Annual Report 2019 12345
Annual Report 2019 12345
Annual Report 2019 12345
Cover photo: Reinforcement of JFK coastal road, Marseilles (France)
with Guy Sidos, Chairman and CEO 3
France 28
Rest of Europe 32
Americas 34
West Africa 38
Mediterranean 40
Asia 42
Annual report 2019
a top-class offering of mineral and bio-based
construction materials, along with services
that meet the needs of construction trades.
Wherever it has cement plants, aggregate quarries,
concrete batching plants, and factories
manufacturing finishing products for the building
industry, Vicat strives to produce locally and in so
doing develop employment and the local economy.
For a number of years, under its commitment
to ecological transition, the Group has been
reducing the carbon footprint of all its businesses
and putting the virtues of circular
economy into practice.
Still family-run, the Company cultivates
a relationship of confidence with customers,
partners, and employees on a daily basis.
2 Vicat
“Building and
Interview with…
Chairman and CEO living together
implies coming up
with innovative,
For the Vicat group, which is active represents 10% of the Group’s and replacing them with incinerable
throughout the world, what were the production capacity. Finalized right at waste. This turnaround, which we set in
most striking advances in 2019? the beginning of 2019, the operation motion twenty-five years ago, when
Guy Sidos. 2019 was a year of meant we achieved consolidated sales climate change was far from everyone’s
commitments in every country where of 2.7 billion euros with 9,947 employees lips, is something we are very proud of!
we work. We pursued our strategy in 12 countries. While we are anchored in history, we
in keeping with who we are: an look to the future, and our model is
international player in the world of Vicat has already been engaged in based on constant development of
cement and mineral and bio-based the climate-emergency combat for innovative products and services for
construction materials that a number of years; what is your different construction sectors.
manufactures wherever it is present and strategy for reducing your carbon Examples are the extension of the
seeks to recruit locally; a benchmark footprint? lifetime of structures, multi-purpose
company in terms of ecological G. S. It can be seen through large products, consideration of biomimetics
transition, targeting carbon neutrality numbers of actions carried out in all our in architecture, functionalization of
throughout our value chain; and a businesses. Our program for eliminating structures, recyclability of materials,
company that has always been the use of fossil fuels in cement plants is and sustainable transport. This way of
determined to be family-run. a major component of our industrial seeing the world and its future says who
Today, two thirds of our sales are policy. Let me give you a few examples: we are. It has been in our blood for more
generated outside France and 70% of installation of a new kiln without a coal than two hundred years, since the
our production capacity is in emerging mill in the United States, in Ragland, and demystification of artificial cement by
countries. In this respect, our expansion reduction of our CO2 emissions with the Louis Vicat. We help achieve ecological,
into Brazil in 2019, through the development of our new Alpenat economic, and energy transition
acquisition of 66% of the equity of clinker. Today, I can state categorically incorporating social justice through
Ciplan, is particularly important. that our production processes, which our R&D focusing primarily on the
By adding a 3.2-million-ton cement require kilns to be heated to 2,000 performance of materials, the
plant plus production of aggregate and degrees centigrade, are well on the way environment, the ease of use of
ready-mixed concrete, this acquisition to completely eliminating fossil fuels products, and sparing use of resources.
Annual report 2019 3
order to reduce the consumption of
natural raw materials and water. This
uncompromising drive for innovation
and our awareness of the role we must
play in rising to the multiple challenges
threatening our increasingly imperiled
world make us stronger and more agile.
To rise to the challenges of climate
change, in both the evolution of our
processes and the adaptation of our
commercial offering, we have set up a
“climate strategy” department for the
Group as a whole.
“0% fossil-fuel
developing the technology for
production of cement from activated
use targeted
clay, with the intention of reducing
our clinker factor and thus lessening
issues that
steer our
Facing up to the climate emergency, Vicat is innovating
to reduce its carbon impact and save resources.
The Group is committed to developing concretes
that provide sustainable solutions for the needs of
construction tomorrow, against the backdrop of rocketing
population growth. It is also relying on the fantastic
opportunities digital transformation is laying before
us for adapting its processes and services.
Annual report 2019 5
Ecological and energy transition
requires that we prevent the average
temperature at the Earth’s surface rising
by more than 2°C by 2100.
In light of today’s demographic growth and – Develop low-carbon concretes and other
intensive consumption, it is urgent that we change construction materials
our means of production in order not to exhaust – Supersede fossil fuels at our cement plants
resources and cause too great a temperature rise, with waste fuel streams, e.g. end-of-life tires,
which would be disastrous for the planet. meat and bone meal, automotive shredder
residues (fluff), waste biomass, etc.
– Optimize our facilities to reduce energy
consumption and preserve natural resources
Urban transformation
has to meet the needs of demographic
growth in terms of housing
and infrastructures.
“Through its choice of innovative action and its partnerships in both the public
and private sectors, the Vicat group is working for more sustainable urban
development that makes for more pleasant and safer living for the population.
Ecodesign of products, implementation of short circular-economy supply
chains, and the development of cements whose manufacture produces less
CO2 are now essential aspects for the urban construction of tomorrow.” 1
Digital transformation
is disrupting models of corporate
organization and inducing the emergence
of new, innovative services.
The digitization of society has totally transformed – Establish a digital offering serving
the construction business in the same way that our customer requirements
lifestyles have become increasingly connected, – O ffer new high-value-added
collaborative, and interdependent. services based on the use of data
– Adapt our manufacturing processes
in numbers
12 countries
9,947 employees
17 cement plants
259 batching plants
70 aggregate quarries
5 milling plants 9 million 23 million tons sold
cubic meters sold
22 million tons sold
Aggregate quarry Cement plant (RMC) batching plant
150 4
Average required to make
radius of action concrete: cement
of a cement + sand + gravel
plant + water
30 2
KM Maximum
Average concrete
radius delivery
of action time
of a quarry
Cement quarry
(limestone + clay)
20 to 30
More than
HOURS/YEAR of action of a
on research and RMC batching
development, plant
with many
industrial and
R&D Projects
Bridges, houses, tunnels, stadiums, roads, etc.
