NEW OJT SBA Policy and Guidelines BSBA
NEW OJT SBA Policy and Guidelines BSBA
NEW OJT SBA Policy and Guidelines BSBA
This document contains the general policies and guidelines for students enrolled in the Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration practicum program.
This program supports students who will be embarking on their first applied practicum
course in preparation for professional work as business administrators, managers and/or
practitioners. It aims to
1. Give students the actual exposure to business in the field of accounting, finance,
auditing, taxation and other auxiliary services within an organizational structure.
2. Enable the students to gain experience, relate and apply theories learned in the
actual work setting.
3. Develop and instill a positive attitude, self-confidence and self-motivation required
of a responsible professional.
4. Impress on the students the value of human relations in the work place and work
5. Enable students to have an opportunity to share the good news of salvation.
V. Grading system
All students undergoing Practicum is required to submit a bound written report. The
contents of the bound report are as follows:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Brief background/history of the company/company profile (1-3 pages)
Chapter II: Daily progress report compilation
Chapter III: Assessment of practicum program
- Reaction by the student with the following suggested format:
o What I learned from the experience? (technical)
o My experiences with the people around me.
o The most memorable event during my practicum
o What I can recommend for the improvement of the practicum program.
o My advice to those who will take their practicum in the near future.
I would like to apply as a trainee/apprentice in your company because I believe that the training
and experience I will acquire from your office will broaden my knowledge about my course.
Thank you for any consideration that you would give to this letter of application.
<Name of Student>
Appendix B
Contact No.
E-mail Address:
I am looking for suitable On- the- Job Training and opportunity where I could practice my
knowledge and develop my personality as a career person while utilizing my skills. To bring out
and harness the best of my potentials for the glory of God and for the benefit of my employer, the
community and myself in preparations for the future advancement.
Nickname :
Gender :
Age :
Date of Birth :
Place of Birth :
Civil Status :
Citizenship :
Height :
Weight :
Religion :
Dialects :
Father’s Name :
Occupation :
Mother’s Name :
Occupation :
Tertiary : Mountain View College
Valencia City, Bukidnon
2011 - present
Secondary :
Primary :
Doing Business in Free Trade Areas
Loiza’s Pavilion, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.
November 27, 2014
Oriented in the following:
Microsoft office word
Microsoft office PowerPoint
Microsoft office excel
Allen C. Monta, CPA, DM
Dean, School of Business and Accountancy
Mountain View College
Contact No. 0945- 791 – 8781
Appendix C
Parents’/Guardian’s Certification of Waiver/Permission
In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Business
<Student’s name>
Date: ___________________
1. This should be handwritten.
2. Observe the following margin.
(Top 1”, left 1”, right 0.8”, bottom 1”)
3. Use only black-ink ballpoint pen.
4. Use only short sized bond paper.
5. Write neatly and legibly.
Appendix E
Mountain View College
BSBA Department
Students Name: ________________________________Department/Organization: ___________________________
Academic Year: _Summer 2014____
4 Grasps a situation 3 Works independently 2 Usually waits for 1 Does only what is
and goes to Often; seldom waits instructions; specifically instructed
work without for instructions. follows others. to do.
2. QUALITY OF WORK: Accuracy and effectiveness of work; freedom from errors
Works consistently and 3 Works consistently with 2 Maintains group average 1 Below average output;
with excellent output. above average output. output. slow.
4 Knows job thoroughly; 3 Knows job well; 2 Knows job fairly well; 1 Little knowledge of job:
rarely needs help. seldom needs help. requires instructions. consistently requires help.
Always can be Usually can be relied Comes in late with Frequent unexplained
4 3 2 1
relied upon to upon to be at reasonable excuses; lateness and/
be at work on time; work on time; fairly frequent or absences.
absentonly for a real explained explained
emergency. absences occur absences.
8. COURTESY AND POLITENESS: With agency personnel, customers and fellow workers
4 Always pleasant 3 Usually pleasant 2 Abrupt at times; must be 1 Rude at times; requires
and courteous and courteous reminded occasionally reminders tobe polite and
to be polite and courteous. courteous.
4 3 2 1
9. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: Personal grooming, hair, nails, shoes, general
Always clean and tidy Usually presents clean Negligent of appearance Presents a poor
appearance for the job. and tidy appearance. at times. appearancetoo often.
10. ACHIEVEMENTS: Specific accomplishments or projects beyond the normal work load
1. What strengths did this student bring or develop during practicum under your supervision?
2. As you see it, what are some areas that continue to be challenges for this student?
3. In your opinion, are there some areas in which the student needs more experience?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. You may give it directly to the student who will turn it in to me
or email it to:
Appendix F
(Title Page)
<Company Name>
Submitted by:
<Name of Student>
Submitted to:
<Practicum professor>
<Date submitted>
(Appendix G)
On-the-Job Training
Name: _______________________________________