Southern Blot

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A Southern blot is a method routinely used in molecular biology for detection of a specific DNA

sequence in DNA samples. Southern blotting combines transfer of electrophoresis-separated

DNA fragments to a filter membrane and subsequent fragment detection by probe
hybridization. The method is named after its inventor, the British biologist Edwin Southern.[1]
Other blotting methods (i.e., Western blot,[2] Northern blot, Eastern blot, Southwestern blot)
that employ similar principles, but using RNA or protein, have later been named in reference to
Edwin Southern's name. As the technique was eponymously named, Southern blot is capitalized
as is conventional for proper nouns. The names for other blotting methods may follow this
convention, by analogy.[3]

1. Restriction endonucleases are used to cut high-molecular-weight DNA strands into
smaller fragments.
2. The DNA fragments are then electrophoresed on an agarose gel to separate them by
3. If some of the DNA fragments are larger than 15 kb, then prior to blotting, the gel may
be treated with an acid, such as dilute HCl, which depurinates the DNA fragments,
breaking the DNA into smaller pieces, thus allowing more efficient transfer from the gel
to membrane.
4. If alkaline transfer methods are used, the DNA gel is placed into an alkaline solution
(typically containing sodium hydroxide) to denature the double-stranded DNA. The
denaturation in an alkaline environment may improve binding of the negatively charged
DNA to a positively charged membrane, separating it into single DNA strands for later
hybridization to the probe (see below), and destroys any residual RNA that may still be
present in the DNA. The choice of alkaline over neutral transfer methods, however, is
often empirical and may result in equivalent results.
5. A sheet of nitrocellulose (or, alternatively, nylon) membrane is placed on top of (or
below, depending on the direction of the transfer) the gel. Pressure is applied evenly to
the gel (either using suction, or by placing a stack of paper towels and a weight on top of
the membrane and gel), to ensure good and even contact between gel and membrane.
If transferring by suction 20X SSC buffer is used to ensure a seal and prevent drying of
the gel. Buffer transfer by capillary action from a region of high water potential to a
region of low water potential (usually filter paper and paper tissues) is then used to
move the DNA from the gel on to the membrane; ion exchange interactions bind the
DNA to the membrane due to the negative charge of the DNA and positive charge of the
6. The membrane is then baked in a vacuum or regular oven at 80 °C for 2 hours (standard
conditions; nitrocellulose or nylon membrane) or exposed to ultraviolet radiation (nylon
membrane) to permanently attach the transferred DNA to the membrane.
7. The membrane is then exposed to a hybridization probe—a single DNA fragment with a
specific sequence whose presence in the target DNA is to be determined. The probe
DNA is labelled so that it can be detected, usually by incorporating radioactivity or
tagging the molecule with a fluorescent or chromogenic dye. In some cases, the
hybridization probe may be made from RNA, rather than DNA. To ensure the specificity
of the binding of the probe to the sample DNA, most common hybridization methods
use salmon or herring sperm DNA for blocking of the membrane surface and target
DNA, deionized formamide, and detergents such as SDS to reduce non-specific binding
of the probe.
8. After hybridization, excess probe is washed from the membrane (typically using SSC
buffer), and the pattern of hybridization is visualized on X-ray film by autoradiography in
the case of a radioactive or fluorescent probe, or by development of color on the
membrane if a chromogenic detection method is used.

Hybridization of the probe to a specific DNA fragment on the filter membrane indicates that
this fragment contains DNA sequence that is complementary to the probe.

The transfer step of the DNA from the electrophoresis gel to a membrane permits easy binding
of the labeled hybridization probe to the size-fractionated DNA. It also allows for the fixation of
the target-probe hybrids, required for analysis by autoradiography or other detection methods.

Southern blots performed with restriction enzyme-digested genomic DNA may be used to
determine the number of sequences (e.g., gene copies) in a genome. A probe that hybridizes
only to a single DNA segment that has not been cut by the restriction enzyme will produce a
single band on a Southern blot, whereas multiple bands will likely be observed when the probe
hybridizes to several highly similar sequences (e.g., those that may be the result of sequence
duplication). Modification of the hybridization conditions (for example, increasing the
hybridization temperature or decreasing salt concentration) may be used to increase specificity
and decrease hybridization of the probe to sequences that are less than 100% similar.

The northern blot is a technique used in molecular biology research to study gene expression
by detection of RNA (or isolated mRNA) in a sample.[1][2]
Flow diagram outlining the general procedure for RNA detection by northern blotting.

