Unit-Wise-MCQs AI TE
Unit-Wise-MCQs AI TE
Unit-Wise-MCQs AI TE
4 1 1 1 Evaluation function for A* search is f(n) = h(n) f(n) =g(n)+ h(n) f(n) =g(n)* h(n) f(n) =g(n)/ h(n) B 1
The key feature of Tabu Search Processing of Processing of
5 1 1 1 Algorithm memory D 1
method is the use of ________________, Variables Constant
AI is concerned with the design of Knowledge
6 1 1 1 which records
___________ information related of intelligence Robot Software A 1
the search process Base
SPACE in "State Space Search" means A Set of States A Space above Voulme of
7 1 1 1 _______ A Empty Space Soultion A 1
having solution. Earth Finding an
finding Best Finding an
Search in "State Space Search" means Searching of solution outof average
solution out of worst
8 1 1 1 solution B 1
_____ Space available only one out
Moreof availabel
than 5
any parameter A fix parameter availabel
solutions. parameter used solutions.
9 1 1 1 Heuristic means _____ not
usedequal to
to find less
to findto solutions.
more closer to A 1
acutal values of acutal values of to find values
acutal best of used to find
10 1 1 1 Heuristic should be ______ best solution. best solution. C 1
parameter parameter solution.
parameter best solution.
11 1 1 1 Turing Test concept was put forward considered.
Kevin Knight Alan Turing
considered. considered.
Michael Jenkin Stuart Russell B 1
by ___________________
12 1 1 1 Evaluation function for Greedy best- f(n) = h(n) f(n) =g(n)+ h(n) f(n) =g(n)* h(n) f(n) =g(n)/ h(n) A 1
first searchfunction for A* search is
13 1 1 1 is _______________________ f(n) = h(n) f(n) =g(n)+ h(n) f(n) =g(n)* h(n) f(n) =g(n)/ h(n) B 1
Space Complexity Greedy Best First
14 1 1 1 O(b-m) O(b+m) O(b^m) O(b*m) C 1
Search is ________
The key feature of Tabu Search
15 1 1 1 Algorithm Processing of VarProcessing of Conmemory D 1
method is the use of ________________,
Disadvantage of Greedy Best first
16 1 1 1 which records information
Seach algorithm about sapcerelated of keeps all nodes inkeeps all nodes keeps all nodes i keeps all nodes in B 1
the search process
complexity is that _________
Structured Standard Standard Research
2 2 1 Long form of STRIPS is _______________ Research
Planning Research
Problem Review
Planning B 1
17 Institute
Proper Domain
Domain Institute
Domain Institute
18 2 2 1 Long form of PDDL is _______________ Problem
Description A 1
Problem Solver
Description Problem
DescriptionSolver Problem Solver
Different^ Solution ^
19 2 2 2 What is precondition for STACK(x, y) CLEAR(x) ^ CLEAR(y) ^ CLEAR(x) CLEAR(y)
Language B 1
HOLDING(y) Language
HOLDING(x) Language
20 2 2 2 Which states will be added if CLEAR(x) ^ CLEAR(y) ^ ARMEMPTY CLEAR(y) ^ C 1
STACK(x,y) is applies?for HOLDING(x) HOLDING(y) ON(x, y) HOLDING(x)
21 2 2 2 What is precondition Structured
ONTABLE(x) Standard
PUTDOWN(x) Research Research Review Research
22 2 2 1 Long form of STRIPS is _______________ Planning Problem Planning Institute B 1
Institite Institute Institute Proper Domain
2 2 1 Long form of PDDL is _______________ Domain Domain Domain Problem A 1
23 Problem
Description Solver
^ Problem
Description Solver
^ Problem
Different ^ Solver Description
CLEAR(y) ^
2 2 2 What is precondition for STACK(x, y) HOLDING(y) HOLDING(x) HOLDING(x)
24 Language
CLEAR(x) ^ Language
Language CLEAR(y) ^ B 1
25 2 2 2 Which states will be added if HOLDING(x) HOLDING(y) ON(x, y) HOLDING(x) C 1
STACK(x,y) is applies?
