IT Consulting in The US - IBIS
IT Consulting in The US - IBIS
IT Consulting in The US - IBIS
Industry at a Glance
IT Consulting in 2017
% change
-2 -3
-4 -6
Year 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Year 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Revenue Employment
p. 27
Products and services segmentation (2017)
19.0% Other services
p. 5 IT infrastructure
Industry Performance
Executive Summary | Key External Drivers | Current Performance
Industry Outlook | Life Cycle Stage
Executive The IT Consulting industry is composed five-year period and constantly rising
Summary of companies that help businesses design investment in computers and software has
and implement information technology helped drive industry revenue growth.
(IT) systems and infrastructure. Due to Overall, industry revenue is projected to
the low capital requirements of the grow an annualized 2.1% to $408.2 billion
industry, a modest number of operators over the five years to 2017, including a
are small nonemployers or independent projected increase of 4.1% in 2017.
contractors. Over the five years to 2017, Financial service companies, such as
shifting technological trends toward banks, insurance and credit card
cloud computing and data analytics have companies, are some of the largest
caused larger operators to acquire customers of industry services, generating
smaller companies and develop new 19.6% of industry revenue. With rising
products to stay relevant. For example, revenue and low barriers to entry,
industry competition is also expected to
rise as new players enter the market to
technology trends boosted demand provide new technologies to customers.
for new services and encouraged companies to As the economy strengthens, corporate
profit will continue to rise and support
replace older, more traditional technology investment in computers and software.
Growth in demand from finance and
Accenture PLC purchased more than 15 insurance, which are two of the largest
companies in 2017, as of August. markets for industry operators, is
Likewise, International Business anticipated to accelerate and further
Machines Corp. (IBM) spent $1.0 billion benefit the IT Consulting industry.
on Watson, a computing system that IBM Additionally, the continued shift to cloud
built to apply advanced natural language computing and the use of data analytics
processing, information retrieval and will intensify security concerns.
machine learning, among other skills. Consequently, IBISWorld expects
Shifting technology trends boosted industry revenue to rise at an annualized
demand for new services and encouraged rate of 2.9% to $471.3 billion over the five
companies to replace older, more years to 2022. As companies increasingly
traditional technology. Additionally, use new technology, profit will increase
strong corporate profit for most of the to take up an estimated 7.3% of revenue.
Key External Drivers Private investment in for industry services rises. Private
computers and software investment in computers and software is
Private investment in computers and expected to increase in 2017, presenting a
software represents the total annual potential opportunity to the industry.
expenditure by businesses on all
information processing equipment and Corporate profit
software. Investment by private entities Corporate profit measures total profit
in computer hardware and software earned across all industries in the United
generates demand for implementation States and is positively correlated with
assistance and technical support from the demand for IT consulting services. As
IT Consulting industry. As innovations in corporate profit rises, companies become
product offerings stimulate private more confident about making large,
investment in computer systems, demand long-term investments, encouraging
Industry Performance
Key External Drivers them to hire IT consultants. Corporate addition to a subscription that includes a
continued profit is expected to increase in 2017. data plan. As more consumers become
connected to the internet, they will
Government consumption require more assistance with IT systems.
and investment This will lead to a surge in demand for
Federal and state governments constitute the industry, driving up revenue. The
a significant portion of demand for number of mobile internet connections is
industry services. Therefore, the industry expected to rise in 2017.
is sensitive to changes in government
investment. Concerns over the federal Consumer price index
budget deficit have resulted in slower The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used
growth for government investment, as a measure of inflation from year to year.
thereby constraining spending on IT The CPI contains a basket of goods
consulting by government agencies in ranging from things like transportation to
recent years. Government consumption food. When the CPI rises, consumers must
and investment is expected to increase, use up more of their disposable income on
albeit slowly, in 2017. everyday goods. Since they must use a
higher proportion of their income on these
Number of mobile internet connections goods, they will have less disposable
The number of mobile internet income to spend on IT systems and the
connections represents the total the services behind these products. The CPI is
number of consumers that have a expected to rise in 2017, representing a
broadband internet-capable device in potential threat to the industry.
% change
% change
-10 -7
Year 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Year 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Industry Performance
% change
consultants design and modify 0
supporting software to enhance online
and telecommunications security -5
systems. The industry also includes a
wide range of other IT companies, -10
including IT outsourcing and computer Year 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
equipment and specialist companies that
design and build the technology SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM
Industry Performance
Industry structure While there are still plenty of Additionally, the five-year period has
opportunities for small-scale IT been characterized by extensive merger and
consultants, industry employment acquisition activity. For example, Accenture
growth over the past five years has been PLC purchased more than 20 companies
concentrated in larger firms. Over the five over the past five years. Additionally, Dell
years to 2017, employment is expected to Inc. purchased EMC Corp. late in the period,
grow at an annualized rate of 3.5% to 2.1 creating a new company, Dell Technologies
million workers. In contrast, the number Inc. Much of the merger and acquisition
of industry enterprises, which measures activity has involved niche companies
the total number of independent IT operating within the third-platform IT
companies, is expected to fall at an segment. Larger companies often acquired
annualized rate of 5.4% to 317,837 smaller niche players to better position
operators over the same period. Growth themselves in the changing market as new
in the number of employees outpaced technologies decrease demand for
growth in the number of enterprises and traditional software and hardware solutions.
establishments, indicating that Despite significant merger and acquisition
companies are increasing their number of activity, overall market share concentration
employees, enabling them to serve a in this industry remains low, with the four
larger client base or provide attention to largest operators expected to account for
existing clients. less than 20.0% of industry revenue in 2017.
