Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction On Food Sector Workers in Malaybalay During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction On Food Sector Workers in Malaybalay During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction On Food Sector Workers in Malaybalay During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Hospitality Management Department
"Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction on Food Sector Workers in Malaybalay during the
COVID-19 Pandemic"
Lumbayan, Ian
Gallamaso, Julienna
Jumalon, Justin
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject (B153) Research in
Hospitality 1
Background of Study
workers have towards their work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business
organization, brings with it the needs, desires and experiences which determinates
expectations that he has dismissed. Job satisfaction represents the extent to which
expectations are and match the real awards (Aziri B, 2011). ( Ukandu & Ukpere, 2014)
Job satisfaction is the extent to which an employee is happy with his/her job. Workers
tend to deliver excellent quality work and outstanding client administrations when they
are fulfilled and propelled. Job satisfaction measures an employee's cognition and
evaluation, mental status, and emotional experience of their job and all related aspects or
facets. During the new regular food sector, workers' job satisfaction is directly associated
with the implementation and effectiveness of strategies to prevent and control significant
Food sector workers are people with unique needs, potentials, beliefs, and aspirations.
Most jobs in most food sector outlets have reflected abusive and poor working
conditions, poor remuneration, long working hours, and a lack of participation in decision
organization's decision-making ally in areas that concern workers (Ukpere, 2007: 460).
Due to new normal, food sector workers affects workers who have limited ability to
absorb income decreases, creating disincentives for them to miss work even if they feel
ill and increase the risk of them experiencing financial challenges if they miss work. In a
day, thousands of people are dining into fast foods and restaurants since it's more
convenient for a person to order ready-to-eat food rather than cooking at home. Covid-19
pandemic has significantly impacted every individual that made them adjust to what we
call new normal. Many things to be done when going outside require many safety
protocols and reminders to keep away from the virus, and honestly, it's a struggle.
Especially the food sectors affected by the pandemic, some food sectors establishments
are close due to lack of supply and demand for goods. They weren't able to sustain the
needs of the establishment, and also they can't continue to operate in the reason of
decreasing numbers of customers and income. The majority of people working in the
food sectors before are now jobless since owners can't be paid their workers.
This affects workers' living standards as they find it difficult to carry their family
workers' wages, let's prefer to hire cheaper and non-unionized employees (Schlosser,
2003: 76). It has been argued that the extreme standardization of work in the fast-food
industry justifies low wages and benefits (Leidner, 1993, cited in Royle & Towers,
2002:18). Inexperience people who are able to do then quickly recruited as they have no
alternative option. This tendency leads to job dissatisfaction and high labor turnover, as
since workers cannot be satisfied with the remuneration they receive within the fast-food
work and family roles due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic brought the eye of
functioning employees on a food establishment and how the pandemic affects their jobs.
It's very alarming. Many food establishments decrease their employee amount because
many people choose to reside in their homes instead of eating at a restaurant or any food
establishment. It's because human instincts, they're all scared of getting the coronavirus.
One of the problems of this research topic is analyzed the factors affecting job
satisfaction of food sector workers in Malaybalay City. The food industry or hospitality
industry has to rely on human beings for their functioning. If we take any of them in their
role of the workforce cannot be neglected or minimized. To be precise, the mood and
personal feelings and problems in an employee's private life have a considerable impact
on their daily performance. This causes pain in the industry, which continues to lose its
employees. This paper aims to identify the factors that affecting the food sector workers
is the during the COVID 19 Panmeic. The pandemic has affected almost every aspect of
sudden, significant changes in their work and family roles due to the COVID-19
Research Questions
This study aimed to assess the factors affecting job satisfaction on food sector
1.1. Age;
1.2. Gender;
1.3. Civil status;
2. How may the factors affecting job satisfaction of the employees be described
in terms of:
3. Is there a correlation between the factors affecting job satisfaction and food
In spite of the fact that this research is important for future research, there were
still limitations that were considered. The study used a quantitative approach focused on
designing a specific questionnaire with reliability, content, and face validity in order to
assess the factors affecting job satisfaction on food sector workers in Malaybalay during
This study is limited only to the food sector workers in Malaybay as the chosen
The data was collected from one type of respondents only, that is, the food sector
workers. Therefore, the results of the study cannot be generalized to other samples.
