Solas: Magnetic Compass
Solas: Magnetic Compass
Solas: Magnetic Compass
SOLAS – Safety of Life at Sea-The international SOLAS Convention sets minimum safety
requirements for the construction, equipment, and operation of merchant ships.
MARPOL – The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships – is the
main international maritime Convention covering the prevention of environmental pollution by
ships. MARPOL covers pollution prevention from a routine operational and accidental
MLC – Maritime Labour Convention – Sets out minimum standards for seafarers working on a
ship. The comprehensive Convention provides an internationally recognized, single source of
regulation and guidance.
Magnetic compass-has a magnetic element (needle or a card) that aligns itself with
magnetic lines of Earth's magnetic field to point to the magnetic poles of the Earth.
Gyro compass- has a rapidly spinning wheel whose rotation interacts with the rotation of
the earth until its axis of rotation is parallel with the Earth's and points to the Earth's rotational
poles. This compass points to the true poles of the Earth.
Navigation The process of directing the movements of watercraft from one point to another
Dead reckoning is the process of calculating current position of some moving object by using
a previously determined position, or fix, by using estimations of speed, heading direction and
course over elapsed time.
Celestial Navigation is the art and science of finding your way by the sun, moon, stars, and
planets, and, in one form or another, is one of the oldest practices in human history.
Navigational equipment’s
Radio Detection and Ranging (radar)- a system for detecting the presence,
direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects, by sending out pulses of
high-frequency electromagnetic waves that are reflected off the object back to the source.
X-band is widely used because of the ability to utilize smaller antennas that fit on most boats
and to provide better target resolution. S-band radars are often used for specialized
applications, such as seeing through heavy weather or precipitation and for long-range bird
detection. S-band antennas are larger.
Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) displays the position of a ship and other
vessels nearby. The radar displays the position of the ships in the vicinity and selects the course
for the vessel by avoiding any kind of collision.
Are essentially utilized to improve the standard of collision avoidance at sea. Primarily designed
as anti-collision radar, the ARPA technology removed the chore of plotting targets manually on
a reflection plotter or separate plotting aid.
Echo Sounder It is used to measure the depth of the water below the ship’s bottom using
sound waves which work on the principle of transmission of sound waves and an audio pulse
which will bounce off a reflecting layer, returning as an echo to the source.