Industry Performance
Innovation and Big data will continue to drive the as a whole will continue to create an
shifting technological industry over the next five years. A key influx of new entrants that specialize in
driver of industry performance moving new technology. Similar to the current
trends forward is simply the vast growth of the five-year period, larger operators are
world’s data. According to EMC Corp.’s expected to continue acquiring smaller
2015 annual report, the world’s data will businesses and incorporating their
double every two years. This data must solutions into their expansive product
be organized, managed and combed portfolios to stay relevant over the
through to find trends and insights for outlook period.
businesses and government institutions Furthermore, consumers are
alike. Larger operators, such as IBM, increasingly using smartphones and
HPE and Dell Technologies Inc., have the tablet devices to access the internet. Over
necessary human capital, infrastructure the next five years, the number of mobile
and research resources to provide the internet connections is projected to rise
most effective and competitive solutions at an annualized rate of 6.3% to 412.9
to these problems. Conversely, the million connections in 2022. Consumers
rapidly changing nature of the IT sector are using these devices more often as
Industry Performance
Innovation and smartphone penetration increases and Over the next five years, security issues
shifting technological telecommunication providers offer faster will remain a top priority. As data
trends continued speeds through Long Term Evolution (LTE) breaches increase in frequency and
network coverage. Faster networks enable intensity, businesses may remain
users to access data-heavy content, including skeptical of big data analytics and cloud-
streaming video, through their devices. As a computing solutions. However, data
result, industry operators are expected to security companies will continue to
experience stronger demand for application develop intuitive solutions to these issues,
and system design, as businesses continue to which will help boost industry revenue.
invest in mobile platforms to reach a younger Overall, favorable shifts in technological
and more technologically savvy demographic innovation and consumer and business
that has already incorporated smartphone preferences will continue to propel the
use into everyday life. industry forward.
Industry Performance
Life Cycle Stage Growth in the industry exceeds
that of the overall economy
The industry is constantly developing
new products and services
There is a high level of technological growth
Quantity Growth
Many new companies;
minor growth in economic
importance; substantial
5 IT Consulting technology change
Software Publishing
Computer Stores
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
% Growth in number of establishments
Industry Performance
Industry Life Cycle The IT Consulting industry is in the expected to grow further in the latter half
growth stage of its economic life cycle. of the 10-year period as companies
The industry is characterized by revenue increasingly focus on offering newer
This industry growth higher than the overall economy, technologies such as cloud computing
is G
rowing increasing market acceptance of industry and data analytics.
products and a high level of technological A very high degree of technological
change. Over the 10 years to 2022, as and product innovation characterizes the
corporate profit rebounded after industry, and rapid changes in computing
recessionary declines, investment in technology has created significant
computers and software remained a winners and losers during the past five
priority for businesses looking to improve years. By definition, operators in this
efficiency and sales. Additionally, the industry compete on the basis of offering
continued introduction of new products the most efficient and modern
and services has significantly boosted technological solutions to their clients.
demand for industry services. Therefore, operators that stay abreast of
Industry value added (IVA), used to rapidly changing IT trends and quickly
measure an industry’s contribution to the bring the latest technology to the market
overall economy, is forecast to grow at an have a considerable competitive
annualized rate of 4.3% over the 10 years advantage over others. Cloud computing
to 2022. This exceeds growth in the and data analytics have proved high
overall economy, which is projected to growth areas over the five years to 2017
grow by 2.1% over the same 10-year and are expected to continue driving
period. Growth in IVA can be attributed industry performance over the five years
to strong and stable revenue growth and to 2022. Additionally, strong increases in
wages increasing as a proportion of the number of mobile internet
revenue. Additionally, the average connections and greater focus on security
industry profit margin increased slightly will also contribute to the industry’s
over the five years to 2017, and are strong growth over the five years to 2022.
Products & Services Custom services a service (SaaS) has quickly become the
Accounting for an estimated 25.1% of model of choice for many clients. Unlike
industry revenue in 2017, custom traditional software packages, SaaS
application design, development and products are sold on a subscription basis
integration services represent the largest via the cloud, which ensures industry
group of service provided by operators. operators a steady stream of revenue
Application software enables companies from software users. Similarly, SaaS
to retrieve, organize, manage and benefits businesses by minimizing initial
manipulate data and databases to meet setup, hardware and technical support
their individual needs. Small and costs. Over the five years to 2017, this
medium-sized companies are segment has remained steady as a
increasingly relying on experts to create percentage of revenue.
custom software or to adapt existing
applications to their needs. Over the past IT infrastructure
five years, a software licensing and Network infrastructure design and
integration method known as software as management services will generate an
Computer systems
19.0% Other services
IT infrastructure
Demand Demand for industry services is based on maintain a positive outlook. In periods of
Determinants a variety of factors, including the declining profit and poor business
development of new IT products, demand confidence, companies reduce new
for in-house IT support, business profit purchases and outgoing expenses. This
and merger and acquisition activity. includes payments to external
Cyclical factors play a large role in consultants such as IT consultants.
industry demand, influencing business Business profit is expected to improve
profit and cash flow and the resources over the next five years, which will likely
companies are able to devote toward increase demand for industry services.
upgrading their IT systems. However, the IT Consulting industry also
demonstrates countercyclical trends.
Business profit and confidence Although companies may reduce
Demand for IT consulting services expenditure on new IT and associated
benefits from higher business profit and consultants in times of financial duress,
confidence. Businesses are more likely to businesses are also likely to focus on
invest in new computing infrastructure improving efficiency to increase
when profit is high and businesses profitability. This includes improvements
Major Markets The private business sector accounts for and credit card issuing companies. Since
more than three-fourths of IT consulting operators in the financial services
revenue, with the largest client bases in industry are responsible for protecting
the financial services, manufacturing and sensitive client information, they depend
retail, communications, technical and on IT consultants to protect the privacy
healthcare industries as well as federal, of this information. Furthermore,
state and local governments and because an increasing proportion of
nonprofit organizations. The remaining financial transactions are automated
22.1% of revenue comes from a variety of through algorithmic trading systems,
other industries. operators in this industry require
advanced data processing capabilities
Financial services and fast, reliable network connections.
