Software Defined Networking (SDN) Challenges, Issues and Solution
Software Defined Networking (SDN) Challenges, Issues and Solution
Software Defined Networking (SDN) Challenges, Issues and Solution
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SDN is new perspectives on how networks are managed, is forwarding planes to enable
rapidly becoming the go to solution for those who are having innovation.
2012 OPEN FLOW This is First standard interface for
trouble overcoming the limitations of traditional networking, separating the network control and
It is by decoupling hardware from software i.e. separating the data planes.
control plane (which determines where to send traffic) from 2014 ONOS Leading Open Source SDN Controller
the data plane (which carries out these decisions and for Operators.
2017 CORD Edge Cloud solution, with 70% of
forwards traffic), SDN enables the hardware to be operators planning to deploy CORD to
controlled/managed from a centralized software application transform their networks.
that is separated from the hardware itself. Following are the
three main focused need of SDN.
Layered architecture with standard open standard
Interface. Architecture of the SDN describes how SDN works [5] in its
It is more efficient since software can be easily developed various levels and how it maintains the software security and
by different vendors. reliability. There are mainly three layers in software defined
Facilitate innovation in computer Networking, More networking: Control, Data and Application.
flexibility with programmability.
1) Control plane: The powerful plane of an SDN network
III. BENEFITS OF SDN that carries signalling traffic and responsible for routing in
the network. Packets are originated and destined for a router.
1) Future ready infrastructure Centralized configuration and management are the function
Technology innovation moves fast. A flexible and scalable of control plane of SDN. It is a logical entity in software
IT platform can mean the difference between keeping pace defined network that receives commands/instructions from
and just trying to keep up. SDN has the agility to use the the application layer and transmits them to the networking
latest cloud resources effectively and provides a framework components of SDN. The task of the controller is to extract
to support data-intensive, real-time applications. useful information from the hardware devices and
communicates back to the SDN applications with an abstract
2) Reduced hardware costs view of the network, including various activities happening
SDN uses the concept of software to build a network with in the network. Usually a software solution, the SDN
minimum required hardware, it eliminates the need from controller resides here to provide centralized control of the
manual support and configuration costs by using router and switched that populates the data plane, removing
administrative efficiency and utilization of network is the control plane from the individual devices. Different types
improved by using the concept of virtualization. of routing protocols like OSPF, EIGRP, RIP and BGP are
managed by the control plane with IPv4, IPV6 and ARP.
3) Centralized networking management
SDN has the capabilities to handle entire network form a 2) Data Plane: It is like the physical layer of OSI model,
single unit called central point, simplify the management, consist of network elements like physical and virtual devices
security of a network and allows distributing security and that deals with the data traffic. It is referred as the forwarding
policy information consistently across any organization. plane of SDN and is physically responsible for forwarding
frames of packets from its ingress to egress interface using
IV. DEVELOPMENT OF SDN the protocols used by control plane.
SDN software is continuously progressing Google, CISCO 3) Application Plane: Different application which are being
and different companies are focusing on the development of used in a business to tell the network what to do based on the
the SDN architecture and implementing in their different need of the business, controller use the APIs to pass the
business locations. CISCO APIC-EM is an SDN controller commands on router SDN switches etc. to perform the
or policy-based management and security through a single required task.
controller. Table below gives the development of SDN
software based on the requirement.
SDN. A three-layer architecture, including an infrastructure Layer 3 devices, are in the end-to-end path. The traditional
layer, a control layer, and an application layer, and LAN is Scalability is an attribute that describes the ability of a
substantiate each layer with existing research efforts and its process, network, software or organization to grow and
related research areas finally suggested open research manage increased demand. An SDN controller should be able
challenges. A Network in a laptop: in this paper rapid to support a minimum of 100 switches. It must also be able to
prototyping for software defined networks is describe, mitigate the impact of network broadcast overhead and the
creation of SDN [9] is done with the help of Mininet, interact proliferation of flow table entries [3]. Scalability is the
with another network and customization of the network is capability of a system, network, or process to handle a
done. A Survey of Software-Defined Networking Past, growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged to
Present, and Future of Programmable Networks: Because accommodate that growth.
of the evolution of SDN it is necessary to focus on
Low level interface: The control applications of SDN for
programmable networks that simplify management of the
network management, network policy should be developed,
network and enable innovation by adding the features in
SDN framework needs to translate these developed network
network programmatically. In [10] authors provide historic
policies into low-level configurations of the switch used. The
perspective of programmable network to recent
programming interface of the framework of the SDN must
developments, discuss current alternatives for
coordinate the multiple asynchronous events at the switches
implementation and testing of SDN-based protocols and
to perform even simple tasks.
services, examine current and future SDN applications, and
explore promising research directions based on the SDN Performance and Security: Open interfaces of the SDN
paradigm. SDN may be developed with the help of software network may bring new type of network attacks that may
like MININET, Nettle with proper software development life reduce the performance of the SDN. Security in cloud
cycle, in [13] criteria and working structure of open source computing is described and different security issues and
software is presented, different advantages and disadvantages challenges are briefly discussed by the authors in [12].
are listed by the authors.
Various D-DOS attack may down the working of networks. In
VIII. SDN CHALLENGES [15] authors describe the SYN flood attack, which may down
the server of any organization by exhausting the queue of the
TCP protocol. To manage and solutions must be in SDN
Reliability: Reliability plays a major role in any software
framework should be developed for the software integrity,
development, if any failure occurs in a system, its users
remote access management, network threat detection and
should be informed, and solution must perform automatically.
mitigation, authentication and authorization of the users.
Reliability of software is the probability that it will work
properly in a specified environment and for a specific amount ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
of time. The configuration of SDN controller must intelligent
and validate the network management to increase the The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their careful
availability of the network [3] so that errors can be prevented examination of the research paper and valuable comments and
and handle. Authors in [4] studied the reliability of ONOS, a suggestions which helped to considerably improve the quality
production-grade SDN controller, find a fault reports and of the paper. We are also thankful to the Management of
found fairly consistent behaviour across the releases, in terms Graphic Era Educational Society for always being supportive
of number of bugs, fault detection and resolution time. When and for providing such a commendable research-oriented
devices fail or stop working in legacy networks, network platform to us.
traffic is routed through alternative nearby path/nodes to
maintain flow control and continuity. In SDN only central References
controller is in charge of whole network, if central network [1]
fails than whole network may stop working or collapse. To [2]
increase the network reliability vendors/developers of the ng.html.
software should concentrate on exploiting the main controller [3] Ashton, Metzler, and Associates, Ten Things to Look for in an
Controller, Technical Report, 2013.
Scalability: The traditional LAN is deployed in a multi-tiered [4] P. Vizarreta, K. Trivedi, B. Helvik, P. Heegaard, W. Kellerer and
architecture in which Layer 3 routing functionality is used to C. M. Machuca, "An empirical study of software reliability in
SDN controllers," 2017 13th International Conference on Network
connect multiple Layer 2 networks. These traditional LANs and Service Management (CNSM), Tokyo, 2017, pp. 1-9.
do not scale very well when supporting east-west traffic [5]
because at least one Layer 3 device, and most likely multiple SoftwareDefinedNetworks-Ch4.pdf S. Willium, ―Network