Annual report 2019 11
Cement is a widely available and unrivaled construction material
that serves principally to make concrete. Vicat manufactures
a wide range of artificial cements, together with a natural
quick-setting cement (Prompt), to meet the needs of all those
involved in construction.
Cement plants 17
Milling plants 5
Be it decorative, self-consolidating, pervious, or for 3D printing,
roads, complex architecture, bridges or tunnels, and everything
in between, Vicat markets a comprehensive range of ready-mixed
concrete to meet the specific needs of any project
Our businesses
and every imperative relating to environmental, quality,
and safety concerns.
Whether virgin or recycled, aggregate is a raw material
for sustainable construction. It is vital for making concrete
and road pavements.
Quarries 70
the world
With its reach across 6 geographical areas,
Vicat is pursuing its strategic development
in places where demand for construction
materials will be greatest in the years ahead.
1 2 3
United States, Brazil Mali, Senegal, Mauritania
21 %
7 %
38 %
Where we are
4 5 6
Switzerland, Italy Turkey, Egypt Kazakhstan, India
14% 7 %
12 %
Three strategic
focuses for controlled
For the long term, the Group stresses controlled development
of its different businesses, associating a fine balance of dynamic organic
growth with a policy of selective external growth while at the same time
offering customers innovative products and solutions to meet the issues
of tomorrow.
1 2 3
The Vicat group focuses primarily External growth is balanced between Drawing on its renowned know-how
on its historical area of expertise, developed countries, which generate in all its businesses, and following in
cement, which is the source of a steady stream of cash flow, and its founders’ footsteps, the Group
a large part of its profitability emerging countries with attractive continues to innovate in order to best
and the target of much investment. potential for growth. External growth meet the expectations of its markets
It expands into the ready-mixed may also occur on markets where and provide high-quality products
concrete market through vertical the Group is already present, for and services. Thanks to its people in
integration, in accordance with the the purposes of vertical integration. Research & Development, the Group
maturity of markets and the degree External growth may involve existing is able to supply customers with
to which construction contractors businesses, as was the case with the a wide range of innovative,
integrate industrially produced acquisition of Ciplan in Brazil in 2019, high-performance products to meet
concrete. The objective is to establish or the construction of greenfield the demands of rapidly changing
a network of concrete batching cement plants, for example. markets. For example, the Group
plants around cement plants These different avenues of expansion has defined the guiding principles
and near consumption centers. help diversify geographical exposure of its “climate trajectory” aimed
The Group’s presence in the and spread risk. at reducing its carbon impact and
aggregate sector provides a global The Group is currently engaged in thus meeting new environmental
response to its customers’ twelve countries. It generates 62% demands such as energy transition,
construction materials requirements of its sales outside France, recyclability of materials, and
as well as secure, local supplies 30% of which is in emerging improved building performance. •
of aggregate for development of countries (Egypt, Mali, Mauritania,
the ready-mixed concrete business. Senegal, Turkey, Kazakhstan,
Vicat also benefits from a number India, and Brazil). •
of complementary businesses
on some markets, such as precast
concrete products, transport,
and bag production. •
Annual report 2019 15
Our strategy
energies and reduction of the
clinker factor, there will be a
further 13% reduction by 2030.
The ultimate objective is carbon
1 Séverine Payot, neutrality throughout the entire
Chief Digital Officer
value chain by 2050.” •
Franck Person,
International Development Manager 3
16 Vicat
and shareholders
Board of Directors
5 5 5 5
1 2 3 4
5 5 5 5
5 6 7 8
5 5 5
9 10 11
1. Jacques Merceron-Vicat, Honorary Chairman 2. Guy Sidos, Chairman and CEO 3. Delphine André 4. Xavier Chalandon
Our governance
Climate strategy director Bruno Salmon
Philippe Chiorra, Chief legal officer
Éric Holard, Country director, United States Auditors - Incumbents
KPMG Audit
Zone / Country directors Wolff & Associés SAS
Lukas Epple, Switzerland
Yves Keller, Africa zone Auditor - Alternate
Philippe Latournarie, Brazil Cabinet Constantin
Pietro Calà, Asia zone
Gianfranco Tantardini, Mediterranean zone
SHARE CAPITAL shareholders
As of December 31, 2019, the Company’s share 1.45%
capital amounted to 179,600,000 euros, 37.9% Treasury shares
consisting of 44,900,000 shares
with par value of 4 euros each.
n Public (including 1.31% employees)
18 Vicat
1 Sophie Sidos,
Chair, Fondation Louis Vicat
“A year of concrete
commitment for
the community”
The Louis Vicat Foundation is devoted to the preservation and showcasing
of built heritage assets but also conducts initiatives in support of job
creation and training. Sophie Sidos, chair of Fondation Louis Vicat,
goes back over the year.
The palace is the venue for the annual when I say everyone, I of course include facilitation by acting on employment
Berlioz Festival. The Foundation is the employees, customers, and and training opportunities. Throughout
helping to fund the restoration work. partners of the Vicat group. the year, we have opened doors to our
facilities to inform people about the
Why are you involved Can you tell us about what you do work the Company does. For example,
in the Berlioz Festival? for training and social cohesion? a group of hearing- and sight-impaired
Culture, and especially music, is a In pursuance of its education middle-school pupils visited the
fantastic way to create social links and and social-cohesion missions, Papeteries de Vizille paper mill in Isère
consolidate our ability to live together in the Foundation has intensified its work for a work-awareness day. We also had
harmony. Convinced of this, Fondation in support of job facilitation for those a group of injured military personnel
Louis Vicat became a sponsor of the most disadvantaged and alienated seeking job transition spend time
Berlioz Festival. And, wanting to do even from employment possibilities. at our operational headquarters in
more, I agreed to be Co-Chair of Club At many of our production facilities, L’Isle d’Abeau and at the Montalieu
Benvenuto, the association of sponsors both in France and internationally, cement plant to help them to envisage
of this fantastic festival. In keeping with we take concrete action for better job their vocational reintegration. •
the commitments of composer Hector
Berlioz who liked to be “popular and
rural”, the festival showcases the Isère
Subsequent to the French
President’s 17 July 2018 call
for national mobilization of
companies around the banner
“France, an opportunity.
