Exam True - False

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IV. Choose the correct answer from between brackets.

1. Anatomic-like teeth are suitable for (strong – weak) lower ridge.

2. Condylar head and the disc move as one unit during (rotation - translation)
type of mandibular movement.
3. Determination of terminal hinge axis is done by (maxillary - mandibular) face
4. Artificial teeth (should – should not) rest on the retromolar pad.
5. Shellac base plate is softened by (heat – cold water).
6. Relief is done to (reduce - increase) pressure on some regions under a
denture base.
7. Post damming is done by scrapping (the impression – the cast).
8. Preliminary cast may also be called (diagnostic cast – definitive cast).
9. The ala – tragus line is used as a guide to establish (incisal path - occlusal
10. The distal part of the buccal flange of mandibular denture must (cover –
avoid) masseter muscle influence area.
11. Angle class III maxillo-mandibular relationship is a (retruded - protruded)
mandibular relationship.
12. Vertical dimension of occlusion is (greater - lesser) than that of rest.
13. Maxillary cast can be oriented to articulator by face bow or (condylar
guidance – Bonwill triangle).
14. Perforated stock trays are suitable for (alginate – Zinc oxide and eugenol)
impression material.
15. Denture teeth (have – do not have) propioceptive sensation.
16. Curing the denture at 74 ⁰C for 9 hours is a (short - long) cycle.
17. The aim of boxing is to (block undercuts – preserve the impression borders).
18. Flasks for microwave processing of complete denture should be made of
(metal – non metal).
19. Flasks for microwave processing of complete denture should be made of
(metal – non metal).
20. Flasks for short cycle - heat processing of complete denture should be made
of (metal – non metal).
21. The most accurate guide for midline is (incisive papilla – labial frenum).
22. Bilateral torus mandibularis can be overcome by (relief – surgical removal).
23. Denture resistance to removal forces associated with the opening of the jaws
is a property known as (retention -stability).
24. If the masticatory biting forces are (perpendicular – oblique) to the
supporting basal seat, undesirable lateral forces will be increased.
25. When the mandible moves towards the right side, the condyle in the right
side (rotates translates) mainly with a very slight bodily lateral movement.
26. Clinical remount done by mounting the upper cast according to a (split cast -
new face bow record).
27. For clinical remount, the lower cast is mounted according to a (face bow -
new centric relation) record.
28. During selective grinding in centric occlusion: If the cusp is high in both
centric and eccentric occlusion, (reduce the cusp - deepen the fossa).
29. During grinding in centric occlusion: If the cusp is high in centric but not in
eccentric occlusion, (reduce the cusp - deepen the fossa).

1. After curing, the flask should be (rapidly cooled – slowly cooled). ( )

V. Say (R) Right or (W) Wrong:

2. By deflasking, the denture is kept on the cast for laboratory remounting. ( )

3. Post palatal seal is done in the area of hard palate. ( )
4. Buccal shelf of bone in the mandible needs relief. ( )
5. Special tray should be flexible to allow accurate impression. ( )
6. The amount of retention is directly proportional to the area covered by the
denture. ( )
7. V-shaped palatal vaults present more denture stability than a moderately
high broad palate. ( )
8. Occlusion is said to be balanced when there is at least two widely separated
points of occlusal contact in any lateral or protrusive position. ( )
9. Denture stability "is the resistance of a denture to movement on the denture
foundation area".
10. Anterior incisor was lost from a maxillary complete denture, the shade of
the repair tooth must be harmonized with eye, hair and skin. ( )
11. Maxillary face bow is used to register vertical dimension of occlusion. ( )
12. Incisive papilla is relieved in order to avoid rocking of the denture. ( )
13. Post palatal seal is done in the area of mandibular complete denture. ( )
14. Post palatal seal is done in the area of maxillary complete denture. ( )
15. The buccal shelf of bone is a hard area that needs relief. ( )
16. Artificial teeth should rest on the retromolar pad because it is a bony
prominence that will help in support of complete denture. ( )
TRUE OR False(Correct false one)
1- Limiting structures represent the maximum extension of complete denture (T / F).
2- Complete denture prosthesis has four surfaces (T / F).
3- Functions of relief are to get stability and patient comfort while postdam is to get retention
(T/ F).
4.Mandibular anterior teeth are selected and then the maxillary one matches it (T / F

Say Right R or Wrong W:

