Tamil Nadu Government Gazette: Extraordinary
Tamil Nadu Government Gazette: Extraordinary
Tamil Nadu Government Gazette: Extraordinary
Part II—Section 2
Notifications or Orders of interest to a Section of the public
issued by Secretariat Departments.
NotificationS by government
No. II(2)/HWMP/850(d)/2019.
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) of sub-section (1), read with clause (c) of sub-section (2), of
section 2 of the Indian Tolls Act, 1851 (Central Act VIII of 1851) and in supersession of the Highways and Minor
Ports Department Notification No. II(2)/HWMP/186(e-1)/2017, published in pages 1-2 of Part II—Section 2 of the
Tamil Nadu Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated 27th March 2017, the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby levies tolls on motor
vehicles for the use of the Madurai Ring Road between Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Kappalur, at the rates specified in column (3) of
Table I below in respect of the motor vehicle specified in column (2) thereof M/s. Sri Balaji Tollways Madurai Private Limited
shall collect the tolls for the year 2019-2020 as specified in the Table I below at the locations specified in Table (2) below
from the date of Commercial Operation:-
II-2 Ex. (417)
2 Tamil nadu government gazette extraordinary
Table - II
Effective length
Sl. No. Location of Toll Booth
in KM
(1) (2) (3)
1. At Km 3/000 7.334
2. At Km 9/400 17.059
3. At Km 18/200 11.626
(Note: For the amount of fee to be collected at the toll locations, the rate per km specified in table-I and multiplied by
the effective length specified in table-II and rounded off to the nearest five rupees.)
S.K. Prabakar,
Principal Secretary to Government.