3 Domain
3 Domain
3 Domain
• 3 domain differs in- nucleotide seq in rRNA, lipid structure of cell membrane of
cell & its sensitivity to antibiotics
• Archaea- “Ancient things”- most ancient bacteria. First life form on earth
1. Prokaryotic cells found in all habitat (Extremophiles)
Halophiles- can survive highly salty environment, aerobic- Halobacterium,
Methanogens- marshy place & produce Methane during metabolic activities,
anaerobic- Methanococcus
Thermoacidophiles- live in hot & acidic environment. ( >80 C, PH upto 2)-
Thermoplasma (smallest Archaea)
Bacteria (Eubacteria)
• True bacteria
1. Prokaryotes
2. Cell wall- peptidoglycan
3. Cell membrane composed – unbranched fatty acid chains attached to glycerol
by Ester linkage
4. Most heterotrophs, some autotrophs
5. Unique nucleotide seq in rRNA differ it from Archaea & Eukarya
6 . Sensitive to antibacterial antibiotic but resistant to most antibiotics that affect
7. Reproduction- Asexual
Eg- Cyanobacteria, Mycoplasm, Gram +ve bacteria, Gram –ve bacteria
• Eukaryotes
• 4 kingdoms- Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
1. Organisms made up eukaryotic cells
2. Cell wall- chitinous (Fungi), Cellulosic (Plants)
3. Cell memb- lipoprotein memb- composed of unbranched fatty acid chains
attached to glycerol by ester linkage
4. Both Autotrophs & heterotrophs
5. Resistant to antibacterial antibiotics but sensitive to most antibiotic that
affect eukaryotic cells.
6. Memb bounded organelles
7. Repn- sexually- animals, others- both
• Kingdom Protista- unicellular Eukaryotes, heterotrophs- slime mould,