the questions and
142 143
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
2 Next give out or show the material in Box 76. Say the utterances in Box
Box 74 Student handout 77. First take row I and read A, Band C in any order, but keep a note of
I What colour's your car? a It's hot. Incredibly hot. the order in which you read them. (Note that the questions in Box 77
2 Where's Seoul? b It was boring. Terribly boring. correspond to the answers in Box 76 - AI goes with AI, A2 with A2, etc.
3 What's the weather like in Malaysia? c I play football. American football. - so make sure you change the order.) Students listen and choose the most
4 How was the exam? d She was delighted. Really delighted.
e It's red. Dark red. appropriate response in each case. They could write I, 2 and 3 next to
5 Where shall we have the barbecue?
6 Where does Maria live? f They're in the drawer. The bottom drawer. responses A-C to indicate the order in which they hear them. For
7 What did you think of the film? g It's in Korea. South Korea. example, say 'Row I, number I - I thought I put my book under the
8 Have you seen my car keys? h In the garden. The front garden. table', and students write:
9 How's your toothache now? i It's painful. Extremely painful. C
10 Do you do any sport? j He's broken his arm. His left arm. They're ON the table. I
II Did Helen like the present? k In Spain. The north of Spain.
12 What's happened to Jack? I It was difficult. Very difficult. 3 When you have read the utterances in row I, check the answers by
Umvmm Pms w04
reading out one of them again. Ask a student to give their answer,
replying (for example) 'B: They're on the TABLE.' Check that they get
both the letter and the prominence placement correct in their response.
Then repeat the procedure for rows 2, 3, etc.
4 Finally, give out the material in Box 77. Students work in pairs. One says
the utterances in Box 77, as in step 3, and the other responds with the
answers in Box 76. So answer AI in Box 76 is the correct response to
question AI in Box 77, etc. After a time, they should try to respond
5.2 Hearingandsayingprominentwords: without looking at Box 76 - from memory with the correct prominence
'They'reonthetable' in their response. Monitor and correct when necessary.
144 I45
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
7 The third on the RIGHT. The THIRD on the right. The THIRD on the RIGHT.
146 147
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
3 If you haven't already done so, give out the handout (Box 80).
4 Practise the pronunciation of the words said alone, in Part A of the
handout. Prominent syllables are in capital letters. Students repeat after Box 79 Student handout
you or the recording.
S Practise a couple of the dialogues in Part B with the students. Take one
from 1-8 (whicb includes words that have stress on the first syllable in
their citation forms, moving to a later syllable in the dialogues) and one
from 9-16 (which includes words that have stress in later syllables in their
citation forms, moving to the first in the dialogues) to demonstrate what
to do. For example:
1 It's a STALactite, isn't it?
No, it's a STALagMITE.
~'('If IIfTTlY
9 Are you trying to reWIND the tape?
No, it's got tangled. I'm trying to UNwind it.
6 Students work in pairs on the dialogues. Then select a few to perform
some of the dialogues for the class. Monitor the contrastive prominence
placement and correct where necessary.
Here are some more pairs of nouns that might be contrasted in the same way.
Ask students to work in pairs to write their own dialogues showing the
contrast, and then to perform them.
telescope - telephone relevant - irrelevant
attach - detach impression - expression
disused - misused conservatory - observatory 1[EII
148 149
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
15° 151
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
I Give students short sentences such as I went to Paris last summer and ask
Transcripts for Part B with unit boundaries marked: them to suggest the first parts of dialogues to produce the responses:
I Well I'm rather busy / just at present / perhaps you wouldn't mind I went to PARis last summer.
waiting for a few minutes I went to Paris LAST summer.
2 We need to reduce / the numbers of cars on our roads / we don't need I went to Paris last SUMMer.
to increase them
2 In a later lesson, when sufficient time has elapsed so that students have
3 The thing to look out for / is the playing fields / and soon after you've
forgotten the details of the exercise, give them the B responses in Box 82,
passed them / you'll go under an underpass
4 You remember that friend of his though / the guy who came from Part B again. Ask them to suggest appropriate A parts to elicit each of the
Liverpool/he always came on Fridays / and nobody quite knew why responses.
152 153
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
Box 82 Student handout I Draw on the board the following tones (fall, fall-rise, rise, level) and
Part A numberthem I to 4.
I See you at ten to seven. aAtT~
2 Seeyou at five to eight. bAttentoE~ I~ 2V 3~ 4L ~
2 On the recording, the word yes is said ten times, each with one of the
Part B
A B tones above: 1)4, 2)1, 3)2,4)3,5)2,6)3,7)4,8)3,9)2, ro)r.