What is precondition for
26 2 2 2 PUTDOWN(x) ONTABLE(x) Action HOLDING(x) D 1
Research Domain
2 2 1 Which of following is a Planning Institute Description
Language ON(x,
Problem y) ^
Language ^ All of Above D 1
28 2 2 2 What is precondition for UNSTACK(x, CLEAR(x)^ARM (ADL) y) ^ CLEAR(y) HOLDING(x) A 1
Which condition will be add when EMPTY
29 2 2 2 ^ONTABLE(x)^
Which condition will be deleted when ARMEMPTY
30 2 2 2 ^ONTABLE(x)^
Which condition will be deleted when ARMEMPTY ARMEMPTY
Which condition will be added when ARMEMPTY
32 2 2 2 HOLDING(x) ARMEMPTY A 1
"∀" is used for __________ there is at least
33 3 3 1 there exists for all for some C 1
there one
is at least
3 3 1 "∃" is used for __________ for𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛
all ) ∧ 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔(𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 given
34 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔(
American(x)V one )v𝐺𝑟𝑒
American(x) ∧ 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔( 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛any
American(x) )v𝐺𝑟𝑒 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔(𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛) ∧V
∧ American(x)
A 1
35 3 3 2 Suppose our knowledge base contains 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑦(𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛) ⇒ 𝑒𝑑𝑦(𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛) ⇒ 𝑒𝑑𝑦 ( 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 ) ⇒ 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑦 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛) ⇒ A 1
the standard Weapon(y)V Weapon(y)V Weapon(y)∧ Weapon(y)∧
36 3 3 2 Represent these facts as first-order 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛
Sells(x,y,z) ) 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛
Sells(x,y,z) ∧ ) ~ 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 ( 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛
Sells(x,y,z) ∧ ) ~ 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛∧)
Sells(x,y,z) C 1
definite axiom
clauses stating that all greedy Missile(x) ⇒ Missile(x) ⇒ Weapon(x) ⇒ Missile(y) ⇒
3 3 2 Represent
kings these facts as first-order VHostile(z)⇒ Hostile(z)⇒ Hostile(z)⇒ Hostile(z)⇒ B 1
it is aare
•definite evil:
clauses: for Missiles
an American
are to sell
weapons: Weapon(y) there
Criminal(x) Weapon(x)
Criminal(x) Missile(x)
is at least for all Weapon(x)
38 3 3 1 ∀
"∀"𝑥 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔(
weapons 𝑥to
is used ) ∧for
hostile (𝑥) ⇒ 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙(𝑥). Then there exists
__________ for some C 1
it seems quite permissible to infer any one
39 3 3 1 of the about the real world is a _____ Facts Real Value Truth Reality A 1
40 3 3 1 following sentences
"∃" is used for __________ for all there is at least given any A 1
Simple one
Inheritable Inferential procedural
41 3 3 1 Knowledge which is represented in Relational A 1
Colum & row foramt is ______ Simple Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
"Elements inherit values from being Knowledge Inheritable Inferential procedural
42 3 3 1 Relational
Simple Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge B 1
"Data mustofbe a cless", this into
organised happens
a in Knowledge Inheritable Inferential procedural
43 3 3 1 _____________ Relational B 1
hierachy Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
Which of of classes",isthis
following happens in Knowledge
a Inferential V(X) : dog(x) -> V(X) : dog(x) V(X) : dog(x)V
44 3 3 2 _____________
Knowledge representation of A
hasatail(x) ^hasatail(x) hasatail(x)
statement: "All dogs ahve tails"
3 3 1 Representation of knowledge as Inheritable Inferential procedural C 1
45 Relational
𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔( 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 ) ∧ 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔(
Suppose logic,
our is repsentedbase
knowledge in contains American(x)V
Knowledge American(x) ∧ American(x) ∧ 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔(
Knowledge𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 )v 𝐺𝑟𝑒 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔( 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛
Knowledge )v𝐺𝑟𝑒 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛) ∧ V
46 3 3 2 ____________ 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑦 (
Weapon(y)V𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 ) ⇒ 𝑒𝑑𝑦 ( 𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛
Weapon(y)V ) ⇒ 𝑒𝑑𝑦 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛
Weapon(y)∧ ) ⇒ 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑦
Weapon(y)∧(𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛) ⇒ A 1
the standard
Represent these facts as first-order 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 ) 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 ) ~ 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 ) ~ 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 (𝐽𝑜ℎ𝑛 )
47 3 3 2 folkloric axiom stating that all greedy Sells(x,y,z) Sells(x,y,z) ∧ Sells(x,y,z) ∧ Sells(x,y,z) ∧ C 1
Represent clauses
these facts as first-order Missile(x)
VHostile(z)⇒⇒ Missile(x)
Hostile(z)⇒ ⇒ Weapon(x)
Hostile(z)⇒⇒ Missile(y)
Hostile(z)⇒ ⇒
48 3 3 2 kings
it is aare
•definite evil:
crime for an American to sell Simple
Weapon(y) Weapon(x) Missile(x) Weapon(x) B 1
∀ 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔(clauses: Missiles
(𝑥) ⇒ are
) ∧hostile
𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑦 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙weapons:
(𝑥). Criminal(x) Criminal(x)
Inheritable Criminal(x)
Inferential Criminal(x)
49 3 3 1 In
weapons Relational Semantic Nets D 1
information is Then
stored it
by seems quite Simple Knowledge Knowledge
A ________________is a collection Knowledge Inferential
50 3 3 1 permissible
interconnecting to infer
nodesany of the of Relational
Simple frame
Semantic Nets B 1
following or slots
sentences and converting
Knowledge Inferential
Frames can also
regarded as an
51 3 3 1 with labeled
extension values
to describe some Relational
natural frame
Semantic Nets D 1
worldthese entityfacts as first-order Knowledge
52 3 3 2 real Handling into converting
Enemy(Nono,A Enemy(America, your converting your converting your A 1
definite clauses. The country Nono,
If you are giving command to a robot Ambiguity of an format
merica) where language
Nono) into a Enemy(Nono)
language into a Enemy(America)
language into a
53 4 4 enemy of America Information natural machine A 1
54 4 4 3
Whatwhere is the mainNLP will be used?of NLP Sentences,
challenge/s Handling Handling POS- highlevel
All of the A 1
word may can
be be language
Tokenization language
Tagging language
in following example? "
"He lifted the beetle with red cap." I am having Lexical
done in Syntax Level Referential None of the
55 4 4 3 word" interpreted as ambiguity B 1
contain which type of ambiguity ? ambiguity
database ambiguity Above
None of the
56 4 4 2 Given a sound clip of a person or sword
Text-to-speech speech to Text Both A and B B 1
people speaking, determine the Above
57 4 4 2 if you are study of construction of Phonology Morphology Morpheme Shonology B 1
words representation
from primitive of the speech.
meaningful units, Lexical Syntax Level Sementic None of the
58 4 4 3 "I am tired." Contain which type of D 2
it means _____ ambiguity It can survive ambiguity
ambiguity ?
If you are developing your own It can explain ambiguity It has inherent Above
It can handle
59 4 4 2 manual-
result the
auto- failure of parallelism A 1
if you have Neural Network
developed thennetwork
a neural it will some nodes non-associative noise
60 4 4 2 not have following? associative associative B
that network
61 4 4 2 if youcontains
are using feedback
ANN where thenloop
is a is used FeedForward
FeedBack ANN Both A and B
None of the
B 1
then ANN Above
62 4 4 1 _______it isis anot
a example of Stopword. natural aNatural is and Country D 1
NLP stands for _________________ languages into Nutral Normal Natural
63 4 4 1 Language converting
Language your converting
Language your converting
Language your A 1
format where
64 4 4 1 If you are giving command to a robot Information Processing language
Processing into a language
Processing into a language
Performing into a A 1
then natural machine highlevel
65 4 4 1 Whatiswhere
NLP concerned
is NLP will
the field with
of betheused?
