This document provides information on the drug acetaminophen, including its mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. Acetaminophen is thought to produce analgesia by inhibiting prostaglandins and other substances that sensitize pain receptors. It is indicated for mild pain or fever and works by relieving fever through central action in the hypothalamic heat-regulating center. Adverse effects include CNS issues like agitation, cardiovascular issues like hypertension, and hepatic issues like jaundice. Nursing responsibilities include considering dose reductions in patients with hepatic or renal impairment and advising on proper use and signs of liver damage.
This document provides information on the drug acetaminophen, including its mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. Acetaminophen is thought to produce analgesia by inhibiting prostaglandins and other substances that sensitize pain receptors. It is indicated for mild pain or fever and works by relieving fever through central action in the hypothalamic heat-regulating center. Adverse effects include CNS issues like agitation, cardiovascular issues like hypertension, and hepatic issues like jaundice. Nursing responsibilities include considering dose reductions in patients with hepatic or renal impairment and advising on proper use and signs of liver damage.
This document provides information on the drug acetaminophen, including its mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. Acetaminophen is thought to produce analgesia by inhibiting prostaglandins and other substances that sensitize pain receptors. It is indicated for mild pain or fever and works by relieving fever through central action in the hypothalamic heat-regulating center. Adverse effects include CNS issues like agitation, cardiovascular issues like hypertension, and hepatic issues like jaundice. Nursing responsibilities include considering dose reductions in patients with hepatic or renal impairment and advising on proper use and signs of liver damage.
This document provides information on the drug acetaminophen, including its mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities. Acetaminophen is thought to produce analgesia by inhibiting prostaglandins and other substances that sensitize pain receptors. It is indicated for mild pain or fever and works by relieving fever through central action in the hypothalamic heat-regulating center. Adverse effects include CNS issues like agitation, cardiovascular issues like hypertension, and hepatic issues like jaundice. Nursing responsibilities include considering dose reductions in patients with hepatic or renal impairment and advising on proper use and signs of liver damage.
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GENERIC: Acetaminophen Though to produce analgesia INDICATIONS: CNS: Consider reducing by inhibiting prostaglandin Mild pain or fever Agitation (IV) total daily dose and BRAND: Paracetamol and other substances that Rectal Anxiety increasing dosing sensitize pain receptors. Drug Mild to moderate Fatigue intervals in patients THERAPEUTIC CLASS: may relieve fever through pain; mild to Headache with hepatic or renal NSAIDs central action in the moderate pain with Insomnia impairment. hypothalamic heat-regulating adjunctive opioid Pyrexia Tell parents to DOSAGE: center. analgesics; fever consult prescriber CV: Caplets: 500mg before giving drug to HTN Capsules: 325mg, children younger than Hypotension 500mg age 2. Peripheral edema Oral solution: CONTRAINDICATIONS: Advise parents that 80mg/mL; Periorbital edema Contraindicated in drug is only for short- 160mg/5mL; patients Tachycardia (IV) term use; urge them 167mg/5mL hypersensitive to GI: to consult prescriber Suppositories: 80mg, drug. IV form is Nausea if giving to infants 120mg, 160mg, contraindicated in Vomiting for longer than 3 325mg, 650mg patients with severe Abdominal pain days, children for Tablets: 325mg, active liver disease. Diarrhea longer than 5 days, or 500mg, 650mg Use cautiously in Constipation (IV) adults for longer than patients with any type GU: 10 days. ROUTE: Oral of liver disease, Oliguria (IV) Tell patient to consult G6PD deficiency, Hematologic: prescriber for fever chronic malnutrition, Hemolytic anemia lasting longer than 3 severe hypovolemia, Leukopenia days or recurrent or severe renal Neutropenia fever. impairment. Pancytopenia Caution patient to Use cautiously in Anemia contact health care patients with long- Hepatic: provider if signs and term alcohol use Jaundice symptoms of liver because therapeutic Musculoskeletal: damage occur. doses cause Muscle spasms hepatotoxicity in Extremity pain (IV) these patients. Respiratory: Chronic alcoholics Abnormal breath shouldn’t take more sounds than 2g of Dyspnea acetaminophen every Hypoxia 24 hours. Atelectasis Pleural effusion Pulmonary edema Stridor Wheezing (IV) Skin: Rash Urticaria Infusion site pain (IV) Pruritus