With northern blotting it is possible to observe cellular control over structure and function by
determining the particular gene expression levels during differentiation, morphogenesis, as well
as abnormal or diseased conditions.[3] Northern blotting involves the use of electrophoresis to
separate RNA samples by size and detection with a hybridization probe complementary to part
of or the entire target sequence. The term 'northern blot' actually refers specifically to the
capillary transfer of RNA from the electrophoresis gel to the blotting membrane. However, the
entire process is commonly referred to as northern blotting.[4] The northern blot technique was
developed in 1977 by James Alwine, David Kemp, and George Stark at Stanford University. [5]
Northern blotting takes its name from its similarity to the first blotting technique, the Southern
blot, named for biologist Edwin Southern.[1] The major difference is that RNA, rather than DNA,
is analyzed in the northern blot.[6]

A general blotting procedure starts with extraction of total RNA from a homogenized tissue
sample or from cells. Eukaryotic mRNA can then be isolated through the use of oligo (dT)
cellulose chromatography to isolate only those RNAs with a poly (A) tail. RNA samples are then
separated by gel electrophoresis. Since the gels are fragile and the probes are unable to enter
the matrix, the RNA samples, now separated by size, are transferred to a nylon membrane
through a capillary or vacuum blotting system.

Capillary blotting system setup for the transfer of RNA from an electrophoresis gel to a blotting
A nylon membrane with a positive charge is the most effective for use in northern blotting since
the negatively charged nucleic acids have a high affinity for them. The transfer buffer used for
the blotting usually contains formamide because it lowers the annealing temperature of the
probe-RNA interaction, thus preventing RNA degradation by high temperatures. Once the RNA
has been transferred to the membrane, it is immobilized through covalent linkage to the
membrane by UV light or heat. After a probe has been labeled, it is hybridized to the RNA on
the membrane. Experimental conditions that can affect the efficiency and specificity of
hybridization include ionic strength, viscosity, duplex length, mismatched base pairs, and base
composition. The membrane is washed to ensure that the probe has bound specifically and to
avoid background signals from arising. The hybrid signals are then detected by X-ray film and
can be quantified by densitometry. To create controls for comparison in a northern blot,
samples not displaying the gene product of interest can be used after determination by
microarrays or RT-PCR.

RNA run on a formaldehyde agarose gel to highlight the 28S (top band) and 18S (lower band) ribosomal

The RNA samples are most commonly separated on agarose gels containing formaldehyde as a
denaturing agent for the RNA to limit secondary structure.[10][11] The gels can be stained with
ethidium bromide (EtBr) and viewed under UV light to observe the quality and quantity of RNA
before blotting.[10] Polyacrylamide gel electrophoeresis with urea can also be used in RNA
separation but it is most commonly used for fragmented RNA or microRNAs. [12] An RNA ladder
is often run alongside the samples on an electrophoresis gel to observe the size of fragments
obtained but in total RNA samples the ribosomal subunits can act as size markers.[10] Since the
large ribosomal subunit is 28S (approximately 5kb) and the small ribosomal subunit is 18S
(approximately 2kb) two prominent bands will appear on the gel, the larger at close to twice
the intensity of the smaller.


Probes for northern blotting are composed of nucleic acids with a complementary sequence to
all or part of the RNA of interest, they can be DNA, RNA, or oligonucleotides with a minimum of
25 complementary bases to the target sequence.[4] RNA probes (ribo-probes) that are
transcribed in vitro are able to withstand more rigorous washing steps preventing some of the
background noise.[10] Commonly cDNA is created with labelled primers for the RNA sequence of
interest to act as the probe in the northern blot.[14] The probes need to be labelled either with
radioactive isotopes (32P) or with chemi-luminescence in which alkaline phosphatase or
horseradish peroxidase breakdown chemi-luminescent substrates producing a detectable
emission of light.[15] The chemi-luminescent labelling can occur in two ways: either the probe is
attached to the enzyme, or the probe is labelled with a ligand (e.g. biotin) for which the
antibody (e.g. avidin or streptavidin) is attached to the enzyme.[10] X-ray film can detect both
the radioactive and chemi-luminescent signals and many researchers prefer the chemi-
luminescent signals because they are faster, more sensitive, and reduce the health hazards that
go along with radioactive labels.[15] The same membrane can be probed up to five times
without a significant loss of the target RNA.[9]