Natural Language Computer
interactions Retrieval can be Artificial
Handling language
Given a Linguistics
All of the
language D 1
66 4 4 1
between computers
Processing (NLP)? and Science
human in(natural)
Ambiguity of
(english) or Human (nutral) Humanmentioned
(normal) A 1
__________________ database
languages Languages
What is the main challenge/s of NLP Sentences, larger
Languages chunk of Handling POS- All of the
67 4 4 3 word may be text, determine
Tokenization Tagging mentioned A 1
What following example?Resolution?
is Coreference " I am having Anaphora Converts Converts
68 4 4 1 word" Resolutiononeas which
Converts humanwords
Separate words Converts any Machine B 1
69 4 4 1 What is Machine Translation? human language (“mentions”)
sword into individual
language to human language to A 1
refer to the Is an extension
language to
to Discourse
another morphemes
machine and None of the
70 4 4 1 What is Morphological Segmentation? of propositional human B 1
Analysis same
language the class English
logic mentioned
71 4 4 1 How many Components of NLP are 2 (“entities”)
of the 3 4 5 B 1
there Natural Natural Natural
What is full form of NLG Natural
72 4 4 1 Language Language Language B 1
Generation Language
Automatic Genes Growth Machine Generator
73 4 4 1 Which of the following includes major All of the above B 1
tasks of NLP? Analysis Summarization Text
Sentence Translation None of the
74 4 4 1 Which of the following is used to Text planning C 1
mapping sentence plan into sentence planning Realization Above
75 4 4 1 How many steps of NLP is there? 3 4 5 6 C 1
In linguistic morphology _____________ is Rooting Both Rooting &
76 4 4 1 Stemming Text-Proofing B 1
the process Stemming
77 4 4 1 Which of thefor reducing
following isinflected
demerits of It is hard to Slow speed inefficient Both B and C D 1
Top-Down to their root form.
Parser? implement.
Lexical Syntax Level Referential None of the
78 4 4 2 "He lifted the beetle with red cap." B 1
contain which clip typeofofaambiguity ambiguity ambiguity ambiguity Above
79 4 4 2 Given a sound person or ? Text-to-speech speech to Text Separate Both A and B None of the
words B 1
people speaking, determine theof an Speech and Speech and Noise and Above
80 4 4 1 What are the input and output into individual Noise and value B 1
if you representation
are study of of the speech.
construction of noise is an extension
Written Text Written Text None of the
4 4 1 What is Morphological Segmentation? Does Discourse morphemes C 1
words from primitive meaningful units, Analysis of propositional and identify the Above
part-of-speech part-of-speech
logic all part-of-
82 4 4 1 it means _____ Phonology
for each word Morphology
for each word class Morpheme
of the Shonology B 1
Parts-of-Speech tagging determines dynamically as dynamically as speech
morphemes for a
83 4 4 1 All of the above D 1
___________ Lexical Syntax Level specific
Sementic word None of the
84 4 4 2 "I am tired." Contain which type of per meaning of per sentence given as input Above D 1
ambiguity ? following is merits of ambiguity
the sentence ambiguity
simplest style They are highly ambiguity
85 4 4 1 Which of the High speed All of the above A 1
Context-Free Grammar? of
Dr. grammar
John Hecht- precise.