Financial service providers are the largest For example, banks rely on IT
consumers of IT consulting services by consultants to reduce identity theft
revenue, contributing 19.6% to industry through more secure client verification
sales in 2017. Major client groups within systems. This segment’s share of industry
this sector include commercial banks, revenue has remained steady over the
investment banks, insurance companies past five years.
17.3% 19.6%
Manufacturing and retail Financial services
Total $408.2bn Public sector and nonprofits
Major Markets Communications and other this segment, growth was slower than
continued technical sectors other segments, which decreased this
Telecommunications is a rapidly segment’s percentage of revenue.
changing field, which is strongly
influenced by technological change. Healthcare sector
Similarly, high technology industries The healthcare sector is expected to
(e.g. consumer electronics account for 10.9% of industry revenue in
manufacturers, aerospace and defense) 2017. Demand from this segment is
rely on IT consultants to facilitate their driven primarily by increased healthcare
research and development activities. expenditure, rising regulatory compliance
Overall, communications and high costs and increased outsourcing of
technology make up 11.2% of industry electronic medical records management
revenue. Technology is constantly to outside providers. In particular,
evolving and the need for faster systems compliance costs associated with the
is always a priority. For example, an IT Affordable Care Act and state-level health
consultant can help a mobile phone insurance exchanges have been a primary
company implement more reliable cell driver of rising demand during the past
phone internet service by analyzing five years. Additionally, increased total
coverage area maps and consumer usage health expenditure has increased demand
trends. Communications and high for healthcare services, which has
technology industries are expected to subsequently boosted demand for
grow steadily as a proportion of industry computer systems design, network
revenue over the next five years. management and IT support services
However, despite rising revenue from from this sector.
International Trade International trade does not occur in this labor, particularly in the areas of software
industry due to the service-based nature programming and technical support, to
of its activities. However, globalization India, the Philippines and other countries
has helped large consulting firms that where labor costs are relatively lower.
service multinational corporations Although these services are effectively
maintain an international presence. “imported” to the United States, they are
Additionally, many US-based IT not recorded by the US International
companies offshore some portion of their Trade Commission.
0.1 New
Great Mid- 0.3
Lakes Atlantic 1 2
NY 3
WA MT ND 6.1
5 4
2.5 0.1 MN
0.3 2.4
OR Mountains SD
Plains 1.2 MI
1.1 ID IA OH 9 8
0.3 WY 2.6
4.8 1.2 6.7
West NV
0.5 0.2
0.6 NC
1.0 CO KS 1.3 2.6
3.2 0.7 TN
CA 0.8
0.6 0.3 AL 4.0
AZ MS 0.8
1.6 NM
0.4 Southwest 0.3
0.6 FL
7.8 6.2
0.3 Additional States (as marked on map) Establishments (%)
1 VT 2 NH 3 MA 4 RI Less than 3%
0.2 0.5 2.7 0.3 3% to less than 10%
10% to less than 20%
5 CT 6 NJ 7 DE 8 MD 9 DC
20% or more
0.9 5.1 0.5 3.7 0.7
located in the Southeast, closely followed 10
by the Mid-Atlantic and the West.
Southeast 0
The Southeast contains the largest
Great Lakes
New England
Rocky Mountains
number of IT consulting firms, with 23.9%
of industry establishments. Many IT
consulting firms are in this region because
25.7% of the US population resides in this Establishments
region. The financial services companies Population
are the largest downstream market for the SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM
Competitive Landscape
Market Share Concentration | Key Success Factors | Cost Structure Benchmarks
Basis of Competition | Barriers to Entry | Industry Globalization
Market Share Despite the presence of numerous ever-growing number of products and
Concentration high-profile global corporations, the services offered by the industry.
industry’s sheer size and vast portfolio of Furthermore, the nature of services
disparate services prevents any one provided permits up-and-coming firms
company from dominating the industry that specialize in a recently introduced
Concentration in as a whole. In fact, the industry includes: technology to quickly capture a chunk of
this industry is L ow network infrastructure companies, IT the IT market at the expense of more
outsourcing companies, traditional large established competitors. Accordingly,
consulting firms, specialized software IBM’s market share has decreased during
development organizations and a wide the past five years, as its revenue growth
range of other companies that do not has lagged behind that of the overall
necessarily compete directly with one industry despite several acquisitions and
another but offer some type of service continued investment in new products.
related to IT. The largest of these Conversely, relatively smaller companies,
companies is International Business such as Dell Technologies, Inc., which
Machines Corporation (IBM), which is was formed from the merger of EMC
expected to generate $10.5 billion in Corp and Dell, Inc. have grown over the
industry-relevant revenue in 2017, past five years as a result of favorable
despite accounting for just 2.6% of shifts in technology trends that have
market share in the same year. Similarly, boosted demand for their product or
global conglomerate Hewlett-Packard service lines.
Enterprise (HPE) will account for less Some consolidation has occurred over the
than a 5.0% share of industry revenue in past five years, driven primarily by major
2017, despite generating $9.6 billion in players acquiring smaller competitors.
industry-relevant revenue. Overall, the However, the industry is still primarily
four largest companies in the industry composed of small business. Industry
are estimated to generate just 8.4% of structure is expected to change steadily over
industry revenue in 2017. the next five years, as rapidly evolving
Rapid technological developments, technology will continue to encourage new
particularly within cloud infrastructure businesses with specialization in specific
and mobile computing, have significantly fields to enter the market. At the same time,
disrupted the industry over the past five companies that rely on obsolete
years. In particular, these developments technologies will likely have to merge with
have encouraged dozens of specialty competitors or exit the industry altogether.
companies to enter the industry and Major players will continue to acquire
quickly create a niche market for their successful small players, but the nature of
services. The industry is becoming IT services will ensure that the industry
increasingly fragmented due to the remains fragmented.