Companies get involved”,
a program aimed at bringing
all the companies in each
administrative region together
to achieve more inclusive growth,
Sophie Sidos was appointed leader
of Club Isère, the body responsible
for managing the local network
of companies involved in
the initiative. 1 1 “The Capture of Troy” conducted by François-Xavier Roth,
at the 2019 Berlioz Festival (France)
20 Vicat
for living together
Since living together more harmoniously and better protecting the planet
require constant effort, Vicat is focusing on fields of innovation for building
the cities and infrastructures of tomorrow. The Group sets up scientific
partnerships and works with the key players in the sector.
Five exemplary initiatives are presented below.
construction materials
3 THE ISSUE: About 50% of all the raw materials used
in the European Union are employed in the construction
sector, which at the same time generates about a third
of all the deconstruction and demolition materials, i.e.
concrete, bricks, tiles, and other ceramics that can
potentially be recycled into aggregate. Until now only a
meager 4% of these repurposed materials has been used
1 Récif’lab: concrete 3D ink promotes marine biodiversity
to make concrete. This low figure has incited Vicat and
sixteen partners from five countries in Europe to launch the
SeRaMCo project (Secondary Raw Materials for Concrete
Finding inspiration precast products) with the support of the European
is based on this, following the examples of efficient systems
repurposing methods and the industrial production
encountered in the world of animals and plants to come up
of cement and ready-mixed concrete using recycled
with sustainable breakthrough innovations.
aggregate. To meet these objectives, Vicat is working
3 PROOF BY EXAMPLE: hand in hand with the Materials for Civil Works unit
of the University of Lorraine’s Jean Lamour Institute. 1
“Just off Cap d’Agde, on France’s
Mediterranean coast, an artificial reef of a new
generation has been placed on the seafloor. Capturing and storing CO2 with
The 32 modules were 3D-printed using
recycled concrete aggregate
a concrete ink produced by Vicat.
3 THE CHALLENGE: Reducing the carbon footprint
The special mix design is tailored to be highly
of concrete while at the same time improving the quality
plastic, strong, and durable, and thus meet
of recycled concrete aggregate. Together with around
the physical and biodiversity imperatives twenty partners, Vicat is working on the FastCarb
of the subsea environment. Such good results (Accelerated Carbonation of Recycled Concrete
with such a volume of marine habitat would Aggregate) project, the idea behind which is based on
the observation that throughout its lifetime concrete
have been impossible with traditional methods,
undergoes a natural process of carbonation of the
even at a large scale. 3D concrete printing has
cement it contains; very slowly, it absorbs at least 15%
thus revealed itself as a solution of the carbon equivalent emitted by kilns during the
with great ecological potential.” manufacture of the cement. Bearing this phenomenon in
mind, at its Créchy cement plant in central France, Vicat is
conducting trials with a cross-flow rotary dryer that in
Laury Barnes-Davin, around one hour can reproduce the natural
Scientific Officer, R&D Manager physico-chemical phenomenon observed. 1
22 Vicat
A year of
major advances
in corporate social
Vicat’s CSR initiatives are consistent with the Company’s economic
performance and are carried out for the good of the regions where
it is present and of the men and women with whom it works.
Drawing on its industrial expertise and community focus,
Vicat makes the best possible use of the materials and
energies available to it in the areas where it works and
in so doing reduces the environmental impacts associated
with them. The vitality of the Group’s circular-economy
model can be explained by the strategic choices it made
several years ago. Three major actions are involved.
26.5 %
The proportion of alternative fuels
across the Group
3 SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESSES The Group imposes compliance with its Code of Ethics to
AND INDIRECT JOBS avert risks of corruption. The Code of Ethics calls for respect
By the very nature of the Group’s industrial activities, of people, society, and the environment. The Vicat Group
Vicat generates a great deal of employment both upline considers that compliance with law and regulations is an
and downline of its production facilities. In developed essential and absolute imperative. It revises its map of risks of
countries, 1 direct job in one of the Group’s cement corruption every year, and it has a professional whistleblowing
plants generates 10 indirect jobs. facility on its website. It dispenses face-to-face and on-line
For the Jambyl Cement plant in Kazakhstan, the ratio training on how to combat corruption; it manages the
is 1:3, as it is in India. The cement plant run by Sococim implementation of the Code of Anti-Corruption Practice
Industries (Senegal) generates 5 indirect jobs with every and strives to reinforce its accounting controls as required.
direct job. On top of that, the initiatives of the Sococim
Foundation help improve the dynamics of the economy 3 TAKING ACTION FOR OUR SURROUNDINGS
of the entire Rufisque area by supporting the development The Group supports large numbers of social-cohesion
of local undertakings that foster traditional know-how in initiatives for local populations addressing education, cultural
fields such as processing of locally grown cereals, dyeing awareness, self-achievement through sport, and health.
as a cottage industry, and commercialization of textiles. For example, through its subsidiary SATM, Vicat lined up
Vicat is involved in several initiatives supporting local alongside not-for-profit “Ma chance, moi aussi” to provide
economic development in other places too, such as after-school educational support for children between 5 and
the “Alizé” network in France. Vicat chairs the “Alizé” 7 from disadvantaged backgrounds, proposing activities that
approvals committee in the Savoy region which for include not just school subjects but also games, cultural
20 years now has been providing support for small and interests, and sports.
medium-sized local businesses in the form of the skills of In France, in 2019 more than 1600 school pupils of all levels
companies sponsoring the program. As of December 31, visited cement plants, concrete batching plants, aggregate
2019, “Alizé Savoie” had projects for creating 33 new jobs. quarries, the Papeteries de Vizille paper plant, etc.