1. Maxillary face bow is used to register vertical dimension of occlusion. ( )
2. Incisive papilla is relieved in order to avoid rocking of the denture. ( )
3. Post palatal seal is done in the area of mandibular complete denture. ( )
4. Post palatal seal is done in the area of maxillary complete denture. ( )
5. The buccal shelf of bone is a hard area that needs relief. ( )
6. Artificial teeth should rest on the retromolar pad because it is a bony
prominence that will help in support of complete denture. ( )
 Mention true or false:
1. A partial denture is a prosthesis that replaces all the natural dentition
the associated oral structures. (F)
2. Fixed partial denture is cemented to natural teeth or roots or
3. Overdenture is a prosthesis that depends on natural teeth or roots or
implants for retention.(T)
4. An obturator is used to close a tissue opening mainly of the hard
5. Implant prosthesis is a prosthesis that depends on roots &/or natural
teeth for retention. (F)
6. Preservation of the residual ridge & TMJ in a good health is one of
obiectives of complete denture construction. (T)
7. Complete dentures cannot correct speech defects resulting from loss
natural teeth. (F)
8. Jaw relation records is done before setting up of artifitial teeth.(T)
9. Loss of teeth results in bone –ve. (T)
10. Interpupillary line is used for determination of posterior occlusal
of complete dentures. (F)
11. Ala-tragus line is a line that joins the ala of the nose & the tragus of
ear & used for determining the anterior occlusal plane. (F)
12. Nasolabial sulcus is a depression that runs horizontally between the
lower lip & the chin & becomes deeper with teeth loss. (F)
13. Philtrum becomes deeper with loss of anterior teeth. (F)
14. In a completely edentulous patient the vermilion border shown is
than in a dentulous patient. (F)
15. The vermilion border of a completely edentulous patient is
improved by
proper thickness of the labial flanges of the denture. (T)
16. Angular chelitis is inflammation at the commissures. (T)
17. Low V.D.O. can result in angular chelitis. (T)
18. Labiomental sulcus can give an indication whether the patient is
retrognathic or prognathic or normal. (T)
19. Class 2 arch relationship is called retrognathism & shows a straight
curvature of the labiomental sulcus. (F)
20. Class 3 arch relation is called prognathism & shows straight
curvature of
the labiomental sulcus. (T)
21. The alveolar ridge is the primary stress bearing area for both the
& lower dentures. (F)
22. The maxillary tuberosity is the primary stress bearing area in the
maxilla. (F)
23. The palate is a secondary stress bearing area in the maxilla. (T)
24. Incisive papilla should be relieved to avoid numbness of the lower
25. Incisive papilla is one of the supporting structures of the upper
26. Midline fracture of the maxillary denture can result if the median
palatin eraphe was not sufficiently relieved. (T)
27. Torus palatines which is present in all completely edentulous
patients is
either relieved or surgically removed. (F)
28. Fovea paltinae represent the duct opening s of minor salivary
29. Posterior border of the upper denture should end 2mm anterior to
fovea palatinae. (F)
30. Maxillary tuberosity helps in retention & support of the upper
31. Root of the zygomatic arch is the area above the upper first molars
provides excellent retention. (F)
32. The masseter muscle influencing area lies beyond the external
ridge. (T)
33. The buccal shelf of bone is the primary stress bearing area for the
denture because it is plateau & formed of compact bone. (T)
34. Buccal shelf of bone lies between the crest of the residual ridge &
internal oblique ridge. (F)
35. Mental foramen is normally located on the crest of the lower ridge.
36. Bony projection on the lingual surface of the body of the mandible
the premolar region is called torus mandibularis. (T)
37. Torus mandibularis is always bilateral. (F)
38. Genial tubercles can be palpated only in case of excessive bone –ve.
39. Pain & ulceration under the lower denture can occur if prominent
genial tubercles were not relieved. (T)
40. Bony prominences on the lingual surface of the body of the
in the symphyseal region are called torus mandibularis. (F)
41. Coverin the retromolar pad by the lower denture is important for
retention. (T)
42. Denture displacement results from improper relief of the labial
43. Labial frenum is one of the limiting structures for both the upper &
lower dentures. (T)
44. Recording the labial & buccal vestibule during impression making is
important for peripheral seal. (T)
45. The buccal vestibule is related to the buccinator muscle whose
contraction causes denture displacement. (F)
46. The posterior border of the denture is determined by asking the
to say AH during impression making. (T)
47. The AH line represents the junction between the movable &
part of the soft palate & is also called the vibrating line. (T)
48. The junction between the movable & immovable parts of the soft
palate lies 2mm posterior to the fovea palatinae. (T)
49. Class 3 curvature of the soft palate has a sharp curvature & allows
broad posterior paltal seal area. (F)
50. The lingual flange of the lower denture must converge medially to
avoid the masseter muscle influencing area. (F)
51. Distobuccal border of the lower denture is related to palatoglossus
muscle while the distolingual border is related to the masseter muscle.
52. The extention of the lower denture into the lingual pouch is
for denture support. (F)
53. Lingual pouch is bounded by palatoglossus muscle posteriorly & the
mylohyoid muscle anteriorly. (T)
54. A bulging sublingual salivary gland requires a special impression
technique. (T)
 Mention true or false:
1. Preliminary impression is made in a stock tray & used for the
construction of a master cast. (F)
2. Construction of occlusion blocks is made on a study cast. (F)
3. A master cast is obtained from a final impression that is made in a
special tray. (T)
4. An impression is a positive replica of the oral tissues. (F)
5. The borders of the impression tray should be shorter than the
to provide space for the impression material. (T)
6. A special tray is selected according to the shape of the residual ridge.
7. Aluminum trays are preferred over plastic ones because they accept
correction by bending or cutting. (T)
8. Stock trays are either perforated or non-perforated according to the
impression material used. (T)
9. An edentulous tray has rouneded floor, short flanges & L-shaped
10. A stock tray conforms to the shape of the dental arch of the
patient more than the special tray. (F)
11. Thermoplastic material, resin or metal may be used for the
construction of a special tray. (T)
12. Less distortion of the final impression is one of the advantages of
special tray. (T)
13. Construction of the special tray over a shim allows for even
dimensional changes throughout the impression. (T)
14. From the advantages of a spacer is accurate reassembling of the the
fractured areas when plaster impression material is used. (T)
15. The need for a spacer depends on the impression techmique used.
16. Shellac base plate has better adaptation to the cast than resin base
plate. (F)
17. Open mouth impression technique is used in case of flabby ridges.
18. The function of the stops of a special tray is to preserve the space
the highly flowable impression material used with mucostatic
impression technique. (T)
19. Minimal pressure impression technique is also called closed mouth
technique because the impression is recorded under the patient’s biting
forces. (F)
20. Zinc oxide impression material is used with minimal pressure
impression technique while plaster impression material is used with
functional impression. (F)
21. Plaster wash impression tech. is a selective pressure impression
that is made in a well adapted stock tray. (T)
22. An occlusion rim adjusted at the proper V.D.O. is constructed over
special tray for making a minimal pressure impression technique. (F)