Key Success Factors Adoption of a commercial focus crucial to attracting clients in a dynamic
Highly technical and service-based technological environment. Clients expect
industries, such as IT consulting, need state-of-the-art service and equipment.
IBISWorld identifies to tailor their expertise to the clients
250 Key Success Access to highly skilled workforce
Factors for a Access to efficient technology & techniques The industry is reliant on skilled labor, since
business. The most Access to and an understanding of the latest computing power alone is insufficient to
hardware and software systems can be develop solutions for clients’ IT needs.
important for this
industry are:
Provided to: University of Nevada, Reno (2126926196) | 01 September 2017
WWW.IBISWORLD.COM IT Consulting in the US August 2017 22
Competitive Landscape
Key Success Factors Effective cost controls Effective and efficient project
continued Ensuring that a project is within budget management skills
greatly contributes to a firm’s reputation for The client’s project needs to be
performance. Clients tend to enter into a managed well and with good, clear and
project on a budget and not meeting that open lines of communication between
standard can be deemed a failure. the industry operator and the client.
Cost Structure Cost structures in the IT Consulting maintain low prices for services, which
Benchmarks industry can vary greatly depending on may constrain profit margins. Overall,
the type of products and services offered IBISWorld estimates that average profit
and the markets the firm caters to. In margins will increase slightly over the
addition, there is a large disparity between next five years, with strong demand for
the industry’s largest and smallest firms. higher-margin IT services partially offset
For example, global companies such as by increased price-based competition
IBM and Accenture PLC, which provide a among larger companies.
wide range of IT consulting, system design
and integration services across all market Wages
sectors, have a considerably different cost As with most service-oriented industries,
breakdown than small tech support wages represent the largest cost incurred
companies that operate locally. The by industry operators. Wages are expected
following cost structure benchmarks account for 46.9% of industry revenue in
illustrate the average costs across all 2017, up from 39.3% in 20112. Over the
industry operators. past five years, wages have increased as a
share of revenue due to strong demand for
Profit IT services, which has boosted new hiring
Average industry profit, as measured by across the industry. As companies invested
earnings before interest and taxes, is in new technology over the period,
expected to account for 7.3% of industry operators have increasingly sought highly
revenue in 2017. Over the past five years, skilled computer and software engineers
profit has increased from 7.1% in 2012. with terminal degrees, experienced
Moving forward, as clients continue to consultants and other well-trained
rely on data management and other employees to remain competitive despite
digital technology solutions to drive rapid technological change. Additionally,
business, increased demand for IT operators have also had to increasingly
consulting services will permit operators experience demand for skilled labor from
to increase fees while sustaining a other industries. The growing trend of
growing number of clients. Additionally, entrepreneurship in the country has
major companies are expected to increased demand for skilled labor, such
continue to shift the balance of their as software engineers, that the IT
services toward higher value-added Consulting industry uses. Consequently,
offerings, such as infrastructure-as-a- operators have had to compete more
service (IaaS) and other cloud-based heavily with external companies for the
services. These services are generally same employees. These trends have
more profitable for operators than their boosted the average wage per worker to
traditional counterparts. However, $91,203, which has subsequently driven
intensifying competition among major up wages’ share of industry revenue over
players will likely pressure operators to the five-year period.
Competitive Landscape
Average Costs of
all Industries in Industry Costs
sector (2017) (2017)
100 n Profit
13.2 7.3 n Wages
n Purchases
80 n Depreciation
n Marketing
46.9 n Rent & Utilities
42.6 n Other
Percentage of revenue
11.4 13.4
1.3 1.6 0.6 2.2
4.6 4.5
24.8 25.1
Competitive Landscape
Competitive Landscape
Level & Trend startup costs, which encourages new Competition High
companies to continually enter the Concentration Low
arriers to Entry
B market. Since the industry is so labor Life Cycle Stage Growth
in this industry are intensive, establishing a firm requires Capital Intensity Low
Lowand I ncreasing only that the business owner possess Technology Change High
knowledge and experience in the field Regulation & Policy Light
and a functioning IT system. For industry Industry Assistance Low
entrants hoping to establish a sole
proprietorship, the primary barriers to SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM
Industry Due to the inherently globalized nature of player IBM has direct operations in over
Globalization IT and digitalization, a very high level of 175 countries, while Accenture PLC has
industry globalization characterizes this offices in 55 countries. In addition to
industry. The majority of major players having offices located outside of the
Level & Trend are publicly owned companies with a United States, these companies often
G in global presence. In fact, many larger send US-based consultants to foreign
this industry is companies have international operations countries to assist on projects or
Highand the trend in multiple countries. For example, major outsource some of their labor
is I ncreasing
Provided to: University of Nevada, Reno (2126926196) | 01 September 2017
WWW.IBISWORLD.COM IT Consulting in the US August 2017 26
Competitive Landscape
Industry requirements to foreign countries, United States significantly over the past
Globalization increasing the amount of globalization five years, with North American
in the industry. operations accounting for almost 30.0%
In addition to domestic companies of total revenue in 2015. Overall, the
branching out into international industry is expected to continue
markets, several foreign companies globalizing over the next five years, as
have entered the US market in recent the global economy becomes ever more
years. For example, the French IT digitalized and industries increasingly
outsourcing company Cap Gemini S.A. rely on international markets for
has expanded operations into the supplies and sales.
