For Song of Drums and Shakos: Ottoman Turks
For Song of Drums and Shakos: Ottoman Turks
For Song of Drums and Shakos: Ottoman Turks
Historical Introduction
Name Points Q C Weapons Special Rules
Nizam-i-Jedid Officer 60 3 2 Sword, pistol Leader
Nizam-i-Jedid NCO 56 3 2 Sword, Musket NCO
Nizam-i-Jedid Soldier 26 4 2 Musket None
Standard Bearer 36 3 2 Sword Flag Bearer
Drummer 16 3 1 None Musician
Janissary Officer* 60 3 2 Sword, pistol Leader
Janissary NCO* 56 3 2 Sword, Musket NCO
Janissary* 27 4 2 Sword, Musket Strong, Individualistic
Janissary of the 39th Orta* 27 4 2 Musket Light, Individualistic
Guard Janissary* 60 3 3 Sword, Musket Steadfast, Strong, Individualistic
Raya (Light Infantry) ** 38 4 2 Musket Light, Marksman
Lagimcilar (Sapper) ** 29 4 2 Axe Engineer, Strong
Irregular Officer*** 45 4 2 Sword, pistol Leader
Irregular NCO*** 42 4 2 Sword, Musket NCO
Sekhan (Irregular) 17 5 2 Musket None
Albanian Mercenary (Irregular) 22 5 3 Musket None
Bedouin Militia (Irregular) 9 5 2 Obsolete Wpn. Green
Fellahin (Irregular) 8 5 2 Obsolete Wpn. Unreliable
Greek Mercenary (Irregular) 14 5 2 Musket Unreliable
Cavalry Officer 68 3 2 Sword Leader, Mtd
Cavalry NCO 62 3 2 Sword, carbine NCO, Mtd
Guard Suvarileri 74 3 3 Sword, lance Mtd, Steadfast
Suvarileri 62 3 3 Sword, lance Mtd
Sipahis 47 4 3 Sword, lance Mtd
Mamluk 62 3 3 Sword, pistol Mtd, Unpredictable, Running Blow
Djellis 39 4 2 Sword, lance Mtd, Scout, Unreliable
Yoruk 32 4 2 Sword, pistol Mtd, Scout, Unreliable
A soldier with this special rule cannot receive Group Orders, so must always act independently.
Running Blow
A soldier with this special rule is able to hit an enemy while moving and doesn’t have to stop when it enters in hand-to-
hand combat with a foe. To perform a Running Blow, place the measuring stick on the tabletop in a way that a point of the
soldier’s path is adjacent to its target. Move the model up to that point and perform the attack as normal. If the model wins
the combat, no matter what happens to the foe, the model is moved to the end of the stick without having to disengage or
suffering any Free Hacks. If the opponent is knocked down, he is knocked down exactly where he is at the moment of attack.
A model with Running Blow can still make only one attack per turn – if his movement brings the model in contact with
another enemy after the first, the model’s movement stops there, adjacent to the new enemy.