3D Password
3D Password
3D Password
ROLLNO:- 18641A0522
• A 3D password is a multifactor
authentication scheme that
• Access to any system it is most often based on the use of textual or alphanumeric
passwords. However, mostly end users have difficulty to remembering a password
that is long and random-appearing.
• Instead, they generally use short, simple, and insecure passwords. Graphical
passwords can be designed to try to make passwords more memorable and easier
for the end users to use and, therefore, system will be more secure.
• Using a graphical password or 3D password, users click on images rather than
type alphanumeric characters.
Human Authentication Techniques - Classification
Textual Password
ATM cards
Fingerprints, Palmprints
Hand geometry
Biometrics - What you
Face, Iris, Voice, Retina
• The user walks through the environment and interacts with the objects.
• The sequence of actions and interactions towards the objects inside the 3d
environment constructs the user’s 3d password.
System Implementation
• For example, the user can enter the virtual environment and type something on a
computer that exists in (x1 , y1 , z1 ) position
• then enter a room that has a fingerprint recognition device that exists in a position (x2
, y2 , z2 ) and provide his/her fingerprint.
• Then, the user can go to the virtual garage, open the car door, and turn on the radio to
a specific channel.
• The combination and the sequence of the previous actions toward the specific objects
construct the user’s 3D password.
Virtual objects
Virtual objects can be any object we encounter in real life:
• A computer on which the user can type in
• A fingerprint reader that requires users fingerprint
• A paper or white board on which user can type
• An Automated teller(ATM) machine that requires a token
• A light that can be switched on/off
• A television or radio
• A car that can be driven
• A graphical password scheme
3D Virtual Environment
• 3-D virtual environment affects the usability, effectiveness, and
acceptability of a 3-D password system.
• Provides security.
• 3D password can’t take by any other person.
• 3D graphical password has no limit.
• Password can change easily.
• Implementation of the system is easy.
• Password can remember easily.
• Password helps to keep lot of personal details.
The 3D password’s main application domains are protecting critical systems and resources.
• Critical Servers
• Nuclear Reactors & military Facilities
• Airplanes and missile Guiding
• In addition, 3D passwords can be used in less critical systems
• A small virtual environment can be used in the following systems like
– Personal Digital Assistance
– Desktop computers & laptops
– Web authentication etc.
State Diagram
Security Analysis:
• To realize and understand how far an authentication scheme is secure, all possible
attack methods should be considered.
• It is difficult to crack ,because it has no fixed number of steps and a particular procedure.
• Added with biometrics and token verification this schema becomes almost unbreakable.
• The 3-D password is still in its early stages. Designing various kinds of 3-D virtual environments,
deciding on password spaces, and interpreting user feedback and experiences from such environments
will result in enhancing and improving the user experience of the 3-D password
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