Major Companies
There are no Major Players in this industry | Other Companies
Other Companies The IT Consulting industry is composed included in this industry (see IBISWorld
of dozens of known multinational report 54161).
companies dominating high-end One of Accenture’s major
corporate sales and thousands of smaller differentiation areas is its strategic global
firms specializing in a specific delivery model, which enables the
technological platform, skillset or company to benefit from using people
geographic area. Accordingly, the and resources worldwide. Accenture’s
industry remains highly fragmented. global structure enables its offices to
Although the following companies each communicate easily with another.
generate less than 5.0% of industry Moreover, the global network qualifies
revenue, they represent major Accenture professionals working at client
participants with a considerable influence sites across the globe to deliver solutions
on the industry’s competitive landscape to their local geographic area, enabling
and overall direction. In addition to the increased service speed and
following listed operators, other major specialization for more regions.
tech companies that have a significant The company has also grown through
presence in this industry include Amazon acquisitions. Over the past five years,
Web Services Inc., Cisco Systems Inc., Accenture purchased more than 20
Google, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle companies. Although the majority of these
Corporation and SAP SE. companies are based outside of the United
States, industry-relevant purchases
Accenture PLC include Clearhead in 2017, Cybersecurity
Estimated market share: 3.5% Defense Services in 2016, Cimation and
Accenture PLC (Accenture) provides Cloud Sherpas in 2015, Mortgage Cadence
management consulting and technology in 2013 and Octagon Research Solutions
services, as well as outsourcing services. Inc. in 2012. Additionally, in October
The company grew from the collapse of 2015, Inc. and Accenture
Arthur Andersen Consulting in the wake announced that they would be forming a
of the Enron Corp. scandal. Since the venture to help corporations move
split, Accenture has increasingly focused technology operations onto the cloud.
on providing management and IT IBISWorld expects the venture to further
consulting services to its clients. In fiscal increase Accenture’s presence in cloud
2017, Accenture generated $34.8 billion services. Since Accenture is a large
in global revenue and employed more multinational company, it generates only
than 400,000 workers across all business 48.3% of its revenue in the United States.
segments. The company segments its In 2017, IBISWorld expects Accenture to
operations across service industries, generate $14.2 billion in industry-
which include communications, media relevant revenue.
and technology, financial services, health
and public service, products and International Business Machines
resources. Under these broad categories, Corp.
Accenture serves 13 different industry Estimated market share: 2.6%
groups. In terms of operating divisions, Established in 1911, International
the company participates in this industry Business Machines Corp. (IBM) is a
via its Accenture Digital, Accenture diversified, US-based, global IT company
Operations and Accenture Technology that provides hardware, software,
brands; the Accenture Strategy business infrastructure, hosting and consulting
segment primarily offers management services. The company operates across all
consulting services and is therefore not industry service segments and offers
Major Companies
Other Companies solutions to a broad range of private services division. In 2014, the company
continued business, government and nonprofit signed a major deal with social media site
clients. In addition to its own sales and Twitter to build systems that will be able
distribution networks, IBM offers its to analyze Twitter’s data. This will enable
products and services through a variety IBM’s customers to gain real-time
of third-party business partners, feedback and improve business making
including distributors and resellers. decisions. In 2016, IBM acquired or
Headquartered in New York, IBM and its announced plans to purchase multiple
subsidiaries employ over 380,000 people industry relevant companies, including,
across more than 175 countries. but not limited to, Bluewolf, a leader in
IBM’s global technology services, cloud consulting and implementation
software and systems hardware segments services; Optevia, a software as a service
are all involved in industry operations. (SaaS) company focusing on customer
These divisions deliver products and relationship management solutions; and
services in the areas of consulting, security company Resilient Systems Inc.
integrated hardware and software So far in 2017, IBM has acquired Verizon
solutions and application-management cloud services, which is involved in cloud
services. The global technology services data and deployment services, and Agile
segment helps companies use technology 3 Solutions, which offers a product suite
to drive business innovation and create for businesses to govern risk and
growth while optimizing IT organization. compliance within the IT realm.
It also provides IT outsourcing, Over the five years to 2017, IBM’s
consulting and systems integration industry-relevant revenue is estimated to
services. The software division provides decrease at an annualized rate of 2.2% to
operating systems and software to $10.5 billion. Although IBM experienced
connect operating systems and strong growth early on in the five-year
applications. Finally, the company’s period, overall financial performance has
systems hardware division provides trended downward over the past five
infrastructure technology so clients can years due to weaker demand for its
meet new hardware requirements from technology and consulting services. The
changing technology, such as using the company has lagged behind the overall
cloud to deliver services. industry, as it has focused on acquisitions
One of IBM’s biggest transactions over and growth in other business segments
the past decade was the sale of its over the period. However, IBISWorld
personal computer business to Lenovo in expects IBM’s share of the industry to
2005. The company divested from the increase over the five years to 2022, as
production of physical computer the company continues to acquire smaller
components to focus on software. As a competitors and invest in new technology
result, IBM has made dozens of platforms to adopt to new market trends.
acquisitions focusing on software
companies over the past five years. In Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
2012, IBM purchased Kenexa for $1.3 Estimated market share: 2.3%
billion, which increased IBM’s market Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) is a
share in human resources software. In global technology corporation that
mid-2013, IBM purchased the cloud provides a wide range of enterprise IT
computing company SoftLayer solutions to commercial clients, including
Technologies Inc. for $2.0 billion. The systems integration, software design,
acquisition of SoftLayer Technologies storage and networking. HPE was created
Inc. also helped form the IBM cloud in late 2015 when it was spun off from
Major Companies
Other Companies Hewlett-Packard Company. After the decrease in contract prices for its
continued split, the newly formed HP Inc. assumed enterprise services, which is the
the consumer electronics side of the company’s largest single industry-specific
business, while HPE took over the revenue segment. Additionally, although
industry-relevant enterprises services HPE realized strong growth for its
and software development segment, as Software products early in the period, the
well as networking services included in industry’s switch to software as a service
the Telecommunication Networking (SaaS) has hampered revenue. Overall,
Equipment Manufacturing industry industry-relevant revenue is expected to
(IBISWorld report 33421). reach $9.6 billion in fiscal 2017.
