Planificare Unitati Cls 5

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Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”

Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 1 1.1Desprinderea -matching -pair work A intelege si a discuta
sensului global al
People unui mesaj articulat
words to -discussion conceptul de stres; a
-grammar: have got, clar, emis cu o viteză pictures; -brainstorming identifica situatii
comparative and superlative normal anticipating the stresante; a alege tehnici
adjectives content of a Unit 1 test potrivite de relaxare; a
1.2 Identificarea unor
-vocabulary: family and friends, informaţii specifice text by looking oferi si a cere informatii
describing people, robot fighters dintr-un scurt mesaj at a photo -vocabulary personale
audiat, articulat clar practice
şi rar
-reading: An online article – A -T/F/NM -using linking
very big family 2.1 Descrierea reading devices
persoanelor şi a unor
-listening: A conversation – evenimente
-consulting a
describing people
2.2 Cererea şi forum about
-speaking: What’s your phone oferirea unor robot fighters -analysing models Writing a
informaţii despre
number?; What’s your email -brainstorming description of a
sine, despre
address?; On the phone persoane, despre -taking notes person
activităţi din from a
universul imediat recorded text
-writing: a description of a
person 3.3 Asocierea
informaţiilor factuale -listening for -note completion
dintr-un text citit cu o details listening
imagine/ un set de
Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”
Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 2 1.3 să identifice / -predicting the -pair work
It’s your life extragăşi să context of a -discussion
-grammar: Present simple – specifice dintr-un text -brainstorming
affirmative and negative; mesaj audiat, pe
adverbs of frequency; present teme de interes Unit 2 revision
simple – Yes/No and Wh- -multiple- -vocabulary
questions *1.4 sa stabileasca
legaturi intre
choice reading practice
-vocabulary: daily routines; mesajul audiat si -reading for detail
after school activities; propria experienta
prepositions of time; expressions -writing a blog -analysing models Review
with have 2.1 să exprime
post -brainstorming Units 1&2
sentimente şi stări de
spirit -register transfer
-reading: An online forum –
times around the world; Hello 2.3 *sa
from Bogota! argumenteze,,pe
scurt, un punct de -multiple-
-listening: a conversation – after vedere choice
school activities; A Chinese listening;
4.3 să redacteze
gymnast texte simple (mesaje,
scrisori personale, daily routines
-speaking: What do you do after scurte instrucţiuni, -register transfer
school?; asking for information reclame) -speaking on -peer correction
*4.5 să transpună în the phone
-writing: a blog post; useful
scris informaţii
language: connectors receptate oral sau
prin lectură
Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”
Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 3 1.1Desprinderea -matching the -pairwork
sensului global al
Schooldays unui mesaj articulat
words to the -discussion
clar, emis cu o viteză definitions;
-grammar: can for ability and normal
permission; object pronouns; -describing -brainstorming Language
love/like/hate/don’t mind + ing 1.2 Identificarea unor
informaţii specifice photos to -vocabulary checkpoint
dintr-un scurt mesaj predict the practice Unit 3
-vocabulary: places in a school; audiat, articulat clar
school subjects; nouns and verbs; content of a
şi rar
adjectives text
2.1 Descrierea

