Drug Study Methergine
Drug Study Methergine
Drug Study Methergine
Generic name Acts directly on the 1ST stage and 2nd stage of Nausea Common: Assess calcium level Hypocalcemia must be
smooth muscle of labor before crowning of Vomiting Abdominal pain w/ before administering corrected to increase drug
the uterus and head, primary and Stomach pain large doses therapy. effectiveness
increases the tone, secondary uterine inertia. Diarrhea Hypertension
Methylergonovine rate, and amplitude Patient with severe Leg cramps Headache
maleate of rhythmic hypertension, pre- Increased sweating Skin eruption
contractions. It eclampsia, eclampsia, Headache Uncommon:
Brand name includes rapid, severe or persistent sepsis, Dizziness Monitor vital signs. In administering
Dizziness Methylergonovine maleate
Methergine sustained tetanic vascular disease, impaired Ringing in your ears Nausea
uterotonic effects hepatic and renal function. Skin rush it is important to note for
Vomiting the changes that may
that shortens the Hypersensitivity of ergot Stuffy nose
Convulsion indicate hemorrhage. And
third stage of labor alkaloids. unpleasant taste in
and reduce blood your mouth Sweating immediately report any
loss. Chest pain recognized abnormality.
Classification Hypotension
Ergot alkaloids Rare: Assessment of fundal tone,
Bradycardia assess and document contractions, and
Tachycardia fundal tone, non-phasic cramping help to identify
Palpitations contractions and check and abnormality occur
Arterial spasm contractions. during 3rd stage of labor.
Very rare:
Indication Nausea, vomiting,
Active management of Anaphylactic
Assess for ergotism weakness, muscular pain,
third stage of labor, reaction
(overdose). insensitivity to cold and
interior hemorrhage Hallucinations paresthesia to determine
following separation of Myocardial dose adjustment or drug
placenta and uterine infractions withdrawal.
atony, subinvolution of Arteriospasm
puerperal uterus, coronary Administration of this
iochiometra, caesarian Thrombophlebitis drug therapy may alter
section, menorrhagia, Nasal congestion Monitor prolactin levels breast milk production.
and assess for decreased
metrorrhagia, post- Diarrhea breast milk production.
partum and post-abortal Muscle cramp Educating the patient is
uterine bleeding. Assess patient’s and important to have a good
family’s knowledge of communication for
drug therapy. administering drug therapy
and lessen the anxiety.
Dosage & frequency
Promotion of uterine
involution: 1 tablet
3x/day for 3-5 days.
Puerperal bleeding
iochiometra, functional
uterine bleeding: 1-2
Active management of
3rd stage of labor: 100-
200 mcg slow IV.
atony/hemorrhage: 200
mcg IM or 100-200
mcg slow IV. Maybe
repeated every 2-4 hrs,
if necessary up to 5
doses w/in 24 hours.