Headquartered in Palo Alto, CA, the
company employs 195,000 people. HPE Dell Technologies Inc.
operates under five business segments: Estimated market share: Less than 1.0%
the enterprise group, enterprise services, Formed in 2016 from the merger of Dell
software, financial services and corporate Inc. and EMC Corp., Dell Technologies
investments. The company participates in Inc. (Dell Technologies) provides
this industry via part of its enterprise technology solutions and services to
group, software, and enterprise services, accelerate digital transformation.
which provide IT infrastructure and According to Dell Technologies, the
related services to large business, merger has created the world’s largest
government and nonprofit clients. The privately controlled technology company.
enterprise group provides consulting and Dell Technologies is headquartered in
support services for hardware and Round Rock, TX; its brands include Dell,
software. The software division supports Dell EMC, Pivotal, RSA, SecureWorks,
clients through big data analytics and Virtustream and VMware. Before the
applications, enterprise security, merger, both Dell Inc. and EMC Corp.
application testing and delivery operated in the IT Consulting industry.
management and IT operations EMC Corp. had originally participated in
management solutions. The enterprise the industry through its services provided
services segment provides technology by its business segments, which included
consulting, outsourcing and support information storage, information
services for infrastructure, applications intelligence group, RSA information
and business processes. security, Pivotal products and VMware
Like its larger competitor IBM, HPE virtual and cloud infrastructure. The
has also recently restructured and company’s information storage segment
refocused its operations toward software, offered a portfolio of custom-integrated
big data, cloud and mobile computing software, storage, backup and recovery
solutions. Over the past five years, the and management solutions to
company has acquired several other organizations with a variety of storage
companies, including Nimble Storage, needs. Dell Inc.’s services had originally
Cloud Cruiser, SimpliVity, Trilead, Silicon included support, deployment,
Graphics, Voltage Security and 3PAR. infrastructure, cloud, security,
Despite these acquisitions, declining applications and business process
revenue in the United States has services. Both companies had performed
hampered expansion efforts and resulted well over the period due to favorable
in a shrinking market share over the past technology trends. Consequently, in fiscal
five years. The company experienced 2017, Dell Technologies is estimated to
decreasing revenue due to the winding generate $1.7 billion in US, industry-
down of multiple large contracts and a relevant revenue.
Operating Conditions
Capital Intensity | Technology & Systems | Revenue Volatility
Regulation & Policy | Industry Assistance
Capital Intensive
Labor Intensive
IT Consulting
Software Publishing
Traditional Service Economy Computer & Packaged Software Wholesaling Old Economy
Wholesale and Retail. Reliant Computer Manufacturing Agriculture and Manufacturing.
on labor rather than capital to Traded goods can be produced
sell goods. Functions cannot Computer Peripheral Manufacturing using cheap labor abroad.
be outsourced therefore firms To expand firms must merge
must use new technology or acquire others to exploit
or improve staff training to economies of scale, or specialize
increase revenue growth. in niche, high-value products.
Operating Conditions
Capital Intensity perform designated tasks. Software tends analytics, hybrid cloud solutions and
continued to have a relatively short life cycle relative mobile computing. The continually
to most other goods. Most application evolving nature of industry services
programs require an update after one to requires an ongoing commitment by
five years, meaning that IT consultants operators to invest in staff and knowledge,
must constantly innovate to remain research and development and state-of-
competitive. The industry as a whole has the-art hardware and software. Capital
undergone significant restructuring investment for this industry largely relates
during the past five years, driven primarily to the use of computing hardware and
by rapid developments in big data associated peripherals.
Technology & Systems The IT Consulting industry uses microelectronics division to focus more on
technology to help clients operate their its global services, software and system and
Level businesses more efficiently. Because technology segments. Similarly, Hewlett-
computer technology is constantly being Packard Company has recently completed
The level
of updated and revised, operators must the spinoff of its entire consumer
Technology regularly update the scope of their electronics business into a separate
Change is H
igh expertise and services to meet client company, with the remaining divisions
needs. Accordingly, the industry is focused entirely on enterprise services.
subject to a very high level of Furthermore, innovations in the field of
technological change. Indeed, regular cloud computing have given major
technological innovation has disrupted companies an avenue into more profitable
the industry as a whole several times IT consulting services. This recent
during the past two decades. technological breakthrough is known as
The technology used in this industry the ‘third-platform,’ which encompasses
relates to both computer hardware and industry services such as big data
software (including language and analytics, cloud storage and mobile
applications). The relative prices of these integration. In addition to cloud
tools are continuing to decline, even computing, growth areas in software
though the processing power, capacity technologies include executive
and sophistication of them continue to information systems, artificial intelligence,
increase. The commoditization of expert systems, improved user interfaces
computer hardware has forced many and computer-aided software engineering
players that previously experienced high tools. All these areas offer operators and
profit margins as PC manufacturers to their clients the benefits of substantial
move into higher value-added service increases in business productivity. A
segments, bringing these companies into reduction in cost and the potential for
the IT Consulting industry via integrated increased profitability can occur in
systems. Innovations in the fields of product development or in manufacturing,
computer systems and applications warehousing and distribution. While
design, development, and integration improvements in the ease with which
(the two largest product segments in this nonexperts can use new technologies will
industry) have been a hotbed of reduce demand for technical support, in
innovation for firms looking to diversify general, technological advancements drive
beyond commoditized hardware. For clients to seek the design and
example, major player IBM announced implementation assistance of experts in
plans to completely divest its this industry.
Operating Conditions
Revenue Volatility The IT consulting industry is characterized Over the next five years, revenue
by a medium degree of volatility. The sheer volatility is expected to subside as
size of the industry itself, at over $375.0 continued growth in corporate profit and
billion and containing more than 430,000 increasing reliance on IT results in
The level of companies, tends to alleviate large consistent industry growth. As profit
Volatility is M
edium fluctuations in revenue from year to year. rises, IBISWorld expects companies to
Over the five years to 2017, revenue has continue to use new technologies and
decreased as much as 1.0% in 2015 and integrate new systems with existing
grown as much as 4.6% in 2016. practices to improve efficiency.
