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Clinical science
Figure 1 PRISMA flow chart describing the study selection process. DMARDs, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; PRISMA, Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; SLR, systematic literature research.
The open-label CareRA trial (high RoB) stratified very early, molecules targeting B- cells (SBI-087, BCD-020),13 14 inter-
csDMARD naive patients based on their risk factors (presence feron-6 (IL-6) receptor (sarilumab),15 16 IL-6 cytokine (siru-
of erosions, disease activity, rheumatoid factor and anticitrul- kumab, olokizumab, vobarilizumab),17–22 GM- CSF receptor
linated protein antibodies) into high and low risk.10 High-risk (mavrilimumab) and GM-CSF cytokine (otilimab).23–25 IL-12/23
Table 1 Continued
Intervention No of articles/ abstracts* Therapeutic compound Target
30–34 36–55
bsDMARDs versus boDMARDs ( ) 24 Adalimumab: ABP 501, AdaliRel, BI 695501, CinnoRA, TNF
FKB327, GP2017, PF-06410293, SB5, ZRC 3197
Etanercept: CHS-0214, GP2015, HD203, LBEC0101 TNF
Infliximab: BCD-055, CT-P13, NI-071, PF-06438179/ TNF
GP1111, SB2
Rituximab: BCD-020, CT-P10, DRL-RI, GP2013 CD-20
Switching between bsDMARDs and 6 Adalimumab: SB5 TNF
boDMARDs (32 35 56–61 153) Etanercept: GP2015, CHS-0214, LBEC0101 TNF
Infliximab: SB2, CT-P13 TNF
*Studies answering multiple research questions account for mismatch between included articles/abstracts and numbers in this table. References of manuscripts published after
the SLRs data cut, with the respective conference abstracts included before, are shown, but were not counted.
bDMARD, biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; boDMARD, biooriginator disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; bsDMARD, biosimilar disease-modifying
antirheumatic drug; CD, cluster of differentiation; csDMARD, conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
factor; IL, interleukin; JAK, Janus kinase; SYK, spleen tyrosine kinase; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; tsDMARD, targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug.
that RTX is non-inferior to TNFi over 52 weeks regarding clin- (101/146, 69%) compared with 52% in the second TNFi group
ical efficacy.62 (OR 2.12; 95% CI 1.31 to 3.46; p=0.003).68 bDMARD thera-
Sarilumab monotherapy showed clinical and functional supe- pies in early RA patients.
riority compared with ADA monotherapy in patients who were Five reports on induction therapy with bDMARDs in early
intolerant or inadequately responding to MTX.63 disease were included (two with low RoB), baseline characteris-
Mavrilimumab (targeting GM- CSFR) was compared with tics are shown in online supplementary table S2.5 and results in
Table 2 Primary efficacy outcomes of trials comparing biological DMARDs with or without background csDMARD therapy to placebo
Time point
Study Risk of bias Treatment N (weeks) Primary endpoint Outcome P value
Damjanov 2016 High Pbo/Pbo/Pbo+MTX 40 16 ACR 20 (%) NR Reference
SBI-087/Pbo/Pbo+MTX 43 NR NS
SBI-087/SBI-087/Pbo+MTX 42 NR NS
SBI-087/Pbo/SBI-087+MTX 43 NR NS
SBI-087/SBI-087/SBI-087+MTX 41 NR 0.046
Mazurov 201814 Abstract Placebo +MTX 52 24 ACR 20 (%) 29 Reference
BCD-020 600 mg+MTX 107 66 <0.001
Fleischmann 2017 Low Placebo +csDMARDs 181 12/24 ACR 20 (%) / ΔHAQ-DI 34/−0.3 Reference
(TARGET)15 SLM 150 mg Q2W+csDMARDs 181 56/−0.5 <0.001
SLM 200 mg Q2W+csDMARDs 184 61/−0.6 <0.001
Tanaka 2018b Abstract Placebo +MTX 82 24 ACR 20 (%) 15 Reference
(KAKEHASI)16 SLM 150 mg Q2W+MTX 81 68 <0.001
SLM 200 mg Q2W+MTX 80 58 <0.001
Aletaha 2017 Low Placebo±csDMARDs 294 16 ACR 20 (%) 24 Reference
(SIRROUND-T)17 18 SKM 50 mg Q4W±csDMARDs 292 40 <0.001
SKM 100 mg Q2W±csDMARDs 292 45 <0.001
Takeuchi 2017 Unclear Placebo +csDMARD 556 16/52 ACR 20 (%)/ΔmTSS 26/1.96 Reference
(SIRROUND-D)19 SKM 50 mg Q4W+csDMARD 557 55/0.35 <0.001
SKM 100 mg Q2W+csDMARD 557 54/0.3 <0.001
Takeuchi 2016 Low Placebo +MTX 29 12 ΔDAS28-CRP −0.64 Reference
Table 2 Continued
Time point
Study Risk of bias Treatment N (weeks) Primary endpoint Outcome P value
van Vollenhoven 201829 Low Placebo +MTX 79 12 ACR 20 (%) 35 Reference
TLM 25 mg+MTX 80 42 0.395
TLM 100 mg+MTX 78 47 0.165
TLM 200 mg+MTX 76 44 0.274
Bi 2018 (RAPID-C)132 High Placebo +MTX 113 24 ACR 20 (%) 24 Reference
CZP +MTX 316 55 <0.001
Smolen 2017a133 Low Placebo +MTX 55 28 ACR 20 (%) 40 Reference
UKM 90 mg Q8W+MTX 55 53 0.877
UKM 90 mg Q12W+MTX 55 55
GKM 50 mg Q8W+MTX 55 38 0.101
GKM 200 mg Q8W+MTX 54 44
Detailed results of risk of bias analyses are shown in online supplementary table S2.2 in the supplementary appendix.