Dr. Robert Dr. Alex Hecht- Dr. Steve Hecht-
86 4 4 1 Who was the inventor of the first B 1
How many types of Artificial Neural
neurocomputer? Nielsen Hecht-Nielsen Nielsen Nielsen
87 4 4 1 Networks? 2 3 4 5 A 1
if you are using ANN where loop is used FeedForward None of the
88 4 4 1 then it isthe
a __________ FeedBack ANN Both A and B B 1
if you is full form ofaBN
have developed neural network ANN
in Neural Bayesian
Belief Networks Bayes Nets
All of the above
89 4 4 1 Networks? manual-
Networks D 1
that contains feedback then is a auto-associative non-associative
90 4 4 1 _______________ associative It can survive B
It can explain network network
It has inherent It can handle
91 4 4 1 If you are developing your own network the failure of A 1
Artificial Neural Network then it will result parallelism noise
92 4 4 1 node value some
Weight nodes neurons axons A 1
The output at
not have following? each node is called_____.
93 5 5 1 If a robot has k legs, then the number of N = (2k-2) N = (2k-1)! N = (2^k-1)! N = (2k-2)! B 1
possible events is :
Which of the following is not application Agriculture
94 5 5 2 Biometrics Page control Transport C 1
domains of Computer
If you have developed a robot whichVision?
95 5 5 2 intelligent mobile open loop and non-servo
Two linear Two rotational A 1
can alter its own trajectory
if you have developed a Robot with in response Three linear Three rotational
96 5 5 2 to externalcoordinate
conditions,systems it is considered one rotational and one linear A 1
Cartesian has movements movements
97 5 5 2 Clockwise
to or Anti Clockwise rotation
be __________ movement
Shoulder Swivel Elbow extension Wrist bend movement
Arm Sweep D 1
about the vertical axis to the
98 5 5 2 The collaborative robot arms are hydraulics
Network hydraulics
Machine arm pneumatics
Device chemical
Human arm D 1
designed to arm the
mimic is provided
range of through
motion involves the involves the involve the batteries
99 5 5 2 With regard to the physics of power
___________ robot actions robots must robots must C 1
of a ________
systems used operate robots, compression of compression of compression of robots must
produce AC
100 5 5 2 While developing robot, whichwhat you must never
of the liquids
never take
follow the
air make
power business a B 1
think which
following statement
“laws” is or statements
Asimov’s first and result in damage actions harmful directions given greater profit
2 Which of correct?
the following terms refers to to
101 5 5 are
use of compressedlaw of robotics
gasses toyou will pneumatic
the robot hydraulic
to humans piezoelectric
by humans photosensitive A 1
102 5 5 2 If you are told to develop a robot which Power Supply
use? Actuators Sensors Energy D 1
of the the robot
following is device?
not an essential Electrical Mechanical Computer
103 5 5 1 Robotics is a branch of AI, which is All of the above D 1
If a robot has
composed offor construction
legs, of robots?
then the number of Engineering Engineering Science
104 5 5 2 possible events is : N = (2k-2) N = (2k-1)! N = (2^k-1)! N = (2k-2)! B 1
Whichisofthethename for information
following statementssent implementation
temperature pressure robotics could signal
105 5 5 1 from robot sensors to
concerning the implementation robot controllers?
of implementation feedback C 1
of robots CAN prevent a
106 5 5 1 robotic of robots CAN business from All of the above D 1
What is systems
full formisofcorrect?
OCR in tasks of Optimum
save existing Optical
create new jobs Optimum Castor Optical Castor
5 5 1 Character Character B 1
following is not application jobs closing
107 Computer Vision?
Which of the Reader Reader Reader Reader
108 5 5 1 domains of Computer Vision? Agriculture Biometrics Page control Transport C 1
computer vision plays vital role in the
109 5 5 1 domains safety security health All of the above D 1
Which of of
If you are the__________.
to develop is not a type
a robot of
110 5 5 1 Robot Locomotion? Legged Wheeled Tracked deslip Tracked skid C 1
of the following is not an essential
111 5 5 1 components
Which of the for construction
following terms IS robots? Power Supply
of NOT Actuators Sensors Energy D 1
112 5 5 1 With
one ofregard
the fiveto basic
the physics
parts of ofapower
robot? peripheral tools end effectors controller drive A 1
systems used operate robots, what
Which of the following terms refers to hydraulics you pneumatic hydraulics
hydraulic pneumatics
piezoelectric chemical
photosensitive A
113 5 5 1 1
of the statement
following or
IS statements
NOT to
one drive
of involves the involves the involve the batteries
114 5 5 1 While
are mostdeveloping
correct? robot, which of the Quality of Reduced C 1
the the
advantages robot device?
