Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction
de Leon Marjorie A.
In the field of human resources, the term “job satisfaction” has been used broadly
to describe how contented or pleased people are with their employment,
professional experiences, and employers. Employee satisfaction is one crucial
metric that has helped measure the overall health of an organization
(BasuMallick, 2021). High-satisfaction employees felt at ease with how their
employer treats them (Management Study Guide).
In the industry under analysis for this study, food services, the researchers have
examined employee satisfaction levels. The researchers utilized questionnaires to
gather information from restaurant staff member specifically on the different
levels of employee satisfaction in the industry, which are largely influenced by
the workers’ conditions. The results have provided a strong argument for raising
employee satisfaction at all levels.
The researchers have also highlighted some structural issues that affected
worker satisfaction. The impacts of compensation, advancement,
supervision, fringe benefits, contingent pay, working conditions,
coworkers, and nature of the job on hotel performance and employee
satisfaction were examined by the researchers.
The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of satisfaction among
fast food employees in San Jose, California, with their employment perks,
including pay, promotions, supervision, fringe benefits, contingent rewards,
working conditions, coworkers, and the environment.
PROBLEM 1 1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
How may the socio- 1.3 Civil Status
demographic profile of the 1.4 Educational Attainment
respondents be described in 1.5 Occupation
1.6 Employment Status
1.7 Length of Service
1.8 Monthly Income
2.1 Salary
2.2 Supervision
How may the job
2.3 Fringe benefits
satisfaction of the
2.4 Contingent reward
respondents be described in
2.5 Co- workers
terms of;
2.6 Nature of work
Is there a significant What can be recommended
relationship on job to achieve favorable
satisfaction of the outcome for the benefit of
respondents when grouped the fast food chain and the
according to profile of employees.
Identify the socio-demographic profile of the respondents
Recognize any relationship between the job satisfaction of the employees and their
socio-demographic profile
Recognizing job qualities and how they impact workers' job satisfaction inside a company is
crucial. The good impact brought about by the existence of job saisfaction is seen to be
reinforcing and acts as a motivator for an employee to continue doing the task assigned,
adding to organizational success. (Hackman & Oldham, 2013)
Fast-food Industry
Job satisfaction reflects an employee’s emotional connection with his or her job and with
various aspects of the job. A range of factors affects job satisfaction that can be studied in
two separate categories –Individual and external factors. Personality, gender, age, and
others form the individual factors. External of environmental factors include management
policy, work-family conflict, and wage (Ozsoy, 2015).
Guan et. Al. (2014) found that satisfaction in one’s job will improve if salary increases.
Conversely, job dissatisfaction is categorized as a negative force. Lower salaries are
associated with job dissatisfaction (Zhang et. Al., 2014; Atefi et. Al., 2014).
Job Satisfaction
In a study conducted by Canakkale (2019), satisfaction among fast-food employees can an
be seen as their basic need, and therefore is very much related to their intention to leave
their job. It was found that external job satisfaction had a statistically significant effect on
the intention to quit the profession was accepted.
The study findings of Nadiah, et al (2020) have shown that, the rewards are positively and
significantly associated with job satisfaction among the fast food industry employees in
Perlis. Employee job satisfaction is important to labor intensive organizations such as the
fast-food Industry. Just salary and incentives alone cannot provide a wholesome satisfaction
to the employees.
The researchers have taken the consideration of presenting a letter to ask for information about
the total respondents of each fast-food outlet in San Jose, City.
A questionnaire was used by the respondents in gathering data. The questionnaire was based and
reconstructed from the study of Schmidt (2004) entitled “Job Training and Job Satisfaction”
which focused on the perception of job satisfaction of fast-food employees.
The researcher sent a letter and later on approached the head of the participating fast food
establishment to obtain the names of the employees who qualified the given criteria.After the data
gathering, the researcher tallied the responses and entered the data in MS Excel for statistical
Employees who took part in the survey on a voluntary basis were able to respond at any
moment. Participants are informed about the purpose, advantages, risks, and support of
the research before consenting or rejecting to participate. The information is completely
confidential, and the researchers anonymize personally identifying data so that no one
else can link it to other data. They also keep the information hidden from the rest of the
team. The possibility of injury in the form of physical, social, psychological, and other
forms is kept to a minimum and taken into consideration. Our work is guaranteed to be
original, free of research misconduct such as plagiarism, and to accurately portray
communication-related outcomes.
The data seems to support the findings of Ocban (2020) in
which it was found that fast-food chains are said to entice
young people to work for them and earn a living.
They should utilize available support groups such as their colleagues and
02 supervisors to lessen the work-related stress and to avoid burnout.
The company should set aside a certain portion of its earnings to its
03 employees through a financial benefit pay technique.
The human resource department of the fast food outlets should develop goals
06 for employees that are both hard and reachable.
Those who hold public office should lobby for a policy in support of the
07 food service workers.