Play the recording and ask students to give the number of the tone that
0 I I thought the office was in West Oldtown. a No, it's in West NEWtown.
they hear.
2 I thought the office was in East Newtown. b No, it's in WEST Newtown.
@ I Isn't Kate a chemist? a No, my SISter's a doctor. 3 Repeat with words that have more than one syllable. The recording gives
2 Your brother's a doctor, isn't he? b No, my sister's a DOCtor. ten versions of the following words:
Q) I How do you like your coffee? a With MILK, please. question-I) 2, 2)3, 3)4,4)2,5)3,6)1,7)2,8)4,9)1, ro)2
2 You have your coffee black, don't you? b WITH milk, please. pronunciation-I) 3, 2)3, 3)1, 4)4,5)2,6)2,7)3,8)1,9)1, ro)4
@ I I can't find the car keys in your handbag. a They're in my black HANDbag. Alternatively, you could say the words with different tones yourself.
2 Where did you put the car keys? b They're in my BLACK handbag. 4 Ask a student to take the role of teacher, saying a word that you give them
(i) I When do you think Jill will get here? a She's coming AFTer lunch. using different tones, while other students answer with the appropriate
2 What do you think Jill will want for b She's coming after LUNCH. tone number.
@ I Do you think leaving school at 16 was a a It was a big misTAKE.
mistake? 5.7 Tone choice inquestions
2 Why did the police arrest Tom? b It was a BIG mistake.
-questions end with a falling tone, and
@C"mmG' UN<V",,"y Pm' w04
ing tone. While this is often true,
questions in natural speech which break
by reminding students of the 'textbook
this to give students a more general
nship between questions and intonation.
n we might be trying to find out information
now. Alternatively, we might ask a question in
Tones(5.6-5.9) information we think we know is correct.
falling tone, and making sure
5.6 Choosing tones: fall or rise? (that is, falling-rising
are often used to find out, they
be used to introduce the four most frequent tones in
and as yes/no questions are often used to make
fall, fall-rise, rise, level- or to remind students of
lling-rising or rising tone. However, wh-
activity such as Activities 5.7 or 5.8 below.
be used to make sure, and so have falling-rising or
ones: fall, fall-rise, rise, level
yes/no question can also be used to find out, and so
154 155
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
questions; distinguishing between 3 Give out the handout (Box 84). Focus on Part A. Students repeat the
questions questions after you with the intonation shown. Then take the B parts in
the dialogues and students ask you questions. I told you is inserted in the
answers in 6-10 to emphasise that this is information A should already
onto a handout or an OHT, or write the
know. Finally, students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions
r.d. Copy the material in Box 84 onto a handout.
as A and B. Monitor the intonation in the questions and correct if
Procedure 4 Focus on Part B. Say that wh-questions can also be used for making sure-
I Give out or show the material in Box 83. Play the recording of the to check information that you have already been told (but may have
questions. Alternatively, say the questions yourself with the intonation forgotten) - and these questions often have a fall-rise starting on the wh-
at the end of the questions as given below. This is also the intonation word. Play the recording of the first five questions, or say them with the
used on the recording. (Note that for the sake of simplicity, falling-rising intonation shown, and follow the procedure as in step 3.
tones are used on the recording rather than rising tones. However, you 5 Then explain that yes/no questions can also be used for finding out, and
could use a rising tone instead of the falling-rising, with a similar these questions often have a falling tone. Play the recording of the next
meaning. ) five questions, or say them with the intonation shown, and follow the
procedure as in step 3. The difference between these questions and those
I How's Tom getting to ~? in Part A is that in Part A (with falling-rising tone) the questions are
2 Do you want a lift to the ~? checking (we think we know the answer) and in Part B (with falling tone)
they are finding out information we don't know.
3 Why's~ 6 Focus on Part C. Explain that students should ask the questions again
with an intonation appropriate to the purpose (find out / make sure)
4 Are you going to the~t?
given on the left. The B responses should be taken from those given in
5 Doyoulike~? Parts A and B and should be appropriate to the intonation used. Give a
6 What do you want for your ~ few examples to illustrate and then students work in pairs.
7 When are you going back ~
After you have used a recorded dialogue in class, go back and focus on the
8 Did you get back this~ intonation at the end of any questions in it. Ask students to identify whether
there is a falling or end-rising tone (rising or falling-rising). In most cases, the
9 WasS~?
finding out or making sure distinction will help explain intonation choice.
