Avaya Call Center 6.0 Fact Sheet
Avaya Call Center 6.0 Fact Sheet
Avaya Call Center 6.0 Fact Sheet
contact center must come through on a number of fronts. In today’s is a core ingredient in Avaya
Communication Manager and allows
business climate, customer satisfaction is critical to your success. So
call centers to deal with many
it is vital that your contact center deliver intelligent, personalized fundamental requirements including
customer service. In addition, you need to accomplish more with less. service observation and more:
And you must be able to do all of this while enhancing the business
• It helps your agents handle calls
value of each and every customer interaction. more effectively and boosts your
call center’s overall level of
The right solutions can make all the
productivity—at a single site or
difference in improving the ongoing
across an enterprise.
productivity and revenue potential
of your contact center. They deliver
• It gives you the ability to choose
cost savings by allowing you to
whether inbound calls will go to the
converge your data and contact center
least busy agent, the first available
applications upon an IP infrastructure.
agent, or the agent with the skills
Effective contact center solutions
needed by a particular customer.
provide for optimum load balancing
based upon the work handling Every Avaya Communication Manager
guidelines your company wishes to system includes Avaya Call Center
implement—under both call surplus Basic, which provides all of the
and agent surplus conditions. They ACD (Automatic Call Distributor)
make the most of agent availability, functionality required to operate a
skills, and experience and integrate small, basic contact center. However,
readily with other productivity tools in most Avaya customers opt to enhance
a multi-vendor environment. Finally, their contact center functionality with
and most importantly, superior contact Avaya Call Center Elite.
center solutions lower your Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO) and increase
Return on Investment (ROI).
Avaya Call Center Elite — • Powerful Vectoring capabilities encompass Avaya continues to offer the largest scale
a wide range of conditional routing, on a single server in the industry, which
for every Business, Large including variables, that provide means less administrative overhead and
or Small simplification while offering more significantly lower upgrade and maintenance
flexibility, particularly for availability/ costs. Avaya supports 10,000 concurrent
Avaya Call Center Elite features Avaya
survivability via resource awareness. agents on one ACD and up to 10,000 agents
Expert Agent Selection (skills-based routing)
in a skill group, facilitating contact center
and the full complement of advanced Call - Maximum Occupancy helps prevent “
Vectoring (conditional routing) capabilities. agent burnout” by helping to ensure
The Elite package includes Avaya Virtual agents are less than 100% occupied.
Routing for effective load-balancing across
- Policy Routing distributes calls to
Avaya Business Advocate
multiple sites, and Business Advocate to
dynamically match each customer to the target groups of agents on a is Now an Entitlement
optimal agent. percentage basis, helping meet
Avaya Business Advocate is the evolution of
contractual agreements with
contact prioritization and routing. It is the
outsourcers. This feature can help
only adaptive and predictive answer to every
Intelligent ensure fairness to agents by
contact center’s dilemma — matching the
Communications for distributing a percentage of difficult
right contact to the right agent, every time.
calls, or revenue-producing calls,
Increased Performance
across the agent population. Maximize – balance – simplify
Comprised of flexible and integrated
• Interruptible Work helps to maximize agent Avaya Business Advocate is the only solution
applications, Avaya Call Center simplifies
utilization and meet service levels by that uses patented algorithms to analyze
customer management, contact center
delivering calls to agents who are logged wait times and prioritize the handling
administration, results tracking, and agent
in but not working, if they are classified of preferred customers. Avaya Business
training. It offers conditional (if/then) call
as interruptible. For example, an agent Advocate best matches each contact with
routing that makes use of context-based
who is taking an on-line course could be the skill sets of your agents, directing each
inputs, coupled with versatile resource
interrupted to take a call from a priority customer to the agent who can serve them
selection capabilities. In addition, Virtual
customer. most effectively. Companies who implement
Routing capabilities offer multi-location
Avaya Business Advocate experience a
companies the ability to maximize resource • Advanced Segmentation allows for the significant reduction in caller abandonment,
utilization across all sites. And, features segmentation of contacts based on data and customers spend less time waiting for
such as Local Preference Distribution and collected both internal and external to the service they expect.
Locally Sourced Music and Announcements the contact center, helping improve first
save bandwidth and/or trunking costs for time call completions and enabling a Avaya Business Advocate
businesses with distributed contact centers. low-cost screen pop for affordable CTI profoundly improves business
implementations. results
Avaya leads the contact center industry with
features such as: • Server and Gateway Options provide more Avaya Business Advocate helps you
processing power for larger contact meet your business objectives with these
• Service Level Maximizer, which helps advanced capabilities:
centers, and adds affordable contact
meet service levels across the business by
center capabilities at small branch offices
evaluating service level targets for each
via the G430 Gateway and at mid-size
queue in determining call priority.
offices via the G450 Gateway.
Achieve service goals across the enterprise Every customer is delivered to the best “whole agent” and their recent workload into
Traditional priority queuing interferes agent based on customer value, agent account. Now you can achieve your service
with meeting the service levels required skill, predicted total wait time and specific level objectives while balancing agent
to maximize profits and customer loyalty. service goals. Your management team can workloads, eliminating agent burnout and
Higher priority customers are handled gain greater control of service levels without dissatisfaction.
Proven technology, proven Agent Efficiency & Learn More
approach Effectiveness To learn more about Avaya Contact Center
Avaya Call Center takes full advantage Avaya Call Center provides a fully integrated solutions, contact your Avaya Account
of Avaya’s recognized strength in voice contact management solution that empowers manager or Avaya Partner or visit our web
heritage, application development, global your agents to deliver competitive customer site at avaya.com, and select Contact Centers.
services and leadership position in the service, helps to lower operating costs,
industry. increase agent efficiency and effectiveness,
and helps you make the most of every
And, Avaya Global Services provides a suite customer interaction. With Avaya Call
of options designed to give you maximum Center, you have a powerful assortment of
flexibility in choosing the services needed features, capabilities and applications to
to best support the unique needs of your meet all of your contact center needs.
contact center and your business.
Avaya Leadership
More businesses worldwide have trusted Avaya to
deliver their mission-critical contact center solution than
any other vendor. Avaya has the distinction of being:
#1 in IP Telephony worldwide2
Gartner Group, Market Share Contact Centers, worldwide 2009, published in 2010
Dell’Oro, Synergy Research Group, worldwide 2009, published in March 2010
Dell’Oro, Synergy Research Group, worldwide 2009, published in March 2010
About Avaya
Avaya is a global leader in enterprise communications systems. The company
provides unified communications, contact centers, and related services directly
and through its channel partners to leading businesses and organizations
around the world. Enterprises of all sizes depend on Avaya for state-of-the-art
communications that improve efficiency, collaboration, customer service and
competitiveness. For more information please visit www.avaya.com.
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