Future researchers could incorporate the opinions of teachers and policy makers to have
For the purpose of this study, the researcher will use structured questionnaire
since this is a quantitative research and also for the convenience of the respondents. Data
obtained from the respondents will be treated through the use of weighted mean and
policy. They may contribute more to the body of knowledge about job satisfaction
through the perspective of the food sector worker’s perceived leadership style,
satisfaction helps the worker in his life cycle to understand the global perspectives and
open different ways of satisfying and applying direct solutions whenever the need arises.
Eventually, this will shed light on every exhausting situation present in the organizations
Furthermore, this study is a work that will open a wide horizon in understanding
globally the job satisfaction, leadership style, psychological empowerment and work
engagement of food sector workers in a corporate arena. Having a job is more than just a
remuneration they get and the benefits they receive but also boost living standards, raise
Food sector worker - The result of this study could serve as a baseline data to provide an
appropriate format for evaluating and developing interventions and the factors affecting
job satisfaction on food sector workers in Malaybalay during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Community - can benefit from the result of the study if the researcher can give the
importance of the factors affecting job satisfaction on food sector workers in Malaybalay
Students - This study can serve as a basis for further study to have a feasible, valid and
reproducible format for assessing the the factors affecting job satisfaction on food sector
quality data of the factors affecting job satisfaction on food sector workers in Malaybalay
Conceptual Framework
According to this framework, work environment can be linked to job
raises, and rewards. With a better work-life balance, employees may feel more in control
rate, and lower absenteeism. Employees who are paid well will exhibit pleasurable
optimistic behaviors indicating that they are happy in their employment. As stress
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is the total feeling likeness or dislikes that an individual has about
his or her job. It is an effective or emotional response towards the various facets of one’s
job. (Obiekwe, Obibhunun, Omah, 2019) Job satisfaction is a very important attribute
which is frequently measured by organizations. Organizational scholars have long been
interested in why some people reports being very satisfied with their jobs, while others
express much lower levels of satisfaction. (Locke, 1976). The workplace environment
plays a crucial role for the employees. Nowadays employees may have a large number
working alternatives, then the environment in the workplace becomes a critical factor for
accepting and/or keeping the jobs. The quality of environment in the workplace may
simply determine the level of employee motivation, subsequent performance and
productivity (Journal of Business, Economics & Finance Vol.1 2012).
Good and viable reasons have spurred the drive to get it and clarify job
satisfaction. It may increment efficiency, enhance organizational commitment, lower
non-appearance and turnover, and ultimately, increase organizational viability. Job
satisfaction represents a combination of positive or negative feelings that workers have
towards their work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization,
brings with it the needs, desires and experiences which determinates expectations that he
has dismissed. Job satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match
the real awards. Job satisfaction is closely linked to that individual's behaviour in the
work place (Davis et al.,1985). Job satisfaction is the extent to which an employee is
happy with his/her job. This can help to improve an employee’s positive attitude towards
work. Stone (2005:413) has stated that job satisfaction is the degree to which employees
have positive attitudes towards their jobs. Fast food workers need enough resources such
as time, money and equipment to be able to do their work effectively. However,
resources are scarce, which means that decisions should be made to distribute them fairly.
The needs and goals of the industry should be prioritized. The physical layout of the work
environment such as neatness, organization, convenience, attractiveness and stimulus
(noise, air, hazards and so on) should not threaten the well-being of employees (Nel, et
al., 2004: 21).
Employee attitudes
Job attitudes play a crucial part and work in affecting the work practices of
employees in organizations. Hence, the ought to get it, degree, and upgrade representative
demeanors is noteworthy for today's organizations. As people have identities, so, as well,
do organizations. Like individuals, organizations can be categorized and seen as
unbending, inviting, warm, and imaginative, preservationist, or something else. Such
characteristics, as well, can serve as variables to anticipate states of mind and practices of
the individuals inside these organizations. (George & Jayan, 2013).
Attitudes impact employee conduct and performance. In order to satisfy the needs
of employees in the workplace, their concerns and feelings must be addressed because
they contribute to the success of an organization. If employees are content and
management is continuously looking for ways to improve the morale of workers,
organizations are more efficient, customers are happier, and profits increase. Employers
must recognize that the state of their business depends on how their employees feel about
the issues that they encounter in the workplace. If employees are not thoroughly satisfied
with their employment, they can succumb to negative attitudes and emotions that
influence others within the organization. (Landis, Vick, & Novo, 2015).
Bad attitudes spread, which is why we need to address the issue quickly. Bad
attitudes destroy employee morale and cause organizational disturbances. One rotten
apple in the basket makes the entire lot spoiled in time if not detected early.
(Subramanian, 2015).
