Phy331 L1
Phy331 L1
Phy331 L1
Lecture 1
• Course syllabus / general information
• Quick revision of basic concepts
• Magnetization and susceptibility
• Using susceptibility to define magnetic
– Diamagnetic
– Paramagnetic
– Ferromagnetic
• Summary
All of these notes can be downloaded from PHY331 website. Can also get .pdf
versions of the notes. These contain a little more ‘background’ information.
Magnets - what’s the big attraction?
µ0idL sin θ
dB =
4 πr 2 µ0i
dB =
The strength of the magnetic interaction 2πr
is defined by µ0
which is known as the permeability of
free space. µ0 has a value of 4 x 10-7
For an infinitely long wire
€ Hm-1. The unit of B is the tesla (T).
See lecture 10 of 2nd year EM notes
Force on a current carrying element
Experimentally the magnetic force
dF acting
on a current element length dL
carrying a current i and placed
in a uniform field B is found to be
dF = BidL sin θ
The direction of the magnetic force
is normal to the plane
containing both B and dL. In vector
€ dF = idL × B
Magnetic ‘dipoles’
m A
i m = iA
Magnetic fields…
Potential (scalar) field
Magnetic induction field (B-field)
B = −∇VM
m cosθ
VM = 2
€ 4 πr
Placing a magnetic dipole in a B field
• The energy U of a magnetic dipole m in a uniform Magnetic
Induction Field B
U = − m⋅B
• The torque Γ on a magnetic dipole m in a uniform Magnetic
Induction Field B (Torque is a measure of how much a force acting
on an object causes that object to rotate) Γ = m× B
• Scalar field can be used to ‘generate’ forces (which are usually
vector fields). In general, the force F can be described by the
gradient of a scalar field U, i.e.
F = − ∇U
• The force F on a magnetic dipole m in a non-uniform
Magnetic Induction Field B
F = − ∇ m⋅ B
B-field and H-field
• Can view a magnetic material as being composed of many
individual current-carrying loops - each with a magnetic dipole
moment. If all loops are identical, then current flow in the
material is zero.
• However the effects of the magnetic dipoles can be modelled by
thinking of them resulting from a surface current termed an
Amperian current (see L15, 2nd year EM course).
• Also have magnetic fields that result from the flow of ‘real’
conduction currents.
• Both currents (Amperian and conduction) can contribute to
the B-field. However only conduction currents can contribute to
the H-field.
• Can write B field in terms of the Magnetization of the material
and the conduction currents that flow.
B = µo (H + M)
From magnetic
From conduction currents material
• Each small volume dτ of a magnetized material will
posses a magnetic dipole moment dm.
µ0 with µrµ0
when magnetic materials are present.
• When M and H both have the (same) units of
amperes / meter, then susceptability (χ) is called the
“volume magnetic susceptability” and is
• There are however two other (SI) measures of
susceptibility, the mass magnetic susceptibility
(χmass), measured in m3 kg−1 and the molar magnetic
susceptibility (χmol) measured in m3mol−1
• Can convert between these using ρ the density in kg
m−3 and M (molar mass) kg mol−1.
χmass = χ / ρ
χmol = Mχmass = Mχ / ρ
How do we classify magnetic