Annual report 2019 25
employment, and skills
Recruitment, training, pay, and promotion policies guarantee
that age cannot be a discriminating factor. The profiles
of junior and senior employees recruited in 2019 illustrate
The Vicat group’s headcount stood at 9,947 as
of December 31, 2019, up 12.5% on 2018.
Our human-resources policy is tailored to encourage
and nurture every skill.
acceptance of disabilities.
With the support of the Louis Vicat Foundation,
for which disability is a priority, the target for 2020
is to continue to:
• raise awareness and give training regarding
persons with disabilities;
• increase direct employment of persons
with disabilities to reach a figure of 3.8% in 2020 2020 target for direct
employment of persons
(the French national average); with disabilities
• develop direct employment by entering into
contracts with the sheltered sector.
the “La France une chance, les entreprises s’engagent” 3 ENSURING GENDER EQUALITY
and PAQTE initiatives for increasing the number of Gender equality is one of the essential aspects of the Group’s
apprenticeships and employing people in Top-Priority human-resources policy. In accordance with the culture of
Neighborhoods (TPN) and Rural Revitalization Zones (RRZ); the countries where Vicat works, appropriate steps are taken
after training dispensed directly by the Vicat group in most to ensure that women can find employment and training and
cases, recruits from TPNs and RRZs were employed that they are treated equitably in terms of pay and promotion.
immediately under unlimited-duration contracts. In 2019 the Group continued what it has been doing to
Intensive partnerships with not-for-profits devoted to social “degender” jobs in the minds of recruiters (in-house and
mainstreaming like Sport dans la Ville, Tous en Stage, externally) and job applicants. In France, it is systematically
Institut Télémaque, AFIPH, Les Entreprises pour la Cité requested that women applicants also be proposed
and organizations dedicated to job training and creation for jobs typically occupied by men.
like Écoles de la 2 chance and Mission Locale job centers
The proportion of women employed by the Group
have turned commitment into fact. remained stable—at 10.4%—between December 31, 2018,
. and December 31, 2019. The rate of feminization at the
management level across the Group rose from 13.4%
in 2018 to 13.9% in 2019. •
“What we do to set up a circular
economy focuses on short supply
chains and the development of
solutions for repurposing waste”
What is the Group doing in France We have also assumed the role of French
Didier Petetin, with respect to energy transition? pilot for the Group’s digital transformation
COO, Senior Executive Didier Petetin. The Group’s businesses (Customer Relationship Management,
in charge of business in in France are engaged in energy transition Product Information Management, etc.)
France (excluding Paper)
in working to attain our objective of replacing aimed at improving our productivity and
100% of the fossil fuels used in our cement working in the interests of the best possible
manufacturing process with substitute customer relations in coming months.
fuels by 2024. Accordingly, we are well prepared to tender
We are also working on new generations effectively for very large projects, be they
of low-carbon cements and concretes French (e.g. Grand Paris) or European (Turin–
with the aim of reducing the environmental Lyons high-speed railway tunnel), in addition
footprint of our products and services. to all urban and regional projects.
We are doing a great deal to establish circular
economies, preferably with short supply What are your other avenues
chains, and to develop solutions for for progress in France in 2020?
repurposing waste and mineral materials D. P. The health and safety of our employees
under the brand name Vicat Circulère. and partners is always our top priority.
Our sole objective in this respect is “zero
The Group is also involved in major projects accidents”, and in 2020 we must confirm the
at the European level, but using what tools? downward trend we have seen in our accident
D. P. In France Vicat has solid foundations, records over the last few years.
with very-high-performance industrial assets The other avenue for progress in 2020 is,
and short decision channels, which makes as always, our financial performance.
for great reactivity for large projects. This is decisive not just for continuing our
For our CAP24 business plan, for instance, investments for development and energy
we rearranged our organization into 6 regions transition but also for continuing to advance
common to our businesses in order to provide hand in hand with our customers and
our customers with the best possible with the general community. •
responses and services.
half saw business subside As for aggregate, the satisfactory Transport & Major Works
somewhat. trend at the end of 2018 lasted The sales of SATM Transport grew cement plants
On the industrial front, energy through the first half of 2019, with
distinctly in 2019 on the wave of
performance plans continued to the result that although it lost sustained dump-truck business
be deployed. The high level of pace appreciably in the second tons sold
carrying deconstruction
substitution of fossil fuels (close half of the year, volume sales
Achievements / France
materials. Major Works business
to 57%) kept the rise in energy grew 1.7% for the year as a whole. was stable, continuing to benefit
costs down. Selling prices also rose. from large Grand Paris Express
. . projects and the Turin–Lyons
high-speed railway. CONCRETE
Construction chemicals
Vicat Produits Industriels posted
growth in sales as a result of good batching plants
performance in the building
segment. 3.3 M
cubic meters sold
10.2 M
1 Vicat employee tons sold
running a check at Saint
Jean le Vieux quarry
30 Vicat
Highlights of 2019
Bulk cement carrier for Corsica
3 WHAT THIS IS ABOUT: 3 THE ISSUES: It was important to market. While its proximity to the sea
In December 2019, in Nice Harbor, continue supplying a part of France – is a key advantage for exporting
Vicat christened its first bulk cement Corsica – that has no cement plant throughout the Mediterranean basin,
carrier, a 3,250-DWT general-cargo of its own and which therefore receives being located close to population
vessel modified to carry 2,000 tons of shipments of Vicat cement mostly from centers also gives it an ideal opportunity
cement. French-registered, and named the La Grave de Peille cement plant, to use local waste as alternative fuel
“Capo Cinto” in reference to the familiar via Nice. This is further expression for firing the kiln; it is thus a component
name of the highest peak in Corsica, of the Group’s community focus aimed in the Vicat group’s circular-economy
she delivers cement in both bulk and at satisfying customers, essentially local drive.