Northern blotting allows one to observe a particular gene's expression pattern between tissues,
organs, developmental stages, environmental stress levels, pathogen infection, and over the
course of treatment. The technique has been used to show overexpression of oncogenes and
down-regulation of tumor-suppressor genes in cancerous cells when compared to 'normal'
tissue, as well as the gene expression in the rejection of transplanted organs. If an up-regulated
gene is observed by an abundance of mRNA on the northern blot the sample can then be
sequenced to determine if the gene is known to researchers or if it is a novel finding. The
expression patterns obtained under given conditions can provide insight into the function of
that gene. Since the RNA is first separated by size, if only one probe type is used variance in the
level of each band on the membrane can provide insight into the size of the product, suggesting
alternative splice products of the same gene or repetitive sequence motifs. The variance in size
of a gene product can also indicate deletions or errors in transcript processing, by altering the
probe target used along the known sequence it is possible to determine which region of the
RNA is missing.

BlotBase is an online database publishing northern blots. BlotBase has over 700 published
northern blots of human and mouse samples, in over 650 genes across more than 25 different
tissue types.[3] Northern blots can be searched by a blot ID, paper reference, gene identifier, or
by tissue.[3] The results of a search provide the blot ID, species, tissue, gene, expression level,
blot image (if available), and links to the publication that the work originated from. [3] This new
database provides sharing of information between members of the science community that
was not previously seen in northern blotting as it was in sequence analysis, genome
determination, protein structure, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Analysis of gene expression can be done by several different methods including RT-PCR, RNase
protection assays, microarrays, serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), as well as northern
blotting. Microarrays are quite commonly used and are usually consistent with data obtained
from northern blots; however, at times northern blotting is able to detect small changes in gene
expression that microarrays cannot.[18] The advantage that microarrays have over northern
blots is that thousands of genes can be visualized at a time, while northern blotting is usually
looking at one or a small number of genes.[16][18]

A problem in northern blotting is often sample degradation by RNases (both endogenous to the
sample and through environmental contamination), which can be avoided by proper
sterilization of glassware and the use of RNase inhibitors such as DEPC
(diethylpyrocarbonate).[4] The chemicals used in most northern blots can be a risk to the
researcher, since formaldehyde, radioactive material; ethidium bromide, DEPC, and UV light are
all harmful under certain exposures.[10] Compared to RT-PCR, northern blotting has a low
sensitivity, but it also has a high specificity which is important to reduce false positive results. [10]

The advantages of using northern blotting include the detection of RNA size, the observation of
alternate splice products, the use of probes with partial homology, the quality and quantity of
RNA can be measured on the gel prior to blotting, and the membranes can be stored and
reprobed for years after blotting.

Reverse northern blot

A variant of the procedure known as the reverse northern blot is occasionally used. In this
procedure, the substrate nucleic acid (that is affixed to the membrane) is a collection of
isolated DNA fragments, and the probe is RNA extracted from a tissue and radioactively

The use of DNA microarrays that have come into widespread use in the late 1990s and early
2000s is more akin to the reverse procedure, in that they involve the use of isolated DNA
fragments affixed to a substrate, and hybridization with a probe made from cellular RNA. Thus
the reverse procedure, though originally uncommon, enabled northern analysis to evolve into
gene expression profiling, in which many (possibly all) of the genes in an organism may have
their expression monitored.
Western blot analysis of proteins separated by SDS-PAGE.[1]

The Western blot (alternatively, protein immunoblot) is a widely used analytical technique
used to detect specific proteins in the given sample of tissue homogenate or extract. It uses gel
electrophoresis to separate native or denatured proteins by the length of the polypeptide
(denaturing conditions) or by the 3-D structure of the protein (native/ non-denaturing
conditions). The proteins are then transferred to a membrane (typically nitrocellulose or PVDF),
where they are probed (detected) using antibodies specific to the target protein.[2][3]

There are now many reagent companies that specialize in providing antibodies (both
monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies) against tens of thousands of different proteins.[4]
Commercial antibodies can be expensive, although the unbound antibody can be reused
between experiments. This method is used in the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry,
immunogenetics and other molecular biology disciplines.

Other related techniques include using antibodies to detect proteins in tissues and cells by
immunostaining and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

The method originated from the laboratory of George Stark at Stanford. The name Western blot
was given to the technique by W. Neal Burnette[5] and is a play on the name Southern blot, a
technique for DNA detection developed earlier by Edwin Southern. Detection of RNA is termed
northern blotting and the detection of post-translational modification of protein is termed
eastern blotting.

