Barriers To Communication: International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
Barriers To Communication: International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
Barriers To Communication: International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
Barriers to communication
Shilpa Mittal
Assistant Professor, English, S.D. Mahila Mahavidyalaya College, Hansi, Haryana, India
Communication is successful when it is understood by the receiver. The receiver must get the meaning of the message as exactly
as the sender wants to convey it. From our own experience we know that communication can never be hundred percent complete.
So many factors are involved in the process of communication and something can always go wrong. There may be so many
reasons for the failures of communication or miscommunication. Miscommunication does not imply disagreement. It is called lack
of communication. The factors that cause failure of communication are referred to as “barriers to communication”.
Communicating with others is a part of everyday life. In large part, communication is about explicit language speaking and writing
words but communication is also about implicit messages, such as tone, or eye contact. In recent years the importance of
professional communication has increased manifold. This is because of growing complexity in organizational behavior. There has
been rapid industrial growth and great advance in business management techniques. There is also the impact of modern technology
on professional communication. This is because of growing complexity communication techniques have to meet the demands of
fast changing business words. There is content need for review and modification of professional communication system. There is
constantly growing realization by the professionals about the importance of professional communication. To meet the challenges
of rapid industrial growth and globalization business houses are giving greater attention to professional communication techniques.
The ability to communicate effectively has become Key to success of a business venture. The present paper is an attempt to attract
the attention of the readers towards the importance of Communicative English.
Introduction the sender will not be understood by the receiver. This will act
Barriers to Communication as a barrier of communication.
In the linguistic parlance ‘noise’ is referred to as interference Background
or interruption. Often an oral communication is impeded To make the communication effective and successful the
through interruption. If two persons are interacting, third sender and the receiver must share common background and
person comes and interrupt conversation; it is a barrier to assumptions. Lack of common background may make the
communication. If there is a telephone call which impedes comprehension of the message difficult and act as a barrier to
been spoken to him. This kind of barrier to communication is communication.
known as “noise” and this is the commonest barrier to
communication as it happens quite often. Cultural Differences
If the sender and the receiver do not share common culture the
Code use of culture specific vocabulary may impede the smooth
To ensure effective communication the addresser and the process of communication and may act as barrier to
addressee must share the same language. If the addressee communication.
speaks French and the addresser speaks English this language
barrier will affect the process of communication. Even if they Environmental Disturbances
share the same language the level of difference in the Environmental disturbances can impede communication. Even
competence in the use of language of the sender and receiver physical distance between the sender and the receiver can
may affect the smooth process of communication and may act harm the process of communication.
as barrier to communication. In the case of oral
communication the accentual patterns of the sender and the The Emotional states
receiver may differ and may create barrier to communication. Effective communication may be affected by the emotional
states of the sender and the receiver. Mental state like anxiety,
Vocabulary fear, lack of mutual trust and rivalry may become barrier to
If the sender uses the subject specific vocabulary if may not be communication.
understood by the receiver. If the speaker is a scientist and the In addition to general barriers to communication discussed
listener knows nothing about science the terminology used by above there are some sender specific and receiver specific
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
barriers, i.e. lapses on the part of the sender and lapses on the 2. If the listener does not have the professional attitude
part of the receiver which act as barrier to communication. towards his / her job or the professional training He / She
may become inattentive. He / She may not pay the
Barriers on the art of the sender and how to overcome requisite attention to the communication due to boredom
them or because the subject is not of his / her interest.
1. If the message is not properly planned before its delivery, The kind of behaviour / conduct comes in the category of
the transmission of the message will not be smooth and it unprofessionalism. A great manager / leader has to rise
will lack clarity, precision and accuracy. The sender of above all these factors and pay due attention to whatever
the message should plan his message ahead. He / She is being communicated to him / her.
should be very clear in his / her mind about the contents 3. Some receivers suffer from weaknesses like rigid beliefs
of the message and choose the right channel or medium of and non-flexible approach. They are not interested in new
communication. ideas. This is also a barrier to communication.
2. Sometimes the sender assumes that the receiver will The receiver of the communication must rise above all
understand what has already been conveyed. He / She these weaknesses and shows great maturity in receiving
assume that the receiver is supposed to know the and welcoming new ideas and information.
background and context of the matter. Depending on 4. Where there is prejudice against the sender, where the
these assumptions he / she leave gaps in the receiver mistrusts the sender the message is likely to get
communication. These assumptions can become a barrier distorted.
to communication. To overcome this barrier while The receiver should have an open mind and a positive
planning the message the sender should try to understand attitude. When the receiver shows such attitude of trust
the receiver’s background and his / her knowledge of the and goodwill the communication is successful.
subject. He / She should use the familiar terms and try to
anticipate the problems likely to be faced by the receiver Other barriers to communication
in understanding and interpreting the message. The formal communication network of an organization plays
3. An English word has many different meanings. It is an important role in making the communication successful
possible that the same word may convey two different and effective. If this network limits the flow of
meanings to two different persons. If the sender and the communication to an
receiver assign different meanings to the word the Direction, downward, upward, horizontal, it affects the proper
message may be misunderstood. In such cases it will be and smooth flow of communication.
helpful if the sender chooses his / her words carefully The formal channel of a company must be efficient and error
keeping in mind the problems that the receiver is likely to proof. This will eliminate any chance of barrier to
face. He / She may explain the meaning of technical and communication.
unconventional words. He / She may even restate the Some organization adopt deceptive tactics by hiding the
main points to ensure that the message has been correctly relevant information wholly or partially. This is a negative
received. approach and amounts to barrier to communication. It is in the
4. If the sender lacks command over language and is unable overall interest of the company to see that the communication
to use appropriate and exact words the message will not flow freely. It should be honest and frank. Such an attitude
be correctly understood by the receiver. The sender is pays in the long run.
expected to have complete command over language and The ability to plan well, the ability to choose and decide what
he / she must choose his /her words very carefully. In the to say and what not to say is a great virtue of the sender. It
case of oral communication there should be no helps in the smooth flow of communication.
inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal language. Since effective communication plays an important role in the
Facial expressions, gestures and postures should be successful conduct of an organization it becomes incumbent
according to the verbal language. on both the sender and the receiver to make the
5. In professional dealings feelings like hatred, indifference, communication efficient by eliminating all barriers to
jealousy and prejudices have no place. While communication.
communicating the message the sender should take care
that his / her personal liking or disliking or moods do not Overcoming barriers to communication
affect the smooth run of the communication. The following steps can help to overcome the barriers to
Barriers on the part of the receiver 1. The sender must plan his message keeping in mind the
1. The communication may not be received or understood cultural, social, geographical and educational background
correctly because of some lapses at the receiver’s end. In of the receiver.
the case of oral communication there may be disturbances 2. The sender of the message should create an atmosphere of
caused by the noise coming from a roaring bike or from friendliness and mutual trust through the use of polite
the music being played during a marriage professions. language and kind gestures.
Such barriers to communication can be avoided if the 3. The sender must give consideration to ‘what to convey’
receiver of the communication receives the ‘where to convey’ and ‘when to convey’.
communication in a place list likely to be invaded by such 4. In case of face-to-face interaction the addresser should
noises. reinforce his/her words with action.
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
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