Δ, change from baseline; ACR, American College of Rheumatology response criteria; csDMARD, conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; CZP, certolizumab
pegol; DAS28-CRP, Disease Activity Score of 28 joints with C-reactive protein; GKM, guselkumab; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; i.v., intravenous;
mTSS, modified total Sharp score; MTX, methotrexate; MVM, mavrilimumab; NR, not reported; NS, not significant; OKZ, olokizumab; OTM, Otilimab; Pbo, placebo; s.c.,
subcutaneous; SEC, secukinumab; SKM, sirukumab; SLM, sarilumab; TCZ, tocilizumab; TLM, tregalizumab; UKM, ustekinumab; VBM, vobarilizumab.
GS-9876, an oral spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitor did not Key outcomes are summarised in table 4. Figure 2 shows
show clinical efficacy compared with placebo.84 descriptive forest plots using ACR 20/50 and 70 response rates.
Baricitinib (BARI) (JAK-1/2i) showed efficacy compared with Figure 3 summarises outcomes of trials investigating the efficacy
and Pharmacy. Protected by copyright.
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216656 on 7 February 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on February 3, 2022 at Carol Davila University of Medicine
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216656 on 7 February 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on February 3, 2022 at Carol Davila University of Medicine
Rheumatoid arthritis
plus csDMARD had been randomised to continue combination
therapy or discontinue csDMARDs (−2.1 vs −2.1).108–110
ADA, adalimumab; BARI, baricitinib; CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS28, Disease Activity Score of 28 joints; EULAR, European League against Rheumatism; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; JAK, Janus kinase; mTSS, modified total Sharp Score; MTX, methotrexate;
The SEMIRA trial (conference abstract) investigated patients
treated with TCZ ±csDMARD therapy who also had stable GC
therapy of 5 mg/day, comparing blinded tapering of GCs with
continuation of GCs. A significant increase of disease activity
(ΔDAS28-ESR) was seen in the discontinuation group compared
with continuation (0.613, 95% CI 0.346 to 0.879, p<0.001).
Boolean rem.
GC group.111
Several trials (one low RoB, one unclear RoB, one high RoB)
showed non-inferiority of MTX tapering versus continuation in
patients receiving ongoing (long-term) TCZ therapy.112–114
UPA versus
ACR 20 (%)+DAS28-
CRP<2.6 at week 12
Placebo +MTX
per day+MTX
ADA 40 mg
ADA 40 mg
Fleischmann ACR 2018
*Week 24.
†Week 26.
for 3 months did not lead to increased flare rates (12% vs 16%,
HR: 0.90, 95% CI 0.23 to 3.48, p=0.873), reducing the TNFi
752 Kerschbaumer A, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2020;79:744–759. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216656
Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216656 on 7 February 2020. Downloaded from http://ard.bmj.com/ on February 3, 2022 at Carol Davila University of Medicine
Rheumatoid arthritis
Figure 2 Forest plots showing risk ratios of ACR 20, 50 and 70 responses in trials comparing JAK inhibitors+MTX to adalimumab +MTX in MTX-IR
patients. 1, tofacitinib; 2, upadacitinib; 3, baricitinib. ACR, American College of Rheumatology; IR, insufficient responder; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel; MTX,
methotrexate; JAK, Janus kinase.