associated with a Low costs for of Robots
compression work of compression of produce AC
following “laws” is Asimov’s first and robot actions manufactured company cost
115 5 5 1 If you have
robotics developed a robot
implementation which
program? hardware
liquids and robots
air must
continuously robots
air must power
robots must A 1
most important law of robotics you
can alter its own trajectory in response must will never never goods can be for worker
5 5 1 software aroundtake
the clock follow the make business a B 1
116 use?
to improved
result in damage actions harmful directions given fringe benefits
117 5 5 1 Theexternal conditions,
collaborative robotitarms
is considered
are intelligent mobile open loop greater
non-servoprofit A 1
to to mimic the range of motion to the robot
be __________
designed to humans by humans
118 5 5 1 of a ________ Network Machine arm Device Human arm D 1
Intelligent Assist Industrial Assist International Informative
119 5 5 1 IAD stands for ________ Speed and A 1
__________ robot allows a programmer Device Self monitored Device Assist
Power and force Assist Device
120 5 5 1 to teach robot paths and positions. separation Hand guiding D 1
stop limiting
121 5 5 1 Drivers are also called as Sensors monitoring
Controller Actuators Manipulators C 1
Clockwise or Anti Clockwise rotation
122 5 5 1 Shoulder
Automated Swivel Elbow extension Wrist bend Arm Sweep D 1
What isthethevertical
full formaxisoftoAGV?
the Alternative Automatic All the Time
123 5 5 1 perpendicular arm is provided through Grouped C 1
Guided Vehicles
A Saturated Guided
An Unsaturated Guided Vehicles
124 5 5 1 AVG Robot is placed in which of the
___________ Vehicles
A mobile robot A Natural Robot A 1
following category Commercial Robot Robot None of the
Which of the following is a serial robot Industial Robot In House
125 5 5 1 Robot Two linearRobot
and Two rotational B 1
if you have developed a Robot with Three linear Three rotational one rotational these
126 5 5 1 and one linear A 1
Cartesian movements movements
127 6 6 2 If you are coordinate systems has
told to use programming PROLOG LISP
Java Scrip C 1
language for AI which programming Continuous path it cannnot
robot be
vision conatc sensing
128 6 6 2 If you are programming a robot by selected for selected
It navigates for by pick
It canand place
take its A 1
language you will not use? control
Milestones are fused
expansion are control
expansion are Milestones
control are
physicaly moving it through
Why behaviour based navigation is the It uses a world planning a path own decision
expanded by
129 6 6 2 is called expanded by competitive
randomly picked randomly D 1
better than you want itbased
planning to follow
navigation model around picked dependingrandomly upon
130 6 6 2 In single
___________– query planning, clustering Both A and Rthe
considering are coordination
Both probability
with A and R are with probability
obstacles environment C 1
in somewhen
occurs situations ? true and R is not schemes
true but R is not A is true but R is selecting control
A is false but R is
6 6 3 Assertion (A): The servo robot is a dynamics of the inverse to the inverse to the A 1
correct DHT11
correct inputs to the
closed loop system Reason(R): It allows vehicle. local roadmap falsenumber of true
6 6 2 Which sensor you will not use for Smoke Sensor
explanation of A (Temperature
explanation IR Sensor in robot
All of them C 1
for a feedback milestone of A milestones
firealrm system?