bags to the Corsican ports of Bastia, ones. The location and activities of
Porto Vecchio, Ajaccio, and Propriano, the cement plant, which has been
as well as Italy and other parts of the operating in the hills above Nice since
Mediterranean. Her engines run on 1923, make it a pillar of the regional Total capacity
low-sulfur marine gas oil, and she has of close to
on-board wastewater-recovery and
waste-sorting facilities.
3 Capo Cinto,
Vicat’s first bulk
cement carrier, in
Nice Harbor
Annual report 2019 31
Achievements / France
1 Work in progress at Château d’If, Marseilles (France)
3 DETAILS: The first no-carbon renewable-
“Prompt natural quick-setting cement was mixed natural-gas (RNG) and bioRNG filling
station in Savoy was opened at the
with lime to produce a “natural” concrete. Its
SATM facility in Chambéry, in the French
compatibility and complementarity with lime
Alps, in December 2019. It supplies
means it sets quickly, stands up better to the natural gas for goods, passenger, and in
aggressions of the marine environment, and fact any other vehicles with the
is pleasing on the eye. It was used as jointing appropriate engine. Comprising
approximately 96% methane, this green
mortar by the crews of stonecutters and paviors
fuel emits practically no particulates.
who cut and placed new limestone pavers on the BioRNG also reduces global CO2
shallow-stepped lane. Each stone was chosen emissions by 80%, and the 20% in the
individually and recut by hand before being exhaust gas is the equivalent of the CO2
embedded in the mortar, leaving the top surface absorbed by the plants converted into
methane. On top of that, RNG/bioRNG
showing. We were intent on having a natural
vehicles are on average only half as
material that is compatible with the lime we were noisy, which improves working
using and that withstands the aggressions of the conditions for drivers and the quality of
marine environment, with everything supervised life of anyone near roads. This project
won the call for projects issued by
and validated by the chief architect for historic
France’s Environment and Energy
monuments. On the strength of this job, I feel
Management Agency (ADEME), the
Prompt natural quick-setting cement Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes administrative
should be used on a growing authority, and gas distributor GRDF for
number of historic monuments.” increasing the region’s coverage with
RNG and bioRNG filling stations.
Laura, stonecutter, project leader,
Vivian & Cie.
32 Vicat
“Our salesforces were able
to adapt to and take advantage of
the acceleration of non-residential
In light of the sluggish economy, significant contribution to the 35% reduction
Lukas Epple, how is Vigier making headway? in net CO2 emissions per ton of cement since
Country Director, Lukas Epple. It is true that we’re currently 1990. In addition, we reduced the specific
Switzerland in a period of relatively slow economic fossil-fuel consumption of our vehicles
growth. In this situation, Vigier has managed by 19% relative to 2014, in large part by
to maintain its market share, despite a designing and investing in the 100% electric
slowdown on the markets closest to our plant. quarry truck, Lynx.
Our salesforces were able to adapt to and take
advantage of the acceleration of And what about actions for circular
non-residential construction, by way of economy and safeguarding biodiversity?
projects in the Basel region (Hoffmann-La L. E. In 2019, Vigier collected, processed and
Roche research centre, sewage-treatment repurposed about 500,000 tons of waste in
plant) and near Geneva, where we supplied its manufacturing processes. Waste collection
several work packages in the Étang district. is a service we provide for around 14,000
customers in Switzerland. The waste replaces
What were the initiatives primary resources that we are thus able to
for energy transition in 2019? preserve for the generations ahead.
L. E. For years now, Vigier has been engaged As for biodiversity, our Cement subsidiary
in developing the use of alternative fuels outlined everything it has done to safeguard
in the form of end-of-life wood, dried sewage natural assets in a special brochure that
sludge, meat and bone meal, solvents, and is being used for communication reaching
waste oil. In 2019 the substitution rate reached out particularly to administrative authorities
91%, and even 100% for several production and nature-protection organizations in
runs. Not only did this mean that the plant Switzerland, but also to our customers
kept its cost price down but it also made a and local inhabitants. •
3 CONSTRUCTION IN THE AGE OF 3D “From planning to installation, quality and time savings are a certainty with our 3D printer.
For example, for our customer Swisscom it took just 45 minutes to print a special concrete unit for a project also involving renovation and
extension of wastewater and urban-heating pipes. The new 3D printing process is ripe for deployment in many sectors. The freedom of shapes
if affords makes it particularly attractive for customized products.”
David Maier, Project Manager, Creabeton Matériaux.
fuels whose use reached was considerably slower
batching plants
cubic meters sold
in business
WAS STABLE despite a dip in
the construction sector,
especially in the center and
south of Italy. Against ongoing
consolidation in the cement
business, the Group’s sales
2.4 M
tons sold
volumes rose more than 21%,
much being the result
of the transfer of marketing
of Prompt quick-setting natural
cement. Selling prices also rose.
per year to supply large projects in the west of the United States. Located in the city of Vernon, in Los Angeles County, this key investment by
the Group is aimed at keeping up with a thriving market that is developing fast in the buildup to the 2028 Olympic Games. The production
capacity of the plant makes it a vital player for present and future projects such as the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art (George Lucas), renovation
of the LA Memorial Coliseum, and 2900 Wilshire Boulevard.
rose across all markets.