Steps in a Western blot

Tissue preparation

Samples may be taken from whole tissue or from cell culture. In most cases, solid tissues are
first broken down mechanically using a blender (for larger sample volumes), using a
homogenizer (smaller volumes), or by sonication. Cells may also be broken open by one of the
above mechanical methods. However, bacteria, virus or environmental samples can be the
source of protein and thus Western blotting is not restricted to cellular studies only.

Assorted detergents, salts, and buffers may be employed to encourage lysis of cells and to
solubilize proteins. Protease and phosphatase inhibitors are often added to prevent the
digestion of the sample by its own enzymes. Tissue preparation is often done at cold
temperatures to avoid protein denaturing and degradation.

A combination of biochemical and mechanical techniques – including various types of filtration

and centrifugation – can be used to separate different cell compartments and organelles.
Gel electrophoresis

The proteins of the sample are separated using gel electrophoresis. Separation of proteins may
be by isoelectric point (pI), molecular weight, electric charge, or a combination of these factors.
The nature of the separation depends on the treatment of the sample and the nature of the gel.
This is a very useful way to determine a protein.

By far the most common type of gel electrophoresis employs polyacrylamide gels and buffers
loaded with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). SDS-PAGE (SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)
maintains polypeptides in a denatured state once they have been treated with strong reducing
agents to remove secondary and tertiary structure (e.g. disulfide bonds [S-S] to sulfhydryl
groups [SH and SH]) and thus allows separation of proteins by their molecular weight. Sampled
proteins become covered in the negatively charged SDS and move to the positively charged
electrode through the acrylamide mesh of the gel. Smaller proteins migrate faster through this
mesh and the proteins are thus separated according to size (usually measured in kilodaltons,
kDa). The concentration of acrylamide determines the resolution of the gel - the greater the
acrylamide concentration the better the resolution of lower molecular weight proteins. The
lower the acrylamide concentration the better the resolution of higher molecular weight
proteins. Proteins travel only in one dimension along the gel for most blots.

Samples are loaded into wells in the gel. One lane is usually reserved for a marker or ladder, a
commercially available mixture of proteins having defined molecular weights, typically stained
so as to form visible, coloured bands. When voltage is applied along the gel, proteins migrate
into it at different speeds. These different rates of advancement (different electrophoretic
mobilities) separate into bands within each lane.
It is also possible to use a two-dimensional (2-D) gel which spreads the proteins from a single
sample out in two dimensions. Proteins are separated according to isoelectric point (pH at
which they have neutral net charge) in the first dimension, and according to their molecular
weight in the second dimension.


In order to make the proteins accessible to antibody detection, they are moved from within the
gel onto a membrane made of nitrocellulose or polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF). The membrane
is placed on top of the gel, and a stack of filter papers placed on top of that. The entire stack is
placed in a buffer solution which moves up the paper by capillary action, bringing the proteins
with it. Another method for transferring the proteins is called electroblotting and uses an
electric current to pull proteins from the gel into the PVDF or nitrocellulose membrane. The
protein move from within the gel onto the membrane while maintaining the organization they
had within the gel. As a result of this "blotting" process, the proteins are exposed on a thin
surface layer for detection (see below). Both varieties of membrane are chosen for their non-
specific protein binding properties (i.e. binds all proteins equally well). Protein binding is based
upon hydrophobic interactions, as well as charged interactions between the membrane and
protein. Nitrocellulose membranes are cheaper than PVDF, but are far more fragile and do not
stand up well to repeated probings.
The uniformity and overall effectiveness of transfer of protein from the gel to the membrane
can be checked by staining the membrane with Coomassie Brilliant Blue or Ponceau S dyes.
Ponceau S is the more common of the two, due to Ponceau S's higher sensitivity and its water
solubility makes it easier to subsequently destain and probe the membrane as described


Since the membrane has been chosen for its ability to bind protein and as both antibodies and
the target are proteins, steps must be taken to prevent interactions between the membrane
and the antibody used for detection of the target protein. Blocking of non-specific binding is
achieved by placing the membrane in a dilute solution of protein - typically 3-5% Bovine serum
albumin (BSA) or non-fat dry milk (both are inexpensive) in Tris-Buffered Saline (TBS), with a
minute percentage of detergent such as Tween 20 or Triton X-100. The protein in the dilute
solution attaches to the membrane in all places where the target proteins have not attached.
Thus, when the antibody is added, there is no room on the membrane for it to attach other
than on the binding sites of the specific target protein. This reduces "noise" in the final product
of the Western blot, leading to clearer results, and eliminates false positives.