In which of following robots are not Relatively Sensor)
density the roadmap
133 6 6 2 Militry Medical
Simple, Delivery Entertainment D 1
Characteristics of non-servo robot are: inexpensive Precise and Closed loop
134 6 6 2 understand and D 1
compared to reliable system.
servo robots
135 6 6 2 Floor cleaning comes under ________ Militry Medical Delivery Domestic D 1
136 6 6 2 If you are told to use delivery robot as drone smart vechile walking robot A 1
drone or smart
If you are told tovechile or walking robot.
use programming
137 6 6 1 Which one will be faster? PROLOG LISP Perl Java Scrip C 1
If you are for AI which programming
programming a robot by Continuous path it cannnot
robot visionbe Itconatc sensing
navigates by pick
It canand place
take its
138 6 6 1 language you will itnot use? the Milestones
fused through Milestones A 1
physicaly moving through control
It usesstability control
a world selected control
planning a path control
own decision
Why behaviour based navigation is Good for selected forbuild D
139 6 6 1 trajectory
better thanyou want it to follow
planning is called and
modelgood are competitive
Milestones expansion
are Good
stability Milestones upon
are depending
are 1
140 6 6 1 A locomotion
___________ systembased navigation
can possibly have controllability
coordination aand
None of the
obstacles picked environment by C 1
in some situations ? expanded by randomly
and Good picked
step randomly above
6 6 1 In single – query planning, clustering and good the schemes
The query
with probability
with probability
C 1
141 Single query is maneuverability
of multi-query kinematic selecting control
Assertionwhen(A): single-query
The servo robot is a maneuverability
142 6 6 1 In comparing vs. multi- Both andofRthe
fasterAthan are inverse
Both toisthe
A and
planning R are inverse
slow to the
constraints, inputs to the A 1
closed loop
A__________ system
query Probabilistic Reason(R):
Road signals
translates Itfrom
Map (PRM) allows vehicle.
true and R is not local
multi-query true roadmap
relative R is
to not number
single A is true
both of
but R is A
require is false but R is
143 6 6 1 for a feedback robot A 1
planning algorithms, which
the controller into the motor voltage is true correct milestone
query planning false milestones
post-processingin true
144 6 6 1 and current Servo motorof A density
explanation Servo amplifier
explanation of A the
AC roadmap
motor the DC motor B 1
Motors usedsignals.
for electronic actuator to smooth
All of the
AC servo motors DC servo motors Stepper trajectorie
145 6 6 1 drives
The : components of hydraulic fluid
basic Actuatingmotors mentioned
All of the
D 1
A _________ is connection between Reservoir Pump and lines devices and D
146 6 6 1 power 1
parts orsystem
links inare :
a robot that allow control valves
147 6 6 1 motion. Hinge
Geometry and Joint Dis joint B 1
Left right Based on control All of the
148 6 6 1 Classification of Robot is based on: geometric D 1
classification system
Both of the mentioned
None of the
149 6 6 1 classification
Pick and place Fixed stop robot C 1
Non servo robots are also called as: Simple, mentioned mentioned
inexpensive Precise and Closed loop
150 6 6 1 Characteristics of non-servo robot are: understand and D 1
compared to
Error actuated operate reliable system.
151 6 6 1 A servo robots Power amplifier Mechanical All of the above D 1
A servomechanism
servomechanism usually consistcontrol
is a feedback of signal
Servoamplifiers output
Some derivative
152 6 6 1 system required to control and drives Position of position Either B or C D 1
A servomechanism with unit step input Ability to control
153 6 6 1 can Type 0 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 B 1
Which of the following............system
be categorised as is an essential A closed loop A power
154 6 6 1 feature of servo-mechanism? velocity or All of the above D 1
system amplifying stage
155 6 6 1 In which of following robots are not Militry Medical acceleration
Delivery of Entertainment D 1
used? DHT11 the system
156 6 6 1 Which sensor you will not use for Smoke Sensor (Temperature IR Sensor All of them C 1
firealrm system?
Floor cleaning comes under ________ Sensor)
157 6 6 1 Militry Medical Delivery Domestic D
158 6 6 1 If you are told to use delivery robot as drone smart vechile walking robot A
drone or smart vechile or walking robot.
Which one will be faster?
SNJB's Late Sau. K. B. Jain College of Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Class: TE Computer Subject: AI
Question Bank
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