Individuals have numerous diverse states of mind; analysts accept there are
thousands. On a single day, an individual can be cheerful or pitiful and encounter
negative and positive emotions. These feelings decipher into demeanors and how
successfully representatives can do the errands related to their work. Investigating states
of mind inside the workforce makes a difference. Companies get it in their work
environment. Attitudes that have been inquired about broadly and apply to the work
environment are work fulfillment, job involvement, organizational commitment,
organizational back, and worker engagement. A company’s culture plays a vital part in
whether or not the working environment includes a positive or negative atmosphere. In
case company pioneers can communicate successfully and advance a shared vision
among all workers who concur with that vision, work behavior and demeanors can be
more effortlessly affected. It is fine to express words of appreciation for exceptional
job performance from time to time, but it should not be routine. Compliments and
words of affirmation mean much more when they are earned. There is a school of thought
that for every criticism an employee receives five positive pieces of feedback should
follow. Frankly, this practice is questionable at best. It's important that employees grasp
the principal message employers are trying to convey. (Subramanian, 2015).
COVID-19 Pandemic
A newly identified coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is spreading across the globe.
Most of our work focuses on large problems that humanity has faced for a long time,
such as child mortality, natural disasters, poverty, and almost 100 other problems. This
article focuses on a new, emerging global problem: the ongoing outbreak of the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19). (Mustaf, 2020).
Arora & Vyras (2020) said it has tainted millions and claimed hundreds of
thousand lives so distant, with the tally persistently expanding. The WHO has compared
Covid19 to a pandemic that has compelled nations around the call to call for compulsory
social and economic lockdown to control the world's end. Prolonged lockdown, social
removing, and individual cleanliness are proposed preventive measures to smooth the
bend of the exponentially expanding spread of the Covid19 widespread. It has gravely
impacted the exchange, economy, and social lives of people all over. Baldwin (2020)
portrays the effect of COVID-19 on the streams of wage within the economy. First,
family units don't get paid and thus decrease their utilization and investment funds levels.
The decrease in investment funds diminishes the venture and consequently, eventually
reduces the capital stock. Second, family units decrease their request for imports, which
in turn lowers pay for the rest of the World, and consequently, the country's sends out
diminish. Third, the demand/supply shocks cause a disturbance in residential and
universal supply chains. Fourth, all of the previous stuns and disorders lead to a fall in
yield – causing diminishments within the utilization of the components of generation. In
this case, labor is more influenced than capital through reduced working hours or
cutbacks and thus lower earnings. The Covid-19 pandemic has a significant influence on
any person who has made them adapt to modern norms. A lot of safety measures and
warnings to keep away from the virus are included when you step outside of many things
to do, and, honestly, it is a battle. Some food business establishments are nearby,
especially in the pandemic's food sectors due to a shortfall in supply and demand for
Work-Life Balance
competing demands of work and family life cause conflict and negatively affect the
wellbeing of workers. This study focused on assessing the impact of work-life balance
determined by work-family conflict and family work conflict on the wellbeing of
individuals employed in the private sector in Ireland. Wellbeing was measured by levels
of family satisfaction, work satisfaction and psychological distress. (Kluczyk, 2013.)
Grady et al. (2008, p.3) state that the term ‘work-life balance’ is more
comprehensive and includes “family, community, recreation and personal time”. Clark
(2000) explains that focus on work and family domains is essential, as family and work
are the most critical elements of everyone’s life. Any competing demands of work and
family life will cause conflict and negatively affect the well-being of workers (Clark,
2000; Frone, 2000). Work-life balance includes a balance between work and personal life
that both bring satisfaction to the individual (Bataineh, 2019).
Chapter 3
Research Design
ensure stdata calibration. Thus this design utilized online survey questionnaires that will
be distributed to the respondents virtually.
Research Locale
Fifty persons from the different establishments will be asked to answer an online
survey questionnaire that surveys their age, gender & job satisfaction. These persons will
be coming from different catering business food outlet establishments in Malaybalay. We
choose these individuals because the focus of this study is on the food sector outlets in
Malaybalay City
To collect data, the researcher would first question each employee of the chosen
establishment. Before they respond to the questionnaire, we would assure them of the
confidentiality of their answers and their identification. They will be asked to answer the
question honestly, and if the respondents are confused by the questions, the researchers
will clarify things to them. After gathering the data, the researchers analyze and treat the
Research Instruments
Personal Information
Name of company:
9 Can you be accepted and trusted by the leaders and
your company?
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