ACTION CONTRAINDICATION RESPONSIBILITIES GENERIC: Central dopamine receptor INDICATION: CNS: Report the beginning of Metoclopramide antagonist with high Metoclopramide is a Mild sedation restlessness, potency. Although medication used to treat Fatigue involuntary BRAND: Reglan and structurally like the symptoms of sluggish Restlessness movements, facial Metozolv ODT procainamide, it has stomach emptying Agitation grimacing, stiffness, or minimal antiarrhythmic or (gastroparesis) in diabetic Headache tremors as soon as THERAPEUTIC CLASS: anesthetic action. The patients. It acts by possible. Insomnia Prokinetic Agents precise method of action is enhancing the Extrapyramidal Disorientation unknown; however, it contractions or motions symptoms are DOSAGE: 10-15 mg appears to sensitize GI of the stomach and Extrapyramidal particularly common in smooth muscle to the intestines. It alleviates symptoms (acute dystonic children, young adults, ROUTE: Oral effects of acetylcholine by symptoms such as type) and the elderly, as well direct action. nausea, vomiting, Neurologic malignant as with high dose heartburn, feeling full syndrome with injection. vomiting treatment after meals, and loss of GI: related with cancer appetite. Nausea chemotherapy. It might Constipation take months for CONTRAINDICATIONS: Diarrhea symptoms to subside. Sensitivity or intolerance Dry mouth Be warned that serum to metoclopramide; aldosterone may be Altered drug absorption allergy to sulfiting agents; raised during the early Skin: history of seizure treatment phase; Urticarial or disorders; concurrent use however, during maculopapular rash. of drugs that can cause lengthy administration extrapyramidal periods, it returns to Body as a Whole: symptoms; pretreatment levels. Glossal or periorbital pheochromocytoma; Lab tests: Periodic edema. tactile GI obstruction or serum electrolyte. perforation; ileus; history Monitor for Hematologic: of breast cancer; hypernatremia and Methemoglobinemia. pregnancy (category B), hypokalemia (see lactation, children 6 years Appendix F), CV: and younger, infants, and particularly if the Galactorrhea neonates. patient has CHF or Gynecomastia cirrhosis. Amenorrhea Adverse responses Impotence related with elevated blood prolactin concentrations (galactorrhea, menstrual problems, gynecomastia) normally resolve after a few weeks or months of discontinuing medication therapy. Avoid driving and other potentially dangerous activities for a few hours after taking the medication. Avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants. Report to S&S any signs of acute dystonia, such as shaky hands and facial grimacing (see Appendix F), as soon as possible. Do not breastfeed if you are on this medication without first seeing your doctor.
ACTION CONTRAINDICATION RESPONSIBILITIES GENERIC: Folic acid Vitamin B complex is INDICATION: [Reportedly non-toxic. Prior to beginning required to produce Folic acid is Following IV administration, therapy, obtain a BRAND: Folvite nucleoproteins and the commonly used to there is some flushing and a thorough history of maintenance of normal treat megaloblastic sense of warmth.] nutritional consumption THERAPEUTIC CLASS: erythropoiesis. Acts against anemias in as well as drug and Vitamins, Water-Soluble. folic acid deficiency, which pregnancy. During alcohol use. Oral inhibits thymidylate synthesis pregnancy, folic acid contraceptives, alcohol, DOSAGE: 5 mg and results in the generation needs skyrocket, and barbiturates, of faulty DNA, resulting in a lack will result in methotrexate, phenytoin, ROUTE: Oral megaloblast development and fetal harm. primidone, and bone marrow maturation trimethoprim have all arrest. been linked to folate CONTRAINDICATION: insufficiency. Folate Folic acid alone is deficiency can also occur used to treat because of renal dialysis. pernicious anemia or Keep the doctor up to other vitamin B12 date on the patient's deficient diseases, as reaction to therapy. well as normocytic, Subtherapeutic plasma refractory, aplastic, or levels in phenytoin unexplained anemia. patients should be monitored. Patient & Family Education While on folic acid treatment, keep a tight eye on your doctor. If there is a risk of relapse, the maintenance dosage should be adjusted. Do not breastfeed if you are on this medication without first seeing your doctor.
