Using The 5e Template
Using The 5e Template
Using The 5e Template
Templates is the default location.
This series of instructions explains how to use the 6. Click on 5E Template.dotx and Open it.
template in a Word 2011 for Mac environment. 7. Check the box next to Automatically update
document styles.
Where Do I Put the 5E Template.dotx 8. Click OK.
File? After you do this, you need to check the file for the
following things, and you might need to adjust them
You need to navigate to this folder by using this manually:
Add in the header and footer. Ensure that the
Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User styles are followed. You can do this by copying and
Templates/My Templates pasting the header and footer from a properly
styled existing document or by making a .docx file
Place it in the My Templates folder. from the .dotx template file.
Check the page margins. They should be as
follows: left, 0.8"; right, 0.8"; top, 1"; and bottom,
Applying the Template to a New
1". The header and footer should be set to 0.4"
Document from the edge.
If you’re creating a new document for D&D Next, you You should be aware of the styles that are in place
can do so in three different ways: in the document as you go. To see what should be
available, in the Styles toolbox, you can use the
The Shortest Way List functionality to point the list to styles In
When you open Word, and if you placed the 5E Current Document to make it easier to see what
Template.dotx in your My Templates folder, it you need to see. Please delete any styles that are
should show up as an option. Choose it! You can also no longer needed in the document; if you try to
click on File in the Menu Bar and choose New from delete a style that is in use, look for the Select All
Template. option before you delete that style. (This option
won’t be available if that style isn’t used in the
The Other Way document. Yes, this sounds strange. Welcome to
templates.) You can select all instances of that
Alternatively, you could save the template as a .docx
style and change it to the preferred style before
file and use that as your starting point.
you delete the one that is not valid. Be aware that
Word 2011 has some quirks still when it comes to
Applying the Template to an Existing deleting styles—sometimes you have to Clear
Document Formatting to truly restyle text. Be mindful of
styles as you go.
If you need to apply the template to an existing
Columns: Go to Format in the Menu Bar. Choose
document for D&D Next, you can do the following:
Columns. Set them to two, and give them 0.5"
spacing. The Title style should remain as one
1. Open the document.
column; tables might need to flow to one column.
2. Click on Tools in the Menu Bar.
3. Click on Templates and Add-Ins in the pull-
down menu.
Unformatted Text
4. Click on Attach in the Templates and Add-ins The absolute best way to ensure that you have no
window that pops up. lingering styles from older documents tainting your
new document is to use this process. WARNING: You
will lose italics, bold, and other things that you want
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
CODE Adventure Title 1
to keep, so use this only if you have the time (and
preferably dual monitors) to go through and
reformat characters as needed. This guarantees that
you don’t have to contend with older styles,
however, which is also a benefit.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
CODE Adventure Title 2