Regulation & Policy Although the IT Consulting industry is flame retardants. Due to the improper
not strictly regulated, many cross- disposal of electronic waste poses risks to
industry laws and regulations have a workers and communities located near
Level & Trend significant impact on the results of landfills and incinerators, the US
he level of
T operations, most notably in the areas of Environmental Protection Agency regulates
Regulation is L ight environmental, intellectual property, and the handling of these materials. Industry
and the trend healthcare laws. operators contend with sanctions and costs
Environmental laws at the federal, if they are found to be in violation of
is I ncreasing state, and local levels regulate pollutant environmental laws.
discharge, hazardous waste management Intellectual property regulations are
and disposal, product content and crucial to the profitability of operators in
product recycling. Although the IT Consulting industry. Companies rely
manufacturers are primarily responsible on patent, copyright, trademark and trade
for the content and environmentally safe secret laws in the United States. These laws
production of the hardware used by this permit companies to establish and
industry, IT consultants must inevitably maintain intellectual property rights to the
handle and dispose of electronic products and they create. The breadth of
equipment. Electronic devices may information and the freedom with which it
contain known contaminants including moves, however, makes any regulatory
lead, cadmium, beryllium and brominated directive highly challenging to enforce.
Operating Conditions
Industry Assistance The industry receives no form of direct companies developing applications,
government assistance. However, the services, infrastructure and tools.
Software and Information Industry Company activities focus on several
Level & Trend Association (SIIA) works to provide topics annually and now include Software
he level of
T government relations, business as a Service (SaaS), open source software
Industry Assistance development, corporate education and development and mobile applications. In
is L owand the intellectual property protection to addition, the industry is served by dozens
companies that produce and deliver of IT publications, trade associations and
trend is S teady
software and content products and market research firms that focus
services. The SIIA consists of seven specifically on the IT industry. Major
divisions: business information, public trade organizations include Computing
policy, anti-piracy, software, content, Technology Industry Association
education and financial information (CompTIA), Information Technology
services. The software division has four Industry Council and the Association of
active groups and provides a forum for Information Technology Professionals.
Key Statistics
Industry Data Industry Corporate
Revenue Value Added Establish- Wages Domestic Profit
($m) ($m) ments Enterprises Employment Exports Imports ($m) Demand ($b)
2008 319,596.5 150,036.6 416,244 403,687 1,622,384 -- -- 129,481.4 N/A 1,285.1
2009 309,665.3 150,356.8 419,942 404,574 1,651,743 -- -- 129,393.2 N/A 1,397.0
2010 332,590.9 167,533.8 427,484 408,856 1,728,987 -- -- 141,498.3 N/A 1,746.4
2011 351,585.8 173,943.8 429,778 412,099 1,748,805 -- -- 143,910.0 N/A 1,816.6
2012 367,144.9 172,917.0 435,704 418,629 1,769,447 -- -- 144,288.8 N/A 1,998.2
2013 366,751.6 190,179.9 438,534 420,728 1,892,489 -- -- 159,457.1 N/A 2,032.9
2014 378,795.7 195,365.8 443,584 424,646 1,954,275 -- -- 167,117.0 N/A 2,152.1
2015 375,039.8 203,937.2 443,409 304,634 1,951,635 -- -- 176,077.1 N/A 2,088.1
2016 392,149.8 214,409.6 457,980 314,259 2,032,151 -- -- 184,298.5 N/A 2,085.8
2017 408,198.2 223,494.4 464,103 317,837 2,097,704 -- -- 191,316.6 N/A 2,164.0
2018 424,327.0 232,880.9 478,018 327,031 2,175,309 -- -- 199,246.6 N/A 2,226.7
2019 433,078.4 238,712.0 484,365 331,154 2,221,443 -- -- 203,859.8 N/A 2,223.9
2020 444,628.1 246,371.7 495,666 338,662 2,281,163 -- -- 209,875.2 N/A 2,259.0
2021 456,886.2 253,657.4 503,414 343,642 2,337,526 -- -- 215,759.6 N/A 2,300.3
2022 471,278.3 263,203.6 517,072 352,714 2,409,689 -- -- 223,127.2 N/A 2,357.1
Sector Rank 2/85 1/85 4/85 4/85 1/85 N/A N/A 1/85 N/A N/A
Economy Rank 24/1807 11/1577 23/1807 22/1807 14/1807 N/A N/A 8/1807 N/A N/A
Figures are in inflation-adjusted 2017 dollars. Rank refers to 2017 data. SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM
Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.3
Quick Ratio 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.1
Sales / Receivables (Trade Receivables
Turnover) 7.3 7.6 7.4 7.6 9.4 7.0 6.6
Days’ Receivables 50.0 48.0 49.3 48.0 38.8 52.1 55.3
Cost of Sales / Inventory (Inventory Turnover) n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c
Days’ Inventory n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Cost of Sales / Payables (Payables Turnover) 13.3 13.9 13.8 14.7 20.7 13.6 11.2
Days’ Payables 27.4 26.3 26.4 24.8 17.6 26.8 32.6
Sales / Working Capital 13.7 14.7 15.6 15.8 16.0 13.0 21.3
Coverage Ratios
Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) /
Interest 10.9 11.5 11.3 12.6 10.2 17.6 11.0
Net Profit + Dep., Depletion, Amort. / Current
Maturities LT Debt 4.0 3.1 3.2 4.5 3.4 4.1 6.3
Leverage Ratios
Fixed Assets / Net Worth 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
Debt / Net Worth 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.2 1.8 2.0 4.4
Tangible Net Worth 22.7 20.1 20.7 18.6 18.5 23.0 10.5
Operating Ratios
Profit before Taxes / Net Worth, % 40.0 40.6 42.7 45.4 45.3 45.8 45.1
Profit before Taxes / Total Assets, % 12.0 12.1 12.4 13.0 15.0 14.0 9.1
Sales / Net Fixed Assets 57.4 59.5 67.6 72.1 68.9 77.1 71.9
Sales / Total Assets (Asset Turnover) 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.7 3.4 2.7
Assets, %
Cash & Equivalents 20.8 21.0 21.2 20.7 24.2 20.7 14.0
Trade Receivables (net) 41.8 41.2 41.9 42.9 37.5 47.5 44.4
Inventory 4.5 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.6 2.4 4.0