10 Who's the man in the blue ~ For more advanced students, you could go on to consider whether the
Ask students to listen in particular to the end of the question, starting alternative intonation choice might also be appropriate in the context and if
not, why not.
with the syllable in capital letters, and decide whether they hear a falling
or a falling-rising tone. Try to elicit from students a relationship between
the type of question and the intonation in these sentences: that is, wh-
questions end with a falling tone, and yes/no questions end with a falling-
rising tone.
2 Explain to students the distinction between finding out and making sure,
and the connection with wh- and yes/no questions (see above).
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
I How's Tom getting to PARis? making sure 3A:~day? B: I told you, a new jumper.
2 Do you want a lift to the STATion?
3 Why's ALice coming this evening? making sure 4A:~? B: I told you, tomorrow.
4 Are you going to the PARTy tonight? making sure 5A:~ B: I told you, the marketing
5 Do you like OYSTers? manager.
6 What do you want for your BIRTHday?
finding out B: No, I'll walk.
7 When are you going back HOME? 6 A:Do you want a liftto the S~
8 Did you get back this MORNing? finding out 7 A:Areyougoingto the P~ B: No, it's been cancelled.
9 Was SUSan at the meeting?
finding out B: Yes, I love them.
IO Who's the man in the blue SUIT? 8A: Do youlike O~
@ CAMBRmeRUmvmm Pm; w04 finding out B: No, last night.
9 A:Didyou get backthis M~
finding out B: Yes, she was there.
Part C
Box 84 Student handout
find out I A: How's Tom getting to Paris?
Part A make sure 2 A: Why's Alice coming this evening?
finding out I A: How's Tom getting to P~ B: By train. make sure 3 A: What do you want for your birthday?
find out 4 A: When are you going back home?
finding out
2 A: Why's A~ B: To borrow some CDs. find out 5 A: Who's the man in the blue suit?
finding out 3 A: What do you want for your B: Anew jumper. make sure 6 A: Do you want a lift to the station?
making sure
6 A: Do you want a lift to the ~ B: No, I told you, I'll walk.
making sure
7 A: Are you going to the ~ B:No, I told you, it's been
Part B
making sure IA:_? B: I told you, by train.
158 159
Pronunciation Practice Activities Intonation
5.8 Falling and falling-rising tones: reservation One student asks a question to a selected member of the class, who
definite yes/no answers and fall-rise tone for should respond with one of the yes or no patterns on the board. Continue
with other students. To encourage a range of answers, you may need to
point to one of the patterns and ask the responding student to begin their
answer in this way. (Of course, not all questions will permit all four
questions (or think of other yes/no responses. )
own situation) on a small piece of paper:
Were you hard working at school?
Are you going to give us any 5.9 'News' and 'not news': correcting
homework today? returning students' exercise
Do you play any musical If this is not possible,
ne for telling something new and the
~ for something already known
a handout.
I Distribute the piecesof paper with questionson to a number of students,
but don't explain what they are for. Then prompt students to ask you the
1a Return the students' work, but give the exercise books or papers to the
questions they have on their pieces of paper. Answer using all four
responses on the board, showing that a falling tone is used for definite wrong people. Give back the first book/paper, and when the student
yes/no answers, and that a fall-rise tone indicates some reservation or objects, elicit from them the following: .
Are you going to give us any ~ This activity should still work, using a falling tone on the last stressed
syllable of the name.)
homework today?
B: I'm going to S~, not to ~ in the examples above, it might be heard as less polite; telling A that they
have got their facts wrong.
2 A: Mary's house is the one with a green door. 4 Finally, students work in pairs on the dialogues. Monitor and correct
4 A: I hear Sue's going to India this summer.
B: She's going there PERManently, not just for the SUMMer.
5 A: Tom's trying to get fit. He's on a diet.
B: He'll have to do more EXercise, not just EAT less.
6 A: It's cheaper to go to Barcelona by plane than train.
B: It's easier, not only cheaper.
7 A: I'll get the number sixty-two into town.
B: You catch the sixty-one, not the sixty-two.
8 A: It'll be really hot in Greece in July.
B: We're going in October, not in July.
9 A: You should easily beat Emma at tennis.
B: I'm playing Suzanne, not Emma.
10 A: I want to learn to drive. I've read lots of books about it.
B: You'll need to practise, not just read books about it.
II A: The new farming policy is good for Germany.
B: It's good for Europe, not only Germany.
12 A: We're not allowed to smoke in the offices, are we?
B: Smoking's banned in the whole building, not only in the offices.
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