retention and stability

 Mention true or false:

1. Retention is the resistance to vertical tissue away forces. (T)
2. Physiologic factors for retention include size, form, and ridge
relation. (F)
3. From the mechanical factors of retention proper shaping of the
surface of the denture, arrangement of teeth in the neutral zone. (T)
4. Psychological factors as patient intelligence, apprehension, gagging
affect the denture retention. (T)
5. Adhesion is the attraction between similar molecules while cohesion
is the
attraction between unlike molecules. (F)
6. The attraction of the saliva to the fitting surface of the denture is an
example for adhesion. (T)
7. The integrity of the saliva film is maintained by adhesion forces. (F)
8. Wetting of the denture & mucosa is affected by adhesion forces. (T)
9. Retention is inversely proportional to the area covered by the
denture. (F)
10. The effectiveness of atmospheric pressure in retention depends on
proper peripheral seal. (T)
11. For proper sealing of the denture thick, ropy saliva is the best. (F)
12. Physical factors are more important for lower denture retention
mechanical factors. (F)
13. Favorable ridge form includes high ridge with flat crest while knife
ridges & flat ridges are unfavorable. (T)
14. V-shaped palatal vault show better retention than u-shaped palatal
15. The most favorable vault form for both retention & stability is the
vault. (T)
16. The smaller the interarch distance, the less the air tight seal
by the tongue, the better the denture retention.(F)
17. Class 2, class 3 inter-arch relation are unfavorable for denture
retention. (T)
18. Flabby mucosa increases the denture retention. (F)
19. The tongue is an important anatomical factor for both denture
retention & stability. (T)
20. The tongue should lie above the occlusal surface of the lower
for better retention & stability. (T)
21. The muscles of the tongue, cheek, lips tend to unseat the denture
concave polished surface. (F)
22. Extremely large tongue enhances the denture stability.(F)
23. The different arch forms are u-shaped, v-shaped, and flat shaped.
24. Ovoid arch form is better than square & tapered arch forms for
retention. (F)
25. Rubber suction disk creates partial vaccum to hold the denture in
& is commonly used to increase denture retention.(F)
26. Rubber suction disk is fixed to fitting surface of the denture while
springs are attached to the polished surface at the buccal areas. (T)
27. The repulsion forces between the similar poles of magnets fixed to
upper & lower dentures are very effective in increasing denture
28. Denture adhesives act temporarily & are f little use with lower
29. Stability is the resistance to horizontal displacing forces during
functioning. (T)
30. A denture cannot be stable unless it is properly retentive. (T)
31. Cusp interference is important for denture stability. (F)
32. The occlusal plane should be nearer to the weaker ridge to decrease
the leverage arm & enhance the denture stability. (T)
33. Setting up of posterior teeth can affect denture stability. (T)
34. Flat ridges are seen more in lower ridges than in the upper. (T)