ACTION CONTRAINDICATION RESPONSIBILITIES GENERIC: Antacid that acts INDICATION: GI: Take note of the number Calcium quickly yet has a Calcium carbonate is used to treat Constipation or laxative and consistency of stools. strong osteoporosis, osteomalacia, effect If constipation is a BRAND: Tums neutralizing hypothyroidism, Acid rebound concern, the doctor may capacity and a hypoparathyroidism, Nausea recommend alternate or THERAPEUTIC reasonably pseudohypoparathyroidism, Eructation combination therapy with CLASS: Antacids lengthy duration DiGeorge syndrome, kidney Flatulence a magnesium antacid, or of action. dysfunction, pancreatitis, Vomiting the patient may be DOSAGE: Reduces stomach rheumatoid arthritis, Fanconi advised to take a laxative Fecal concretions Calcium carbonate: acidity, syndrome, pregnancy, nursing or stool softener as 125 mg, 250 mg, decreasing mothers, and postmenopausal Metabolic: needed. 650 mg, 750 mg, pepsin's women who have low serum In patients on long-term Hypercalcemia with 1.25 g, 1.5 g tablets. proteolytic calcium levels. treatment and those with alkalosis activity on renal impairment, serum Calcium acetate: Metastatic calcinosis gastric mucosa. CONTRAINDICATION: and urine calcium levels 667 mg tablets. Hypercalciuria Increases the Hypercalcemia and should be determined on tone of the lower Hypomagnesemia a weekly basis. hypercalciuria (for example, Calcium citrate: 950 esophageal hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D Hypophosphatemia Keep track of any mg, 2376 mg sphincter as well. overdosage, decalcifying tumors, (when phosphate intake improvements in tablets. Even though it is bone metastases), calcium loss is low). hypocalcemia symptoms. categorized as a due to immobilization, severe Observe for signs and Calcium phosphate non-systemic renal disease, renal calculi, GI CNS: symptoms of tribasic: 1565.2 mg antacid, a mild to hemorrhage or obstruction, Mood and mental hypercalcemia in patients tablets severe alkalosis dehydration, hypochloremic changes. who are taking frequent frequently alkalosis, ventricular fibrillation, or large doses of ROUTE: Oral develops with cardiac disease, pregnancy Urogenital: medication, or who have extended use. (category C). Polyuria decreased renal function. Acid rebound, Renal calculi. Do not use this drug for which can occur more than 1–2 weeks after even since it may produce acid modest dosages, rebound, which usually is mediated by happens after 1–2 weeks gastrin release of recurrent usage and driven by leads to chronic use. calcium action in Self-medication has the the small potential to be hazardous. intestine. Without medical supervision, do not use antacids for more than 2 weeks. Take calcium carbonate with caution if you eat cereals or other meals high in oxalates. Oxalates and calcium carbonate mix to generate insoluble, nonabsorbable molecules. Calcium carbonate should not be combined with foods high in vitamin D (such as milk) or sodium bicarbonate on a regular basis because it can cause milk-alkali syndrome, which includes hypercalcemia, food aversion, headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, metabolic alkalosis, hypercalciuria, polyuria, soft tissue calcification (calcinosis), hyperphosphatemia, and renal insufficiency. Renal failure, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and hypertension are all risk factors. Do not breastfeed if you are on this medication without first seeing your doctor.