Table 5 Primary outcomes of studies investigating csDMARD, bDMARD and tsDMARD tapering and stopping
Study Primary outcome Endpoint (week) Treatment arm N Result P value
csDMARD tapering
Kaeley 2016 (MUSICA)107 Mean DAS28-CRP 24 ADA 40 mg Q2W+7.5 mg MTX 154 4.12 0.014
ADA 40 mg Q2W+20 mg MTX 155 3.75
Keystone 2016 (CAMEO)144 ΔDAS28-ESR 24 ETN 50 mg QW; MTX discontinuation 98 0.5 0.815
ETN 50 mg QW +MTX continuation 107 0.04
Pope EULAR 2017/ACR ΔDAS28-ESR 76 CZP +csDMARD continuation 37 −2.1 NR
CZP +csDMARD discontinuation 44 −2.1
Burmester ACR 2018 (SEMIRA)111 ΔDAS28-ESR 24 TCZ ±csDMARDs; GC tapering 131 0.538 <0.001
TCZ ±csDMARDs; GC continuation 128 −0.075
Pablos 2018 (JUST-ACT)112 ΔDAS28-ESR week 16 week 28 28 TCZ 8 mg/kg+MTX 82 0.007 95% CI −0.40 to 0.27
TCZ 8 mg/kg+PLC 82 0.073
Kremer 2018 (COMP-ACT)113 ΔDAS28-ESR week 24 week 40 40 TCZ 162 mg s.c. +PLC 147 0.46 95% CI 0.045 to 0.592
TCZ 162 mg s.c. +MTX 147 0.14
Edwards 2018 (ACT-TAPER)114 Pat. Maintaining EULAR good/moderate response from 60 TCZ 8 mg/kg Q4W+PBO 136 77% 0.036
week 24–60
TCZ 8 mg/kg Q4W+MTX 136 65%
Stouten 2018 (CareRA)115 116 DAS28-CRP <2.6 65 MTX +LEF->MTX 15 mg/week 32 94% 0.031
MTX+LEF->LEF 20 mg/day 26 73%
bDMARD tapering
Oba 2017/Tanaka ACR 2018 1-year sustained discontinuation rate of INF 106 INF 3 mg/8 mg/10 mg/kg Q8W based on TNF 170 24% 0.631
(RRRR)140 141 levels
INF standard 3 mg/kg Q8W 167 21%
Chatzidionysiou 2016 (ADMIRE)142 DAS28 <2.6 at week 28 28 ADA +MTX continuation 16 94% 0.001
ADA discontinuation; MTX monotherapy 16 33%
Ghiti Moghadam 2016/2018 % of pat. DAS28 ≥3.2 + ΔDAS28 >0.6 for 1 year 52 Stopping TNFi 531 51% <0.001
(POET)117 118
and rituximab as well as bsDMARDs in csDMARD (including more costs in the imaging group, further confirming that
MTX) IR patients. With respect to bsDMARDs, switch (including stringent clinical remission is a sufficient treatment target and
multiple switch) studies between bs and boDMARDs confirmed that imaging remission not only fails to convey better effi-
long-term safety and efficacy of biosimilars. Like bDMARDs, cacy, but may constitute a potentially dangerous and costly
JAKi are efficacious in patients with RA. Several trials compared overtreatment.6
one bDMARD class (usually TNFi agents) with bDMARDs of Tapering studies revealed that dose reduction of JAKi and
other classes revealing similarity of response. Likewise, head-to- bDMARDs is feasible and that when starting dose reduction in
head trials between JAKi and anti-TNF did not reveal clinically sustained stringent remission less patients flare when compared
important differences regarding efficacy. with start of tapering just in sustained low disease activity.125
In patients who failed a TNFi or other bDMARDs, Importantly, patients who flare can mostly (70%–80%) regain
tsDMARDs and also bDMARDs of the same or other classes their prior good response.
revealed generally similar clinical efficacy4 99 100 or relatively The results of this SLR were presented to the task force and,
small differences.68 Of interest (and part of the previous together with the safety SLR,8 formed the basis for the update of
research agenda), sarilumab, an anti-IL-6R antibody, showed the EULAR RA management recommendations.
efficacy in patients who had an IR to TCZ, another IL-6Ri,67
and in a study published after this SLR, TNFi showed efficacy Author affiliations
after failure of JAKi.129 Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
A strategy trial comparing treatment aimed at clinical 3
NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
remission to therapy aimed at remission by MRI showed no 4
Hospital Cochin, Paris, France
difference in clinical outcomes, but more adverse events and 5
Amsterdam Rheumatology Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands