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29, 1968 W, T, CAMM 3,407,511

filed May 16, 1967 2 Sheets-Sheet l

"-44, 94aean/2%an ATTORNEYS
Oct. 29, 1968 W. T. CAMM 3,407,511
Filed May 6, 1967 2 Sheets-Sheet 2

United States Patent Office 3,407,511
Patented Oct. 29, 1968
3,407,511 the drum. The material being dried passes to the discharge
ROTARY DRYER FOR AGGREGATE end of the drum simply by virtue of the inclination of
William T. Camm, Fort Thomas, Ky., assignor, by mesae its axis from horizontal, and the rotation and lifting
assignments, to Americaia Hoist & Derrick Company, described above.
St. Paul, Minn., a corporation of Delaware 5 Heating is accomplished by means of a burner disposed
Filed May 16, 1967, Ser. No. 638,889 at the lower end of the drum, and generally includes an
10 Claims. (Cl. 34-169) exhaust blower or the like at the opposite end of the
drum to establish the optimum fuel air ratio, withdraw
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE products of combustion and moisture, and to increase the
10 flame penetration.
A cylindrical drum mounted for rotation about a
slightly inclined horizontal axis, having on its interior to Very detailed studies by the prior art have attempted
reduce the residual moisture by concentrating on a
surface a plurality of lifting flights extending nearly the number of phases of dryer operation. For example, it is
full length of the drum, and having transverse cross known that a normal dryer operation produces a veil
braces extending between the flights and supporting a defined by the number of flights, their configuration, the
-catasargress asaram speed of rotation of the drum, and the quantity of mate
rial in the drum. The prior art has endeavored to control
Background of the invention the veil density and pattern in order to maximize the
drying and minimize residual moisture in the aggregate
This invention relates to an improved construction for passing
a rotary dryer, and particularly to a rotary dryer of the design flights through the dryer. That is, some manufacturers
type used for the drying of aggregate in an asphalt plant. permitting aggregates to fall in streams from
In a typical operation of this type, both the liquid asphalt the fights, leaving channels for the flowing hot gases,
and the aggregate are heated to a temperature on the Order while other use a more constant veil density with less
of 300 F. The liquid ashpalit is heated to facilitate spray andstream effect. Similarly, the speed of rotation of the drum,
ing a uniform application to the aggregate in the pugmill. 25 pattern,the size of the drum will effect the veil density and
and can be varied to achieve optimum conditions.
Similarly, the aggregate is heated to produce a dry Sur
face condition for achieving asphalt adhesion and coating, Similarly, the prior art has investigated the effect of
and to retain sufficient heat in the mix to control vis varying the quantity of heat supplied and the rate at
cosity during mixing, hauling and paving operations. which the heat is supplied. It is well known that these
The aggregate for an asphalt plant will include a con 30 factors can be investigated and varied, again to achieve
tinuous range of particle size from the largest particles optimum conditions.
having a diameter of 14' or more down to 200 mesh rateFinally, the art also recognizes that varying the feed
minus. It will of course be recognized that varying in thefordryer the aggregate, or the resident time of the aggregate
will also alter heating and drying perform
amounts and conditions of interior moisture will exist
in such particles in an asphalt plant stock pile. These to ance. Again, these factors can be investigated and changed
variations may be caused by daily moisture variations, produce optimum results.
the different aggregate types encountered (containing dif tions, itin has
But spite of the nature and extent of these investiga
been impossible to produce a commercial
ferent pore structures), and the like. dryer which will under a variety of operating conditions,
It is widely recognized in the industry that during the 40 provide aggregate with less than 0.5% residual moisture
heating of the aggregate, a portion of the available heat at the time of mixing with the liquid asphalt.
in the dryer is used for removing interior moisture. It is
also recognized that the frequent presence of residual Summary
moisture in the aggregate has been a persistent problem.
Nearly all bituminous engineers at one time or another 45 Briefly considered, this invention contemplates the pro
have encountered paving mixtures which showed very visions of staggered, cup shaped lifting flights, and of
pronounced evidence of residual moisture in the fresh substantially perpendicular cross braces extending between
mixture, in the form of slumping in the truck, foaming on
the coarse aggregate, condensed water dripping out of braces in lifting
flights within the rotary drum. These cross
support in effect four screen sections, joined
the truck box, or segregation behind the paver. The wide 50 at their centers, and spaced at their longitudinal edges a
spread existence of this experience has caused a great short distance from the edge of the lifting flight to which
deal of discussion as to possible causes, and cures. the cross braces are secured. The screen will have an
A further indication of the importance of this problem
is noted by the fact that substantially % of the highway opening size large enough to permit the smaller aggregate
to pass through, but small enough to retain the coarser
departments of the United States specify maximum 5 5 aggregate particles, thereby retaining these particles in a
residual moisture requirements in asphaltic concrete position to get the maximum drying effect from the heated
aggregates at the time of mixing or immediately after gases.
mixing. Of the 40 highway departments specifying mois
ture control, some 22 have placed a numerical moisture Brief description of the drawing
limit in the form of a maximum percentage, while the 60 FIGURE 1 is a perspective view showing a typical ro
remainder state the requirement in more general terms. tary dryer to which this invention might advantageously
While one of these states will permit a residual moisture be applied.
content up to 3.0%, the bulk of the states require far FIGURE 2 is a longitudinal cross sectional view through
lower percentages, and it is the aim of the instant inven the rotary drum shown in FIGURE 1.
tion to provide a dryer construction which will reduce FIGURE 3 is a cross sectional view along the line 3-3
the residual moisture of the aggregate to less than 0.5%. of FIGURE 2.
The typical dryer of the prior asphalt plant comprises a FIGURE 4 is a cross sectional view along the line 4-4
cylindrical drum rotated about an axis inclined very of FIGURE 2.
slightly from the horizontal. The interior surface of the
drum includes a plurality of lifting flights, such that the of FIGUREFIGURE 2,
5 is a cross sectional view along the line 5-5
material loaded at the higher end of the dryer will, by FIGURE 6 is a perspective view of the interior of the
rotation, be lifted and dropped in a veil form through dryer showing the invention.
3 4
Description of the preferred embodiment bling flights 42. As will be seen in cross section in FIG
URE 5, the tumbling flights are simply pieces of angle iron
Referring now to FIGURE 1, the typical dryer to which suitably secured to the interior of the drum. Relatively
this invention may be applied is shown in perspective. speaking, they are somewhat smaller than the flights 30
The dryer includes the generally cylindrical drum 10 hav 5 and 32, and serve to decelerate the aggregate in the pres
ing the external driving tires 12. These tires 12 are ro ence of the high temperature heat. In addition, the region
tatably supported by the rollers 14, which in turn are between the ignition tile 24 and the end of the flights 32
driven in any suitable manner to rotate the drum about will be free of the veils of aggregate referred to earlier to
its axis. In operation, the axis of the drum is inclined permit full combustion of the fuel from the burner.
slightly from horizontal. O After leaving the tumbling flights 42, the aggregate
The inlet or charging end of the dryer includes the inlet passes into the portion of the dryer drum 44 (FIGURE 2)
chute, a portion of which is seen at 16 and the opening which contains no vanes or flights at all. The elimination
18 which will be connected to a suitable exhauster (not of lifts or flights in this section of the drum enhances the
shown). discharge of the material into the high lift portion in
At the discharge end of the dryer is a suitable dis dicated generally in FIGURE 1 at 46.
charge chute 20 from which the aggregate is conveyed to The high lift portion 46 includes a plurality of flights
further operational stations for gradation, weighing, and 48 as seen in end elevation (dotted lines) in FIGURE 5.
mixing with liquid asphalt. It will also be seen that the By noting the angular position of these flights, it will be
discharge end includes the bracket 22 which supports the recognized that the material leaving the portion 44 of
ignition tile indicated generally at 24. A suitable burner the drum will be carried by the flights 48 upwardly to
(not shown) will be arranged to fire concentrically through nearly a vertical center line before discharge. This permits
the ignition tile. the use of the off center discharge chute 20 briefly de
The discharge end of the dryer also includes a portion scribed earlier.
indicated at 26 formed of a high temperature refractory It is believed that operation of the dryer of this inven
material. tion will be clear from the foregoing description. That
Referring now to FIGURES 2 through 5, the interior is, as already indicated, the drum 10 will be rotated about
construction of the drum 10 will be described. As will be its axis at a speed on the order of 10 revolutions per min
apparent in FIGURE 2, the portion of the drum immedi ute. The inclination of its axis from vertical will be on
ately adjacent the inlet end includes a plurality of angular the order of 34' per foot. Material entering the drum
flights 28. These flights are flat pieces of stock welded or : through the inlet chute 16 will be rapidly conveyed by the
otherwise secured to the interior of the drum at an angle angular flights 28 into the first section of the dryer con
on the order of 60 to the axis of the drum. The purpose taining the cup shaped lifting flights 30. Rotation of the
of these flights is to insure that all material entering the drum and lifting flights will cause the aggregate to be car
drum is rapidly conveyed into the next section of the dryer ried upwardly by the lifting flights until it overflows the
and away from the inlet end. This of course prevents clog free edge of the flight. The resulting discharge from the
ging or overflow of material at the inlet end of the dryer. series of flights provides a cascading veil of material which
The next section of the dryer includes a plurality of might be considered as a plurality of layers with air spaces
cup shaped lifting flights 30 seen in cross section in FIG between them.
URE 3. It will also be noted that FIGURE 3 illustrates As previously indicated, the flights 30 and 32 are stag
the level of material in the dryer, and shows the action 40 gered with respect to each other, to provide a staggering
of the flights in creating the cascading veil of material of the elements of the veils in these two sections.
mentioned at the outset of this specification. Considering the rotation of the portion of the drum
The next section of the dryer contains the cup shaped shown in cross section in FIGURE 4, it will be apparent
lifting flights 32. These flights are identical to the flights that material carried by for example the lifting flight 32a
30 in the preceding section, and are equal in number. will be discharged onto the screen section 40a. The mate
However, by comparing FIGURES 3 and 4, it will be ob rial of small size can of course pass through the screen,
served that the flights 30 and 32 are staggered with re while the larger aggregate particles will be retained on
spect to each other. It is believed that this construction, the screen. As the drum continues rotation, the aggregate
while providing a definite veil pattern, gives a more uni retained by the screen will roll toward the center axis of
form veil density across the drum, and hence provides the drum, and be held there directly in the path of the
better drying action. 50 hot gases, until the screen section 40b attains a position
As seen in FIGURE 4, the portion of the dryer contain disposed slightly below horizontal. At this time, a particle
ing the flights 32 is provided with the cross braces in trapped by the screen will roll outwardly toward the
dicated generally at 34. Specifically, the braces may be periphery of the drum, and will fall through the space
formed by securing the two angle braces 36 and 38 to 5 between the outer longitudinal edge of the screen sec
the outer edges of the flights 32. Because of the spacing 5
tion 40b and the inner end of lifting flight 32b.
of the flights in this embodiment of the invention, one leg In a commercial embodiment of this invention, a
of each of the angle members 36 and 38 is provided with Screen having 1' openings was used with considerable
the bent ends 36a and 38a respectively. It will be apparent success. A screen opening of this size was found to retain
that the braces 36 and 38 could alternatively be secured to only the large aggregate particles, which tests have proved
the drum 10 itself, if desired. 60 constitute the largest problem with respect to removal of
In the embodiment shown in FIGURE 2, it will be ob residual moisture.
served that one cross brace 34 is disposed at the end of
the flights 32 nearest the inlet or charging end of the thatTheairskilled worker in the art will of course recognize
temperatures within the drum 10 constantly de
dryer. A second cross brace 34 (aligned with the first crease as you move from the discharge end of the drum
cross brace) will be spaced somewhat nearer the discharge (the end nearest the burner) to the inlet end of the
end of the dryer. drum. From the standpoint of heating and moisture elimi
As best seen in FIGURE 4, the brace members 36 and nation, it would be most desirable to locate the cross
38 carry the four screen sections 40. The innermost longi braces 34 and screen sections 40 as near the burner end
tudinal edges of the four screen sections 40 substantially of the drum as is possible. But on the other hand, the
meet along the axis of the dryer. It will also be observed 70 temperatures attained in this portion of the drum are
that the outer longitudinal edge of the screen sections 40 so high as to cause an extremely rapid deterioration of
are spaced from the inner edge of the flights 32 by a dis almost any commercially acceptable material. It is there
tance generally equal to the diameter of the cup shaped fore necessary to so locate the screen and cross braces
The next section of the dryer drum 10 includes the tum 75 as to attain a balancing between the interests of long
5 6
component life, and maximum drying of the aggregate. screen sections are perpendicularly arranged and divide
In the commercial dryer briefly noted above, a screen Said drum into 4 discrete communicating quadrants.
section was utilized begining at the end of the flights 32 5. The improvement claimed in claim 1 wherein the
farthest from the discharge end of the drum, and ex openings in said screen sections are of a size large enough
tending approximately 24 of the length of the flights 32. 5 to retain only the larger particles of said aggregate.