During the detection process the membrane is "probed" for the protein of interest with a
modified antibody which is linked to a reporter enzyme, which when exposed to an appropriate
substrate drives a colourimetric reaction and produces a colour. For a variety of reasons, this
traditionally takes place in a two-step process, although there are now one-step detection
methods available for certain applications.

Two steps

Primary antibody
Primary antibodies are generated when a host species or immune cell culture is exposed to the
protein of interest (or a part thereof). Normally, this is part of the immune response, whereas
here they are harvested and used as sensitive and specific detection tools that bind the protein

After blocking, a dilute solution of primary antibody (generally between 0.5 and 5
micrograms/mL) is incubated with the membrane under gentle agitation. Typically, the solution
is composed of buffered saline solution with a small percentage of detergent, and sometimes
with powdered milk or BSA. The antibody solution and the membrane can be sealed and
incubated together for anywhere from 30 minutes to overnight. It can also be incubated at
different temperatures, with warmer temperatures being associated with more binding, both
specific (to the target protein, the "signal") and non-specific ("noise").

Secondary antibody

After rinsing the membrane to remove unbound primary antibody, the membrane is exposed to
another antibody, directed at a species-specific portion of the primary antibody. Antibodies
come from animal sources (or animal sourced hybridoma cultures); an anti-mouse secondary
will bind to almost any mouse-sourced primary antibody, which allows some cost savings by
allowing an entire lab to share a single source of mass-produced antibody, and provides far
more consistent results. This is known as a secondary antibody, and due to its targeting
properties, tends to be referred to as "anti-mouse," "anti-goat," etc. The secondary antibody is
usually linked to biotin or to a reporter enzyme such as alkaline phosphatase or horseradish
peroxidase. This means that several secondary antibodies will bind to one primary antibody and
enhance the signal.

Most commonly, a horseradish peroxidase-linked secondary is used to cleave a

chemiluminescent agent, and the reaction product produces luminescence in proportion to the
amount of protein. A sensitive sheet of photographic film is placed against the membrane, and
exposure to the light from the reaction creates an image of the antibodies bound to the blot. A
cheaper but less sensitive approach utilizes a 4-chloronaphthol stain with 1% hydrogen
peroxide; reaction of peroxide radicals with 4-chloronaphthol produces a dark purple stain that
can be photographed without using specialized photographic film.
As with the ELISPOT and ELISA procedures, the enzyme can be provided with a substrate
molecule that will be converted by the enzyme to a colored reaction product that will be visible
on the membrane (see the figure below with blue bands).

Another method of secondary antibody detection utilizes a near-infrared (NIR) fluorophore-

linked antibody. Light produced from the excitation of a fluorescent dye is static, making
fluorescent detection a more precise and accurate measure of the difference in signal produced
by labeled antibodies bound to proteins on a Western blot. Proteins can be accurately
quantified because the signal generated by the different amounts of proteins on the
membranes is measured in a static state, as compared to chemiluminescence, in which light is
measured in a dynamic state.[7]

A third alternative is to use a radioactive label rather than an enzyme coupled to the secondary
antibody, such as labeling an antibody-binding protein like Staphylococcus Protein A or
Streptavidin with a radioactive isotope of iodine. Since other methods are safer, quicker, and
cheaper, this method is now rarely used; however, an advantage of this approach is the
sensitivity of auto-radiography based imaging, which enables highly accurate protein
quantification when combined with optical software (e.g. Optiquant).

One step

Historically, the probing process was performed in two steps because of the relative ease of
producing primary and secondary antibodies in separate processes. This gives researchers and
corporations huge advantages in terms of flexibility, and adds an amplification step to the
detection process. Given the advent of high-throughput protein analysis and lower limits of
detection, however, there has been interest in developing one-step probing systems that would
allow the process to occur faster and with less consumables. This requires a probe antibody
which both recognizes the protein of interest and contains a detectable label, probes which are
often available for known protein tags. The primary probe is incubated with the membrane in a
manner similar to that for the primary antibody in a two-step process, and then is ready for
direct detection after a series of wash steps.
Western blot using radioactive detection system


After the unbound probes are washed away, the Western blot is ready for detection of the
probes that are labeled and bound to the protein of interest. In practical terms, not all
Westerns reveal protein only at one band in a membrane. Size approximations are taken by
comparing the stained bands to that of the marker or ladder loaded during electrophoresis. The
process is repeated for a structural protein, such as actin or tubulin, that should not change
between samples. The amount of target protein is normalized to the structural protein to
control between groups. This practice ensures correction for the amount of total protein on the
membrane in case of errors or incomplete transfers.