-reading: a magazine article –

persoanelor şi a unor - reading: -finding evidence
Kung Fu School; a profile – A multiple-choice in the text
Welsh school 3.1 Identificarea
mesajului global al unui
-listening: a podcast – The New text
-writing an
Bank – school of performing arts 3.2 Recunoaşterea email about my -analysing models
informaţiilor school Asking for
-speaking: talk about things we esenţiale dintr-un information;
can and can’t do; ask and answer text citit în gând
questions about personal describing
information 4.2 Redactarea unor -speaking: -brainstorming hobbies
paragrafe despre exchange
evenimente şi
-writing: writing an email about persoane, după un
my school plan dat
Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”
Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 4 1.1Desprinderea -matching -pair work A intelege si a discuta
sensului global al
Food unui mesaj articulat
words to -discussion conceptul de stres; a
-grammar: countable and clar, emis cu o viteză pictures; -brainstorming identifica situatii
uncountable nous; a/an, normal anticipating the stresante; a alege tehnici
some/any; There is/there are; content of a Unit 4 potrivite de relaxare; a
much/many/a lot of 1.2 Identificarea unor
text by looking evaluation oferi si a cere informatii
informaţii specifice
-vocabulary: food; snacks and dintr-un scurt mesaj at a photo -vocabulary personale
audiat, articulat clar practice
takeaways; meals and courses; şi rar
expressions with have; -using linking
international words 2.1 Descrierea -T/F/NM devices
persoanelor şi a unor reading
-reading: A magazine article – evenimente
Lunches around the world; a 2.2 Cererea şi
magazine interview – Typical oferirea unor -analysing models
English Food informaţii despre
-taking notes -brainstorming Review
sine, despre
-listening: conversation about persoane, despre from a Units 3&4
meals and courses; ordering food activităţi din recorded text
universul imediat
-speaking: talk about meals and 3.3 Asocierea
courses; order food and drink in informaţiilor factuale
a restaurant; use basic time dintr-un text citit cu o -listening for -note completion Writing
connectors imagine/ un set de
details listening informal emails
-writing: writing a report about a
Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”
Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 5 1.1Desprinderea -matching -pair work A intelege ce inseamna sa
sensului global al
Animal world unui mesaj articulat
words to -discussion protejam mediul
-vocabulary: animals; action clar, emis cu o viteză pictures; -brainstorming inconjurator; a invata ce
verbs; adverbs of movement; the normal anticipating the putem face pentru a
suffix -er 1.2 Identificarea unor
content of a Unit 5 proteja natura; a-si
informaţii specifice text by looking evaluation insusi expresii uzuale
-reading: read and understand dintr-un scurt mesaj at a photo -vocabulary pentru a conversa pe o
audiat, articulat clar practice tema data
an animal quiz – Animal actions-
şi rar
what are the animals doing?; an -using linking
article – Huskies – the Inuit’s 2.1 Descrierea -multiple- devices
helper persoanelor şi a unor choice reading Creating word
-grammar: present continuous; 2.2 Cererea şi -doing a quiz
present simple and continuous oferirea unor about animal -analysing models
informaţii despre
habits -brainstorming
sine, despre
-listening: a conversation about persoane, despre
zoos activităţi din
universul imediat -taking notes Writing a short
-speaking: talk about animals; 3.3 Asocierea from a description of
ask for information in a shop informaţiilor factuale recorded text an animal
dintr-un text citit cu o
imagine/ un set de
-writing: a short description of imagini
an animal -listening for -note completion
details listening
Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”
Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 6 -matching -pair work A intelege si a discuta
City life sensului global al words to -discussion conceptul de stres; a
-vocabulary: places in a town; unui mesaj articulat pictures; -brainstorming identifica situatii
transport; extreme adjectives; clar, emis cu o viteză anticipating the stresante; a alege tehnici
collocations content of a Unit 6 potrivite de relaxare; a
1.2 Identificarea unor text by looking evaluation oferi si a cere informatii
informaţii specifice at a photo -vocabulary personale
dintr-un scurt mesaj practice
-grammar: imperatives; articles audiat, articulat clar
-reading: reading and şi rar -using linking
understanding an article about devices Creating word
Pompeii; an article about 2.1 Descrierea maps
persoanelor şi a unor
transport in big cities evenimente -multiple-
choice reading
2.2 Cererea şi
oferirea unor
-listening: a presentation about a informaţii despre
Writing a
town; sine, despre description of a
persoane, despre -analysing models place
activităţi din -taking notes -brainstorming
universul imediat
-speaking: give orders, from a
commands and instructions; talk 3.3 Asocierea recorded text
informaţiilor factuale
about means of transport; use dintr-un text citit cu o
sequencing devices imagine/ un set de
Build the plan
imagini of a city and
-listening for -note completion present it to the
details listening class
-writing: a description of a place
Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”
Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 7 -matching -pair work A intelege importanta
Sport sensului global al words to -discussion sportului in activitatile
unui mesaj articulat pictures; -brainstorming zilnice; a intelege trei
-vocabulary: sports and clar, emis cu o viteză anticipating the tipuri principale de
activities; clothes; adverbs; content of a Unit 7 exercitii; a vorbi despre
irregular plurals 1.2 Identificarea unor text by looking evaluation un sport; a planifica un
informaţii specifice at a photo -vocabulary program sportive
dintr-un scurt mesaj practice saptamanal
-reading: read and understand a audiat, articulat clar
text about sumo wrestling; an şi rar
article – The Highland Games Creating word
2.1 Descrierea -role play a maps
persoanelor şi a unor
-grammar: demonstratives; evenimente -multiple- conversation
prepositions of movement; choice reading
present simple Wh- questions 2.2 Cererea şi
oferirea unor
informaţii despre
Writing a
-listening: a conversation about sine, despre -analysing models biography of a
a sports event persoane, despre famous person
activităţi din -taking notes
universul imediat
-speaking: talk about sports and from a -brainstorming
activities; talk about clothes; 3.3 Asocierea recorded text
informaţiilor factuale
describe the direction of dintr-un text citit cu o
movement imagine/ un set de
Talking about
imagini sports;
-listening for -note completion describing
-writing: a biography details listening features of a
Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”
Planificarea unei unitati de invatare prof. Damian Cintia
Clasa a Va
2 ore/saptamana

Continuturi Competente Competente Activitati de Evaluare Valori si atitudini Obs

specifice derivate invatare erva
Unit 8 -matching -pair work A intelege si a discuta
Holidays sensului global al words to -discussion conceptul de stres; a
unui mesaj articulat pictures; -brainstorming identifica situatii
-vocabulary: weather; seasons; clar, emis cu o viteză anticipating the stresante; a alege tehnici
months; landscapes; content of a Unit 8 potrivite de relaxare; a
collocations; adjectives 1.2 Identificarea unor text by looking evaluation oferi si a cere informatii
informaţii specifice at a photo -vocabulary personale
dintr-un scurt mesaj practice
-reading: a web page – audiat, articulat clar
Adventure!; a holiday brochure – şi rar Review units
Summer Camp 7&8
2.1 Descrierea -role play a
persoanelor şi a unor
-grammar: be going to; future evenimente -multiple- conversation
with will/won’t choice reading
2.2 Cererea şi Creating word
oferirea unor
-listening: understanding a informaţii despre
conversation about holiday plans sine, despre
persoane, despre -brainstorming
activităţi din -taking notes
-speaking: talk about seasons universul imediat
and the weather; talk about from a Talking about
future intentions; making 3.3 Asocierea recorded text holiday plans;
informaţiilor factuale
suggestions and express dintr-un text citit cu o
preference imagine/ un set de

-writing: an email about holiday -listening for -note completion Writing a

plans details listening postcard

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