A second set of cross braces and screen sections was 6. The improvement claimed in claim 5 wherein the
used in the portion of the drum containing the cup shaped openings in said screen sections are on the order of 1'
flights 30. The screen in this portion of the drum was Square.
disposed at that end of the flights 30 nearest to the flights 7. The improvement claimed in claim 1 wherein the
32, and extended for approximately /3 of the length of O interior of said drum includes two sets of lifting flights,
the flights 30. angularly staggered with respect to each other, said cross
Empirical tests with the commercial installation noted braces and screen sections being longitudinally disposed
above disclosed a maximum retained moisture content of in the vicinity of said flights nearest the discharge end
0.3%. Earlier tests with substantially the same dryer of said drum.
except for the elimination of the cross brace and screen 8. The improvement claimed in claim 7 wherein said
arrangement described herein yielded retained moisture Screen sections are spaced longitudinally away from the
contents as high as 1.7%. In every case, the screen and discharge end of said drum.
cross brace arrangement resulted in at least a 60% de 9. The improvement claimed in claim 8 wherein the
crease in the amount of moisture retained. longitudinal dimension of said screen sections are on the
While the invention has been described in terms of 20 order of 2/3 of the longitudinal length of said last men
an exemplary embodiment, various modifications may be tioned flights.
made by the skilled worker in the art without departing 10. In a rotary dryer for aggregate having a cylindrical
from its scope and spirit. Accordingly, no limitations are drum mounted for rotation about an axis inclined slightly
to be inferred or implied except insofar as specifically set from horizontal, means for rotating said drum, and means
forth in the following claims. 25 for providing a flow of high temperature combustion gases
The embodiments of the invention in which an ex through said drum, the improvement comprising:
clusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as (a) a plurality of screen sections mounted in the in
follows: terior of said drum and effective to divide said drum
1. In a rotary dryer for aggregate having a cylindrical longitudinally into a plurality of discrete, communi
drum mounted for rotation about an axis inclined slightly 30 cating compartments, the outer longitudinal edge of
from horizontal, and means for rotating said drum, the Said screen sections being spaced inwardly from the
improvement comprising: inner surface of said drum to permit passage of ag
(a) a plurality of longitudinally extending lifting flights gregate therebetween, and
equally spaced about the interior surface of said (b) means fixedly supporting said screen sections,
drum and arranged to lift and discharge aggregate in Whereby said Screen sections suspend the large ag
said drum in a plurality of veils; gregate particles in the flow of high temperature com
(b) perpendicularly arranged transverse cross brace bustion gases and decelerate the movement of said
members in the vicinity of said flights; and aggregate particles through said drum resulting in a
(c) screen sections carried by and secured to said substantial increase in heating time for reducing in
brace members, said screen sections preventing pas 40 ternal moisture.
sage of at least some of said aggregate veil com
pletely across said drum. References Cited
2. The improvement claimed in claim 1 wherein the UNITED STATES PATENTS
outer longitudinal edges of said screen sections are spaced 45 846,574 3/1907 Lambert --------- 34-137 XR
inwardly from the free edge of said flights, permitting 1,797,831 3/1931 Luther -------------- 263-32
passage of aggregate therebetween. 2,666,633 1/1954 Bojner ---------- 34-137 XR
3. The improvement claimed in claim 2 wherein the 3,142,546 7/1964 Coats --------------- 34-137
longitudinal dimension of said screen sections is on the
order of /2 the longitudinal length of said flights. 50 FREDERICK L. MATTESON, Jr., Primary Examiner.
4. The improvement claimed in claim 1 wherein said A. D. HERRMANN, Assistant Examiner.

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