All Other Current Assets 4.7 4.7 4.8 5.0 4.1 5.2 6.5
Total Current Assets 71.8 70.7 71.3 71.8 69.4 75.8 68.8
Fixed Assets (net) 11.2 10.8 10.7 10.3 13.6 8.5 7.3
Intangibles (net) 9.3 10.1 9.0 9.8 7.4 8.4 17.0
All Other Non-Current Assets 7.8 8.3 9.0 8.1 9.6 7.3 6.9
Total Assets 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total Assets ($m) 34,416.4 35,180.0 37,950.0 37,084.1 1,400.6 8,133.7 27,549.8
Liabilities, %
Notes Payable-Short Term 10.5 11.4 10.8 10.8 15.3 8.4 6.7
Current Maturities L/T/D 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.3 2.9 1.8 2.0
Trade Payables 16.5 15.9 17.3 17.4 13.5 18.8 22.6
Income Taxes Payable 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.5
All Other Current Liabilities 20.0 20.2 20.6 20.8 19.6 21.8 20.9
Total Current Liabilities 50.1 50.4 51.2 51.7 51.5 51.3 52.7
Long Term Debt 9.9 10.7 10.6 10.7 12.7 7.7 12.9
Deferred Taxes 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.5
All Other Non-Current Liabilities 7.6 8.3 8.2 8.9 9.8 9.3 6.4
Net Worth 32.0 30.2 29.7 28.4 25.9 31.4 27.5
Total Liabilities & Net Worth ($m) 34,416.4 35,180.0 37,950.0 37,084.1 1,400.6 8,133.7 27,549.8
Maximum Number of Statements Used 1,888 1,871 2,065 2,066 824 818 424
Source: RMA Annual Statement Studies, RMA data for all industries is derived directly from more
than 260,000 statements of member financial institutions’ borrowers and prospects.
Note: For a full description of the ratios refer to the Key Statistics chapter online.
Industry Jargon BIG DATA ANALYTICSThe method by which a OUTSOURCETo procure goods or services under
company combs through a large collection of contract with an outside supplier.
unorganized data for potential trends and insights. SERVERAny combination of hardware or software
CLOUD COMPUTINGComputing model in which designed to provide services to clients; it generally refers
companies’ computer applications are hosted in outside to a center of a network, where information can be
servers accessible via the internet and managed by shared via an online connection.
third-party firms. SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE (SAAS)Software that is
COMMODITIZATIONThe trend toward uniformity in deployed over the internet and runs behind a firewall in
product offerings and price; commonly cited as a cause a person’s local area network or personal computer.
of declining prices and profitability in computer THIRD PLATFORMA collection of all modern IT
hardware manufacturing. technologies introduced in the past decade; includes
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT)The design, cloud computing, social networking, mobile computing
development, implementation, support or management and ‘big data’ analytics.
of computer-based information systems. VIRTUALIZATIONThe use of software programs to
INTEGRATED SYSTEMA preintegrated, optimized operate multiple virtual server systems on one physical
combination of software and hardware. Such a system server.
increases ease in installing updates and improves
performance, scalability and reliability.
IBISWorld Glossary BARRIERS TO ENTRYHigh barriers to entry mean that ESTABLISHMENTThe smallest type of accounting unit
new companies struggle to enter an industry, while low within an enterprise, an establishment is a single
barriers mean it is easy for new companies to enter an physical location where business is conducted or where
industry. services or industrial operations are performed. Multiple
CAPITAL INTENSITYCompares the amount of money establishments under common control make up an
spent on capital (plant, machinery and equipment) with enterprise.
that spent on labor. IBISWorld uses the ratio of EXPORTSTotal value of industry goods and services sold
depreciation to wages as a proxy for capital intensity. by US companies to customers abroad.
High capital intensity is more than $0.333 of capital to IMPORTSTotal value of industry goods and services
$1 of labor; medium is $0.125 to $0.333 of capital to $1 brought in from foreign countries to be sold in the
of labor; low is less than $0.125 of capital for every $1 of United States.
CONSTANT PRICESThe dollar figures in the Key dominance of the top four players in an industry.
Statistics table, including forecasts, are adjusted for Concentration is considered high if the top players
inflation using the current year (i.e. year published) as account for more than 70% of industry revenue.
the base year. This removes the impact of changes in Medium is 40% to 70% of industry revenue. Low is less
the purchasing power of the dollar, leaving only the than 40%.
“real” growth or decline in industry metrics. The inflation
INDUSTRY REVENUEThe total sales of industry goods
adjustments in IBISWorld’s reports are made using the
and services (exclusive of excise and sales tax); subsidies
US Bureau of Economic Analysis’ implicit GDP price
on production; all other operating income from outside
the firm (such as commission income, repair and service
DOMESTIC DEMANDSpending on industry goods and income, and rent, leasing and hiring income); and
services within the United States, regardless of their capital work done by rental or lease. Receipts from
country of origin. It is derived by adding imports to interest royalties, dividends and the sale of fixed
industry revenue, and then subtracting exports. tangible assets are excluded.
EMPLOYMENTThe number of permanent, part-time, INDUSTRY VALUE ADDED (IVA)The market value of
temporary and seasonal employees, working proprietors, goods and services produced by the industry minus the
partners, managers and executives within the industry. cost of goods and services used in production. IVA is
ENTERPRISEA division that is separately managed and also described as the industry’s contribution to GDP, or
keeps management accounts. Each enterprise consists profit plus wages and depreciation.
of one or more establishments that are under common
ownership or control.
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