cement plants
2.2 M
tons sold
batching plants
5 Lebec cement plant (United States)
2.2 M
cubic meters sold
1 Employee of
National Ready Mixed
Concrete in California
(United States)
36 Vicat
efficient integration”
Ciplan has just celebrated the end A system for feeding alternative fuels into
Philippe Latournarie, of its first year with the Group; one of the kilns has been built. It came into
Country Director, Brazil what is the mindset of employees? operation as soon as the required permit was
Philippe Latournarie. Ciplan employees are granted and regularly achieved a substitution
extremely enthusiastic about being part of rate of 15% in this kiln in the last quarter,
an international French group that is an expert injecting shredded tires and biomass. Tests
in the cement business, and their motivation are to be conducted on a second kiln shortly
is high. Although a great deal of work has to get permits in 2020. All this was done in less
already been done, more effort is still required than a year as a result of remarkable
to reorganize different aspects, particularly cooperation between Brazilian and French
back-office functions: IT security, ERP, teams united around common goals.
reporting, administrative and accounting
work, and so on. And nothing has been left by the wayside …
P. L. Absolutely! The work on restructuring
What changes have been made organization and improving the efficiency
on the industrial front? of concrete batching plants that got under
P. L. Important upgrades and modifications way at the end of 2018, together with partial
have improved the performance of renewal of a fleet of old mixer trucks and
the preheaters and led to an increase in pumps, has made the ready-mixed concrete
production of the two kilns. They have also business competitive again, enabling it to do
appreciably reduced the specific power much better than just keep pace with growth
consumption and heat input. in demand on what is still an extremely
competitive market. •
3 CSR IN ACTION. In October 2019, Ciplan, Vicat’s Brazilian subsidiary, became part of the international initiative for combating breast
cancer known as Pink October, an international information campaign intended to make the public aware of the necessity for breast-cancer
screening and to raise funds for research. A series of events were conducted in-house, such as lectures and surprise actions aimed at reminding
Ciplan employees of the importance of early detection. To drive the message home, two mixer trucks custom painted in the Pink October
colors drove through the streets of Brasilia and Goiânia. A month later they were switched to blue for the Blue November campaign
for combating prostate cancer. For this too, there were in-house lectures and other events to make employees aware of the importance
of screening.
1 cement plant
tons sold
tons sold
7 Ciplan
supported the Pink
October operation
38 Vicat
“Supplying high-quality materials
for all the major State-sponsored
How is the Group’s subsidiary in Senegal, materials for all the major State-sponsored
Yves Keller, Sococim Industries, making a name for projects (regional express train, Blaise Diagne
Director, West Africa zone itself with respect to low-carbon transition? international airport, freeways, and so on).
Yves Keller. As an all-time leader in Senegal, In particular, our subsidiary producing basalt
Sococim Industries has taken several aggregate, Gécamines, has increased its
initiatives in recent years to reduce its annual production capacity to 3 million tons,
carbon footprint: continuous increases making it a leader in Senegal.
in the proportion of alternative fuels used,
particularly biomass; project for construction What other major regional projects
of a photovoltaic power plant; start of does the Group have lined up?
construction of a roller press that will Y. K. The Group carried through its project
considerably reduce power consumption for a cement milling plant in Mali, where
for grinding cement; modification of our production began in December 2019.
product mix to promote lower-carbon Thanks to the excellent work of the technical
cements. All our personnel have rallied and industrial teams, the plant will be able to
around the demanding challenges of these produce up to 800,000 metric tons of
issues which are of worldwide significance cement per year. Located about thirty
and do not concern just developed countries. kilometers from the country’s capital, Bamako,
the milling plant is supplied with clinker
And isn’t the Group also contributing produced by Sococim Industries in Senegal.
to the economic development This competitive advantage is rooted in solid
of the country? regional synergy. In a country displaying
Y. K. It is. In 2014 the President of Senegal sustained economic growth despite the
launched the “Emerging Senegal Plan” security problems in the North, demand
for a new development paradigm that would for infrastructures and housing will keep
accelerate the country’s progression to rising in the decades ahead. Armed with
emergence. The Vicat Group’s subsidiaries this high-performance industrial facility,
in Senegal played an active role in the first the Vicat group will be able to assist towards
phase of this plan by supplying high-quality the economic development of Mali. •
3 NEW CEMENT MILL. Ciments et Matériaux du Mali (CMM) has started operating the new 800,000-ton-capacity milling plant on its Diago
site. The Vicat group subsidiary specialized in high-quality cement is lending weight to the commercial development in Mali of the products of the
Sococim Industries cement plant in Rufisque, Senegal. The new plant will help make the country self-sufficient in cement. Since it was commissioned
in October 2019, it has generated around 150 direct jobs and 1,500 indirect jobs.
Growing market
3 CEMENT CONSUMPTION possible to raise selling prices 3 LATE 2019 WAS AFFECTED
GREW MORE THAN 10% in the last quarter to cover BY THE TEMPORARY
IN 2019 to reach 4.6 million tons. increased production costs. SLOWDOWN IN GOVERNMENT-
This strong rise is due to the To improve the energy balance, BACKED PROJECTS which were
dynamics of the private-sector investments were undertaken short on funding. This affected
construction market and sound to further increase the use of the volumes of aggregate sold,
penetration into rural areas. alternative fuels, set up a 7-MWp inducing falls of 27%, including SENEGAL
Sales volumes grew on the
domestic market. After a long
solar farm, and install a roller
press that will lower the power
for basalt.
1 cement plant
period of price curbs, it was consumption of the cement mill.
2.5 M
tons sold
0.2 M
tons sold
Prices up MALI
1 milling plant
0.3 M
tons sold
BACK 2% to about 1 million
metric tons. Cement
production capacity exceeds
demand. The Group’s sales
volumes dropped 3%. AGGREGATE
Selling prices gained SENEGAL
appreciable ground in 2019.