relief & posterior palatal seal

 Mention true or false:
1. The area in the fitting surface of the denture that is reduced to
eliminate pressure is called relief area. (T)
2. Bony nodules & thin bony edges are hard areas that require relief to
avoid pain with denture pressure. (T)
3. relief area should have a well-defined outline in the fitting surface of
the denture. (F)
4. if the alveolar ridge is firm as compared to the median palatine raphe
relief is a must. (F)
5. Relief of insufficient depth at the median palatine raphe results in
teetering of the denture. (T)
6. Wax can be used to build on to the cast for direct relief. (F)
7. Rubber base impression can be scrapped to obtain direct relief. (F)
8. In case of bulging maxillary tuberosities the undercut in one of them
can be blocked with wax. (F)
9. Selective pressure impression tech. can be used to obtain automatic
relief. (T)
10. The special tray should be closely adapted to the area to be
relieved. (F)
11. Automatic relief can be obtained by using a spacer or providing
holes in the special tray opposite to the area to be relived. (T)
12. Ridge resorption can be compensated by relief to avoid denture
rocking. (T)
13. Post-damming is an elevation at the posterior border of the upper
denture that is important for retention. (T)
14. Post-damming compensates for the polymerization shrinkage of
the denture at the posterior border. (T)
15. Food getting under the maxillary denture can be due to improper
posterior palatal seal. (T)
16. The hard palate cannot be used to obtain posterior palatal seal.
17. The height of the post-dam is directly proportional with the
denture retention. (F)
18. The outlin of the posterior palatal seal is in the shape of a
butterfly. (T)
19. The most accurate method for post-damming is the functional
method. (T)
20. The functional method for post-damming is based on determining
the posterior border of the denture in the patient’s mouth &
transferring it to the cast. (F)
21. In the arbitrary method for post-damming, scrapping of the cast is
avoided. (F)
22. When using the functional method for post-damming, the tissues
might be overcompressed. (F)
23. Post-damming of the lower denture can be done at the
retromolar pad. (T)

tru or false
Custom trays allow the dentist to obtain a more accurate impression
than prefabricated trays ? (T)

2- The edges of the tray border should be very sharp provide better
tissue defamation (F)

3- Primary impressions mostly are boxed before pouring the primary

cast (F)

4- Boxing is the best method to ensure that all peripheral borders are
complete (T)

5- Fovea palatine is a landmarkes to determine the ends of upper

denture flanges (F)
6- Kinematic face bow is used for recording ( to locate) relation of the
maxilla to hinge axis (F)

7- Denture support is the resistance to vertical forces of mastication

and to occlusal or other forces applied in a direction away from the
basal seat (F)

8- Neutral zone is the area in the mouth where the force of the
tongue pressing inward (T)

9- Ah line this is the vibrating line and saying ah will cause the soft
palate to lift (T)

10- The TMJ don’t has the ability for translation and rotation (F)

11- From centric relation all mandibular movement are described (T)

12- Simple hinge opening in movement of the incisal point with both
condyles rotating around a horizontal axis (T)