Colorimetric detection

The colorimetric detection method depends on incubation of the Western blot with a substrate
that reacts with the reporter enzyme (such as peroxidase) that is bound to the secondary
antibody. This converts the soluble dye into an insoluble form of a different color that
precipitates next to the enzyme and thereby stains the membrane. Development of the blot is
then stopped by washing away the soluble dye. Protein levels are evaluated through
densitometry (how intense the stain is) or spectrophotometry.

Chemiluminescent detection

Chemiluminescent detection methods depend on incubation of the Western blot with a

substrate that will luminesce when exposed to the reporter on the secondary antibody. The
light is then detected by photographic film, and more recently by CCD cameras which capture a
digital image of the Western blot. The image is analysed by densitometry, which evaluates the
relative amount of protein staining and quantifies the results in terms of optical density. Newer
software allows further data analysis such as molecular weight analysis if appropriate standards
are used.

Radioactive detection

Radioactive labels do not require enzyme substrates, but rather allow the placement of medical
X-ray film directly against the Western blot which develops as it is exposed to the label and
creates dark regions which correspond to the protein bands of interest (see image to the right).
The importance of radioactive detections methods is declining due to it's hazardous
radiation[citation needed], because it is very expensive, health and safety risks are high, and ECL
(enhanced chemiluminescence) provides a useful alternative.

Fluorescent detection

The fluorescently labeled probe is excited by light and the emission of the excitation is then
detected by a photosensor such as CCD camera equipped with appropriate emission filters
which captures a digital image of the Western blot and allows further data analysis such as
molecular weight analysis and a quantitative Western blot analysis. Fluorescence is considered
to be among the most sensitive detection methods for blotting analysis.

Secondary probing

One major difference between nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes relates to the ability of
each to support "stripping" antibodies off and reusing the membrane for subsequent antibody
probes. While there are well-established protocols available for stripping nitrocellulose
membranes, the sturdier PVDF allows for easier stripping, and for more reuse before
background noise limits experiments. Another difference is that, unlike nitrocellulose, PVDF
must be soaked in 95% ethanol, isopropanol or methanol before use. PVDF membranes also
tend to be thicker and more resistant to damage during use.

2-D gel electrophoresis

2-dimensional SDS-PAGE uses the principles and techniques outlined above. 2-D SDS-PAGE, as
the name suggests, involves the migration of polypeptides in 2 dimensions. For example, in the
first dimension polypeptides are separated according to isoelectric point, while in the second
dimension polypeptides are separated according to their molecular weight. The isoelectric
point of a given protein is determined by the relative number of positively (e.g. lysine and
arginine) and negatively (e.g. glutamate and aspartate) charged amino acids, with negatively
charged amino acids contributing to a high isoelectric point and positively charged amino acids
contributing to a low isoelectric point. Samples could also be separated first under nonreducing
conditions using SDS-PAGE and under reducing conditions in the second dimension, which
breaks apart disulfide bonds that hold subunits together. SDS-PAGE might also be coupled with
urea-PAGE for a 2-dimensional gel.

In principle, this method allows for the separation of all cellular proteins on a single large gel. A
major advantage of this method is that it often distinguishes between different isoforms of a
particular protein - e.g. a protein that has been phosphorylated (by addition of a negatively
charged group). Proteins that have been separated can be cut out of the gel and then analysed
by mass spectrometry, which identifies the protein.

Please refer to reference articles for examples of the application of 2-D SDS PAGE.
Medical diagnostic applications
The confirmatory HIV test employs a Western blot to detect anti-HIV antibody in a human serum
sample. Proteins from known HIV-infected cells are separated and blotted on a membrane as
above. Then, the serum to be tested is applied in the primary antibody incubation step; free
antibody is washed away, and a secondary anti-human antibody linked to an enzyme signal is
added. The stained bands then indicate the proteins to which the patient's serum contains
A Western blot is also used as the definitive test for Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE,
commonly referred to as 'mad cow disease').
Some forms of Lyme disease testing employ Western blotting.
Western blot can also be used as a confirmatory test for Hepatitis B infection.
In veterinary medicine, Western blot is sometimes used to confirm FIV+ status in cats.

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