2.9 M
MALI tons sold
“Contribute to the Group’s
global crusade for low-carbon
Are the market situations in What have you done to meet
Gianfranco Tantardini, the Mediterranean zone – Egypt the challenges in the two countries?
Director, and Turkey – comparable? G. T. In Turkey, our sales policy focused
Mediterranean zone Gianfranco Tantardini. No, they are different. heavily on volumes in Ankara, then,
The market in Turkey has suffered a big drop more recently, in Konya.
in cement consumption subsequent What is more, an internal organizational
to the violent currency devaluation of shake-up has optimized structural costs.
2018 which severely impacted The drive to maximize the use of alternative
the Turkish economy, and the construction fuels continued in 2019, not only to induce
sector in particular. savings but also to contribute to the Group’s
In Egypt, the economy has been looking global crusade for low-carbon transition.
brighter since the devaluation of 2016, These initiatives will continue to be pursued.
with improvements in terms of growth, In Egypt several commercial, industrial, and
inflation, and unemployment. However, financial issues were addressed.
the construction market is still not picking up, A new sales approach first deployed in 2017
even if there are some major projects must be continued in 2020.
planned. The cement market is in crisis, Reorganization of personnel at the plant is
for three reasons: high pressure on prices paving the way for preparing and initiating
because of structural overcapacity; recent the next wave of industrial investments.
start-up of new production capacity Lastly, we are still working to keep cost prices
by the army, which has a 25% market down and preserve cash flow. •
share and aggravates the previous factor;
and increased production costs.
3 535: THE NUMBER OF CONCRETUM® Q-FLASH 2/20 slabs laid to renovate the runway of Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen International
Airport. The concrete of which the slabs are made uses Vicat binders, essentially PromptUP and AlpenatUP, which are manufactured by the
Saint Égrève plant in France. They give the slabs a lifetime of over 40 years, after which the concrete is completely recycled, as part of a closed
construction materials cycle.
to 45 million tons, in large part Concrete and aggregate sales cement plants
due to hesitancy over credit, volumes dropped appreciably,
causing contraction in the by 18% and 13% respectively, 3M
construction sector. as major infrastructure and tons sold
The Group’s cement sales residential projects were
volumes slumped 29%. postponed. Selling prices EGYPT
Achievements / Mediterranean
Although there was a rose strongly, but not enough 1 Employees of Baştaş Çimento (Turkey)
significant rise in prices, it was to cover the increase in cement plant
insufficient to make up for production costs.
rising costs. On the industrial 1.3 M
front, facilities were adjusted tons sold
to match demand by giving
preference to the most EGYPT
energy-efficient systems
to maximize the use of
alternative fuels.
Still a
challenging TURKEY
background 35
batching plants
SECTOR OUTSTRIPS cubic meters sold
DEMAND, a situation that,
despite the shutdown of some
of the plants of competitors,
has been compounded by
the startup of new production
capacity run by the army.
Cement consumption fell 3%
in 2019, dropping to less than
49 million tons. The Group’s 7
sales volumes rose by 1%,
despite something of a
slowdown in the second half
4.8 M
tons sold
due to stronger competition
from new production facilities
and logistics issues. Selling
prices fell appreciably, hit by
the ramping up of the plant
operated by the Egyptian army.
1 Baştaş Çimento (Turkey)
42 Vicat
“Reduce the use of
fossil fuels by our plants”
India appears to be doggedly pursuing Further north, in Kazakhstan, logistics
Pietro Calà , energy transition; how is Vicat contributing is also making our operations a success,
Director, Asia zone to this strategy? is that right?
Pietro Calà. Vicat has been investing in P. C. It is. In Kazakhstan haulage distances
alternative energy sources in India for some can be very long. Our cement must
years now, and continued its initiative in 2019 sometimes be delivered to places over
with the construction in record time of a 1,000 kilometers away. The rail connection
10-MWp solar farm and a waste heat recovery from our Mynaral plant, our network of partner
system at our Kadapa site. A second solar terminals, and our fleet of tank cars mean
farm is programmed for our Chatarsal plant. we can meet customer requirements
These installations complement other steps perfectly, both on the domestic market
taken to reduce the use of fossil fuels and for export, to Uzbekistan and Kirghizstan,
by our plants. for example.
There is soon to be a double anniversary The Mynaral plant is beating records year
in India; what can you tell us about it? after year; what is its secret?
P. C. Yes, the Mumbai terminal will be P. C. The plant set a new cement output
celebrating its first full year of operation, record in 2019. This is the result of a great deal
and it will also be the first anniversary for of work by our people who, braving extreme
marketing of the cement from our plants temperature ranges and language barriers
under the Vicat brand in Maharashtra. (Russian, Kazakh, English, French, Hindi,
This is a double success, in terms of both German, etc.), succeed in uniting around
logistics and sales. The terminal makes performance targets that are well above
for major savings on transport of cement from the theoretical capacities of the equipment.
our Gulbarga plant, more than 600 kilometers Here too, we can see the essence of the
away. Commercially, the Vicat brand has met Group’s high degree of technicity, something
with great success on the Mumbai market, that is in its blood. •
because it is a perfect reflection of the values
of the Group in terms of quality and heritage.
5 J
ambyl Cement
1 Bharathi Cement plant (India) INDIA
2 cement plants
5.5 M
Achievements / Asia
tons sold
Highlights of 2019
Waste fueling Kalburgi
Cement plant kilns
3 WHAT THIS IS ABOUT: 3 THE ISSUES: This strategic
Kalburgi Cement has chosen choice is a means of facing up
to gradually replace the traditional to the growing scarcity of fossil
fossil fuels used to fire its kilns energies and reducing the
(coal, lignite, petroleum coke, environmental impact of
hydrocarbons, gas, etc.) with our activities, particularly CO2
alternative fuels obtained emissions. In 2019, alternative fuels
by repurposing waste. represented 26.5% of the Group’s alternative fuels
Whereas in 2016 such alternative total consumption. Vicat wants
fuels accounted for only 1.5 to 2% to be a leader in this field.
of all the fuel used at the plant,
the figure now stands at 22%.
This fantastic progress is in part due
to the installation of a new system:
the preheater is now fueled with
repurposed materials such as
Kalburgi Cement (India) 5
municipal and pharmaceutical
refuse. Using alternative fuels
in cement plants creates a
short-supply-chain industrial
ecosystem where the waste
of some becomes the raw
materials of others.
Annual report 2019 45
7 harathi Cement
solar farm (India)
Jambyl Cement
goes green
in Kazakhstan
Achievements / Asia
The number of saplings planted
Bharathi Cement goes solar at the Jambyl Cement facility
46 Vicat 500
Endettement net/capitaux propre
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
EBITDA Capacité Autofinancement 30
2,458 2,454 2,563 2,582 25
526 425
444 458 444 492 342 353 346 387
2000 10
1500 5
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 30
500 600 0
2,458 2,454 2,563 2,582 1000
3000 500 20
500 400
2500 400
0 300 10
2000 2016 2017 2018 2019 300 5
1500 200
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 100 2016 2017 2018 2019
1000 100
500 0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Résultat net
2,740 526
2,458 2,454 2,563 2,582 444
458 444 492 118 139 142 149
2500 2
EBITDA 2000 500 600
Investissements totaux Inve1
526 237
1500 400 500
Capacité Autofinancement 400 1
444 458 444 492 169
139 179 180 181
500 300
0 353 346 387 400 200 500
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016
500 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016
600 100 350 2017 2018 2019
500 300 400
400 0 0
400 300
Consolidated net sales EBITDA
300* (1), (3)
Net income (Group share)
* (3)
(in millions of euros) (in millions
200 of euros) (in millions100of euros)
50 2016 100
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 100 2015 2017 2018 2019 2015
Consolidated sales for 2019 amounted At 526 million euros, the Group’s Consolidated
0 net income (Group share)
2,740 million euros, up 6.1% compared 2015 0
2017 rose 6.9% relative
2018 2019 amounts to 149 million euros, stable relative
400 500
342 353
300 346 387 400 400 500
300 350 net/capitaux propre
200 300 400
Capacité Autofinancement Investissements totaux
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 100 100 Investissements totaux 300
300 400 0 0
2015 2016
250 2017 2018 2019
150 200
50 100
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 20152015 20162016 20172017 2018
2018 2019
Capacité Autofinancement
Cash flow from operations * (3) Industrial investment outlay * Net debt / Equity
(in millions
342 353 of euros
346 387 425 (in millions
400 of euros) (in %)
350 totaux Investissements totaux
Cash flow from operations amounted
to 425 million euros, generating free
to 237
300 investment outlay amounted
million euros
237 The400
gearing ratio (2) was 49.7% as
179 in180
2019. of181
199 31, 2019,
217 compared
169 139
200 312 800
cash flow of 159 million euros in 2019. 150 with
20037.6% as of December 31, 2018. 700
100 600
Endettement net/capitaux propre 100
Investissements totaux 50
Investissements totaux 500
0 Résultat net 400
312 50%
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 300
169 139 179 180 181 199 217 800 200
40% 37% 33% 38% 118 139
142 149 100
600 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016500 2017 2018 2019
* The figures for 2015 have been restated in accordance with the new accounting standard applied to greenhouse gas emissions rights. The restatement
400 and its impacts are presented
in note 1.7 of the consolidated financial statements. 300
(1) EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization): the total of gross operating income and other ordinary income and expenses.
(2) Gearing is a financial ratio that compares net debt to consolidated shareholders’ equity. 100
(3) The figures for 2018 have been restated in accordance with the new IFRS 16. 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
n Effect of IFRS 16. 2015 10
2016 2017 2018 2019
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Investissements totaux Investissements totaux 0
237 671
169 139 179 180 181 199
Endettement 217 propre
net/capitaux 312 800
50% 500
Annual report 2019 47
Financial performance
Kazakhstan, India
Switzerland, Italy €401M 1,170 14% 18% 16%
Mali, Senegal, Mauritania €217M 934 7% 9% 13%
Turkey, Egypt €171M 1,526 7% - 1% 8%
14% 3%
51 %
73% 71% 4%
35% 25%
48 Vicat
Based on results in 2019, and confident in the Group’s ability to sustain its ongoing development, the Board of Directors has decided to
propose that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on April 3, 2020 vote to maintain the same dividend, i.e. 1.50 euros per share.
2017 €3.17 €1.50
2018 €3.32 €1.50
€3.31 €1.50
Shareholder information
Shareholder and investor relations
Tel.: +33 1 5886 8605 E-mail: Symbol: VCT Sicovam: 03177
Fax: +33 1 5886 8788 Websites:, ISIN Code: FR0000031775 Bloomberg: VCT.PA
Reuters: VCTP.PA
© Photos: Guillaume Atger, Loïc Bisoli, Jérôme Cabanel, Ciment et Matériaux du Mali, Ciplan, Creabeton Matériaux, Mickaël Cusano, Hervé Douris, Guillaume Gennet, Pascal Guittet,
Hugh Hunter, Bruno Moussier, Christian Pedrotti, Thierry Possémé, Nicolas Robin, Gianfranco Tandardini, Hervé Thouroude, Hervé Tournaire, Serge Sang, Remo Zehnder, Vicat.
Design and production: Tel.: +33 1 5532 2974.
Tour Manhattan
6, place de l’Iris - 92095 Paris La Défense Cedex France
Tel.: +33 1 5886 8686 - Fax.: +33 1 5886 8787
French-registered company with share capital of €179,600,000
RCS Nanterre 057 505 539
SIRET 057 505 539 00452