13- Since resorption occurs in the alveolar process . so relief of hard

areas in the middle of the palate would enhance denture stability for
a long time
I. Which statement is true (a) and which is false(b)? 25 marks
1. On checking the centric relation in try in stage, if centric relation was wrong,
new centric relation record is required with no change in the articulator
2. Too thin palatal contour of maxillary denture lead to whistling during
pronunciation of s sound
3. Bar units allow movement between bar and sleeve
4. During jaw relation registration, occlusal plane posteriorly should be parallel
to the canthus tragus line.
5. Occlusal adjustment for complete denture over flabby tissues is best
accomplished by the use of articulating paper intra-orally. 
6. Condylar guidance is the most important factor that cannot be changed by the
prosthodontist to achieve balanced occlusion. 
7. Simple tooth reduction of vital abutment is not recommended in cases of
limited inter arch 
8. Intra-coronal attachments need minimal tooth reduction unlike extra coronal
9. The buccal surface of the overdenture abutment is given 30-degree inclination
10. Porcelain teeth are the first choice in single denture cases to maintain vertical
11. Cheek biting may be due to increased vertical dimension
12. Dentures constructed with anterior porcelain teeth and posterior acrylic teeth
can be a cause of flabby ridges
13. Sears and nelson occlusal pivots are a method of restoring vertical dimension
of old complete dentures
14. Distraction implants require a short treatment time
15. Occlusal plane in flat mandibular ridges should be closer to maxillary ridge to
achieve lever balance
16. Patients undergoing radiation therapy are good candidates for immediate
17. Socketed immediate denture is indicated in lower dentures
18. Inter-septal vestibuloplasty is preferred than labial plate valvuloplasty
19. Combination syndrome occurs when mandibular single opposed by fully
dentulous maxillary arch
20. Centric relation is the relation of the mandible to maxilla when the condyles
are in the rearmost, lowermost midmost position in the glenoid fossae
21. Flabby tissue occurs in case of anterior mandibular teeth opposing maxillary
edentulous ridge
22. Solving the esthetic problem of maxillary single denture is by creating enough
horizontal overlap to allow freedom to balance eccentric movements.
23. Labial plate alveoloplasty has the advantage of maintaining the hematoma
between the two cortical plates to avoid excessive bone resorption.
24. Tooth reduction and cast coping of abutment teeth in complete overdenture is
possible in case of patients having good oral hygiene
25. In patients with severely resorbed maxillary ridges, the flanges and borders of
the denture should have sufficient thickness to provide proper lip support and
proper arrangement of artificial teeth.
26. In sectional (two stage) impression technique for construction of immediate
denture, an acrylic resin special tray is constructed covering the edentulous
area posteriorly and resting on the palatal of the remaining anterior teeth.
27. Articulation is the static contact relationship that exists after the jaw
movement has stopped and the tooth contacts are identified, whereas
occlusion is the dynamic movements of the teeth in relation to each other.
28. In the artificial teeth, proprioception gives guidance to the neuromuscular
control during function.
29. Resilient type of attachment is indicated when the prosthesis will be partly
supported by the teeth/implant and partly by the residual ridge
30. The transfer coping is able to be connected to the implant and implant
31. In selective pressure impression technique for flabby tissues, a special tray
with wax rim is used.
32. Gothic arch tracing is the best method to register centric relation in flabby
ridge cases
33. The first step in jaw relation visit is to record maxillomandibular centric
34. Single piece implant is used in delayed loading of the prosthesis concept
35. Metal denture base is preferred in flat ridge cases
36. Labial plate alveoloplasty is indicated in prominent premaxilla
37. Mandibular single denture is an absolute contraindication
38. To detect occlusal modifications a 40 degrees template is used in single
39. Implants in maxillary arch can be a way to avoid Kelly syndrome
40. Attachments are a way to improve support of overdenture
41. Transitional overdenture is constructed from a complete denture present
before extraction of remaining teeth
42. Amalgam plug add to the retention of overdenture
43. A two implants supported overdenture is a fully implant supported
44. Lateral incisor is the best abutment for overdenture
45. Precision attachments are constructed in dental laboratory
46. Intracoronal attachment main disadvantage is excessive tooth reduction
47. Bar attachments provide splinting to questionable abutments
48. Wide diameter implant is wider than 3 mm
49. Hybrid prosthesis require four to five implants in the mandible
50. The main factor that could be controlled and changed by the prosthodontist in
providing occlusal balance is condylar guidance.

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